#hazuki ren

Chisato & Ren: Their time together! ~Special Times~ (LoveLive! Days Vol.12)Ren“It’s myster

Chisato & Ren: Their time together! ~Special Times~ (LoveLive! Days Vol.12)


“It’s mysterious. When I’m with you, Chisato-san, I feel like I run faster.”

(Pant, pant, pant…)
It really feels good to go running on a clear day.

Ever since I was young, I’d gotten familiar with sports from my lessons.
After all, it’s important to build one’s stamina in order to maintain concentration for one’s studies.
And I couldn’t avoid walking my dog, either.

But I think it’s been a while since I made time to just run for the sake of running like this.
It’s wonderful that you’re doing this, Chisato-san, even though your stamina and body are in fine shape just from your dancing.
Running alongside each other like this, I feel like my mood is lifted.

…Phew, I might be getting a little tired…
But times like these are precisely when you have to persist.
Now that I’ve decided to be a school idol with you all, I have to keep my body in better shape than ever.


“Me too—when I’m with you, I get fired up! Today, I kinda feel like I can run longer than usual.”

Ehehe. Thanks for complimenting me!
I’ve been keeping up on my regular practice for dance, so I’m confident in my stamina!
In the mornings and on days off, I manage to run pretty far.

But you know, Ren-chan, your form is really clean.
That’s important for charming people with your dancing.
So when I’m running with you, it motivates me even more.

Up until now, I’ve only been running to stay in shape for dance. But like you said, Ren-chan, I gotta keep up my stamina so I can do my best as a school idol too!

Let’s invite everyone to go running next time.
Our pacing might differ a lot, but I’m sure it’ll be even more fun if all five of us are running together!

Alright! It’s time to wrap this up—let’s dash all the way to that next corner!

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Sumire & Ren: Their time together! ~Special Times~ (LoveLive! Days Vol.11)Sumire“Still too stiff

Sumire & Ren: Their time together! ~Special Times~ (LoveLive! Days Vol.11)


“Still too stiff. I, Heanna Sumire, will teach you how to smile, show biz-style!”

In the world of show business,
being able to show yourself off in videos and photos is absolutely essential.
And of course, it’s the same for school idols!

So today, I’ll thoroughly educate you in how to make a charming smile.
So, try smiling at the camera.
If you start by copying me, it’ll be perfect.
Now, curve your lips up like you’re having a good time… Galaxy!

…hey, it’s more like you’re tensing up than smiling.
Let’s try again. Envision the entire planet having their eyes on you.
H-Huh? Now you’re even stiffer!

Your normal smile isn’t bad,
so all you have to do is show that to your audience.

Look, I’ll stick around while you figure it out.
Until you’ve gotten the hang of it, you’re gonna practice!


“…L-Like this? Ugh. No matter what, I still feel nervous…!”

Even though I am trying to smile properly,
do I still look tense…?

No, the problem is not that I’m being photographed.
Rather, since I was young, I had been told to avoid being on the internet too much, so I’m still getting self-conscious.
Yes, I am aware that it’s not quite a match for these times…

Sumire-san, you have quite a charming smile from having been in show business.
Just looking at it brightens one up… How wonderful.
I wonder if even I can smile so nicely.

…though I’m rather nervous, any experience is useful.
I have no choice but to practice!
After all, this is one necessary step for becoming a school idol.

Sumire-san. …no, Sumire-sensei. I’ll keep trying.
Please teach me as much as you can today!

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Love Live! Superstar!!: Yuigaoka Girls’ High School Member Profiles [LoveLive! Days Vol.08]We’ve traLove Live! Superstar!!: Yuigaoka Girls’ High School Member Profiles [LoveLive! Days Vol.08]We’ve traLove Live! Superstar!!: Yuigaoka Girls’ High School Member Profiles [LoveLive! Days Vol.08]We’ve traLove Live! Superstar!!: Yuigaoka Girls’ High School Member Profiles [LoveLive! Days Vol.08]We’ve traLove Live! Superstar!!: Yuigaoka Girls’ High School Member Profiles [LoveLive! Days Vol.08]We’ve tra

Love Live! Superstar!!: Yuigaoka Girls’ High School Member Profiles [LoveLive! Days Vol.08]

We’ve translated the Yuigaoka members’ profiles from the LoveLive! Days Vol.08 magazine!

Full resolution versions: https://imgur.com/a/TvTDRrc

Translation (all but Keke):@ganbaramen
Translation (Keke):@dyreatic

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theres no story intended here but if u come up with one pls leave a noteElapsed Time: 4 hours(click

theres no story intended here but if u come up with one pls leave a note

Elapsed Time: 4 hours

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ren! <3elapsed time: 3 hours(click on the image for higher quality!)

ren! <3

elapsed time: 3 hours

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liella! live with a smile promo reply icons

like/rb/credit/whatever if used? (aqours vers)
