#henry cavill x yn



A/N: Exam season is ON, my loves, and despite my love for writing and my WIPS, I need to focus on those darn exams. So, instead, you’re getting a week of one-shots, because I need my creative outlet.

You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble (500-1000 words), one-shot (1500-5000 words) or a multichapter fic (5500-??? Words) with what you’ve always wanted. Want Henry to be homeless and a starving artist? Sure thing, babes. Want a BDSM relationship with Steve Rogers? Anytime. Fluffy love with August Walter? Yup. 40’s professor Bucky? YES.

I love y’all so much and thank you for your OUTPOUR of support. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.
Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine, in particular), and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.



Pairing: Henry Cavill x female reader (Best friends to lovers)

Contains: Fluff, slight angst, please-pretend-to-be-my-boyfriend-to-make-my-ex-jealous-trope, smut (18+ MINORS DNI), fingering, p in v, oral (f and m recieving), unprotected sex, slight cum-play, cream-pie, praise-kink, slight voyerism, slight exhibitionism, language 

W.C.: 4.378

Play pretend

Fuck. Fucking fuck, fuck, fuck. You pace your room, trying to decide if you should just call and tell Abby you’d gotten sick, maybe fell and broke your leg, or if you should admit defeat and show up – there was nothing you’d want less than show up, single and still seething over your breakup, at a party where your damn ex was. Apparently, it had been a last-minute decision on his part, and Abby had been really sorry about it – she had invited him to her end-of-summer bash months ago, when you were still dating, and now he wanted to come.

With his new girlfriend. Who just so happened to be the same girl, he had cheated on you with. Classic.

Keep reading

His was so fucking hot and amazing and I’m inlove with this! I will definitely be coming back to re-read over and over!

A/N: Another day, another prompt! You guys are getting a LOT of content over the next few days, because I am stressedTMand that means procrastinating like a fool. Best way to do things, I guess. For me, at least. There’s still prompts left, so go to my list and pick one, if you want to!

Prompt: “I love you!” “Wait, what?” “No time to explain, we gotta go!”


You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized one-shot, drabble or multichapter fic with ANYTHING and anyone, you’d like!


I love y’all so darn much. Thank you.
Remember, feedback feeds the soul and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.






Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plus Sized!female reader

Contains: Fluff, language, implied smut, a little insecurities, age gap

W.C.: 2.726

Living dangerously



You snuck around the trailers, your hands full of shaving cream and a pie. Joey Batey had not seen the last of you.

See, the set of The Witcher was normally pretty laid back, not much more going around other than the normal amounts of jokes and teasing; but Joey motherfucking Batey had decided that a prank-war was in due time, and he had started with you.

First mistake.

You might be the newest cast member, and you were normally a shy person, but you could not step down from a challenge. It was, coincidentally, also how you got the role of Shani in the show. It had been an open call casting, and your friend had dared you to go, so you did. You didn’t expect a callback, much less a third and then a screen test with Henry Cavill. You were about to pass out, when the casting director brought him in, all smiles and a very firm handshake, to test out chemistry between you; for some reason, the whole “love-interest”-thing had whizzed straight over your head, so you were a shaking mess, when you started testing a very specific scene, where Henry’s warm and large hands cupped your face, while spouting declarations of love. It was a lot, but you managed, clearly, because here you were, on set and with a character, who – if you were to believe the rumors – would be a reoccurring character. Fun.

You didn’t expect a fast friendship growing between you and Henry, though. After the screen test, you had been texting and talking pretty much every day, because you had both realized that you were nerds – you spent a lot of time talking about the world of The Witcher, but also just any and everything. And nothing. It had become a habit to just talk through the night, one of you dozing off while still on the phone. The fact that you had developed a slight (big) crush on the 10-year older man, was your own doing and you did your very best to keep it on the downlow. Especially after you began shooting, and you found out he was a very affectionate guy. Hugs, small touches, lips ghosting over your forehead, when he had his arm slung casually over your shoulder. It didn’t mean anything, you were sure – you were just about 99 % certain he saw you as a younger sister or something like that. He helped you figure out what pranks you could pull without getting fired, and he took you everywhere; if he had a thing to do, you were coming. It was kind of cute, the way he’d timidly ask you to join him for another dinner with some “important” people. The big, strong man, who could literally make you fearful of your life with a single glance, was a giant puppy in real life.

When Joey had started the damn prank-war, he had started easy with salted cookies. That was a dick-move, mostly because you really wanted cookies after a 12-hour shoot. You had retaliated with glue in his hand sanitizer. And so, the prank war was born.

The latest thing was over the line. He had transformed your fucking kitchen drawers into fish tanks, and you were having none of it.

Which is why you were sneaking around the trailers with shaving cream and pie, waiting for the golden opportunity to deckJoey.

As soon as he stepped out of his trailer, his eyes glued to his phone, you saw your chance and ran to him, pie smacking straight into his face, before showering him in shaving foam, giggling like a madman. He was spluttering and coughing out shaving cream, and when he looked at you, you knew it was a question of seconds before he lost his shit.

You ran as fast as you could, ignoring your burning lungs and your thighs literally feeling like jello under you, and sprinted to the other end of the set, spotting a familiar flash of greyish white hair and black armor. He saw you as well, a smile lighting up his face.

“Hey, Y/N, did you get to use the…”
“Y/N Y/L/N, I am going to kill you!” Henry’s eyes whipped up to see a very angry-looking Joey stalking towards you. Was that shaving cream?

“I love you!” You said, grabbing his arm and tugging him to follow.
“Wait, what?” He looked absolutely perplexed, and in any other situation, you’d pinch his cheek, because he looked stupidly cute like that.
“No time to explain, let’s go!” you tugged his arm again, and he finally made his feet follow along, running behind you. He wasn’t even out of breath.
“If you need to get away quicker, just get on my back.” He said with a grin, jogging next to you. Goddamned long legs. You scoffed. 

“As if you could carry me.” You huffed, trying to keep your breathing steady.
“Is that a challenge?” He stopped dead in his tracks. Shit. You glanced behind him and saw Joey – now with his arms full of unidentifiable things, that would definitely ruin your day – move towards you with a dangerous smile on his lips.
“Shit. Henry, move.” You tried to force him to go with you, but he was a massive man with a lot of grounding, because he didn’t even flinch.
“Nope. If I’m your get-away buddy, I’m insisting that I be your get-away vehicle as well.”
Henry, I… I’ll be too heavy.” You didn’t want to debate this stupid topic, much less indulge in your insecurities with a literal God in human form.
“Y/N. If you’re trying to say your weight is an issue, I’m strongly advising you to say literally anything else.” He crossed his arms and smirked. You could see several cans of tomato-soup in Joey’s arms now.
“Fuck, fine, just… We need to go!” You screamed, quickly maneuvering yourself behind Henry, who bent down a little to allow you to get on his back.
“If you break your back trying to carry me, I will end you.” You whispered, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, clinging on for dear life. You hated this idea. He laughed at you, hoisting you a little higher on his back and straightened out.
“Don’t worry, my back can handle a lot.” You felt heat rush to your cheeks at that. 
“Henry, do not help her, I swear to God!” Joey yelled out, but Henry just chuckled and waved behind him at Joey, before his arms wrapped around your legs, holding you firmly to his body, and sprinted.

He didn’t break a sweat, and his breathing was weirdly even, despite the speed he was running at, and the added weight on his back. You were bouncing, clinging to him as he ran around the sets, headed to the dense forest that lay just behind it. He didn’t slow down before he was a few good meters into the forest, and he gently put you down next to a giant fir-tree, where you leaned against, clutching your chest.

“Shit, that was more terrifying than being on the back of a motorcycle.” You gasped, trying to lower your heartrate. It wasn’t all because of the running – a lot of it was the fact, that you were so close to him, you could feel his muscles roll under your hands and arms, and his cologne was embedded in your skin now. He grinned.

“Are you telling me you didn’t have fun?” You rolled your eyes and finally looked up at him. He was looking at you strangely.
“Y/N…” Oh no, here it goes. You were heavy, he probably dislocated something. “Why on earth did you think you were too heavy?” he asked instead, and you blinked a few times.
“Uh…. Because I am…?” you said slowly and groaned at his expression. “I mean, clearly, I wasn’t right now, but like… generally speaking.” He tilted his head.
“Darling, I could pick you up with one arm and not think twice about it. You are nottoo heavy.”
That sparked some very inappropriate thoughts in your head, that you desperately needed to go away.
“I, uh… Sure, Henry.” He stepped closer, his chest almost touching you; the black armor made a delicious sound of leather straining against leather, and you had to will yourself to hear what he said.
“You are challenging me, sweetheart.”
“Oh, no, not at all.” You could hear how damn bratty you sounded. “I mean, I—humpf.” You shrieked, when you were lifted from the ground by a single arm around your waist, Henry pinning your back to the tree behind you while grinning at you. Your heart did a somersault right in your chest, and you cursed how good he looked with the wig on.

“Okay, fine, fine, you’ve proved your point.” You said, gasping a little. He didn’t let you down but stepped even closer and slotted himself between your legs – by instinct, you wrapped them around his hips.
“I have a question for you, Y/N.” He said seriously, his perfect lips mere inches from your face.
“Mhm?” You didn’t trust your voice at this moment, so you figured a nonsensical noise would be better to avoid embarrassment. He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Would me buying you a can of shaving cream and a cream pie have anything to do with Joey being covered in white goo?” You laughed and snorted in a very unladylike manner.
“Maybe. Maybe not. It’s best for you to stay out of it, I can’t have your life on my conscience.” He laughed a little at that.
“I think I’m already involved now.”
“Shit, yeah, probably. Uh…” You looked down at your body, ignoring the way your stomach rolled, to see your legs still tightly wrapped around his hips. “Could I, uh, get my feet back on solid ground?” You asked timidly, heat flaring in your cheeks.
He thought for a moment, before his grip on your waist tightened.
“No. I have another important question.”
“Okay?” you swallowed thickly. Don’t think about his cock, don’t think about his cock, don’t think about…

“This is actually a really important question, darling. And I need you to be very honest with me.” His expression changed from jovial to something more serious and something else, you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“Are you comfortable right now?” You furrowed your brows.
“I mean… Like right this second?” He nodded. You shifted a little, accidentally rolling your hips. A barely noticeable hiss fell from his lips, which you also decided to ignore. You’d done a lot of ignoring today.
“Uhm… I mean, the bark isn’t really super duper soft, but other than that… Yes…? Was that your very important question?” He smiled softly. When did his face come so close to yours?
“Not really, no. I just wanted to check in.”
“Oh…Kay?” He swallowed and you watched his Adam’s apple bop a little.
“I can’t put this out there in an eloquent way, so I’ll just come right out with it.” Oh God. You were getting fired. Maybe. Probably. Your heart sped up and you were intently focused on his eyes.
“Is there a reason, you haven’t ever returned any of my sad attempts at flirting?” You almost choked on thin air.
“I’ve been flirting with you for the better part of six months, love. I mean, I know I’m old and a little rusty in that department, but I feel like at least some of it must’ve come across.”
“I…” You didn’t know what to say, and honestly, your brain was short-circuiting at the moment, because his thumb had begun rubbing small circles on your waist. “You’ve been flirting. With me.” It sounded like a statement more than a question. He chuckled.
“I have. I don’t talk to just anyone throughout a day and night, pretty much every day. I also don’t touch anybody just for the hell of it.” You thought back to all the small touches, and what you had perceived as just the way he was – in hindsight, you could see that he didn’t do that to anyone else on set.
“But… I’m me.”
“I would hope you are.” His forehead rested against yours now. “I should’ve said something sooner.”
“No, I mean… You’re a literal God on earth, and I’m… Jiggly. And ten years younger than you, I might add.” You said slowly, trying to keep your composure.
“Didn’t you tell me a week ago: age is but a number, baby?”
“I might’ve.”
“Besides, you’re… Perfect. For me, I mean. In my eyes.” He drew a deep breath, his lips twitching a little. “God, the things I’ve imagined doing to you…” You could’ve died right there.
“I would happily die, if it was death by your thighs.” You couldn’t swallow.
“And I’ve had the filthiest thoughts… Whenever we talked on Facetime, all I wanted to do was reach through the fucking screen and touch your skin… Show you just what I want to do with you.” He licked his lips. “Unfortunately, I am a British man, and we’re stupidly good at being gentlemen, which means my brain has been screaming at me to take you to dinner, and then ravish you.” You squeaked at that, your entire body buzzing.
“I didn’t… Uh…”
“I’ll leave it be, never talk about it again and we’ll go back to being friends, if you don’t feel even a sliver of something towards me. I’d hate it and I must be honest, I doubt I can continue being your friend.” Your breathing was shallow now, and you move your hands to his hair, toying with the damned wig just to do something.
“I can’t say I’m not feeling something.” You admitted. “Why would you not… Be able to continue being my friend?” You asked slowly, your eyes settling on his blue.
“Because all I’ve wanted to do for months is this.”

He kissed you softly, lips hesitant and sweet like honey, like he was testing the waters. You were having none of that. It was like a kick of a drug to your system, every nerve and cell standing ready – you kissed him back with ferocity, as if it was your last day on earth, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressed your body even closer to his. You wanted to fucking melt together with him, his lips never leaving yours, because this was probably the only thing you’d ever care about ever again.
The feeling of his lips against yours, the way he groaned into the kiss, his eagerness to return the kiss with just as much ferocity as you brought to him, was intoxicating.

It could’ve been minutes or hours before he pulled back, peppering small kisses on your face.

