#hello its me back at it again with the rp memes

  • “Weren’t you dead?” 
  • “My death was vastly exaggerated.” 
  • “Oh great, it’s you.” 
  • “I didn’t miss you for a second.” 
  • “Who are you again?” 
  • “I remember making you eat dirt the last time we met.” 
  • “I see you still haven’t learned.” 
  • “Can you just /stop/?” 
  • “I may have lost last time, but I will not this time.” 
  • “Don’t think you’ll win this time!” 
  • “I hear you, I’m just not listening to you.” 
  •  “Do you ever have anything important to say?”
  • “Blah blah, shut up before I make you.” 
  • “Wow, apparently you /could/ stoop even lower.” 
  • “Why don’t you pick on someone my size?” 
  • “Don’t get all morally superior with me.” 
  • “You’d be nothing without me.” 
  • “I see you haven’t changed a bit.” 
  • “I hope you’ve been training in my absence- not that it’ll help you.” 
  • “Back again for another beating I see.” 
  • “You’re a glutton for punishment aren’t you?”
  • “Hope you packed some bandages, because you’ll be needing them.” 
  • “I was happiest never seeing your face.” 
  • “You think about me? I’m touched.” 
  • “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re an idiot?” 
  • “Shut up and fight me.” 
  • “You better stay down.”
  • “Get down here, or are you a coward?” 
  • “You’re nothing but all talk.” 
  • “Oh, I’ll show you I’m more than just talk.” 
  • X+ add your own! 