#roleplaying prompt

  • “Just… go away.”
  • “I-I’m sorry.”
  • “Why do I ruin everything I touch?”
  • “They… they were right. I am a monster.” 
  • “I never was good enough for you.”
  • “I wish I could take all your pain away.” 
  • “I’m fine. I’m fine.” 
  • “Everyone leaves in the end.” 
  • “I wasn’t supposed to cry.” 
  • “I didn’t realize how lonely I was until now.” 
  • “Why would you do that?” 
  • “You weren’t supposed to be like everyone else.”
  • “Why would you say that?” 
  • “Is… is that what you really think about me?” 
  • “It didn’t matter how hard I tried, I always failed.” 
  • “I’ll always be a disappointment.” 
  • “I’m sorry I let you down.”
  • “Everything hurts.” 
  • “You were my friend once.” 
  • “I loved you.” 
  • “…This is goodbye, then?”
  • “You were never going to stay, were you?”
  • “I thought… I thought we were happy.” 
  • “I was never meant for happiness, was I?” 
  • “I could never meet the expectations of others.”
  • %- Free space, add your own sentence here.
  1. At a house party
  2. At a fancy party
  3. At a festival
  4. At a church/temple
  5. In the woods at night
  6. At the local community garden 
  7. At the store at 2AM
  8. In the lunch line
  9. Hitting your muse with my muse’s car
  10. Your muse hitting mine with their car
  11. Stealing my muse’s horse
  12. My muse stealing your horse
  13. While robbing my muse
  14. While my muse is robbing yours
  15. Finding mine unconscious in an alley
  16. Finding yours unconscious in an alley
  17. During a blind date
  18. At the library/bookstore
  19. In the graveyard
  20. In the abandoned castle/mansion
  21. In jail/prison
  22. In my muse’s room 
  23. My muse in your muse’s room
  24. Being caught at knifepoint
  25. Catching my muse covered in blood
  26. Catching your muse covered in blood 
  27. At the beach
  28. In the middle of a rain/snowstorm
  29. Lost in the desert
  30. Looking for the same rumored treasure
  31. Lost in an ancient ruins
  32. Seeing each other across a canyon/river
  33. Trying to climb the same path up a mountain
  34. Being chased/hunted by the same monster
  35. + add your own!
  • “Weren’t you dead?” 
  • “My death was vastly exaggerated.” 
  • “Oh great, it’s you.” 
  • “I didn’t miss you for a second.” 
  • “Who are you again?” 
  • “I remember making you eat dirt the last time we met.” 
  • “I see you still haven’t learned.” 
  • “Can you just /stop/?” 
  • “I may have lost last time, but I will not this time.” 
  • “Don’t think you’ll win this time!” 
  • “I hear you, I’m just not listening to you.” 
  •  “Do you ever have anything important to say?”
  • “Blah blah, shut up before I make you.” 
  • “Wow, apparently you /could/ stoop even lower.” 
  • “Why don’t you pick on someone my size?” 
  • “Don’t get all morally superior with me.” 
  • “You’d be nothing without me.” 
  • “I see you haven’t changed a bit.” 
  • “I hope you’ve been training in my absence- not that it’ll help you.” 
  • “Back again for another beating I see.” 
  • “You’re a glutton for punishment aren’t you?”
  • “Hope you packed some bandages, because you’ll be needing them.” 
  • “I was happiest never seeing your face.” 
  • “You think about me? I’m touched.” 
  • “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re an idiot?” 
  • “Shut up and fight me.” 
  • “You better stay down.”
  • “Get down here, or are you a coward?” 
  • “You’re nothing but all talk.” 
  • “Oh, I’ll show you I’m more than just talk.” 
  • X+ add your own! 