“I’ll take it as you being just fine with this?” he asked, slightly out of breath. You felt something nudge your thigh and you raised your eyebrows.
“I mean… Yes.” You rolled your hips against him, and he groaned, closing his eyes and tightened his grip on your waist.
“Love, you need to stop that. We have a scene in…” He glanced at his clock. “Five minutes, and I cannot be hard and thinking of the various things, I have to do to you.” You cocked an eyebrow and kissed him again, your tongue sliding against his lower lip.
“That would be a bad idea, wouldn’t it?” You whispered against his lips. He nodded, kissing you again. “And I definitely shouldn’t say something that would make your situation worse, right?”
“Don’t you dare.” You sighed and hugged him, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered.

“I won’t, then.” You smiled, when you felt him exhale and sag slightly. “I just… Really wanted you inside of me, right here.” You rolled your hips again and was rewarded with the best gasping groan, you’d ever heard.
“Darling…” He gripped your hair lightly to force you to look at his eyes, that had darkened significantly. “Don’t test me, or I’ll have to force you to see just how badly I could ruin you.”
“Try me.”

And after his scenes, try you, he did. Several times, in fact. Loudly – loudly enough for the crew to wish you both congratulations, when you came out of your trailer, your neck covered in his love-bites and your hair a rat’s nest on your head.


@acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @littlebirdofrivia @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea​      

A/N: I’m slowly, but surely making my way through my prompt-list for the month of May! There’s still some left to choose from, so get your cute little butts to the list and pick out what you’d like to see! I hope y’all will enjoy it, because I sure as hell loved writing it!

Prompt: “Did you not notice me flirting at all?” “You’re very hard to read! “It’s been TWO YEARS!”


You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one shot or multichapter fic, with whatever you want in it!


Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine in particular) and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits because I am me, and I have none!





Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plus sized!Female reader 

Contains: Language, fluff, sort of coworkers to lovers, straight, pure fluff to rot your teeth on such a fine Thursday, Henry being an absolute SNACK

W.C.: 2.277

Dirty little secret



It wasn’t that Henry didn’t know he was attractive. Hell, he had even used it a few times to his own gain; a smile, a wink here and there, and he’d mostly get what he asked for. Sometimes even things, he didn’t ask for.

But Y/N had been completely unfazed by him – you had smiled softly right back and looked very confused, when Henry winked at you between sets. That had been two years ago, and he was growing pretty annoyed that you were so hard to fluster. It had become sort of a habit to him to try and flirt – at first, it was just to see if you picked up on it – but now it was a battle of will.

Heliked you. Actually, he had mused to himself during a night-shoot in frigid temperatures, when he saw you hand out homemade hot cocoa from your own thermos to every, single person working that night, he might be in love.
You were easy to be around. You always carried yourself as if you were being lifted by gentle winds, your smile was infectious and your laugh, God, don’t get him started on your laugh. It was insane, the power you held over him.

It hadn’t made it easier when you became friends – of course, it was pretty inevitable, seeing as you were both regulars on The Witcher and had been since it started – and you were just… Perfect. You had baked him a birthday-cake, for crying out loud. With not enough candles, which you had told him was to his own benefit, so he didn’t think about how old he’d gotten.
You were fucking beautiful, too. In such an unassuming, very unrecognized way. He had told you once that he thought you were stunning, when you wore that damned bottle-green dress to a red carpet, but you had blushed and told him, he didn’t need to lie. You were used to it.
He didn’t understand that at all. To him, you were delectable, if he had to chose a word to describe you; round and luscious, curves and thighs that made him want to bury his face in you – all in all, he had to compliment himself on his sheer willpower, when you asked him to held you hook your damn garter-belt back to your thigh high and had hoisted your dress up just enough. His fingers were burning for days afterwards with the memory of your warm, soft skin under the pads of them.

And now, he was staring at you as you laughed your head off with Anya, tears welling in your eyes. He barked a laugh out when your makeup-artist scolded you with a stern face.
“Laugh it up, Cavill, you’re the one getting covered in goo.” You shouted at him, and fucking winked at him. He might die from a heart attack these days.
“Be careful, or I’ll cover you in goo.” He yelled back, and practically felt his toes retreat into his body. Flirting was normally not an issue for him, but with you, he was reduced to a teenager, apparently. You didn’t mind, throwing your head back and laughed loudly, a cute little snort following.
“Sure, thing, darling, bring it on.” He tried not to let the thought of you covered in something else entirely get too much to him.

It was like a dirty little secret, how much he wanted you.

When it came to press-tours, the PR-team had decided that you were the only one who could handle interviews with him. They had been very vocal about the fact that Henry and Joey would be a match made in hell, that Anya and Freya had way too much chemistry to try and separate them; and Kim and Joey were simply perfect for co-interviews. Right bastards, really, because they – especially Joey – had made a very big deal out of a little crush. Joey was constantly wagging his stupid brows at Henry, whenever he talked to Y/N, while Kim gave Henry a stern “dad-talk”, threatening to cut each of his limps off, starting with the one between his legs if he ever as much as curled a hair on Y/N’s head.
And then the teasing had begun. You had been none the wiser, simply thinking it was all in good fun, but oh lord, those two were absolute menaces.

So, that’s why you were seated next to Henry in a way too small couch – he wasn’t sure if it was actually small, he was big or he just felt like he was touching all too much of you, when your PR-manager came over. The PR-team had even gone as far as saying that you two had extraordinary energy together, and that had sealed the deal, apparently; Henry wasn’t exactly opposed to the energy you had with him, but he was, however, very concerned about the fact that his heart was beating out of his chest.

“You know, I can hear your gears turning, Henry.” You mumbled, nudging his shoulder. “All good?”
“You’re next to me, why wouldn’t it be?” He said with a grin. You bit your lip.
“You’re absolutely insane.”
“About you, yes.” You rolled your eyes.
“Reel it in, Casanova, save it for the ladies.”
“Are you not a lady?” He couldn’t help the grin on his face; this was the first time you’d willingly entertained a conversation that started with flirting, although he suspected either it was nerves or you just being blissfully unaware that it was actual flirting. You were about to answer when the interviewer came into view.
“I’m so happy to meet you both! I’m such a fan, Y/N, your last independent movie? It was an absolute joy to see.” Henry grinned at you.
“Aw, thank you. I’m glad someone likes my weird movies.” The interviewer grinned, and Henry didn’t miss the way her eyes flicked to your arm, which had somehow linked around Henry’s.
“Alright, are you guys ready to get the show on the road?”
“Sure are.” Henry replied, smiling softly.
He didn’t want to think too hard about the way your thumb rubbed circles on the crease of his elbow, or he might lose all remembrance of speech.

The interview was pretty clean, nothing out of the ordinary. He liked hearing your answers, as he always did, and he answered gracefully himself, whenever asked.
“So, there’s some rumors going around.” The interviewer said, a wide smile on her lips.
“There’s plenty of those, I imagine.” Y/N answered and laughed. “Remember the rumor about Jaskier secretly being a Witcher?” Henry nodded.
“Or the one about Yennefer somehow being Ciri’s mother?” henry asked, and you both laughed.
“While those are all good, this is actually about the two of you!” The interviewer said, straightening her back a little.
“Oh, boy.” You swallowed thickly. You had told him at a wrap-party that you always feared the rumors; you were a little intimidated by the rumor-mill, and, you confided, worried that most of them was about your weight equaling your success and or talent. Henry found it ludicrous; you had more talent in your pinky than he did in his entire body. He untangled his arm from yours, and slowly, almost secretively, wrapped it around your waist, pulling you a little closer to him.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen the many videos about you two?” You both shook your head.
“Oh, wow, you need to!” The interviewer grinned. “There’s a lot of compilations of you two, most of them titled something along the lines of Henry being in love with Y/N for five minutes straight and…” The interviewer looked at her cards. “Y/N being unaware of Henry being a lovesick puppy for ten minutes straight.” She laughed a little.
“Wow, I didn’t think…” Y/n trailed off, looking to Henry for help. He was happy to do so.
“Me neither. I mean, we’ve seen some of the ones with Joey and Anya, mostly because Joey is a narcissist who loves when people talk about him…” Henry laughed. “But we didn’t know people made them about us.” He willed the stupid blush to disappear from his face.

“Well, there’s plenty. I was just thinking, and judging by the videos, so are your fans, is there any truth to it?” You laughed.
“Oh, no, we’re just friends.” Henry frowned.
“Hey, now, that’s a little presumptuous of you to say.” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Excuse me?”
“Well…” he smiled. “I’m just saying, you can’t really just speak for the both of us.” You chuckled.
“Do you have a thing for me, Henry?” You asked playfully, clearly expecting him to laugh along. He supposed no time was like the present.
“Yes.” You coughed, choking a little on your own spit, while the interviewer breathed out a oh my God – she was about to hit the damn jackpot with this.
“I’msorry?” You stared at him with wide eyes. He shrugged.
“Yes. I have a thing for you. Several, in fact.” You spluttered.
“But I… Y-wh…. What?” He smiled and turned to the interviewer.

“I think we’ll round out, if that’s alright.” She nodded, dumbfounded, and Henry stood, pulling you to your feet, saying your goodbyes and then dragged you to the green room, where he locked the door behind him.

Henry, you can’t joke about…” You began.
“I wasn’t joking. Why would I joke about that?” He asked as an afterthought.
“I don’t know! Just… Maybe to get me… I don’t know.” You grumbled and sat down heavily in the chair next to the desk full of fruits and snacks.
“You…Seriously have a thing for me?”

“Well, yes… Did you not notice me flirting at all?” You shrugged.
You’re very hard to read.” He groaned.
“IT’S BEEN TWO YEARS!” He said in a loud voice. You looked to him.

“Wait, so… All those weird comments about… Like… Goo and all that, that was true?” You asked with the hitn of a smile on your lips.
“Oh, the goo-one… Not my best.” He said, blushing at the memory. “But yeah, all in all.”
“Oh, my… So, at your birthday, when you said you’d be happy to grow old, if I was next to you, you weren’t like… Making a weird nursing home reference?” You asked in a breathy voice.
No. I honestly thought that was enough to make you understand what I felt, but you are willfully ignorant, sometimes, my love.” He said, sitting down in front of you – he was kneeling, his large hands splayed out on your thighs.
“My best friend calls it romance-selective hearing.” You giggled, your eyes locked on his hands.
“Darling, I’m serious. If you had been paying attention, you’d have noticed how much I look at you. Want to be near you. How badly I want to just…” His grip tightened on your thighs.
“Anyway, yes, I do feel… I have a thing or a million for you, but who’s counting?” He said with a soft smile.
“I cannot. With you. Like… This. Dude, you’ve dated people, who are the size of my wrist.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Is that what you’re worried about?” You nodded once.
“Love…” He gently put two fingers under your chin and had to physically restrain himself from attacking your lips right then and there, when your eyes landed on his and a tiny, little, very sensual whimper tumbled from your lips. He would store that information for later use.
“I really couldn’t care if you were the size of a tulip or a whale. I like you for you, and I think you’re absolutely beautiful. Seriously. I still dream of you wearing that damned green dress…” he smiled at you. “I mean it, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my hopeful eyes on, and it has been torture to try and get you to understand how badly I want you, when you clearly didn’t care too much for my flirting.” You grinned at him.
“I guess you’ve lost your flair, Cavill.” He leaned in, testing the waters; your breath hitched, and he assumed it was safe enough to press his lips against yours softly.

At least, that’s what he intended for it to be, but he was surprised by your reaction; you gasped against his lips and threw your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss instantly. He groaned and stood, simply pulling you with him, until your feet didn’t touch the ground anymore, and you wrapped them around his waist. You kissed hungrily, both of you trying to keep your hands to yourself. It was a public space, after all. You pulled away with a sigh and he lowered you back to the ground.

He never realized just how much he towered over you, until he had to – oh no, how awful – lift your head with two fingers under your chin again, that delightful little whimper coming right back. Your lips were swollen.

“Lost my flair, have I?” He asked, his voice hoarse. You grinned, and that beautiful smile could light up any day, night or life for him.

“I suppose you haven’t entirely… That depends, though.” He kissed you again, holding back, so you wouldn’t end up doing something stupid, like screwing in the middle of the green room.
“Depends on what, love?” He kissed your forehead, simply not able to resist having his lips on you in any capacity.

“How much you like pizza, lord of the rings and how well you cuddle.” He smiled brighter than the sun, clasping his hand with yours.

“I am going to snuggle the everloving shit out of you, Y/N Y/L/N.”


@acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea​     

A/N: Yeah, you’re getting more – I am procrastinating hard because I hate exams and they kill me. Anyway, I hope y’all will enjoy it, because I sure as hell loved writing it! Also, I’m trying to go as much in order as possible – hopefully, it’s by request, but if I can’t remember which came first, I’ll do them in numerical order of the prompt-list.

Prompt:  Y/N is a lingerie-model and she needs help getting some photos added to her portfolio – who better than her hot photographer-neighbor?


You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one shot or multichapter fic, with whatever you want in it!


Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine in particular) and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits because I am me, and I have none!





Pairing: Photographer!Henry Cavill x female reader

Contains: Language, strangers to lovers, fluff, SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), fingering, oral (f recieving), dirty talk, cream pie, praise kink, slight degradation kink, slight dumbification, SO MUCH SEXUAL TENSION, p in v, unprotected sex

W.C.: 4.743 (whoops)

You should see me in a crown

You groaned and tried to angle yourself better – it didn’t help, half of your body was either obscured, or your body looked off. It was annoying. Damn this pandemic, having booked up any available photographers for the next four months, when you needed your portfolio up to date by the end of the week.

