#he had nothing to do with it



Zeus slammed down the doors to Olympus, storming into the room with enough rage to cause the room to flash with lightning.


The gods that had gathered blinked in confusion, looking around the room to see who Zeus was yelling at. It was quickly deducted that the lightning god was glaring at the god of the underground, who jumped at the realization.

“Are… you mad at me?” Hades asked.

YES I’M MAD AT YOU! We had an AGREEMENT! No more demi god kids!” Zeus fumed.

“Aren’t we past this? Only you and Poseidon broke that agreement. And Nico happened before that agreement so he didn’t count. You two are the fuck ups.” The dark god huffed in annoyance.

“Oh? You’re innocent, huh?” Zeus sneered before he stormed over to his brother and slammed down his fist in front of him. “Then explain THIS!”

Zeus opened his fist to reveal a small, pale, teenaged boy with raven black hair and pale blue eyes. He glanced around the room in confusion, then up at the arguing gods, “what the fuck-?”

DUDE THAT’S NOT MINE,” Hades exclaimed.

“Do the thing,” Zeus commanded the kid.

The kid just shrugged and then suddenly, white rings wrapped around his waist and split, running up and down his body and changing his appearance, no, his form. All the gods in the room recognized the feeling of death the moment the boy changed.


Hades in turned scrambled onto his chair the moment the kid changed, as if spotting a mouse scurry along the floor, “WHAT THE FUCK-?!?”

Yes! Beautiful! Amazing!

Zeus slammed down the doors to Olympus, storming into the room with enough rage to cause the room to flash with lightning.


The gods that had gathered blinked in confusion, looking around the room to see who Zeus was yelling at. It was quickly deducted that the lightning god was glaring at the god of the underground, who jumped at the realization.

“Are… you mad at me?” Hades asked.

YES I’M MAD AT YOU! We had an AGREEMENT! No more demi god kids!” Zeus fumed.

“Aren’t we past this? Only you and Poseidon broke that agreement. And Nico happened before that agreement so he didn’t count. You two are the fuck ups.” The dark god huffed in annoyance.

“Oh? You’re innocent, huh?” Zeus sneered before he stormed over to his brother and slammed down his fist in front of him. “Then explain THIS!”

Zeus opened his fist to reveal a small, pale, teenaged boy with raven black hair and pale blue eyes. He glanced around the room in confusion, then up at the arguing gods, “what the fuck-?”

DUDE THAT’S NOT MINE,” Hades exclaimed.

“Do the thing,” Zeus commanded the kid.

The kid just shrugged and then suddenly, white rings wrapped around his waist and split, running up and down his body and changing his appearance, no, his form. All the gods in the room recognized the feeling of death the moment the boy changed.


Hades in turned scrambled onto his chair the moment the kid changed, as if spotting a mouse scurry along the floor, “WHAT THE FUCK-?!?”
