#video transcription





When I read “space…the final frontier” there’s a small part of my brain that is that audio of Patrick Stewart saying it but with a ridiculous french accent that makes it “eh-spay-zeh…ze final frahn-tee-aire” while Jonathan Frakes absolutely loses it in the background.

I really thought I was the only one who experienced this.

For those of you who haven’t heard it ^

Video Transcription

Graham Norton: When you went for, when you, I think it was after you were cast, they had quite a different vision of Jean-Luc Picard. That he wasn’t going to be the way he turned out to be.

Sir Patrick Stewart: Well, yeah, they thought he should be French, for one thing.

(Audience starts laughing)

Norton:Did you do it French?

Stewart: I did a recording, a taping, which must be somewhere in the vaults of Paramount Pictures, where we experimented with a French accent. Would you like to hear a sample?

Norton:Oh, yes! Go on!

Regina King: I’d love to hear a sample.

Stewart: Okay… Space-zeh… Ze final frah-tee-aire. Zhes are the voy-ah-jus of the starship Un-ter-prees.


Stewart:They didn’t use it.






alright I found the video.

hey white people listen to this video.

Video Transcript:

First person: Black people are treated like a sexuality. And I do not-

Video cuts to second person: See, I actually like this video. And I think I got a explanation for you.

The reason that blackness almost acts as a sexuality is because antiblackness is something that is so innate in the minds of nonblack people when growing up, that them preferring not to date someone who is black is almost as normal as them preferring not to date someone who isn’t their preferred sex.

Did y’all follow that? Like, let me give you an example. Like, a straight white male saying that they don’t date black girls is just as normal in society as a straight white male saying that they don’t date boys. And straight white women saying that they don’t date black boys was almost as normal as them saying they don’t date women. And granted, that example might not be as prevalent as the last one, but still.

And I know in both of those examples, they were white, but it applies with nonblack POC too. And to add a little bit of intersectionality, let’s be honest, it probably applies to some black men, too. And that’s a shame, that we would treat our own women similarly to that of a sex we don’t prefer.

Oh, I just thought of something! Antiblackness is something that is so innate in the minds of nonblack people that they would almost have to come out! Come out! And say that they like black people. It’s like homophobia was so innate that you would have to come out and say you’re homosexual.

That’s the one. I’m not even gonna lie, that’s the one. End Video Transcript.

Worth noting that interracial marriage became legal in 1967. 1967. That’s about 52 years ago.

Oh this.

EVERY single one of my relationships, once we get to meeting the parents? I have to ask them three questions:

Do they know you’re gay/bi/pan/whatever?

Do they know I’m transgender?

Do they know I’m black?

Sometimes I’ve gotten “I don’t see how that could be an issue” for the last one and I tell him I don’t care, warn them in advance that I am black. You know most of them have reported back to me “they were really surprised, I don’t understand, it’s more surprising to them that I’m dating someone black than someone gay and transgender?”

I’ve been through this song and dance with friends already, friends who neglected to mention to their parents that I’m black prior to me coming over and whose parents had less than fantastic reactions to seeing their kid playing with a little black kid in their yard. I’m not doing a surprise round with a partner I’m trying to determine if I want to spend the rest of my life as part of that family. My sister still has not met her white husband’s family because she insisted on the same prior warning before walking into that house, and a good thing too because his parents basically disowned him for even considering marrying a black girl. They’ve been married more than a decade! They have children together! They’re straight! And he had to ‘come out’ to his parents and get kicked out of his family for his attraction to a black woman.

It is one of the major reasons I stopped actively pursuing relationships with people who are white.

Interracial marriage was legalized when my parents were teenagers. My parents grew up not knowing they would enter an interracial marriage, not thinking it would be possible. It remains a major factor in why my parents hesitated for YEARS to get married, thinking the ruling would be overturned and they would have to end their marriage and not wanting to do that to their future children. Or that they would have to constantly uproot their kids and move around the country to stay safe. I remember growing up repeatedly having to explain how I could be black even though my mom is white [passing], because everyone jumped to 'adoption’ and not 'her husband is fucking black’



extracting the stone of madness, alejandra pizarnik / the carpal tunnel of love, fall out boy / the beer, kimya dawson / rip 2 my youth, the neighbourhood / dialogue between an ai and a poet, @demasc / birds hover the trampled fields, richard siken / questions for ada, ijeoma umebinyuo / flowers on the grave, the maine / portrait of fryderyk in shifting light by richard siken