Apparently, selfies weren’t really a go-to when it came to that kind of thing. You had managed fine with the headshots, but the rest was all wrong and off, and you were shit out of options at this point.

You groaned and pulled your robe on, tightening it around your waist, covering the expensive lingerie you had been sent; it was beautiful, rose-colored and lacy, but you couldn’t capture it right at all.

This called for your favorite: Pizza. Maybe not the best option for you, seeing as you were modeling underwear, but you needed comfort and cheese. Stat. You ordered quickly and poured yourself a healthy glass of wine, when you heard it – your neighbor began playing his music again, and you tilted your head with a smile on your lips, trying to figure out what he was listening today.

You never really spoke to apartment A34. He was nice, but really quiet. He had moved in a week after you, and other than the occasional hey when you spotted each other in the hallway, you didn’t really know him or anything about him. He did have a nice, soft and deep voice, and the smile could melt stone. He wore a camera around his neck almost all the time, you saw him.

The only thing you knew for sure, was that his music reflected his feelings. You had gathered that fact after you ran into a rather uptight-looking woman, who rushed from his apartment, mumbling something under her breath about crazy photographers and their shit and he had blasted Halestorm (and Love bites (but so do I) had been repeated more times than necessary) through the night. You didn’t mind.
Then it was Hozier, which only played when it rained, sometimes followed by the smell of apple-pie. He listened to The Beatles on good days, where you could faintly hear him sing along, and on sunny days, he listened to Mother Mother, which, in your opinion, wasn’t exactly sunnymusic, but you didn’t mind. He had good taste, at least.

Today it was something new; it sounded like The Bravery, which you hadn’t heard him play before, and you tapped your foot along to it, as you waited for your food to arrive. You cleaned up a little, trying to pass time, and you sighed gratefully when a knock sounded on the door.

You opened it to your handsome A34-neighbor, who held a pizzabox and a sheepish smile on his face.
“Hi, sorry. They, er, delivered this. I’m pretty sure I didn’t order it, so…” He handed it to you.
“Thank you. Happens more than I like.” You said with a smile and pointed to his camera, that was dutifully slung around his neck. “Photographer?” You asked. He nodded.
“Yep. I, er…” You smiled.
“Yeah, is it that obvious?” He asked, smirking a little.
“A little. It’s cute, though. Fits you.” You said, before looking down at your pizza. “I should…”
“Oh, of course. Have a good night, A32.” He said with a grin.
“You too, A34.”


While you chewed your way through cheesy goodness, you were deep in thought. It might be a shitty idea brought on by copious amounts of wine, or maybe you just had zero self-respect at this point, but the thought of asking A34 for help seemed like a better and better idea by the second.

You decided it wouldn’t hurt to at least ask, so you gathered all your courage and straightened up, fixed your hair, and trudged to his door, knocking softly. You had to knock three times before the music turned down and the door opened to a rather surprised face.

“A32. What can I do for you?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe. His arms were huge, you noted – it sent an involuntary shiver run down the length of your body, and you did your very best to appear very professional and not at all thirsty.

“So, you’re a photographer.”
“I am.”
“What kind?”
“Am I in a job-interview?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and a playful smile on his lips. “I do a little of everything. I’m best with portraits.” You exhaled.
“ThankGod. Okay, do you by any chance have time to help me out?” He looked at you with furrowed brows.
“Oh, shit, sorry. I’m a model, and I need some shoots for my portfolio, but because of the pandemic, every single photographer has been booked out for months. I have a week.” You said sheepishly. “I promise, I’ll pay you. I just… I won’t get jobs if I don’t have a portfolio that’s up to date.” You finished with a hopeful smile.
“Err…” He bit his lip – why was that so damn hot – and glanced behind him.
“You know what, I can probably take a few for you.” You jumped in happiness and hugged him – he grunted at the impact, but hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist. You pulled away with warm cheeks.
“Thank you so much.” He smiled.
“No problem. I’ll be over in 15.” You turned to leave, when he called out.
“Wait, can’t call you A32 forever. What’s your name?” You grinned widely at him.
“Hi, Y/N, good to meet you. I’m Henry.” The way he spoke your name, almost tasting it as it rolled over his tongue, made you clench your thighs together. Shit.

Exactly 15 minutes later (all of which you had spent throwing the mess in your apartment into every, single closet and dresser, while trying to make yourself look presentable and without cheese between your teeth), he knocked on your door.

“It’s open, come on in!” You yelled out, fixing the three sets of lingerie, you needed pictures of on your couch. He stepped inside, carrying a camera in his hand, one around his neck and a case full of lenses in his right hand. You quirked your eyebrow at it. He grinned and carefully set everything down.

“Didn’t know what you needed when it came to focus, lenses and or light. Might as well come prepared, right?” You nodded.
“Seriously,thank you. Do you want a glass of wine or a beer?” He hummed.
“Wine would be great. American beer taste like straight piss.” You laughed and poured him a hearty glass of wine, handing it over. He took a sip.

“So, what are we shooting? And where?” He looked around your apartment. “It’s cozy, by the way.” You grinned.
“Thank you. I try.” You glanced at him – he looked oddly at home in your apartment, both like he had been here several times before, but also – in a strange way – like he belonged.

“You know, I hear your music sometimes.” You said, drinking a sip of your own wine. You didn’t get nervous in front of cameras normally, so why was this guy making you feel like a leaf, holding on against the sheer force of wind on a late autumn day? Maybe, you mused, it was the fact that his head almost hit your ceiling-lamp and he took up a lot of space in your small living room. He was a giant, broad and if he didn’t exude casual energy, you were sure he’d command a room just by stepping into it.  
“Oh, really? Shit, I’m sorry.” You shook your head and laughed a little.
“It’s fine, really. I like it. I can kind of tell what kind of day you’re having with your choice in music.”
Fuck.” He chuckled. “Damn, you know a lot more about me than I know about you, then. I’ll keep it down.”
“it’s fine, seriously. I don’t think you’re playing all that loud, the walls are just really thin, and I think that your living room borders my bedroom.” You said with a shy smile. You didn’t want to think about the possibility of that sound traveling both ways, because that meant he had heard some less than savory things coming from you late at night.
“Enlighten me, then. What is your thesis on my mood and music?” You shrugged and drank again, feeling a little hot under his gaze.
“You listen to If I Fell by the Beatles when you’re stressed. I can hear you banging about when it plays.” He hummed. “Oh, and I’d steer clear of you if you’re listening to Black Label Society. I can hear you stomp around.” He laughed at that.
“Damn, I should listen to something new to keep you on your toes.”
“I like knowing you like that. It’s intimate.” You closed your eyes in pure shame. “Oh my God, just forget that.” He roared with laughter.
“Okay, let’s just… Okay, just, we’re shooting in here.” You said, laughing along with him as you led him to your bedroom – he was easy to be around, which was a definite plus.
“Oh, your bedroom?” He asked, swallowing thickly.
“Yeah, it’s the best light in the entire apartment. Hope that’s okay…?” You asked, pointing to the ring light you had set up. “I mean, I have this, so the light will be better. The sun’s down, so the natural light is a bust.” He nodded, going into photographer-mode.
“Would you mind if I move around a bit?”
“Not at all.” He nodded.
“Oh, what are we shooting?” He asked absentmindedly.
“Well… So, I’m a lingerie-model.” You said with a sly smile. He sputtered.
“Sorry?” Your cheeks were burning up.
“Yeah. And I need some new things because a few… Uhm, areas have changed a bit.” You said, glancing down at your chest. You had previously thought that boob-growth would stop after your teens, but apparently not.
“So… I, er, you need… Me… Er, to..”
“Take pictures? Headshots and a few full body pictures? I need a few different sets photographed, because they sit differently depending on what type it is.” You explained, wringing your hands. “Would that be okay?” He swallowed again, his eyes darting to your robe.
“Oh, yeah, sure. I just… Need to get the right lenses. And all that jiz…” he caught himself. “All that jazz.” You swallowed thickly. Oh boy, this was going to be hard.
“Cool. I’ll let you set up and, uh, I’ll… Get my stuff ready.” Why did he have to be attractive?

You came back to the bedroom a few minutes later, while he was screwing on a lens – he had moved your bed a little out of the way (how he had managed that alone boggled your mind, because it had required you and two movers to put it in place) and he had put up the light where he wanted it.
“I was thinking we’ll do some soft light ones, maybe on the bed, and a few full body ones on the stool.” He pointed to a stool from your kitchen, he had placed in front of the only blank wall in your bedroom. “We’ll see what feels most comfortable for you, and just kind of experiment, if you’re up for it?” He was being entirely professional, and you thanked him silently for being able to do it. You nodded and smiled.
“I have three different sets to shoot, so could we maybe start on the stool? I’d love to have some standing ones too.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. Whenever you’re ready.”
“How much am I going to owe you?” You asked, pulling your wallet out.
“Oh, about that…” He smiled sweetly at you. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to do a few extra for me? It would be a great way to expand on my own portfolio as well.”
“Yeah. Free of charge, if you’re okay with lending me your body.” He coughed. “For pictures! Pictures, of course.” You bit your lip.
“Sure thing, Henry.” You walked to the stool and stood in front of it as he adjusted the lights and the setting on his camera.
“Can you take the robe off? I need to see how the light reflects on your skin in the camer…” He stopped talking when the robe fell from your shoulders.
The rose-colored set with garters seemed to have left him speechless. You looked at him through your eyelashes – totally unintentionally, of course – and cleared your throat.
“Is this okay…?” You asked. He nodded.
“Y-yeah, that’s, er, t-that’s great. Just… One moment, please.” He looked through his camera and tweaked a few things.
“Would you mind if I put music on? I just feel more at ease like that.” You were lying through your teeth. You would have no issue doing this without music, but you needed something to distract yourself just a little. Besides, you had the perfect playlist in mind.

“Yeah, no, go right ahead.” You jumped off the stool and turned on your speakers, finding your playlist – you had in a bout of inspiration called it fuck me – and put it on. You breathed a sigh of relief as familiar music began streaming and you got back on the chair.
“Ready when you are.”

The stool-pictures had gone easily by, him telling you positions that would work best on camera and he even went as far as adjusting you sometimes – every time his warm hand touched your skin, you had sucked in a breath, trying to contain your absolutely inappropriate wetness. When you decided it was enough, you quickly switched to a different set – this one was red, and a babydoll in sheer mesh covered most of you, but you realized that your nipples were very visible through the sheer fabric. You groaned. Fucking shit.

“Let’s do a few standing.” He mumbled, not looking at you. You stood in front of the ring light, and when he saw you through his lens, you swore you heard him mutter a small fucking shit.
“Yup, perfect. Right there.” He huffed, biting his teeth together hard enough to make his jaw clench.

This shoot went on just as well as the other, but the tension was insane. You felt like you could barely breathe, while he snapped pictures of you, still adjusting you every which way, sometimes even grazing your hardened nipple. It was too much.

“I’ll… Change.” You mumbled, hurrying from your bedroom as the thumbing tones from E-girls are ruining my life rang out behind you. You were an idiot for putting music on, that would under normal circumstances make you feel wild and slightly horny.

The last set was black and lacy, but sheer as hell. It had a garterbelt and thigh highs too, the fabric of the bra barely covered your chest and the high-waisted thong made you shiver; you knew it looked good, but you were a little worried about wearing so little in front of him. Hopefully his camera wouldn’t pick up on how wet you were.

His eyes found yours in the moment, you stepped inside, and he groaned.
“Comeon.” He looked like he was in pain.
“Bed?” You asked, and he nodded tightly. You didn’t miss the way he adjusted himself in his pants but decided to ignore it. You were a professional, after all.
You laid down on the bed and he snapped a few pictures, before showing them to you.
“Wow, I think I got what I needed!” You said happily. “Uh, did you want to get some as well?” You asked softly. He drew a deep breath.
“Yeah. If that’s okay.”
“Sure thing. Tell me what to do.” He sucked a breath in between his teeth and you clenched your thighs together. Fucking hell, it had gotten hot in here.
“Okay, can you lay on your stomach, legs up and crossed? Oh, and take your hair down, please.” You followed instructions and you heard a small, almost inaudible whisper of fuck as you did.
“Okay, now… Cross your arms at the elbows, and kind of… Stretch out a little. Elongate your back and push your, er, behind up, please.” You looked at him with a smirk and a crooked eyebrow.
“Just trust me.” He grinned.
“Alright.” You did what he asked, and you instantly felt why he needed you like this; you felt sexy as hell in this position. You shot him a smile through the tufts of hair hanging down.
“Fuck, yes. Stay right there, like that.” He snapped a few pictures.
“Okay… Do you trust me?” Weirdly, you did.
“Good. Can you lay down on your back for me, darling?” The nickname wasn’t lost on you, and it sent shivers down your legs. He cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah.” You laid on your back, and he let the camera fall to his chest again, hanging from the strap on his neck.
“Two seconds. Is it okay if I touch you?” He asked genuinely. You nodded. “Thank you.” He smiled and began arranging your hair around your face, the tip of his tongue sticking out slightly between his lips. You had to seriously contain yourself from sucking it. He began slowly letting his fingers trail down to your arms, leaving goosebumps in his wake, whenever he touched your skin. He slowly, but surely, grabbed your wrists and you sucked in a sharp breath as you felt his fingers wrap around your wrists, before slowly moving your arms above your head, crossing your wrists.
You were shaking, when he slowly moved his hands to your waist – letting his fingers trail to your ribs first – and then your hips, grabbing them and angling you a little. You didn’t know what to do with yourself. His fingers were burning on your skin, and there was tension high enough to power a small city between you.
His fingers slid from your hips to your thighs and you almost moaned when the tips of his fingers held your inner thighs until they moved to your knees. He grabbed you from the back of your knee and lifted your leg into position. He shot you a smile, his eyes a little darker than before, and then he climbed on the fucking bed.

