#have a nice meal and draw something you like




extracting the stone of madness, alejandra pizarnik / the carpal tunnel of love, fall out boy / the beer, kimya dawson / rip 2 my youth, the neighbourhood / dialogue between an ai and a poet, @demasc / birds hover the trampled fields, richard siken / questions for ada, ijeoma umebinyuo / flowers on the grave, the maine / portrait of fryderyk in shifting light by richard siken

[id: 1: “All I want is silence, for myself and for the selves I used to be” 2: “Got postcards from my former selves saying, “How you been?“” 3: “First I cried for him, then I cried for me / Haunted by the ghost of the girl I used to be” 4: “R.I.P. to my youth / And you could call this the funeral” 5: “me, you, anyone, me again. nobody is the same person they were five seconds ago / that sounds painful / people kill their old selves all the time. sometimes the old ones are mourned, but there’s no funeral” 6: “Take a body, dump it, drive. Take a body, maybe your own, and dump it gently. All your dead, unfinished shelves and dump them gently” 7: “Mother, / I have pasts inside me / I did not bury properly.” 8: “And flowers on the grave / Of the child that I used to be” 9: “How much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before its some kind of murder?” /end id]
