


Ok, I need a story where Trixie gets ahold of the Sandman comics and asks Maze and Lucifer about them and we find out Dream made an arrangement with Neil Gaiman.

Bonus points if she very helpfully gives her dad the books to help poor Dan’s shattered sense of reality. Like, “Here dad, you can believe it because it’s in this book. Like the Bible but with pictures and we know some of the people.”

Aww so years behind here but when the Devil sends Chloe away from the doorman in #TeamLucifer so he can show his devil eyes without melting her brain with fear, that was a nice touch. I’m digging this unspoken rule of, “ I’m the Devil and I 50/50 want you to believe me vs. love that you’ll never believe me and keep treating me like a person. And that being said, I could prove it to you but it would ruin your life, so might as well keep pretending it’s a joke.” Love it.
