#headcanon detected



clothes-sharing headcanons for some of my favorite shepard ships

  • tali wears shepard’s N7 hoodie over her suit and cowl sometimes.  between ME2 and ME3, she steals one to wear while shepard’s under house arrest; it helps her miss them a little less
  • whenever they talk on the bridge, shepard steals joker’s hat and starts wearing it around the ship.  sometimes he’s so focused on flying he doesn’t notice for hours afterward
  • one early morning shepard grabs a shirt from the floor and tries to put it on; they don’t realize until they were thoroughly stuck with their arms over their head that the shirt was notmade for humans.  garrus has to help them out of it–as soon as he stops laughing
  • sometimes when she’s cold, jack will take shepard’s clothes from their cabin and wear it over her usual getup.  if anyone comments, she will throw something at them
  • after one-too-many shots on omega, aria finallygives in to shepard’s requests and wears some damn body armor.  to make her feel better, shepard wears aria’s usual outfit around omega for a day.  it works out fine until shepard flexes and the seams burst