Annoyed/Frustrated Sentence Starters

  • “This is getting ridiculous.”
  • “‘Bleh bleh bleh, I’m very important, do what I tell you’. Bitch.”
  • “If you’re so good why don’t you do it?”
  • “Stop. Just, fucking stop.”
  • “What did I just tell you?”
  • “Do you even listen to me?!”
  • “What the hell did you even do?”
  • “A monkey could’ve done a better job.”
  • “Are you done giving me lip?”
  • “Why.” Slam! “Won’t.” Slam! “You.” Slam! “WORK!”
  • “Hurry up, I’m not getting any younger.”
  • “I gave you one, ONE, job.”
  • “Oh for fucks’ sake!”
  • “Did you even follow the instructions?!”
  • “I followed the damn instructions!”
  • “What did you do now?”
  • “Wonderful. Just great.”
  • “Shall I snap my own neck now or later?”
  • “You. Are completely useless.”
  • “I can’t get it to fucking work!”
  • “I’ve tried everything and still!”
  • “You said you had my back, but as SOON as I have it turned, you’ve fucked off to who knows where!”
  • “This? This is shit. Utter nonsense.”
  • “You said you could handle it!”
  • “I’m THIS close to cutting you loose.”
  • “Why do I even keep you around if you only just disappoint me?”
  • “A corpse would be better use than you at this rate.”
  • “You said this’d be easy!”
  • “I told you I couldn’t do it!”
  • + add your own!

Word Prompts: AU Edition

Send in a word, and I will draw or write a drabble about my muse relating to that word. (Please specify muses/characters when needed. Note: some prompts may have overlaps and similarities).

  • Mermaid
  • Pirate/naval officer
  • Vampire
  • Werewolf
  • Centaur
  • Farmer
  • Socialite
  • Businessperson
  • Singer/band member
  • Shop-owner
  • Barista
  • Florist
  • Assassin
  • Special agent
  • Superhero/villain
  • Witch/wizard, Harry Potter style
  • Witch/wizard/mage, traditional style
  • Pokemon trainer
  • Mad scientist
  • Space explorer
  • Alien
  • Star Wars universe character
  • Royalty
  • College student
  • Ball attendant
  • Monster hunter
  • God/goddess/deity
  • Demon/devil
  • Dragon
  • Explorer
  • Jester/clown
  • Elemental powers
  • Doctor/Ph.D
  • Shapeshifter
  • Winged
  • Free space! Send “AU”+ the word of your choice

Today, let’s give some love

Tell that one blog you lurk that you like their content, shower an artist, a writer, an RPer in praise. Reblog that post you liked but haven’t shared, ramble in the tags with your true feelings than basic tags or none at all. Send anons, send IMs, just spread some love and appreciation.

Ask my muse questions about their past relationships!

What caused it to end? What were they like? Are you still on good speaking terms? Does it affect their current relationship? Get as nosy and personal as you like!