You didn’t move, when he stood, straddling your shins with wide legs, angling the camera.
“Perfect.” He mumbled and you looked straight into the lens. You had never felt anything more sensual than this very moment.
“Okay, can you… This is going to sound weird, but can you think of something… Sexy?”
“Something sexy?” You could think of plenty. “Like what?” He blushed a little and lowered the camera.
“I just need a specific look from you.”
“Henry, just say what you need.” He licked his lips.
“Think of whatever you want someone to do to you. What you like… What turns you on, anything, really.” You exhaled a shaky breath. No problem.

“You got it.” Your mind flooded with absolutely filthy things. Henry pinning your wrists as you moaned underneath him. Henry between your legs. Henry fucking you deeply, biting your collarbone. Kissing Henry. In reality, you just imagined Henry and that was more than enough. You didn’t even notice him taking pictures, much less the way he shifted a little to alleviate some of the tension in his pants.

“Thank you. I think I got it.” He whispered and pulled you from your thoughts.
“Are you sure?” You didn’t want him to leave.
“I mean, I think I, uh, might need some help with the right expression.” You said boldly – you didn’t know where it came from, and you honestly didn´t care as soon as you saw his eyes darken significantly.
“Y/N, I…”
“I just want to make sure you have a good picture.” You said slowly, eyes trained on him. “It would be a shame, if my expression ruined that for you…”
The camera hung limply from his chest now, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head.
“Whatever you think I mean, yes.” You whispered.

He quickly got down, resting his body on top of yours and his lips were so fucking close, you could almost taste him.
“If I start, I might not stop.” He said slowly, his breath fanning over your face. It was intoxicating.
“Who said I wanted you to stop?”
“Darling, I would ruin you.” You smirked at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.

“Try me.”
“Fuckinghell, princess.”

And all thoughts went right out of your head, because he pulled his camera off himself quicker than you could even see, and his lips slotted over yours with absolute urgency.
You moaned against his lips, electricity running through your body like wildfires. You wrapped your legs around his hips, your heels digging into his ass, pulling him closer to you; his tongue found yours and you mewled as you felt his erection press against your clothes. You were both moaning into the kiss, hands frantic as you both tried to undress him and you.
“Yousuck at taking my shirt off.” He laughed, pulling it over his head.
“Shut up, it was tight.” You were desperate for his lips back on yours and it was near unbearable. He groaned and bit down on your lower lip, tugging it slightly. You whimpered.
“Oh, you like it a little rough, love…? You want me to ruin you, don’t you, princess?” You moaned again, rolling your hips to create friction on your clit. He hissed and grabbed your hair, pulling it roughly.
“F-fuck, Henry…” You were breathless, completely ready to give him whatever he asked for. You’d soul your soul for this man, as long as he kept going. His free hand undid his pants, and he pushed them down his legs with urgency, before two fingers found the waistband of your panties.
“Fond of these?”
“I mean, yeah…” He groaned and quickly tugged them down your legs.
“Fine, I won’t ruin this pair, then.” Your eyes rolled back at the ferocity of his voice. A completely ungodly sound left your lips when his thick fingers found your dripping pussy, entering you with ease.
“Oh, baby, you don’t even need me to warm you up, do you? Such a good girl, just ready for me…” He dragged his fingers in and out of you, edging you closer to your high, and you whined.
“Such a little whore, aren’t you? Willing to fuck me just for taking your pictures?” Normally, you’d have his damn head for saying shit like that, but you felt a gush of wetness at his words; it was disgusting and filthy, but it turned you on like nothing else.
“There’s a good girl… You want to cum for me?” He asked, his lips trailing down your body until he blew a gust of cool air on your throbbing clit. You writhed under him.
“Fuck, just… Fucking…” You didn’t know what you wanted, but you wanted something. His fingers were unrelenting in you, and he chuckled darkly, the sound sending shockwaves through your entire body.
You weren’t prepared for his mouth and tongue attacking your wet pussy. You screamed in pleasure as he began sucking and licking like a man possessed. Your hips were rolling against his face and fingers, your high so fuckingclose.
“Fuck, you taste like heaven, darling…” He groaned, tongue lapping at your folds. You writhed and your hips bucked, the familiar heat in your abdomen building until it nearly reached its crescendo, when he stopped.
“Baby girl, you better ask first…” he whispered, the sound muffled slightly by your thighs.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” You moaned, and his mouth left yours – he instead slapped down on your clit with his wide hand, and you screamed, arching your back off the bed.
“Play nice, or I won’t.” he promised.
“Fuck, sorry… Please, please, can I cum, please, Henry…” He chuckled.
“Fast learner.” He lowered his face again.
“You can cum, love.” His mouth and tongue began their attack again as his fingers sped up, and you barely had time to fucking breathe before an orgasm overwhelmed you; you exploded on him, your wetness gushing from you as you came hard, your hips bucking as he ate you through your orgasm.

“Fucking shit…” You moaned, grabbing at his hair to pull him up. He willingly followed, his cheeks and chin wet with you, and you kissed him deeply, tasting yourself on his tongue. You whimpered against him, your hand snaking between your bodies to grab at his throbbing cock. He moaned as you began jerking you off, his fingers leaving you.
“Don’t… I want to last, baby… Need to be inside of you, princess.” He said breathily.
You sighed dramatically.
Fine, I guess I’ll save the cock-worship for another day.” You grinned at him when you felt him twitch in your hand.
“Oh, this is all about you, darling… You did so good for me, you deserve a reward, don’t you?” You preened under his praise.
“Please…” He nudged your clit with his thick cockhead, teasing you and coating himself in your slick.
“Please, what, princess?” You could hear the smirk on his lips.
“Please… Fuck me… Please, fuck me until I can’t think.” He growled and in one, swift move, he was inside of you – you moaned as he stretched you completely.
“Fuck, you are big… Shit…”
“You can take it, you’re my good girl, aren’t you?” He asked, nibbling at your collarbone as he slowly inched inside of you. When he bottomed out, you both exhaled a moan, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
“I swear to God, if you don’t move…” He laughed at your impatience, but nonetheless, he slowly pulled out before slamming harshly back into you.

He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d ruin you. For any other man in all planes of existence. You were a mess under him, your arms and legs desperately clinging to him as he fucked you deeply, his head hitting your g-spot every single time, and you cried out as he dragged against your walls, his fingers finding your nipple and rolling and pinching it.
“Fuck, look at you taking me so fucking well…” He sat up, holding your legs to his chest before spreading them out, fucking into you even deeper. You angled your hips up, allowing him to grab your ass to hold onto as he sped up. Your walls clenched around him.
“Is my pretty girl going to cum again, huh? Want to make a mess of my cock, princess?” He grunted, and you barely had breath enough in you to tell him, yes, fuck yes I am – he grinned and his thumb found your clit, adding pressure to it.
“Then cum for me, love…” You didn’t have to be told twice. You came for a second time tonight, earthshattering pleasure coursing through your veins and your entire body went tight as a bowstring; he growled and picked up the pace even more, slamming deeply into you as you rode out your orgasm, letting it wash over you. You were incoherent at this point, begging for something.
“Aw, look at you, all cock-drunk on me… So pretty, when you’re fucked stupid, aren’t you?” His long fingers found your mouth. “Suck.” You wrapped your lips around his fingers, hollowing your cheeks and began sucking his fingers, twirling your tongue against the pads of his fingers and he grunted, his pace stuttered.
“Where do you want me to cum, love?” he asked between moans. “I’m getting so fucking close…” he mumbled, looking down at where your dripping pussy swallowed his thick cock.
“In me. Fill me, please, please…” You mumbled around his fingers. His eyes gleamed and he pulled his fingers from you and leaned down to capture your lips with his again.

His pace was otherworldly, and when his hips stuttered again, you moaned and wrapped your legs around his hips, driving him deeper. Your walls pulsed around him, and he roared as he came, spilling ropes of cum inside of you.

You were both panting and sweating, when he grinned mischievously and fumbled on the ground, producing his camera. He snapped a picture of your flushed, smiling and downright drunk face.
“You look so pretty like this, darling.” You chuckled weakly.
“You should see me in a crown.” He laughed and kissed you softly.

“This is going to be a habit, isn’t it?” He asked against your lips.

“Not without dinner first, it’s not.” You replied, kissing him back.


TAGLIST: @acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea             

A/N: Here’s the first one shot from my promptlist! I hope y’all will enjoy it, because I sure as hell loved writing it!

Prompt: “Don’t flatter yourself, I’m only here for the cake”

You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one shot or multichapter fic, with whatever you want in it!

Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine in particular) and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits because I am me, and I have none!





Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plus sized!Female reader

Contains: Language, enemies to lovers, slight smut (18+ MINORS DNI), thigh riding, slight dirty talk, slight praise kink 

W.C.: 2.415

Caved in


It wasn’t your first choice to spend the evening – which, by the way, was the first day off you’d had in just around three weeks – left to your own devices at a random VIP party, your best friend had dragged you to.

You barely knew anyone, the drinks were terrible, and you felt too big, like you took up too much space with your body, to belong. A few sneers had already come your way, and you didn’t know why on earth she’d want you here.

You leaned against the table you had planted yourself at, sipping your god-awful drink slowly, trying to look like you belong.

Which you didn’t, in your opinion.

You caught the azure-blue eyes of a certain man, you had hoped you wouldn’t meet and groaned under your breath. Perfect, really. Of course, he’d be here.  He cocked an eyebrow at you, which you returned with a tightlipped smile, tipping your glass to him.

Where the hell was Loes? She had run off, spotting a friend somewhere in the crowd with a hurried I’ll be right back – which was an hour ago. You were pretty sure she’d managed to land herself in a bathroom, probably with Sebastian Stan, if she had anything to say about it, and that left you alone for an unforeseeable future.

You texted her quickly, not really hoping for a response. She was probably balls deep at this point, which you did find impressive. Good for her, really.

“I didn’t expect you to show up here.” His voice sent shivers down your spine, and you rolled your eyes. Motherfucking Henry Cavill. You turned around with a smile, that most definitely didn’t reach your eyes.
“Hello to you, too.” He looked good, great, even. It was downright annoying. He was handsome as ever, his brown locks perfectly laid back, his suit fitting wonderfully over his chest and arms; you didn’t even have to look to know, that his pants were like glued to his thighs.

“Waiting for me?” There it was - the goddamn attitude. He always seemed to be better than anyone around him – except for when he was around Loes, who managed to ground her best friend. To you, he was insufferable and deeply egocentric – he never even tried to get along with you, despite your efforts. He always did the face, where his stupid eyebrow cocked up, a slight smirk played on his lips and his eyes ran up and down your body as if he was asking and what do you think you are?
It was annoying at best, at worst? It was enough to make you crumble a little. It hadn’t been better after you heard part of a conversation between him and Loes one night.

“Her body…”
“Henry, you’re disgusting.”
It was more than enough for you to know how he felt about you. That, paired with the way he looked at you, made you feel annoyingly small and seething with anger, every time you saw his stupid face. It was shitty, mostly because you honestly had tried to get along with him – Loes was your best friend and his, and you did quite like the way he looked. Also, the way he talked to people was nice – just not directed at you.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I’m only here for cake.” You spat.
“Not surprising.” You narrowed your eyes at him, and something flashed in his eyes – guilt, maybe? – and you sneered at him.
“What the fuck is your problem? Are you kidding me? We’ve known each other for a year, and you’re acting like I cut off your big toe or some shit. Try being a polite person, next time, asshole.” You pushed yourself from the table, gathered your things, tears burning in your eyes. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry, so you rushed from the venue, standing outside and lit up a cigarette while texting Loes that you felt sick and wanted to go home.
“Y/N, wait!” You sighed and closed your eyes.
“Iseriously do not want to talk to you, Henry. Can we just… Like… Not like each other from a distance?” You asked defeatedly, taking a drag of your cigarette.
“Can I have one?” He asked, pointing to the pack in your hand. You rolled your eyes, but gave him one, anyway.
“Didn’t take you for a smoker.” He chuckled at that and lit up his own cigarette, puffing the smoke out with a content sigh.
“Shouldn’t be, really. Only in certain situations.”
“Same. Anyway, good to get insulted by you yet again, I’ll go now.” You began to walk, but he grabbed your elbow, holding you in place.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you.” You huffed.
“Sure, Henry. Listen, I’ll be nice around you, so Loes won’t have to pick between us, but I’m not here for your amusement or for you to look down on. I’m a person, and I do have a sliver of self-respect left in me.” You said, cocking your eyebrow at him.
“I… When have I insulted you?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“Are you fuckingkidding me?” You seethed. “You’ve done nothing but your best to make me feel as small and insignificant as possible, since I met you. You never talk to me, and when you do, it’s laced with hidden insults and jabs. You look at me like I’m dirt under your feet, and you think you haven’t insulted me?” You glared at him.
“You’re currently insulting my fucking intelligence, Henry.” He looked taken aback, but his hand didn’t leave your elbow. You stomped on your cigarette.
“Let me go.”
“No. Hang on, you can’t just say all that and then expect me to not retort.”
“Oh, yes, please let me hear what you have to say about me.” You said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I do so love to hear your innermost thoughts.”
“Just… Come here.” He dragged you to an alley and stopped, his hand now on your shoulder, bending down to be eyelevel with you. Fucking tall man.

