#have fun vibing



Why I’m a Proud Quitter of Camp Nano (Writing Update)


Here’s my first writing update in a while, because I thought I would finish the month. I didn’t finish, but I actually feel glad that I did.


Projects I’ve worked on: The order of the Key, worldbuilding for The Order Trilogy

Proudest Accomplishment: Quitting Nanowrimo!


  • I quit Nano for the sake of my WIP. I found I was rushing my goal just to fit a word count, and I wanted my editing to be detailed. I decided it wasn’t ready to edit yet, and I’ve focused on other writing. I’m doing an off-books, Camp Nano, which is where I just work on whatever I want without recording it.
  • I’m doing more worldbuilding for The Order of the Key because I wanted the world to be super detailed and be lush. I kind of wrote the first draft with barely any worldbuilding, so I’m trying to fill in the gaps.
  • I posted a fanfic online, which I’m super proud of. I’ve been wanting to work on more fanfic for a while and I’m glad it’s doing well and people and enjoying it.
  • I’m also working on more articles and content writing, which is also doing well online.
  • For Camp Nano July, I’ll probably work on my screenplay more and plan it.

    ☀ GOALS ☀

I actually have no goals. I just wanna vibe and worldbuild.

GENERAL TAGLIST (ask to be +/-; I’m just tagging people I’d consider to be mutuals of some sort)

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