#henry cavill x female oc


A/N: I’m slowly, but surely making my way through my prompt-list for the month of May! There’s still some left to choose from, so get your cute little butts to the list and pick out what you’d like to see! I hope y’all will enjoy it, because I sure as hell loved writing it!

Prompt: “Did you not notice me flirting at all?” “You’re very hard to read! “It’s been TWO YEARS!”


You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one shot or multichapter fic, with whatever you want in it!


Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine in particular) and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits because I am me, and I have none!





Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plus sized!Female reader 

Contains: Language, fluff, sort of coworkers to lovers, straight, pure fluff to rot your teeth on such a fine Thursday, Henry being an absolute SNACK

W.C.: 2.277

Dirty little secret



It wasn’t that Henry didn’t know he was attractive. Hell, he had even used it a few times to his own gain; a smile, a wink here and there, and he’d mostly get what he asked for. Sometimes even things, he didn’t ask for.

But Y/N had been completely unfazed by him – you had smiled softly right back and looked very confused, when Henry winked at you between sets. That had been two years ago, and he was growing pretty annoyed that you were so hard to fluster. It had become sort of a habit to him to try and flirt – at first, it was just to see if you picked up on it – but now it was a battle of will.

Heliked you. Actually, he had mused to himself during a night-shoot in frigid temperatures, when he saw you hand out homemade hot cocoa from your own thermos to every, single person working that night, he might be in love.
You were easy to be around. You always carried yourself as if you were being lifted by gentle winds, your smile was infectious and your laugh, God, don’t get him started on your laugh. It was insane, the power you held over him.

It hadn’t made it easier when you became friends – of course, it was pretty inevitable, seeing as you were both regulars on The Witcher and had been since it started – and you were just… Perfect. You had baked him a birthday-cake, for crying out loud. With not enough candles, which you had told him was to his own benefit, so he didn’t think about how old he’d gotten.
You were fucking beautiful, too. In such an unassuming, very unrecognized way. He had told you once that he thought you were stunning, when you wore that damned bottle-green dress to a red carpet, but you had blushed and told him, he didn’t need to lie. You were used to it.
He didn’t understand that at all. To him, you were delectable, if he had to chose a word to describe you; round and luscious, curves and thighs that made him want to bury his face in you – all in all, he had to compliment himself on his sheer willpower, when you asked him to held you hook your damn garter-belt back to your thigh high and had hoisted your dress up just enough. His fingers were burning for days afterwards with the memory of your warm, soft skin under the pads of them.

And now, he was staring at you as you laughed your head off with Anya, tears welling in your eyes. He barked a laugh out when your makeup-artist scolded you with a stern face.
“Laugh it up, Cavill, you’re the one getting covered in goo.” You shouted at him, and fucking winked at him. He might die from a heart attack these days.
“Be careful, or I’ll cover you in goo.” He yelled back, and practically felt his toes retreat into his body. Flirting was normally not an issue for him, but with you, he was reduced to a teenager, apparently. You didn’t mind, throwing your head back and laughed loudly, a cute little snort following.
“Sure, thing, darling, bring it on.” He tried not to let the thought of you covered in something else entirely get too much to him.

It was like a dirty little secret, how much he wanted you.

When it came to press-tours, the PR-team had decided that you were the only one who could handle interviews with him. They had been very vocal about the fact that Henry and Joey would be a match made in hell, that Anya and Freya had way too much chemistry to try and separate them; and Kim and Joey were simply perfect for co-interviews. Right bastards, really, because they – especially Joey – had made a very big deal out of a little crush. Joey was constantly wagging his stupid brows at Henry, whenever he talked to Y/N, while Kim gave Henry a stern “dad-talk”, threatening to cut each of his limps off, starting with the one between his legs if he ever as much as curled a hair on Y/N’s head.
And then the teasing had begun. You had been none the wiser, simply thinking it was all in good fun, but oh lord, those two were absolute menaces.

So, that’s why you were seated next to Henry in a way too small couch – he wasn’t sure if it was actually small, he was big or he just felt like he was touching all too much of you, when your PR-manager came over. The PR-team had even gone as far as saying that you two had extraordinary energy together, and that had sealed the deal, apparently; Henry wasn’t exactly opposed to the energy you had with him, but he was, however, very concerned about the fact that his heart was beating out of his chest.