“Listen to me.” His eyes searched yours and you glared at him, putting as much venom in your eyes as you could.
“I’m truly sorry that I’ve insulted you, and that you think I think of you as lesser.” You snorted.
“Oh, come on…” He cut you off.
“Seriously. I didn’t mean for that at all. I think you’re a wonderful person, and I would be hard pressed to find something negative about you to say or even think. Except, of course, your vehement hate for me.” His lips slid into a smile. “But I honestly… I never wanted to insult you or make you feel bad.”
“That’s rich. You literally just said not surprising when I said I was here for cake, which, by the way, was a lie.” He frowned.
“Oh!” He smiled. “No, I didn’t mean anything by that. I thought you knew it was one of the best pastry chefs who made it, that’s why I said it. I truly came here for the cake. No way in hell I’d miss that.” It was your turn to frown.
“Yeah. I didn’t imply anything with it.” You were digesting his words.

“Well, what about your conversation with Loes?”
“Which one? We talk a lot.” He asked, finally deeming that you probably weren’t going to run away from him, and let your shoulder go, leaning against the wall opposite you, hands in his pockets.
“You… It’s a few months ago. I mean, I overheard part of it, which was you pretty much gagging over my body and her telling you, that you were disgusting.” To your surprise, he blushed. He looked like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie-jar. He rubbed the back of his neck, and the sight of him looking so… Bashful, while leaning against the wall, a smirk on his face and a foot propped up against the brick behind him, made your stomach swirl. That was uncharacteristically hot.

“Yeah,that.” You sighed. “It’s fine if you find me… Like… Not to your liking, I mean…” You gestured to his body. “You look like that, and you’ve dated women who were the size of my thigh, but that gives you no right to…” He cleared his throat.
“You misunderstood.”
“Sure, I did.”
“No, really.” He licked his lips. “Loes thought I was disgusting because I couldn’t stop talking about you. I was talking about…” He sighed and closed his eyes, before they landed on you again, this time with fire burning behind the blue. “I was talking about how attractive I found you. Your body. You are truly a vision to me, and I had a hard time shutting up about it. Lo thought I was a pig.” He laughed a little at the memory.
“She told me that I should stop talking to her about it, and just say it to you. I wanted to, but then you started acting like I was the biggest stain on your existence, so I decided against it.” You swallowed thickly and blinked a few times.

He thought you were hot? Like… Actually attractive. Suddenly, everything began to make sense.
Oh.” You exhaled. Every time he had looked you up and down, it hadn’t been in disgust, it was because he was admiring you – a lot of puzzle-pieces fell into place in your head.
“Wait, then… Why are you acting to high and mighty? Cocky?”
“I guess it’s a defense mechanism? I’m not sure. I guess I tried to impress you. Seem… Confident. I had no idea it had an adverse effect.”
“Well, now you do.” You grin at him. “I never thought you’d look at me in any way, if I’m being honest.” He frowned and looked deeply insulted.
“What? Have you seen yourself? You look like… that!” He gestured to your body, and you felt a familiar heat crawl to your cheeks. “That dress should be illegal in all countries.” He pushed away from the wall and his fingers found the strap, toying with it. Your breath hitched.
“I’m damn sure it is.” He mumbled, mostly to himself and the pad of his finger slid against your skin, trailing goosebumps in their wake.
“Were you serious? This isn’t just a play to get me to like you and then you tear me down?” His fingers stilled and his eyes locked on yours. They were dark – you chalked it up to the darkness of the alley.
“I’d never do anything like that, darling.” He said seriously. When you nodded, his fingers began moving again.
“You’re… Entirely unaware of the effect you have on people.” He said in a hushed voice.
“I don’t have an effect on people.” You whispered breathily. His fingers rested on your collarbone now, and you had to lean against the wall to avoid your knees buckling. He chuckled.
“Oh, darling, you really have no idea. The way you turn heads. All eyes on you… You carry yourself so damn confidently, it’s hard not to look.”
“People look because of my weight.”
“I don’t. I promise you, every time you’re in the room, my eyes are on you. You’re… Irresistible. Like a forbidden fruit.” He murmured. His fingers trailed your collarbone, dipping in the hollow between them, before moving to the other side.
“Henry, I…” Your breath hitched again as his fingers pushed the strap on your shoulder down just a little.
“You are fucking sinful. You walk around like this…” He let the strap glide further down your shoulder. “Without even knowing how fucking hard you get me…” The strap was at your elbow. “How much I imagine being inside of you, making you mine…” You gasped as the dress finally gave in and slipped from your chest, following the strap. He groaned as his eyes found your hardened nipple.
“Fucking hell, Y/N… You’re going to be the death of me.” His eyes found yours, hands hovering just above your exposed chest. He looked like he was waiting on approval, and your brain did the only thing, it could think of.

With a moan, your lips connected with his, desperation and urgency settling nicely in between moans – his hand flew to your chest, kneading it, while your hands found the back of his neck, grabbing tufts of hair in the nape of his neck; he growled and pushed his body against yours, his thigh between your legs and you couldn’t help the whine, that overtook you, when he pressed against your core. He tasted like whiskey sour and cigarettes, but there was something else, something so entirely Henry, it made you feel drunk.
You rolled your hips, creating friction where you could, grinding down on his thigh. He was kissing you like his life depended on it, as if he had wanted nothing but kissing you for his entire life. It was teeth and tongue, roaming hands and your dripping core that made a mess of his – probably very expensive – pants. Your hips stuttered as you felt pleasure creep up on you, and he grinned against your lips.

“Look at my pretty girl… Want to cum on my thigh, baby? Soak my pants…?” You mewled and whispered his name, when he pressed you down a little, letting you rut against his thigh harshly.
“Do it, baby… Cum for me, right here, on my fucking thigh…” You moaned against his lips, riding his thigh until you exploded.
His lips were searing against yours and he swallowed your sounds as you came hard, pleasure running rampant through your body. Your nerves were burning, every cell in your body was screaming for more and you had lost all control over your breathing and yourself. You were clawing his back, nails digging into his jacket, and you realized that he was holding you up effortlessly. Fucking hell.  

You came down with small, heaving breaths, while he kissed your collarbone and neck; you couldn’t see straight. He slowly removed his hand from your breast and deftly put the dress back on your chest and shoulder, before he lowered you carefully to the ground. He held your shoulders tightly until he was sure, you can stand on your own two feet. He kissed you softly again.

“Want to get out of here with me?”
“You have no idea.” You grinned and he kissed you longingly, already pulling you towards his car.


@acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea​ 

A/N: Exam season is ON, my loves, and despite my love for writing and my WIPS, I need to focus on those darn exams. So, instead, you’re getting a week of one-shots, because I need my creative outlet.

You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble (500-1000 words), one-shot (1500-5000 words) or a multichapter fic (5500-??? Words) with what you’ve always wanted. Want Henry to be homeless and a starving artist? Sure thing, babes. Want a BDSM relationship with Steve Rogers? Anytime. Fluffy love with August Walter? Yup. 40’s professor Bucky? YES.

I love y’all so much and thank you for your OUTPOUR of support. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.
Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine, in particular), and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.



Pairing: Henry Cavill x female reader (Best friends to lovers)

Contains: Fluff, slight angst, please-pretend-to-be-my-boyfriend-to-make-my-ex-jealous-trope, smut (18+ MINORS DNI), fingering, p in v, oral (f and m recieving), unprotected sex, slight cum-play, cream-pie, praise-kink, slight voyerism, slight exhibitionism, language 

W.C.: 4.378

Play pretend

Fuck. Fucking fuck, fuck, fuck. You pace your room, trying to decide if you should just call and tell Abby you’d gotten sick, maybe fell and broke your leg, or if you should admit defeat and show up – there was nothing you’d want less than show up, single and still seething over your breakup, at a party where your damn ex was. Apparently, it had been a last-minute decision on his part, and Abby had been really sorry about it – she had invited him to her end-of-summer bash months ago, when you were still dating, and now he wanted to come.

With his new girlfriend. Who just so happened to be the same girl, he had cheated on you with. Classic.

You sighed and sat down on your bed, calling Henry; he usually made you feel eons better, so perhaps he had some sort of gold nugget for you and your current spiral of feelings.
He picks up after three rings, his voice making you feel calm instantly.

“Hey, love. What’s up?”
“Can you kill me? Just… Like for a day?”
“Err… I think that might prove to be slightly problematic. Death is, as you probably know, pretty final.” You grunt and fall backwards on your bed.
“Zach is coming to the damn party.”
“Ouch.” You hummed.
“Ouch indeed. He’s bringing his new fling. Girlfriend, whatever.”
“Double ouch.” You narrowed your eyes and heard the sounds in the background.
“Hang on, are you gaming through my panic?” He chuckled.
“No, not at all. I would never.” The sounds stilled.
“You just paused.”
“I did not.” You laughed.
“Fine, you left the lobby, then.” He was quiet for a heartbeat and then spoke again.
“Maybe. Anyway, what are you going to do?” You sighed.
“I don’t know. Break a leg to have an excuse to not show up?”
“Abby’ll kill you. She’s been planning this for months, love.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know… I just… Ugh.” You rolled to your stomach. “I just don’t want to show up single as a pringle.”
“I never understood that term. Pringles are by definition not single. They’re literally spooning in the can.”
“Okay, well, you know what I mean, you jerk.” You laughed. “I just want to feel… I don’t know. I’m over him, it isn’t that, but…”
“You want to get the upper hand, right?” You nodded and remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Hm.” He was quiet for a while, clearly thinking over your options.
“Do you still have that dress from the red carpet last year?”
“Y-yeah, but that’s like… Too much.”
“Not with me, it isn’t’.” You coughed and shot straight up.
“Can you be ready in an hour?” You glanced at the clock and your reflection in the mirror – it might take some work, but you could get yourself ready in an hour or less.
“I guess so.”
“Good. I’m coming with you. Let’s make him jealous as hell.”
“Wait, Henry, I can’t ask you…”
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. Honestly, do you remember how jealous he got when you went with me to the premiere? And how much he hated the rumors after?” You did. It tore a right rift through your relationship, but you refused to budge – you had helped Henry and you wanted to go, even though Zach was losing his mind all night, texting you seven times a minute.
“Good. Let’s make those fears real.” Your stomach flipflopped.
“I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend for the night. Come on, it’s been forever since we’ve done something stupid, and I have several suits that would lend themselves perfectly for a gala.” You drew a deep breath. He wasn’t wrong. You knew Abby would be over the moon to see Henry again, you’d have a date for the night, and you’d be sipping champagne with Henry for a night.
“I’ll be there in an hour.”

You sprang into action as soon as he hung up, shuffling through your closet to find the red silk dress that you had worn to the premiere; it still fit you perfectly and you even had the black pumps you wore the same night. Now, to your face.


“Are you sure you’re cool with this? We can still turn around.” You said as the car pulled around a corner, leading to the mansion, Abby had rented for the day and night.
“Oh, we’re not turning around. I hate that guy, if I get a chance to make him mad, I’ll take it.”
“You don’t hate people, Henry.” You grinned and felt his fingers weave between yours, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“I don’t. But he’s not people, he’s an arse.” Your brows flew up. “What? It’s true! I even told you when you started dating!” he said with a huff.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t give me the whole I told you so speech. You have dated idiots too.”
“Let’s agree that we both suck at finding partners.” He said with a smirk and a wink.

The driver cleared his throat.
“Sir, we’re here.”
“Ah, thank you, Samuel. Ready? We gotta play the part.” He nudges you with his broad shoulder.
“Sure thing. Let’s get this show on the road.”

As soon as you step outside, you’re hit with warm air and the gentle flow of music and light chatter. Henry wraps his arm around your waist and he’s practically lifting you to the garden, where lights shower the grass, people and cream-colored tablecloths in a golden hue. You spot Abby first, and she squeals when she sees you, and then squeals louder when she sees Henry.
“Holyshit, you’re here!?” She pulls him in for a hug and sends you wide eyes. He chuckles.
“Couldn’t leave my best girl to fend for herself.
Ooooh. Because of Zach?”
“Yup. Let’s keep that between yourselves, please. We have a part to play.” You say with a grin and become vaguely aware of the chatter and eyes of people, looking to you and Henry. You didn’t realize until too late, that many probably would take pictures. With him and you in them. Which will definitely end up on a gossip site by morning.
“Don’t worry about it, love.” He whispers, his lips catching the shell of your ear. You tremble a little.
“Sure?” he nods.
“Let’s go find asshat and his girl.” You notice the small gasps as people around you realize who’s next to you but pay them no mind – it wouldn’t be the first time you feel and hear the whispers and eyes on you. Occupational hazard, you supposed.

The trek through the garden and several pavilions was long, but you did manage to say hi to a few other friends, you hadn’t seen in a while; Grim was wearing the most dapper suit, you had ever seen, a midnight blue color littered with small, golden swirls and patterns; it looked amazing on him.
Dude. Look at you!” He twirled once, his purple hair flying out from his face.
“Don’t even start with me. Look at you!” He pointed to the dress. “How the hell did you get yourself that?” You laughed.
“Curtesy of the ever-amazing Henry, of course.” His eyes flicked up to meet Henry’s eyes and nodded once, said hey, man, before he gulped and looked back.
“Shit. You’re Geralt.”
“And Superman, but I rarely brag.” He held a hand out to Grim, who shook it with trembling hands.
“I… Am a huge fan.” He whispered. “What the hell are you doing here with Y/N?” Right. Grim didn’t really know about your friendship.
“Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Henry cocked an eyebrow at you, and you shrugged in a didn’t get a chance to kind of way. He wrapped his arm around your waist again and kissed the top of your head.
“We’re, er, well…”
“Henry’s my boyfriend.” You blurted out and you wished you had a camera to capture Grim’s expression – it was priceless.
“Holy… Fucking… Shit.” He breathed. “Oh, dude, when Zach sees this, he’s going to blow a few fuses.”
You just laughed and followed Henry, when he led you on, waving at Grim, who instantly turned to his friend and began whispering in hushed, frantic tones.