[id: 1: “All I want is silence, for myself and for the selves I used to be” 2: “Got postcards from my former selves saying, “How you been?“” 3: “First I cried for him, then I cried for me / Haunted by the ghost of the girl I used to be” 4: “R.I.P. to my youth / And you could call this the funeral” 5: “me, you, anyone, me again. nobody is the same person they were five seconds ago / that sounds painful / people kill their old selves all the time. sometimes the old ones are mourned, but there’s no funeral” 6: “Take a body, dump it, drive. Take a body, maybe your own, and dump it gently. All your dead, unfinished shelves and dump them gently” 7: “Mother, / I have pasts inside me / I did not bury properly.” 8: “And flowers on the grave / Of the child that I used to be” 9: “How much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before its some kind of murder?” /end id]


*sobs quietly* - Mom Jeans// Litanty in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out - Richard Siken// Lipstick Covered Magnet - The Front Bottoms// Q Train - Nigel Van Wieck// Last Night I Dreamt… - The Wombats

(ID: five images, four of which containing text. Credit in the order OP listed.)

One: Please tell me why I’m so afraid of dying alone.

Two: You will be alone always and then you will die.

Three: And I’m scared I’m going to die as lonely as I feel, And I’m scared I’m going to die as lonely as I feel, And I’m scared I’m going to die as lonely as I feel right now

Four: A painting by Van Wieck, depicting a woman sat by herself on a subway carriage.

Five: [chorus] Last night, I dreamt I died alone

/End ID.

(ID: highlighted text from Temi Oh’s Do You Dream of Terra Two?)

He’d hated the loneliness of it, twelve-hour days locked in damp simulation cubicles, flying through virtual space for so long that during his brief trips outside he became fixated by the sight of the sun, as if he’d stolen a glance of the face of God.

/End ID.


Please check the reblogs for the video transcript! It’ll be up as soon as possible

Content warning: Potentially upsetting themes, mild violence, mild eyestrain/ static

‘Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story’ - Richard Siken

Here it is guys! My very first animatic :D Three years well spent haha I’m not really sure what to say now… Maybe I’ll just post some relevant details and links

Characters: Eiylo and Milo
Individual Frames: 218
Programs: Paint Tool Sai and Video Editor

Song: Ilomilo - Billie Eilish (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e7wi…)
Dex Entries:
- Sylveon: (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wi…))
- Litwick: (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wi…))
- Phantump: (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wi…))
Sylveon Theory: (https://sweetcatmintea.tumblr.com/pos…)

If you like it, please consider reblogging! The algorithm won’t show this to people because it’s got links so I’d super appreciate you sharing it

Video transcript

The video opens on a title screen 'Ilomilo by Billie Eilish, Art by Catmint’; followed by a content warning for potentially upsetting themes, mild violence, and mild eye strain/ static. Until the song starts, night ambiance is playing in the background.

Song starts

Scene: The shot begins with a night sky, the camera resting on a crescent moon that is being gradually covered by thick clouds. The sky transitions into the reflection of an eye. The eye blinks, replacing the sky with a blue iris looking at a worried child in an eevee costume (Milo).

Lyrics: Told you not to worry, but maybe that’s a lie. Honey, what’s the hurry? Won’t you stay inside?

Scene: A sylveon (Eiylo) sits with Milo in a small den-like space padded with foliage. Eiylo tilts her head, smiling to Milo while petting them with her ribbon. Her smile falters and she looks away from Milo, worried. Milo takes the opportunity to get up and start walking away. Eiylo immediately intervenes, gently guiding them back to the far wall of the den, encouraging them to lie down with her and go to sleep. Milo looks to Eiylo with a smile and blue glazing over their purple eyes.

Lyrics: Remember not to get too close to stars. They’re never gonna give you love like ours.

Scene: Eiylo falls asleep and dreams about her life as an eevee. She battles alongside an unidentified trainer as they both grow, the trainer much more quickly than her. Eventually, the trainer, now and adult, leaves their home to travel and farewells Eiylo in the process. Eiylo waits by the door for their return. She’s overcome with heartbreak. Her soothebell cracks and she begins to evolve.

