#he cares



memory of the past

“- Jayce, did you rob a toy store?

- What? No! I won it!

- At a science fair for kids under 10, I guess.

- You know what, Vik, if you don’t like this buddy, I’ll give it to Caitlin.

- No! No, I quite like it. Thanks, Jayce.”

Crying my eyes out

The ways you care about me, however big or small, makes my heart do things ot shouldn’t.

Like giving me tea and cough drops when I’m sick. Buying me contact solution when I had none. Constantly looking out for me and for my health. Checking to see if I’ve eaten or drank enough water. Forcing me to take breaks and giving me that look when I push it too far. You always focus in on me when I’m getting any medicine or reach for my inhaler, ready to jump to my aid if needed.

You make it so hard to not want you. You are not mine, and you never will be. But try telling my heart that.