You spotted him from miles away. He was wearing a gaudy powder blue suit, that didn’t fit right over his shoulders, and you couldn’t help but grin at Henry – he looked like a damn model, the grey suit fitting perfectly over his broad shoulders and he held himself in a way, that few men could boast to do. Zach’s eyes fell on you, widening as he took your appearance in, before narrowing at the man next to you. You grabbed a champagne flute from a passing waiter and tipped the glass to him. He stalked to you as you drank, while Henry bent down to whisper in your ear.
“I hope you can act your pretty, little butt off.” You choked on your champagne.

“Y/N. Didn’t think to see you here.” Zach smiled tightly at you, his fingers digging into the side of his girlfriend’s hips – she was staring unabashedly at Henry.
“It is my friend’s party, so…” You smiled sweetly.
“Henry.” Zach pretty much spat the name out like it caused him great pain to say.
“Zachariah.” Henry looked disinterested and tightened his grip on your waist, thumb drawing lazy circles over your dress.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
“Well, I wouldn’t let my girl come alone, would I?” He smiled at Zach, who seemed to shrink a little under Henry’s eyes.
“This is Sophia.” He nodded to the girl, who batted her eyelids at Henry in what you assumed she thought was a coquettish way. It wasn’t.
“Hello. I must say, I’m a huge fan of yours.” She extended her hand to Henry, who just looked at it with a raised brow.
“Must say, I’m not a huge fan of yours.” He smiled. You snickered into his chest.
“What?” he sounded amused. “I’m just being honest, my love.” He kissed your hair again.
“So… You two are a thing now?” Zach asked, sneering.
“Yeah. God, it was what, two weeks after we split up, right, babe?” You ask him innocently.
“Yeah. Officially.” He grinned back at you. You could almost feel Zach’s anger radiating off his body, and Sophia shifted uncomfortably on her feet.
“You cheated?” He asked tensely. You cocked your head to the side and narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about cheating, are you?” You looked at Sophia, who at least had the damn curtesy to look slightly shameful.
“Anyway, it’s been nice seeing you. Bye, Zach, Sophie.” You ignored her trying to correct you and walked away with Henry.

You were both laughing loudly as you waited for the car to come and pick you up, having seen Zach glare daggers at you both throughout the night – it had honestly been fun as hell, and you were thankful that Henry came with you. Abby had just shot you a knowing look – not that you were privy to what that was about – when you bid your goodbyes and walked to the end of the garden, sitting down in damp grass.

“God, did you see his face? I’m sure he’ll be seething into the next century.” Henry laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You nodded and snorted.
“The man still think he had a claim, I guess. Not anymore.” You grinned back at Henry.
“You know what we should do?” He asked, pulling you closer and grabbed your clutch, pulling your phone out.
“We should take a picture of us. Kissing. Just to really get him going.”
“I, uh…. What?” You asked, a lump in your throat.
“Oh, come on! It’ll be great, he’ll finally get it. He definitely hasn’t by now, it would seem.” He glanced at your phone, where several texts from Zach lit up. You managed to read baby a few times.
“Ugh.” You rolled your eyes. “You know what, fine.” He grinned and held out your phone in front of him.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have weirdly long arms?” You asked, scooting closer to him and wrapping your arm around his waist. Your dress is getting wet from the grass, and the slight chill of it makes goosebumps rise on your bare thighs.
“No, but I have been told they’re way too big to be normal.” He said with a grin.
“Come on, plant one on me.” You turn and kiss his cheek.
“Aw, come on. We have to do that again.” He said exasperated.
“What’s wrong with it?” You asked, dumbfounded.
“On the cheek? What am I, your grandfather?” He scoffs. “Come on, give me a real kiss. Promise, I won’t make it weird.”

No, he might not, but you just might. Kissing him, here, in the darkness without anyone around, made your heartrate spike and despite being just fine with being friends with him for so long, your suppressed feelings slowly inch themselves closer to the surface at the very thought of kissing him.
“Seriously, he won’t believe that.” He finds the picture and you have to agree; it looks to friendly and jovial to be anything more.
“Alright,fine, but just…” You gesture wildly with your hands.
“I got you.” He angles the phone a little and holds it out, looking at your reflections in the camera with furrowed brows.
“Is this a good angle? I don’t want chubby cheeks.”
“Like you’d ever get chubby cheeks. You’re chiseled by gods.” You murmur.
“Heard that.” He grinned. “Come on, let’s just… We’ll count down.” He looks at you and you exhale deeply.
“One… Two… Three.” On three, his lips found yours and you were a goner.

His lips were demanding but soft, gliding with ease across yours. Maybe it was the years of friendship, maybe he just had a special affinity with kissing, but he just knew how you liked it. His lips were perfect against yours, and you sighed into the kiss; he didn’t waste a golden opportunity, and slid his tongue inside of your mouth, letting your tongues tangle with each other. It was definitely longer than what was needed for a picture, but you really didn’t care. Your hands found the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, urgency coloring the kiss.
He pulled away with a groan, his chest heaving, and the phone long forgotten in his hand. His eyes were on yours.

“You… That…” He breathed deeply. “That was insane. You felt that, right?” You didn’t have the capacity to talk right now, so you just nodded.
“But just in case… We should try again, just to make sure that was insane, really.”
“For science, of course.” You said in a voice, that was way breathier than you were used to.
“Yeah, science.” He said quickly, slotting his lips over yours again and practically devoured you. You whined against his lips, the lust and desperation definitely leaking from you, but he just groaned, his teeth finding your lip and tugging it gently. His tongue was downright sinful against yours. He pulled away, but rested his forehead against yours, finding your eyes. You were both breathing heavily now, your hands tangled in his hair.

Something snapped inside of the both of you at the same time, and you scrambled to get on his lap, straddling him and pressed your lips against his again. He groaned against you, and you – to your joy – felt something twitch against your thigh.
“You’re hard.” You mumbled against his lips, letting your own travel from his to his jawline.
“Damn right, it’s fucking hard. Shit, Y/N…” His fingers were holding your waist with bruising force, but you needed more. You rolled your hips again.
“I bet you’re wet as hell for me, aren’t you, love? So fucking wet, even without me touching you…” He gasped as you sucked on his neck. You hummed as his grip tightened.
“Fuck this, come on.” He stood, lifting you off his lap with ease and grabbed your hand, almost running to a small pavilion on the far end of the garden, leading away from people. You struggled to keep up, your heels digging into the soft grass, and you huffed, stopped and pulled them off. The cold, wet grass felt somewhat calming on you as it hit the soles of your feet.
“Come on.” He pulled you under the softly lit pavilion, his lips on yours in an instant again. His hands were desperately bunching your dress up over your hips, and you mewled, when the tip of his finger hit your soaking underwear. He grinned deviously against your lips.
“All that already? Darling, I’d think you’ve wanted me for far longer than just…” You shut him up with a kiss.
“Shut up and fuck me.”
He complied easily, tugging his jacket off and throwing it behind him, before he began unbuttoning his pants, lips still dancing on yours. You were busy trying to get your underwear off without breaking the kiss, but he didn’t care – he pulled away and got on his damn knees, his teeth dragging against your bare skin, until he found the waistband and tugged it down with his teeth, sending you a sinful glance.
You grabbed the railing behind you with tense fingers; you had never seen a more erotic sight than Henry on his knees, dragging your soaked underwear down your legs with his fucking teeth. He hummed as your naked folds came to view and he cocked an eyebrow as a question to you. You didn’t answer with words but jumped a little and rested your ass on the – thankfully thick – railing, spreading your legs for him.
“Fuckinghell, love, look at you…” His mouth slotted over your dripping folds, and you were already seeing stars. His tongue was deviously good at what it did, and when he sucked on your clit, you almost lost your balance.
Henry…” You whined his name, desperate for the release that was building as a tight ache in your entire body. He hummed against you, his hands snaking up to hold your thighs in place, and by proxy, you, before he began relentlessly eating you out.
“Come on, darling, don’t hold those pretty, little noises back for me…” he mumbled against your dripping pussy, and the feeling of his stubble scratching against your thighs became your undoing, when it paired with his tongue and lips.

You came with a loud scream of pleasure, the orgasm washing over you – your nipples pebbled, and you grasped his hair, pulling him closer to your core as you rode your orgasm out on his face. He grinned against you, and you moaned loudly.
“Good girl… Fuck, you taste fucking amazing, love.” He kissed his way to your face, and you tasted yourself on his tongue. You jumped down and got on your knees in front of him, deftly undoing his pants fully and pushed them down to his ankles.

“Shit…” he groaned when you wrapped your hand around his – honestly, damn beautiful length – and gave it a soft stroke, your eyes locking on his.
“Y/N, you… Shit…” he lost his train of thought when you wrapped your lips around the tip, licking a stripe along the slit and collecting the precum on your tongue. You moaned at the taste and rolled your eyes back; fuck, you could get used to this.

You slowly inched down on him, taking as much as you could before you gagged, and he hit the back of your throat. His hands found a home in your hair, grabbing it tightly.
“Good girl… Look at you, being so good for me on your knees. You can take more, baby…” he grinned deviously and pushed your head slowly, but surely, down to make you take even more of him. Tears welled in your eyes, and you gagged around him, while spit pooled from your open mouth; it was so fucking hot, your legs trembled. The sounds he made, gave you serious whiplash, trying to keep out and savor every single one.
“Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long… Playing pretend… Shit, Y/N…” He groaned as you swallowed even more of him, your head bopping up and down on his length, depraved sounds filling the air. “was so fucking easy, because I’ve wanted you for so long…”
You moved your head with his guidance, swallowing as much you could of him – he was rolling his hips, meeting your face as he thrust against you – you felt him twitch and you sped up.
“Shit, fuck, stop… baby, stop, I don’t want to… Y/N…” He moaned, and with willpower you could never possess, he withdrew from your warm mouth, a string of spit connecting you.
“Fuck, you are amazing.” He said in awe. You grinned at him, and he grabbed your shoulder, pulling you to your feet. His eyes were wild and dark, and you wanted to be fucking ruined by him, right here, right now. He sat down on a bench next to him, pulling you to his lap; your dress bunched even higher on your hips now, his fingers tightly holding you, and his lips split into a devilish smile.
“Let me film us, love… He needs to see what he’s missing out on.” He kissed your neck, drawing small whimpers from you and you rolled your hips, your folds spreading against his hard length. He growled and moved your hips, letting you glide against him in a faster motion.
“Let him see what he’s missing, and never getting back, baby…”
“You’remine, darling… Mine…” His lips found yours in a heated kiss and you moaned against his lips.
“Yes, fucking… Do whatever you want, just… Fillme, please…” you whined with shaking legs. He grinned and pulled your phone out, placing it in the slots between the boards of the bench, starting a video.
“Hey, asshole…” he mumbled, his fingers finding your dripping hole. You whimpered when he began moving them, curling up to hit every single spot, you needed him to.
“You’re so wet for me, love… Can’t wait to be inside of you… Fuck…” He rolled his hips as he fucked you with his fingers, his hard cock pressing against your clit. You moaned his name. “Feeling you cum on my cock, filling you up…”
“Justfuck me, Henry!” you snarled, desperate for him to fill you with his cock. He chuckled darkly.

“As you wish, baby.” You whined when his fingers left you, but moments later, your head lolled back and he had you hold you up with his large hands on your back, as he entered you swiftly – he was big, stretching you deliciously. He groaned as you clenched down on him, and his resolve broke in the second, your fingers tugged his hair.

He growled and his head found the crook of your neck, his breath fanning over your collarbone and he began fucking up into you; you were meeting his thrusts, the wet sounds of you filling the warm night air. You were pulsing around him, his cock dragging against your walls and his head hitting your g-spot over and over.
“Your pussy is dripping for me, love… You’re taking me so well, look at you…” He grinned against your skin. “My cock splitting you completely, my good girl taking me so well…” His praise made you moan even louder, and you bit your lip to hold it back.
“Don’t hold back, baby, let everyone know… Fuck… How well you’re being fucked…” He growled and angled his hips a little more, hitting you deeper than you thought possible. “Let everyone hear those pretty, little sounds you make for me…” You moaned loudly.
“I don’t care… Oh, god… Who hears you, baby, I need everyone to know who you belong to…” Your orgasm hit you out of nowhere, his voice toppling you over the edge; you came hard around him, your pussy clenching down on his hard length, and he sped up, letting you feel every inch of him as you came undone around him. He fucked you with reckless abandon, trying to reach his own high.
“Tell me. Tell me who you belong to, baby…” He moved his head from your neck and looked at you, his hand wrapping around your throat as he fucked you deeply.
“H-henry… Fuck, I belong… T-to you…” Your voice was broken now, and he groaned as your walls fluttered again.
“You want to cum again, love? Soak my cock, huh?” He hissed. “Cum with me, love, fuck…” you let go when he tightened his grip on your neck tightened and he threw any caution to the wind, fucking you as hard as he could, his own orgasm hitting seconds after yours.

