


It was an eventual evening. 


#henchboyfriends    #hbf comic    #superhero ocs    #supervillain ocs    #queer comics    #meme art    #oc memes    #elton john    #hbf aaron    #hbf benji    #hbf thatch    #hbf hien    #henchteam    
A bit late, but these prompt things aren’t just limited to the 14th right?I saw a couple of differenA bit late, but these prompt things aren’t just limited to the 14th right?I saw a couple of differenA bit late, but these prompt things aren’t just limited to the 14th right?I saw a couple of differenA bit late, but these prompt things aren’t just limited to the 14th right?I saw a couple of differen

A bit late, but these prompt things aren’t just limited to the 14th right?

I saw a couple of different kiss-prompt lists going around for Feb and I thought that would be the perfect excuse to draw my henchboyfriend ocs a million times! I took inpso from 2 lists, the @ockissweek​ ’s #ockiss22 prompt list, and Violettenouvel’sKiss Art February “mood/places” month challenge! 

 In order I used-

 Hien & her daughter- Greeting & Chaste/Cheek

 B & E - Excitment & Denied/Hair 

Thatch & Memo- Bold & Anything/Anywhere

 Aaron & Benji- Tender & Shy/Shoulder 

 (And under the cut we have-  [REDACTED] - Secret & Farewell/Hand )



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