




I think we need to discuss the fact that wei wuxian would be the ultimate Husband Guy tm. wei wuxian who is Obsessed with referring to lan wangji as his husband, who’s always excited about everything that lan wangji does. like did you see my husband today isn’t he so handsome :^) isn’t this nice my husband got it for me :^) did you hear about what my husband did on the night hunt earlier isn’t he so brave :^) do you like this song my husband wrote it for me :^) wei wuxian who is disgustingly infatuated or what’s the fucking point

you know when headlines will refer to a famous person just as the spouse of the other famous person that they’re married to? that’s wei wuxian but with himself. he’ll be like hello I am hanguang juns husband and everybody is like THE YILING LAOZU???? and he’s like yeah hanguang juns husband

I also think that wei wuxian is simply living in domestic bliss as wei ying, hanguang juns husband until somebody threatens his loved ones. someone points a sword at lan wangji and suddenly they’re pointing a sword at lan zhan, the yiling laozus husband