He filled you with hot ropes of cum, warming you inside out, and you both moaned loudly, gripping each other as tightly as you could, as you came down from your highs. He peppered kisses along your neck and rubbed soothing circles on bare thighs. You kissed him lazily and he smiled against your lips, his fingers fumbling for the phone. You watched him turn the video off.

“I’m not sharing that with anyone.” He mumbled. “That belongs to me and you, love.” You chuckled and kissed him again, slowly getting off him. He hissed and you moaned as he slipped out from you.
“Don’t even bother with your underwear.” He said happily, as he closed his pants and kissed your neck.
“Why?” you asked, following his fingers as he grabbed your panties and pocketed them. He wrapped his arm around you and as you walked down to the waiting car (when did it even come?) you felt his spend slowly coat your thighs. It made you whine a little.
“Oh, darling…” He opened the door for you and kissed you before flashing you a deadly smile. “Don’t think for one second, I’m done with you.” He got in himself, and his large hand came to rest on your thigh, his long fingers drawing circles in his own spend on your thighs.
“Samuel, can you take us to my house, please?”


TAGLIST: @acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea           

Lady Of The House Pt. 2 (Henry x Reader)

Heyyyyyy, so I finally finished this part, please let me know if you want to see more of this. Enjoy!

Part one


After the delicious breakfast Henry and (y/n) had he told her that they must attend a charity event that his brother was throwing. She always enjoyed those types of outings with him, she liked the attention and how Henry would proudly show her off and twirl her around the dancefloor, Henry always made her feel wanted and appreciated. However with that type of short notice, she was left running around her wardrobe room with Jennette and Angelina on her side, trying to pick an outfit, it wasn’t like she didn’t have any, but she always wanted to be perfect, the Cavill family had accepted her but not without difficulties, at the end of the day they all saw her as this little shiny toy Henry would dispose at some point.

“What about this? It still has the tag on it”

Angelina spoke lightly holding up the extravagant green gown Henry had bought her one day, she had mentioned her favorite designer so the next day Henry sent her 8 different gowns that he liked.

Angelina was new to the roaster, Jennette (y/n) quickly came to the realization that a few of the maids and butlers were giving out information about (y/n) to Henry’s mom, she was a wonderful lady when (y/n) was around because she saw her as just a girlfriend and not the wife, so they swiftly got replaced. (Y/n) approached Angelina and let her fingers trace the fabric as she turned to look at Jennette.

“Isn’t the slit a bit too much for a family event?”

“I think it’s finally time for you to make this statement… miss Cavill”

(Y/n) giggled at the name, Jennette liked calling her that as a small joke and a reminder that she is now the lady of this house. (Y/n) was always a big personality but this life made her feel small and uncertain. She bit her lip before she started nodding to herself, Angelina smiled in triumph due to feeling accomplished with finding the dress for (y/n).

“Angelina help miss (y/n) put the dress on, I’ll be downstairs if you need me”

“Yes miss jennette”

As (y/n) started to take off her robe to slip on the right dress, jennette walked out of the master bedroom and towards the entrance of the house, that’s where Mister Henry was waiting for his lady. Jennette was curious about the reason he had asked to see her privately to talk about (y/n).

she wasn’t worried about it though, Jennette had a good feeling about this since everyone could clearly see how madly in love he was with her, he had brought other women home in the past yet they were never introduced to the staff, they had remained anonymous visitors. She slowly walked down the marble stairs while Mister Henry was standing in front of a mirror, fixing his tie.

“You asked to see me sir?”

“Yes Jennette”

His tone of voice was light as a feather, kind and melodic as he finally rearranged himself and took his eyes off his reflection and turned to Jennette who was patiently waiting close to him.

“How’s (y/n) been doing?”

“She is finally getting comfortable, Angelina has been helping with making her feel in charge”

Henry slowly nodded as a ghost of a smile on his lips. He remembered how scared she was in the beginning, how she would stutter while talking to the staff or some days she wouldn’t even leave the bed until he came home. He could recognize how much she has flourished and rose to the occasion. He was so thankful when (y/n) started to smile while talking to him about Jennette, she needed an ally and now Angelina was another soldier

“I’m going to ask her to marry me”

Jennette gasped in a happy demeanor and started to clap fastly with her fingers while her palms remained together. Henry was aware how close the two of them had grown to become, Lady Jennette has been around his family since he was a young adult, when he first started getting involved in the “family business”.

however all his brothers had kids and a wife, (y/n) was the only woman he could see a future with, just the thought of her with a big round belly made him feel all warm and fuzzy, he felt alive next to her and her presence never left his mind, he had a reason to keep living and working. As soon as he had laid eyes on her that night he stayed at the hotel she was working at he just had to have her, it was almost compelling

“Of course you can’t tell her”

“I would never dream of such a thing sir”

Before Henry could speak he heard the door of his bedroom open, along with giggles that probably came from Angelina and (y/n). Both of them waited for her to turn the corner and appear.

(Y/n) felt his eyes on her as soon as she stepped at the top of the stairs. Jennette was smiling at the sight of her while Henry remained silent. Angelina helped her lift up her dress ever so slightly so she can take the steps down without a problem. You could hear her heels click on the well polished floor. Ever since she met him the look he gave her every time he saw her was addictive, she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world when he gave her this intense look that scanned her body.

“If the slit is too much I can go change”

“You look stunning my love”

He reassured her and walked to her. His hands immediately found hers and her raised one to his lips to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles while never breaking eye contact. She smiled back and instinctively she filled the space between them so she could hug him, his cologne made her feel safe knowing that he was there was the most comforting idea.

After a few moments she pulled away but their hands remained intertwined. Every single time they had to attend a family event he could sense her anxiety, at any other gala she was right at home but when it came to his family she looked like a kid going through school exams.

“Don’t be nervous love”

“I’m not nervous”

She quickly shot back in defense. She could tell that he wasn’t convinced, yet he chose to let it go, acknowledging the fact that pushing her more would only do more damage than good. Her hair was down and styled to perfection, her make up was done to bring out her beauty even more, she looked like a true goddess coming to bless the mortals.

“Don’t wait for us jennette”

“Yes sir. Have a good night”


The car ride was spent by (y/n) looking out the window while her one hand traced her necklace and the other held Henry’s, he chose to silently support her. He could comprehend how scary his family could be for an outsider, of course they were nice when she was around but (y/n) was no fool, she noticed the quick side eyes and the few whispers when she turned her back, she only bit her lip and smiled for Henry’s sake, as well as the fact that if she wanted to be in this family she had to outsmart them, she was aware that they acted like that because she was the girlfriend, as soon as Henry would propose nobody would dare to say anything, she would officially be a Cavill. It was a shallow reason but she just wanted to be recognized for what she was, a woman that all she did was fall in love.

As the driver opened the door Henry got out first and then he helped (y/n) get out, before she got the chance he slightly kneeled in front of her to fix the end of her dress that touched the floor. His gentle grace of his fingers from her calf that went over her thigh brought goosebumps all over her body.

“I love this dress on you”

“I think you will have to wait until we get back home to show me how much you do”

Henry’s reply was to lean down and press a kiss on her naked left shoulder before offering his arm for her to take as they walked in the Mansion as a couple.

(Y/n) felt the awfully familiar tightness in her chest as they entered, people were mingling, the smell of cigars lingered in the air as you could see the smoke in the air, even though the staff had done it’s best to open windows and keep the air fresh.


She heard a woman call her name at a rather enthusiastic tone. As she turned she saw it was Henry’s sister in law Chiara. She was dressed in a black dress that was a bit more modest than hers, yet it complimented her delicate figure in such a way that made her look like the glamorous Hollywood stars back in the day. The brunette woman opened her arms and offered (y/n) a warm hug. (Y/n) hugged back, feeling grateful that the host was one of the people in this family that she actually got along with. Chiara had married into the family years ago, she was rather tall and very intimidating, she vividly remembered the story of how Charlie traveled back and forth from the UK to Austria just to get a date with her.

“You look exquisite”

(Y/n) complimented her, Chiara smiled as she gave an up and down look with a smirk on her painted lips.

“Same goes for you dear, the hawk is going to have a heart attack… love it”

Chiara and (y/n) had bonded over how tightly Henry’s mother held the strings, Chiara was the first to pull (y/n) aside and warn her that she is like that with anyone however she is all bark and no bite. Many nights have been spent over the phone with Chiara giving advice to (y/n). They were so different yet they found comfort in one another.

“How are you Chiara?”

Henry joined in, he didn’t care that Chiara forgot to greet him, quite the opposite he was pleased (y/n) was getting the attention she deserved. Chiara looked at him and in the meantime Charlie started to approach her from behind, (y/n) had to admit that even though she met Chiara while she was married she still felt like Chiara was a single woman, Charlie traveled a lot which Chiara had stated multiple times that it was the reason she was still married to him, she needed her space and craved time alone. So as one can assume that she wasn’t really eager to have a baby either.

“I’m well, I’m surprised you guys made it. I thought you had to be in Scotland”

“(Y/n) is not fond of Scotland”

He simply responded. To be fair she thought it was a beautiful country but it was springtime and she wanted to go somewhere with a bit more sun. A waitress approached the two couples and offered champagne, Henry reached for two glasses and offered (y/n) one, Chiara and Charlie were already holding a glass.

“Here you go love”

“Thank you”

“Cheers, to another successful season”

Henry raised his glass while the others followed. As they clinked their glasses and all the group took a sip, the taste of the bubbly drink soothed (y/n)’s nerves, her shoulders started to relax and the tightness on her chest was little to none.

“Where’s mom and dad?”

“Oh last time I saw them they were talking to our brother”

“We should go say hello”

“Alright, it was nice seeing you”

(Y/n) said before Chiara leaned in a bit to whisper in her ear “you got this doll”.

(Y/n) giggled at her and Chiara just stepped back and gave her a playful wink. Henry’s hand found the small of her back before gently guiding her away from the couple, the last glimpse she got off the couple was Chiara turning to say something to her husband as she flipped her long wavy hair back.

(Y/n)’s heart stomped so loud she started feeling the pressure on her ears, out of instinct she clenched her jaw and tried to mask her nervousness. Henry spotted his parents and walked to them, knowing well that (y/n) is already done with the situation and depending on how this goes they might have to leave immediately.

“Henry and (y/n), is so good to see you”

Henry’s father, Colin, was the first to greet them with a kind smile on his face. Colin had always been nothing but kind to (y/n), which was surprising to her since she had stereotypically thought that the father would be the hardest one to crack. Colin hugged his son and then proceeded to take (y/n)’s hand and give a kiss on her hand.

“It’s good to see you young lady”

“Thank you”

“How are you dear?”

His mother Marianne said before going in for a very forced hug, yet she was grateful they still had a civil type of communication especially around others.

“I’m well, how are you?”

“You’ve lost weight, I was hoping you would have gained some, oh you would look so cute with a little baby bump”

(Y/n) let out a nervous giggle, not knowing how to answer. They weren’t even married, let alone have a baby, she wanted to have kids but she was still young and wanted to enjoy having henry for herself a little longer.

Henry’s hand went from the small of her waist to wrapping around her as a way to bring her closer to him. He had heard this over and over again, the only difference was that to him they questioned if she was worthy to bring an heir to the family.

“Not yet mother, I still enjoy seeing her in these tight clothes”

“Henry we are still your parents. He is right Marianne, let them have some fun”

“I’m sure (y/n) can have fun but Henry you are not getting any younger”

(Y/n) was at the edge of just disassociate as her gaze started to focus on a vase behind Marianne. In any other case if this woman was a random stranger she would have popped off and started to insult her. The squeeze she received from Henry’s hand pulled her out of her trace. She bit her lip as she tried to find the right thing to say, she wanted kids but the subject of babies was something they hadn’t even discussed other than the cheeky comments during sex. The squeeze she received from Henry’s hand was enought to bring her out of her trance and now the tightness on her chest was replaced by a fire of anger.

“You know last time you questioned my credibility as a potential wife, so this new situation of wanting me to get pregnant is at least a step”

“Honey I don’t know what you are talking about”

“You do, we all do”

She hit back before downing the rest of her drink. Henry smiled in triumph, he was taken back by her boldness on one hand, on the other she held her own and showed the spark he loved to see.

“I think it’s time for us to leave. I love you both”

Henry hugged both of his parents and his dad gave (y/n) another kiss on the hand, when she turned to Marianne (y/n) smiled and took her in for a big hug, making Marianne let out a small “oh”.

“Water under the bridge… dear”

(Y/n) said at a lower tone before she pulled away and took her spot again next to Henry.

“Have a good night”

Henry said before taking (y/n) away from them. Henry’s hand slowly slid from her waist to her bum, he didn’t do anything he just let it rest on it. (Y/n) was smart enough to understand that this small change of movement meant that not only was he not mad she responded, he was turned on by her.

“You never seize to amaze me love. I’ll call the chauffeur but we got 15 minutes before he arrives”

“Plenty of time to see what decor they have in the bathroom”



The Dream Pt. 2 (Geralt x Reader)

So since a lot of you liked this so much I have decided to listen to the people and give y'all a part two. I hope I did it justice and please leave a note to tell me if you like it. Enjoy!

P.s I suggest you read this while listening “like real people do” by hozier

Part 1


It had been years since he last saw her, since he had felt her touch, since he heard her tantalizing laugh and gazed upon her glistering skin as she swam with her sisters. He had spend a week with her, sleeping next to her was the most peaceful slumber he ever had, waking up had never been easier when she was next to him, he would scoop her and cradle her in his arms knowing she was awake but allowing her to play the sleepy part cause it made it even better.