  • “I think your piloting license needs to be revoked.” 
  • “I wasn’t expecting to see you on this backwater planet!” 
  • “You’re not supposed to be here!” 
  • “I’m commander of this ship, not /you/.” 
  • “I’m (rank/title) ___, I’ll be part of your crew from now on.” 
  • “Great, what’s next? Space pirates?” 
  • “You’re wanted a star system over.” 
  • “First time off planet?” 
  • “I haven’t been on a planet in a long time…” 
  • “Don’t worry kid, you’ll get used to it.” 
  • “You work during the night cycle, right? No wonder I’ve never seen you before.” 
  • “Woah…” 
  • “What kind of alien are you?” 
  • “Don’t think I’ve seen your kind around these parts.” 
  • “I’m going to shoot you out of the airlock into the nearest star the first chance I get.” 
  • “Do not. Touch. Those controls.” 
  • “The stars are so beautiful here…” 
  • “That’s the weirdest plant I’ve ever seen.” 
  • “Is this what you do in engineering all the time?” 
  • “Please don’t accidentally blow up our ship.” 
  • “Hey, I’m a smuggler, not a killer!” 
  • “You criminals all look the same, crawling around in the darkest crevices of the galaxy like insects.” 
  • “…Well… you certainly aren’t part of the crew.” 
  • “Who…are you?” 
  • “Captain!” 
  • “Is my skin supposed to turn green?” 
  • “I think I need to go to medical…” 
  • “How come you get private quarters when I get to bunk with four other people?” 
  • “Sir the engines are down!” 
  • “Uh-oh, that didn’t sound good.” 
  • “Are the alarms supposed to be going off during a covert mission?” 
  • “We’ve intercepted a message.” 
  • +add your own!
  • “Where did you get that bruise?” 
  • “Stop biting!” 
  • “You BIT ME!” 
  • “OUCH! What was THAT for?!” 
  • “Oh… oh no… that’s not clotting…” 
  • “That bite on your neck… it’s not natural.” 
  • “Is that a hickey or did someone try to tear your throat out with their teeth?” 
  • “Sit still! I’m trying to help!” 
  • “I’m going to have to push those arrows out.” 
  • “If you don’t stop squirming I’m going to pull an artery than the bullet.” 
  • “Who did this to you?” 
  • “You’re going to have to set my shoulder.” 
  • “Well that’s definitely dislocated.” 
  • “How are you still alive?” 
  • “One of these days you’re going to wind up dead.” 
  • “My nose’s broken.” 
  • “Pinch it and lean forward.” 
  • “Hold it above your heart, that’s it.” 
  • “I’m going to have to pull it out.” 
  • “That’s a stab wound don’t fucking lie to me.” 
  • “The dagger’s still in me.” 
  • “Oh god… oh god get it out of me!” 
  • “If you don’t stop, I’ll slit your throat.” 
  • “Just kill me already!” 
  • “Haven’t you had enough?” 
  • “What can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment.” 
  • “I need…. bandages…” 
  • “Something definitely snapped.” 
  • “You…you should see the other guy…” 
  • “Don’t make me laugh…it hurts…” 
  • “This is only the beginning of what I’ll do to you.” 
  • “Back for round two, huh?” 
  • +Add your own 
  1. What’s one memory with a friend that you’re fond of?
  2. Past relationships? How did they go? Do you still speak to each other?
  3. In what ways has someone hurt you? Who?
  4. Talk about a happy experience.
  5. Talk about a traumatic experience.
  6. Do you have any siblings? Family? What’s your relationship with them?
  7. Talk about the last argument you’ve had with someone. What was it about? 
  8. Do you have a job? What parts of it do you like/don’t like? What do you? 
  9. Talk about the people you know at work. Do you like them? Do you hang out with them after work? 
  10. Pick a scar/injury you have/had and talk about how you got it.
  11. What do you look for in someone you wish to date? What do you find attractive? 
  12. Name something that you like that you’re embarrassed about 
  13. Who’s the last person you kissed? Is there anyone you’d like to kiss? 
  14. What do you do to relax? 
  15. Are you happy? 
  16. Talk about one person you’ve met recently. 
  17. Talk about one person that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. 
  18. What your favorite color? Foods? Weathers/Seasons?
  19. What did you do on your most recent birthday? 
  20. At what age do you feel that you stopped being a child and “grew up”? 
  21. Do you make friends easily? Talk about them for a little bit. 
  22. What’s the last thing you’ve heard someone say about you behind your back? 
  23. What’s your reputation with the people around you. Do they like you? Dislike you? Why? 
  24. When’s the last time you got drunk? Do you remember what you did? Do you regret it? 
  25. What habits/tics do you have? Do you annoy people with them? 
  26. When was the last date you went on? How did it go? 
  27. Are you an open person or are you closed off? 
  28. What’s in your closet? 
  29. What’s in your dresser/desk? 
  30. What kind of soaps/shampoos/lotion scents do you use? Which ones do you not like? 
  31. Do you like candles? How many do you have and what scents? 
  32. On average how many hours of sleep do you get per day? Do you have problems sleeping or waking up? Has this affected your daily routine with other people/your job? 
  33. When’s the last time you went on vacation? What did you do? 
  34. When was the last time you were angry? What were you angry about? Did you get violent or pent it up? 
  35. When was the last time you were happy? What caused it? 
  36. When was the last time you were sick? What happened? How long did it take until you were better? 
  37. Are you allergic to anything? 
  38. What kind of music do you like? Do you like/not care letting people know what you listen to or do you have certain songs/bands/genres you keep secret out of embarrassment/fear? 
  39. What brings you nostalgia? Why?
  40. Talk about school. Did you go? What classes were you the strongest in? The weakest? Did you do any sports? Were you popular/loner? Bullied? A bully? College? What degree did you get? 
  41. Can you swim? At what age did you learn if you did? Have you swam in the ocean/lake or just in a pool? The last time you did swim? 
  42. What kind of holidays do you celebrate? Do you not? Do you celebrate with friends/family or alone? Which one is your favorite? 
  43. Is there anything that you collect? Hobbies? Do you share with others what you do/make or is it not their business? 
  44. What temperature do you keep your home at? Do you prefer it warm or cool? 
  45. How many blankets do you sleep with? How big is your bed? How soft/firm is it? Can you sleep anywhere or under certain conditions? 
  46. What kind of skills do you have? 
  47. When was the last time you cried? What happened? 
  48. What kind of drunk are you? Emotional? Angry? Clingy? Has this caused trouble for you? 
  49. Do you believe in god(s)? Do you go to church or religious celebrations often? 
  50. Free space. Add your own question. 