“You know, I can hear your gears turning, Henry.” You mumbled, nudging his shoulder. “All good?”
“You’re next to me, why wouldn’t it be?” He said with a grin. You bit your lip.
“You’re absolutely insane.”
“About you, yes.” You rolled your eyes.
“Reel it in, Casanova, save it for the ladies.”
“Are you not a lady?” He couldn’t help the grin on his face; this was the first time you’d willingly entertained a conversation that started with flirting, although he suspected either it was nerves or you just being blissfully unaware that it was actual flirting. You were about to answer when the interviewer came into view.
“I’m so happy to meet you both! I’m such a fan, Y/N, your last independent movie? It was an absolute joy to see.” Henry grinned at you.
“Aw, thank you. I’m glad someone likes my weird movies.” The interviewer grinned, and Henry didn’t miss the way her eyes flicked to your arm, which had somehow linked around Henry’s.
“Alright, are you guys ready to get the show on the road?”
“Sure are.” Henry replied, smiling softly.
He didn’t want to think too hard about the way your thumb rubbed circles on the crease of his elbow, or he might lose all remembrance of speech.

The interview was pretty clean, nothing out of the ordinary. He liked hearing your answers, as he always did, and he answered gracefully himself, whenever asked.
“So, there’s some rumors going around.” The interviewer said, a wide smile on her lips.
“There’s plenty of those, I imagine.” Y/N answered and laughed. “Remember the rumor about Jaskier secretly being a Witcher?” Henry nodded.
“Or the one about Yennefer somehow being Ciri’s mother?” henry asked, and you both laughed.
“While those are all good, this is actually about the two of you!” The interviewer said, straightening her back a little.
“Oh, boy.” You swallowed thickly. You had told him at a wrap-party that you always feared the rumors; you were a little intimidated by the rumor-mill, and, you confided, worried that most of them was about your weight equaling your success and or talent. Henry found it ludicrous; you had more talent in your pinky than he did in his entire body. He untangled his arm from yours, and slowly, almost secretively, wrapped it around your waist, pulling you a little closer to him.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen the many videos about you two?” You both shook your head.
“Oh, wow, you need to!” The interviewer grinned. “There’s a lot of compilations of you two, most of them titled something along the lines of Henry being in love with Y/N for five minutes straight and…” The interviewer looked at her cards. “Y/N being unaware of Henry being a lovesick puppy for ten minutes straight.” She laughed a little.
“Wow, I didn’t think…” Y/n trailed off, looking to Henry for help. He was happy to do so.
“Me neither. I mean, we’ve seen some of the ones with Joey and Anya, mostly because Joey is a narcissist who loves when people talk about him…” Henry laughed. “But we didn’t know people made them about us.” He willed the stupid blush to disappear from his face.

“Well, there’s plenty. I was just thinking, and judging by the videos, so are your fans, is there any truth to it?” You laughed.
“Oh, no, we’re just friends.” Henry frowned.
“Hey, now, that’s a little presumptuous of you to say.” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Excuse me?”
“Well…” he smiled. “I’m just saying, you can’t really just speak for the both of us.” You chuckled.
“Do you have a thing for me, Henry?” You asked playfully, clearly expecting him to laugh along. He supposed no time was like the present.
“Yes.” You coughed, choking a little on your own spit, while the interviewer breathed out a oh my God – she was about to hit the damn jackpot with this.
“I’msorry?” You stared at him with wide eyes. He shrugged.
“Yes. I have a thing for you. Several, in fact.” You spluttered.
“But I… Y-wh…. What?” He smiled and turned to the interviewer.

“I think we’ll round out, if that’s alright.” She nodded, dumbfounded, and Henry stood, pulling you to your feet, saying your goodbyes and then dragged you to the green room, where he locked the door behind him.

Henry, you can’t joke about…” You began.
“I wasn’t joking. Why would I joke about that?” He asked as an afterthought.
“I don’t know! Just… Maybe to get me… I don’t know.” You grumbled and sat down heavily in the chair next to the desk full of fruits and snacks.
“You…Seriously have a thing for me?”

