#haung renjun


[21:53]You had many hobbies, there were many things that interested you. Some examples were you enjoyed to bake, your favorite was baking brownies. The chocolate fudgy delights, you loved to bake. You also enjoyed to paint, there was something so soothing about watching the paint glide on the canvas from the brush. Watching the different stroke create art. You loved to paint. You had many hobbies.

Renjun took careful note of your hobbies. There never seemed to be a set schedule of when you partake in said hobbies, it was just whenever you felt like it. However after dating you for a while, he did notice a pattern with your hobbies.

Baking, you only ever baked at the most unconventional times. Sometimes you would bake right when you came home from work, other times you would bake right before bed. Forcing yourself to stay up until the wee hours of the mornings. But you would always bake when you spirits seemed down.

Painting, you only ever painted when you had a mile long list of other things to accomplish. Like right before the due date of a big project, you would clear off your desk and paint. Or the time that you knew you had a test for class, you would paint. It seemed like you only painted when you had more important things to do.

It didn’t take long for Renjun to realize your hobbies were tied to your emotions. When you were sad, empty-inside, preferring to be anyone else but yourself, you baked. When you were overwhelmed, stressed beyond the limit, wished for all your responsibilities to begone, you painted. Renjun took careful note of your hobbies, and he learned what to do.

When you baked, we stayed in the kitchen with you. He complimented all the delights you made for him. He shared it all with the boys, had them write their compliments on post-it notes, and brought them home for you to read. He reminded you that you were loved, you were cared for, you were wanted.

When you painted, he never let you clean it up. He would wash all your brushed, dispose of the unused paint, wipe down your desk. He would even prepare a snack for you when you finished paint, so you didn’t have to do it yourself. He reminded you that you weren’t alone, that you could ask for help, that you could do it.

Renjun took special note of your hobbies, and what to do when you partake in said hobbies.