How’s your day been? What’s one thing you like about my blog? You don’t like? I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to you either but I know you’re there and appreciate you I’m just too awkward to initiate contact, but let’s correct that.

  • “Oh great it’s /you/.” 
  • “You don’t know how to stay dead, do you?” 
  • “Like /hell/ I’d let you win this time.” 
  • “You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.” 
  • “You’ve been in a thorn in my side for far too long.” 
  • “We need to stop meeting up like this.” 
  • “It sickens me to admit that I need your help.” 
  • “You may have beaten me last time, but this time you will /pay/.” 
  • “Admit it- your life would be boring without me.” 
  • “I’d kill you without a second thought if given the opportunity.” 
  • “Don’t get used to this- I still very much hate you.”
  • “Still have that stick up your ass, I see.” 
  • “/Someone/ has to pull you off your high horse and watch you break your neck.” 
  • “Trust me, the feeling’s mutual.” 
  • “I hope you came prepared this time.” 
  • “I’d be disappointed if you weren’t expecting me.” 
  • “Aw, did you miss me?” 
  • “I’d say I’d see you in hell, but I’d rather not see you in all of eternity.” 
  • “Did you get uglier since the last time I saw you?”
  • “Aren’t you looking positively trollish today.” 
  • “Aw, don’t be like that, it’s just a little healthy competition.” 
  • “Win, lose, doesn’t matter as long as you come on top, doesn’t it?” 
  • “I did warn you that the next time we’d meet I’d put you through a window.” 
  • “You’d hate to see me die by anyone else’s hands.” 
  • “I’m winning this time. Not you.” 
  • “I’m starting to think you’re stalking me.” 
  • “Yes, it’s /me/ again.” 
  • “Why don’t you do us all a favor and walk off a cliff?” 
  • + add your own!
  • “Heard a rumor that something lives in these woods, something… otherworldly.” 
  • “Are you /trying/ to get yourself killed?!”
  • “Your spellwork is shoddy at best.” 
  • “Enunciate! Don’t mumble!” 
  • “What sort of Craft do you do?” 
  • “You’re… you’re a witch.” 
  • “You’re going to get caught walking around like that.” 
  • “What a beautiful creature…” 
  • “Please do not drop things into my cauldron.” 
  • “They say that you’re a Fae.” 
  • “Your eyes… you’re not human, are you?” 
  • “What are you doing in a place like this?” 
  • “This isn’t your natural habitat…” 
  • “This is… impressive spellwork.” 
  • “Oh! What beautiful enchantments!” 
  • “Do you think you can make me one of these?” 
  • “I’m looking for someone whom people say can brew any cure.” 
  • “This place is cursed… I can feel it in my bones.” 
  • “Your magic is very oppressive.”
  • “Supposedly there’s a dragon who dwells here. Heard anything about that?” 
  • “Your wards and shields are pathetic.” 
  • “Don’t be ridiculous, they’re a fairytale.” 
  • “Magic doesn’t exist.” 
  • “It’s probably some rabid wolves or something, not some ‘mythical creature’.”
  • “Ghosts aren’t real, and this place isn’t haunted!” 
  • “Isn’t it about time you crafted your own focus? 
  • “I’ve never seen magic quite like this.” 
  • “Please take your wand away from my throat.” 
  • “Is this a cure, or a poison?” 
  • “I didn’t know this type of herb grew here.” 
  • “Do you think someone will be willing to sell me a crystal?” 
  • “What are you going to do? Read my palm? Tell me my fortune on a poker hand?”
  • “I haven’t seen a creature like that in years.” 
  • “Excuse me, but have you seen any __ around these parts?” 
  • “A __ you say? No, I don’t believe I have.” 
  • “You should check the vendor down the block if you’re looking for /that/ kind of thing.” 
  • “You do know that even possessing that is illegal here, yes?” 
  • ✨+ add your own!

