#harvest moon ds


I’m really surprised… It has always been my dream.. To have a lovely romance, receive a lovely proposal.. Then we will have a happy married life. I never thought this would really happen. Right now I’m really happy. If this is a dream, don’t wake me up.

Lovecore Lumina Aesthetic!

Tbh Rick would always help out Karen and Popuri when they’re on their period like

Cramps? Hot compress

Craving? Sweets for Popuri and junk food for Karen

They’re cranky?? Let them hold a basket of chicks and watch as they gush over it and b distracted from the pain

Bonus: Highschool setting and Rick is the friend who always has pads in his bag in case Popuri or Karen don’t have theirs


A cosplayer dressed as a human version of Leia from Harvest Moon DS. They are kneeling on the ground, wearing a long beach skirt the same colours as Leia's tail.ALT
Leia is in the same pose but is ducking her head and smiling ALT

I originally wasn’t satisfied with these because I didn’t like the angle very much, and I think I was actually talking while they were being taken haha, but after some more editing I actually really like them!

Tog’s Instagram

My Instagram

Since there has been a bunch of people (hi!) digging into my old Harvest Moon drawings, I wanted to repost my sticker designs that I sold at a con two years ago. Hope some day I can give them a redesign!

back at it again with the re-designs for harvest moon/story of seasons. this time i did the forget-me-not valley girls. if there was a wonderful life/HMDS reboot like the fomt reboot, this is what i would hope the girls would look like :’)

“i can’t exploit kids if they won’t work for me wtf”

i feel like this should be a red flag
