#hate blogs can suck it


so I dunno if you guys have heard about Imzy, that social media platform what is still in beta? I got an invite from a friend and am currently poking around, and guys it’s awesome esp. if you are a text loving curmudgeon such as myself or if you yearn for the days of livejournal. (It actually also handles graphics and a tumblr-style dash very well, has a very large and quickly growing fandom presence, and wonder of wonders it has nested comments. but you know, I’m a curmudgeon.) 

This is definitely a site which is aiming to be something like tumblr and appeal to tumblr’s users, but which is also trying to do things better and structure a community which isn’t as prone to harassment and toxic dynamics as Tumblr is. It is real good for discussions and for community building. I am delighted. There’s even aspects that make moderating communities easier there. Default is that communities are only visible to Imzy members.

Anyway, I set up Asexuality Imzy over there on the principle that if you build it, the people will often come. If you’re interested in chatting ace stuff with me or even if you want to just check stuff out, DM me an email address and I’ll send you an invite. I have three left!
