#havent drawn my favs in a month and thats illegal so

A drawing of Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus. They're both wearing very light-coloured grey clothes that look blue-ish in the lighting and have dark skin. They are both drawn from the waist up. Camilla has sharp brown hair cut at the shoulder and intense dark eyes. Pal has reddish brown hair, almost glowing grey eyes, a long nose and face. The left side of his face is obscured by a partial white lineart drawing of a skull super-imposed on it. Camilla is wearing a light grey brown sweater. Pal is wearing a sleeveles sweater over a button up shirt. Over Cam's head is the symbol for the constellation Cassiopeia.ALT

“What would you do if you discovered Camilla was a murderer?”
“Help her bury the body,” said Palamedes promptly. (x)
