#hello my name is bastard






bastard keeps sprinting to get ahead of me then walks really slow so i accidentally kick him and then meows all pathetically like i attacked him


This Cat Commits Insurance Fraud

I’m sorry, does your cat’s name tag say “hello my name is bastard”

[Id: A black cat with a white muzzle, chest, and front legs can be seen sitting. He has a square blue nametag that does indeed say ‘Hello my name is Bastard’. He looks like he regrets his actions, and I hope he is sincere.

The second image is a screenshot from a Twitter thread. It reads as follows:

Me, lightly touching Miette with the side of my foot: Miette move out of the way please so I don’t trip on you

Miette, her eyes enormous: you KICK Miette? You kick her body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for mother! Jail for mother for One Thousand Years!!!!

End ID]