Lyrics: Where did you go? I should know, but it’s cold and I don’t want to be lonely so show me the way home.

Scene: Eiylo wakes with a start, noticing that Milo has disappeared. She scans the den before venturing outside through a crack in a hollow tree to search for Milo. As she begins looking, snow flakes start to fall.

Lyrics: I can’t lose another life. Hurry. I’m worried.

Scene: Eiylo’s thoughts wonder back to her trainer as she searches, remembering a champion’s trophy and two photos, illuminated by candles. The photos have black ribbons over them, implying a shrine to the departed trainer. In both photos, their face is obscured by static. Eiylo’s memories trigger a panic attack.

Lyrics: The world’s a little blurry, but maybe that’s my eyes. The friends I’ve had to bury, they keep me up at night.

Scene: Snow continues to fall, gradually becoming heavier, through thick woodland. The trees blur, distorting as they become tearful reflections in Eiylo’s eyes. She begins crying, seemingly shocked that she can’t stop the tears. She holds her face with her ribbons, biting down on one and re-grounding herself. Shadows stretch in front of her and take the shape of a silhouetted family - two adults, a child, and a sylveon. The adults faces glitch and they fade while the child and sylveon remain. The camera tilts back to the sky. Snow disturbs the sky, transitioning the scene to a puddle Eiylo runs through.

Lyrics: Said I couldn’t love someone cause I might break if you’re gonna die not by mistake

Scene: Eiylo runs to the beat of the song, pushing herself to run faster to find Milo before something happens to them.

Lyrics: So where did you go? I should know but it’s cold and I don’t want to be lonely so tell me you’ll come home. Even if it’s just a lie.

Eiylo runs alongside a creek, finding a tuft of brown fur that matches Milo’s costume as she uses a fallen tree to cross the water. She continues the search, calling and looking for Milo with increasing intensity. As she begins to fear she’s lost their trail again, she spots footprints in the building snow.

Lyrics: I tried not to upset you, let you rescue me. The day I met you I just wanted to protect you, but now I’ll never get to.

Scene: Eiylo’s mind wanders back the the past, this time on her history with Milo. She remembers taking her pokeball from the trainer’s shrine and handing it to Milo, closing their hands around it with her ribbons. She thinks about seeing Milo as a baby in a crib, her expression softening as she pulls the blankets back up over their body before resting her nose on baby Milo’s head.

Eiylo comes back to reality, realizing she is cuddling up to a stone instead of Milo. She recoils, shocked, angry, and despairing. Taking a moment to recollect the tuft of fur, she then continues to search for Milo.

Lyrics: Hurry, I’m worried.

Scene: Eiylo tumbles down a steep hill, unable to control her descent, she crashes to the ground. She gets up again, unwilling to be stopped and heads to tackle the next hill. Something freezes her in her tracks. She stares ahead in horror, tears pouring out of her eyes. A litwick sits ahead, smiling while its flame burns bright. In a moment of blind passion, Eiylo leaps at the litwick sobbing. The scene fades before it is mauled.

Snowflakes come into focus, drifting down onto a small glove with a paw print design. The camera zooms out gradually, reveling the thick snow now blanketing the woods.

Eiylo’s legs appear on the edge of the frame as her search continues. She crosses the ground quickly, climbing up a smaller hill and discovering the glove.

Lyrics: Where did you go? I should know but it’s cold and I don’t want to be lonely so show me the way home.

Scene: Eiylo picks up the glove, holds it to her face and takes in the scent. She finds the trail again, running forward and then dashing down a path and over an old neglected bridge that crosses a frozen river. She disappears into the foliage surrounding her.

Lyrics: I don’t care if it’s a li(v)e

Scene: Eiylo skids to a halt. She is shocked, her mind processing what she is seeing. Then she smiles.

A small phantump sits on a stump holding a glove. There are tears in its eyes as it turns to face Eiylo. It reaches a hand out to her which she readily accepts, approaching and holding out her ribbons to embrace the phantump. The camera tilts up following the trees until the sky is visible once more. Thick clouds part, ending the storm and revealing the moon once more.

The song finishes and night ambiance begins again. The viewer is left with an image of Eiylo curled around the phantump, smiling lovingly while it looks up at her and wears Milo’s gloves.

Transcript end
