




Alright, here comes another rant of mine because once again, a part of the Supernatural fandom has gone too far. (Scroll down past if you don’t want to read plz)

Hellers, answer me this. Why do you claim to be fans of the show when you so obviously are not? I’ve seen countless hellers openly admit to skipping the first 3 seasons of the show (which are VERY IMPORTANT as they establish the main characters, their backgrounds, their motivations, and the world in which this show takes place). I’ve seen you tell others that the first 3 seasons aren’t important and that they can skip then (again wrong).

I’ve seen multiple people say that they skip any episodes that do not contain Cass (lol which is so many you’re missing like 90% of the storyline, especially in later seasons).

You hate the fact that the show was about FAMILY LOVE and the love between Sam and Dean and try to shove romance into the plot where it doesn’t belong/is not needed. (Speaking of LGBTQIA+ you to realize that asexuals do enjoy seeing non-romantic mainstream shows right? And to try to say no the shows about romance and if you don’t see that you’re homophobic etc etc)

You go out of your way to openly criticize the actors/people behind the scenes who don’t agree with your viewpoint, even going to far as telling people they should kill themselves/should have aborted their daughter etc (I’ve already ranted about these so let’s move on).

I’ve seen you use stupid things such as the color of someone’s shirt, the way someone sits/lays on something as showing how “gay” or “bi” they are (which is horribly stereotyping which I’ve also seen multiple people who are gay/bi call out out for).

You ignore actors who have told you MULTIPLE TIMES that their character is STRAIGHT and a LADIES MAN, and how he NEVER PLAYED THE CHARACTER LIKE THAT all because it goes against your narrative of how your ship is totally cannon in the show.

You attack others who don’t ship your ship, calling them homophobic (even if they are, in fact, part of the LGBTQIA+), you cry about how it’s for REPRESENTATION even while completely ignoring cannon gay/lesbian couples unless they support the narrative you’re trying to spin.

An actor says “love can be anything, it doesn’t have to be romantic” and accuse him of being homophobic.

You’ve gone as far as using the color of a characters clothing IN A SHOW THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPERNATURAL as proof that your ship is cannon (seriously that stupid “omg it’s hunter green and angel blue it’s so saying our ship is cannon” was ridiculous and over the top)

Your sub section of the fandom is one of the most toxic, abusive things I’ve seen in my life.

You’ve all just shown that you didn’t really like Supernatural, you like the version of Supernatural that you built up in your fanfics and in your echo chambers of shipping buddies. And when the real show ended without making what you thought was going to be the end game relationship real, you all exploded.

You’ve taken a character I used to love, who I thought was a badass and turned him into a crying lovesick teenager who I can’t even stand to see. All because you insist on shoving your narrative into a show that never fit it in the first place.

Thank you for reading my rant (if you did) I might add more later, but I’m done for now.

(Also don’t come @ me with “YOU SHIP WINCEST” as a legit answer, such answers will literally be ignored)

I suck at words and expressing how I truly feel so thank you for this post

You’re welcome!

I truly hate to say this, but Destiel has gone canon once again AND the house just passed the 1.9T COVID relief bill. Truly an unmatched media experience

So… How the hell should I celebrate that homosexual declaration of love and mourn the death of my favourite comfort character the same fucking day?