Requested by anonymous. Feel free to change pronouns. 

  • “Do you need something, my liege?” 
  • “Get behind me, my lady!” 
  • “Sir knight, do come here.” 
  • “If I may be so bold, my lord, but is this really necessary?” 
  • “You sent for me, my king?” 
  • “I’m sorry, my lord, but I don’t trust him.” 
  • “You’re part of my personal guard now.” 
  • “No need for formalities here, my friend.” 
  • “I couldn’t possibly be so informal towards you, my liege.” 
  • “You shouldn’t run off like that, my lady.” 
  • “You must be a new guard.” 
  • “They shouldn’t speak of you like that, my king!” 
  • “A message for you, your highness.” 
  • “Running off without an escort again, my lady?” 
  • “Please forgive me, your highness.” 
  • “My dear knight, please take off your helm so I may look at you.” 
  • “I don’t think I’ve you seen around before, guard.” 
  • “Walk with me, sir knight.” 
  • “You were my late father’s favorite. You don’t look like much.” 
  • “Are you disappointed that you’re to guard me instead of an heir higher in succession?” 
  • “I didn’t know we hired your kind into our guards.” 
  • “I am merely a guard, my lord.” 
  • “I live to serve you. Always.” 
  • + your own!
Requested by anonymous 
  • “I’m so hungry I could eat __!” 
  • “I can’t remember the last time I ate.” 
  • “It’s been so long… I’ve forgotten what real food tastes like…” 
  • “Hey, are you hungry?” 
  • “You’re skin and bones!” 
  • “Wait, no don’t eat-!” 
  • “Don’t you dare touch that food!” 
  • “Please… I’m so hungry…” 
  • “I’m sorry, this is all I have.” 
  • “Hey, slow down! You’ll make yourself sick!” 
  • “Gross, don’t eat that.” 
  • “W-what are you eating…?” 
  • “Oh… my hands are shaking…” 
  • “With every passing day, you are starting to look all the more tastier…” 
  • “If you don’t bring me anything to eat soon, it’ll be your ass on the menu.” 
  • “This famine is going to kill all of us…” 
  • “I’m so sorry, the drought ruined all of our crops…” 
  • “This is all that’s left.” 
  • “Oh no, you must be starving.” 
  • “You’re wasting away.” 
  • “There hasn’t been any food left in the house for days.” 
  • “A single bite won’t hurt…” 
  • Send + your own!