“Well, yes… Did you not notice me flirting at all?” You shrugged.
You’re very hard to read.” He groaned.
“IT’S BEEN TWO YEARS!” He said in a loud voice. You looked to him.

“Wait, so… All those weird comments about… Like… Goo and all that, that was true?” You asked with the hitn of a smile on your lips.
“Oh, the goo-one… Not my best.” He said, blushing at the memory. “But yeah, all in all.”
“Oh, my… So, at your birthday, when you said you’d be happy to grow old, if I was next to you, you weren’t like… Making a weird nursing home reference?” You asked in a breathy voice.
No. I honestly thought that was enough to make you understand what I felt, but you are willfully ignorant, sometimes, my love.” He said, sitting down in front of you – he was kneeling, his large hands splayed out on your thighs.
“My best friend calls it romance-selective hearing.” You giggled, your eyes locked on his hands.
“Darling, I’m serious. If you had been paying attention, you’d have noticed how much I look at you. Want to be near you. How badly I want to just…” His grip tightened on your thighs.
“Anyway, yes, I do feel… I have a thing or a million for you, but who’s counting?” He said with a soft smile.
“I cannot. With you. Like… This. Dude, you’ve dated people, who are the size of my wrist.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Is that what you’re worried about?” You nodded once.
“Love…” He gently put two fingers under your chin and had to physically restrain himself from attacking your lips right then and there, when your eyes landed on his and a tiny, little, very sensual whimper tumbled from your lips. He would store that information for later use.
“I really couldn’t care if you were the size of a tulip or a whale. I like you for you, and I think you’re absolutely beautiful. Seriously. I still dream of you wearing that damned green dress…” he smiled at you. “I mean it, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my hopeful eyes on, and it has been torture to try and get you to understand how badly I want you, when you clearly didn’t care too much for my flirting.” You grinned at him.
“I guess you’ve lost your flair, Cavill.” He leaned in, testing the waters; your breath hitched, and he assumed it was safe enough to press his lips against yours softly.

At least, that’s what he intended for it to be, but he was surprised by your reaction; you gasped against his lips and threw your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss instantly. He groaned and stood, simply pulling you with him, until your feet didn’t touch the ground anymore, and you wrapped them around his waist. You kissed hungrily, both of you trying to keep your hands to yourself. It was a public space, after all. You pulled away with a sigh and he lowered you back to the ground.

He never realized just how much he towered over you, until he had to – oh no, how awful – lift your head with two fingers under your chin again, that delightful little whimper coming right back. Your lips were swollen.

“Lost my flair, have I?” He asked, his voice hoarse. You grinned, and that beautiful smile could light up any day, night or life for him.

“I suppose you haven’t entirely… That depends, though.” He kissed you again, holding back, so you wouldn’t end up doing something stupid, like screwing in the middle of the green room.
“Depends on what, love?” He kissed your forehead, simply not able to resist having his lips on you in any capacity.

“How much you like pizza, lord of the rings and how well you cuddle.” He smiled brighter than the sun, clasping his hand with yours.

“I am going to snuggle the everloving shit out of you, Y/N Y/L/N.”


@acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea​     


o saki saki | henry cavill |

henry cavill x desi/indian female reader [one shot]

summary: you are a popular bollywood actress and dancer. you are henry’s girlfriend, and you show him a bollywood music video from your upcoming movie and you see his reaction.

warnings: none

word count: 1,368

a/n: i come from a west indian ethnic background with indian ancestry. i personally do not practice hinduism but my family does. i am not against anyone who is hindu or comes from any other religion. if i made a mistake in this oneshot or if i offend anyone i apologize. that is not my intention. this oneshot is for entertainment purposes only. i don’t see much indian readers’ oneshots or stories so i decided to make one for myself. i hope you all enjoy. if you want more desi/indian readers with henry or other celebrities let me know.


Keep reading

I loved reading this, @queensgirl718 ! This was such a great fic, and I absolutely adored the idea of making the reader a Bollywood actress. Plus, Saki Saki is a great song :)