The worst part was when he had to leave her, she had slipped away in the middle of the night, when the sun came up she was hidden away from him with her sisters, he had called her name multiple times but she remained unseen. She had heard him, she could see him standing there waiting patiently for her to come out but chose not to, what good could that do? She would only hurt even more if she got to hug him goodbye, no it was better this way.

Jaskier had written and performed many songs about her as him and geralt travelled, as much as Geralt was hurting to listen and be reminded of those times he was also thankful of them, time has passed but the dreams and memories were still vivid. While Jaskier slept Geralt would hold the crystal she had given him, remembering how happy she was that he liked it, he kept it tucked away in his armor to bring him luck


“I think it will be best if we stopped at the next village”

“We have to go at the castle in two days, suck it up”

Geralt responded as Jaskier huffed. He had been extra irritated today, something was not quite right, he woke up heavy hearted which was a rare occasion for Geralt yet he chose to keep it a secret, he didn’t need Jaskiers blabbering about Geralt being sensitive or whatever the barb had to say.

“Does this forest look familiar?”

“You’re stalling”

“I’m being serious, are we making circles?”

Then he heard it, the laugh, her laugh. Geralt immediately made Roach stop as he froze, his eyes shot wide open. How could he have missed it? It’s her forest, her lake, he was so in his head that he didn’t realize he had to pass by her river.

“Ohhh this is marvelous! Come on Geralt let’s go see your nymph.”

Jaskier didn’t even turn to look at Geralt who was ready to protest, he was already running towards the river.

(Y/n) was about to hide as she caught a glimpse of the eager visitor. She smiled brightly as she swam in a fast pace to reach him.


she got out of the river and wrapped Jaskier in a tight hug. She squealed as Jaskier lifted of the ground for a split second, as she was let go of his welcoming embrace Jaskier span her around to take a look at her.

“My goodness you look exactly the same dear”

“Perk of being a magical creature, you however look so much better, you look like a man”

She was genuinely happy to see him. Over the span of that week Jaskier and (y/n) had developed a sibling type of love, his childlike outlook on life was so colorful and hopeful that you just wanted to be around him.

“Thank you, I’ll take it as a compliment”

“Where is he?”

She asked him. Jaskier smile became a bit more mischievous, of course he understood her but it was so beautiful to observe their love. Jaskier could swear that his brood friend became a different person when she was around.

“Up the hill, you should go find him, he was extra grumpy today”

“Sisters! Jaskier is back!”

Jaskier wasted no time and left his belongings on the ground as he ran towards the water. She was perplexed over the fact of why didn’t he follow Jaskier, why was he still over the hill. Still, her legs acted on their own as she walked away from the river and closer to him. As she got closer her heart beat grew stronger and it was almost painful, she could hear Roach step and his armor clicking. Finally there he was, his back facing her as he tied his horse to the tree.


Her voice was barely audible, but of course he heard it. He had heard the encounter between his friend and (y/n) and her light steps as she came to him. For some unknown reason he was scared to face her, even shameful if you will.

He slowly turned to look at her, her cloth that was barely covering anything stuck to her, her hair was wet and her skin under the sun made the drops of water look like diamonds sliding of her silk like skin. He felt a wave of happiness as his eyes met hers, her surprising enchanting gaze put him under her spell that he never wanted to break out of.

They remained like this for a few moments, Geralt instinctively ran to her and lifted her off the ground as he hugged her, his face went to her neck as he took in a deep breath and her smell took over his senses.

“I missed you so much”

She said as tears of joy ran down her face, she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of his armor against her after all this time. Geralt kept her in his arms for a bit after he lightly let her down, her hands went to his cheeks almost immediately, tears still running down hers as she tried to take in his features. Geralts hands remained on her face as they both tried to find the right words to say.

“You-you… I”

“I know. I’m sorry”

She didn’t even have to finish her sentence. He understood exactly why she remained hidden back then, he also knew how much pain his departure had caused her. He took her hand in his as she kissed her palm again and again as she smiled and laughed while still crying.

“Don’t cry, I’m here”

He whispered to her in such a soft way that you would think Geralt was possessed. He wiped away her tears as they both laughed together, it was a laugh of relief, their hearts finally felt that weight of being apart being lifted and they could breathe freely once again. She was the one to reach out and kiss him in the lips, the kiss showed intimacy, love, eagerness, true passion as the one craved the other so much. Geralt lifted her once again as she laughed in the kiss, to him she was as light as a feather.

“You look beautiful”

“I missed those eyes”

She replied back. So many nights she had jumped out of slumber because she would dream of his eyes, the dreams felt so real that once she was awake she would start crying over the fact that it wasn’t real, that those eyes were only in her memory. Now here he was, Geralt in the flesh as she hugged and kissed her all over the face while her melodic laugh filled his ears. To him her laugh was better than any ballad Jaskier or any other barb had sang.

“My dream”

He said as they both took a breath after their kiss, their foreheads touching while she was still hovering over the earth. They were a sight for sore eyes, as they both got lost in each other’s eyes and nothing else mattered to them. It was exactly what the poets and writers tried to put to words, yet no one did it justice.

“I want to come with you”

“I want to stay with you”

They said ok unison. Once again laughter was heard as they understood how much alike yet different they were, yet they wanted to sacrifice their life, to leave behind all they knew for the sake of love, they were ready to surrender themselves into this strong feeling and just live together for as long as this world aloud them.

“I shouldn’t have left”

“I shouldn’t have allowed you to”

She replied. Geralt gave her a kiss on her forehead and let her down once again, still taking in her presence. She smiled at him while she intertwined her fingers with his, silence took over but their eyes said everything, they had reach euphoria in the arms of the other. Their missing half was finally home.

The Lady Of The House (Henry x Fem Reader) Pt. 1

Hey y'all I’m back and I know I promised you guys a sugar daddy Henry Cavill so here is Part one

“Good morning miss”

The maid said as she opened the long heavy curtains, revealing the breathtaking view of France. (Y/n) rubbed her eyes to improve her vision as the sunlight came in and warmed her face, she had missed the rays of sun kissing her face back in England.

“Good morning jennette. Where’s Henry?”

“He had to leave early for business, he instructed me to give you this”

The woman said as she placed a little box on the king sized bed that (y/n) was sleeping. She smiled as she reached over to take the little box in her hands, it was a nice black box with a pretty black bow around it, from the size of it (y/n) guessed it was probably a ring, he always managed to buy her something to sweeten his absence.

As she took off the bow and opened it she gasped at the view of the red gemstone that was accompanied by two smaller diamonds, it was an emerald cut silver ring. Yesterday she had managed to lose a ring at the ocean while swimming, Henry always told her to not wear jewelry while swimming and in her defence it wasn’t intentional, she had just forgotten to take it off. When Henry saw her pouty lips and sad eyes he just kissed her forehead and told her he would get her a bigger one so she wouldn’t forget.

“Is it a Ruby?”

“Even better, red beryl. Very rare stone”

Jennette was (y/n)’s confidant from the beginning, she traveled with the couple everywhere since jennette was the first one to welcome (y/n) as the lady of the house back when mister Cavill had brought her home to live with him, the other staff were testing the waters and kind of disregarding her- once Henry caught wind they all got what they deserved-  but jennette understood (y/n) and of course (y/n) showed gratitude by making her the head of the staff. Jennette worked for the Cavill family since she was a young girl, she knew the grounds better than anyone so (y/n) relied on her so she can build her…. Image let’s say. Jennette taught her everything a lady of the house should know, from handling the staff, to remaining calm in certain unexpected visitors that were dressed in blue.

(Y/n) smiled as she took the ring off the box and slid it on her ring finger of her right hand. She stretched her arm in front of her and wiggled her fingers admiring the beautiful gem that shone under the natural lighting before turning it around to show Jenette.

“Looks gorgeous. Now, your bath is prepared as always, I took the liberty of choosing peppermint for you today.”

“Excellent, also I’m craving some sweet breakfast today. Tell the chef to make pancakes and waffles, along with fruit”

She instructed as she slid on her satin sheer long nude colored robe to cover her matching nude colored see through nightdress. Also to cover the scratch marks and rad marks Henry had left last night.

As she followed Jenette to the bathroom she was met with the pleasant scent of peppermint along with the steam that came from the scratching hot water that filled her rose quartz bathtub. (Y/n) was obsessed with crystals so she wanted to have them all around the houses they had, of course Henry didn’t object, “whatever the lady wants, the lady gets” had become his life motto since he had met her at that hotel she was working at.

“I’ll leave you be for now”

“Thank you jennette”

“You are welcome miss”

As she was left alone she took off her clothes and pressed play at the big TV the bathroom had so she could listen to music while she took a bath. She slowly dipped her feet in and then sat down to cover herself completely with the water and bubbles, an audible sigh came out of her lips as she closed her eyes and let her head rest on the side of the tub.

The music along with the hot water relaxed her as the entire room was lit by the sun, it was a great day for (y/n) as she smiled, completely satisfied with her life. To even think that 2 years ago she was budgeting everything to get by, to her it felt like a lifetime ago.

“Someone is having fun”

She shrieked as she sat up quickly and her head snapped at the direction of the voice, a bit of water slipped off and onto the ground. Henry laughed at her reaction before he closed the door behind him and slowly approached his woman.

“Relax my love, it’s just me”

“You scared me”

“I’m sorry dearest, how is my baby doing?”

He said as he stood in front of the tub and leaned in to give her a gentle kiss on the lips as she also responded.

“Just having a bath while my man left me”

“Oh but you seem to enjoy what you got out of it. I’m glad you like it princess”

His voice was always soft and gentle with her, his hand found hers as he brought her palm to his lips to place a kiss and then admired the ring.

“It looks amazing on your pretty little finger”

“Everything looks amazing on me”

She replied quickly with a mischievous smile on her face. He smiled back as he took in her face, her lively eyes that sparkled with life and her glowing skin did things to him.

“Stand up for me love”

(Y/n) smiled brighter as she did what she was told. The water gliding off her along with the bubbles going over her flesh, the cold water making her shiver slightly as she stood there under his eyes. He took a second to admire her, he could see a few marks here and there but other than that her skin was flawless, just like everything else. He reached for her waist not caring about his suit getting wet and since he didn’t care she didn’t give a damn as well so she took the opportunity of wrapping her arms around his neck and feeling her skin touch his suit. Before she knew it she felt her hair getting loose from her bun that he had unravelled, he always loved it when she had her hair down.


He whispered as his lips found the nape of her neck, leaving a trail of kisses that brought the sensation of pleasure ran through her body, making her take a sharp breath in. The smell of peppermint filled his nostrils, as he finally reached her earlobe and took it between his teeth lightly while (y/n)’s hands went to Henry’s hair. 

“Did you miss me princess?”

“So-so much”

She whispered as she bit her lower lip to hold back a moan. He could feel her tense up under his touch, feeling that satisfaction of having so much influence over her was something that drove him wild.

“I missed you too dearest, but you haven’t eaten so get dressed and I’ll meet you at the patio”

He said before turning his back and walking away to go change his suit, he loved teasing her more than anything and as he heard her little whine he felt the triumph he wanted.

She just stood there and watched him walk away completely dumbfounded, she should have gotten used to his little tricks but once again she fell for it like an idiot. She didn’t know what to do or how to react to him leaving her out in the cold while he got his little fix.

“That wasn’t fair”

She said like a little girl that didn’t get the doll she wanted. As he once again opened the door he turned to see her sit back down at the bathtub with a pout on her lips, he wanted to run and lift her up, take her right then and there until she screamed with pleasure, however he wanted to play with her a bit, there wasn’t anything bad with teasing her once in a while, she was usually the one playing around with him and leaving him in the dust so when he saw he had a chance of course he took it.

“Life is not fair baby, don’t be late to breakfast”

Part two





You Are My Home (Geralt x Reader)

This was requested by anon. Enjoy!

The life (y/n) had it was something Geralt often envied, it was a way of living that had nothing to do with him, it was almost like she created her own magical bubble that kept her away from anything harmful, she lived in harmony with everything.

(Y/n) was a farmer’s daughter, an only child and her mother passed away when she was young, a few years after she made her first step into adulthood her father also passed, so since she was a little girl her day was filled with taking care of the land and looking after the animals she so much adored. It wasn’t the squeezing cow tits and cleaning out the stables that fascinated him, it was the utter bliss you could identify at the twinkle of her eyes, she was in love with her life, the bitterness and greed of the world had graced by her and left her unharmed.

(Y/n) had stumbled across Geralt at the market of the closest town of her home. She sold fruits, milk and vegetables there, still the reason why Geralt noticed wasn’t her healthy goods, it was her booming voice as she shouted at a man. 

“If you lay your hands on a child again I will make sure you have no hands to do so!”

As he approached to see what all the fuss was about he saw her. Her hair was nearly pulled back and away from her face, her dress was this beautiful purple color as her hands were on her sides, one breath away from the man’s face. Another thing he noticed was the child in question that hid behind her as it clinged on her legs for protection.

“He stole apples from my table”

“You want apples? Here”

She turned and took as many she could hold and started to throw them at the man. He acted out on impulse and stepped in to restrict her, she had a strong fire in her but he would hate to see the obviously taller man harm her.

“That’s enough, I think you proved your point”

He said to her as he got in front of her and gently touched her forearms to make her take a few steps back.

“That low life, he almost killed the poor little boy over a few apples”

She muttered as she turned her back on Geralt and kneeled to the kids level. Her hand reached the child’s face as she inspected him.

“Are you alright dear? Come with me, I have a bottle of milk for you”

He felt a bit hurt as the girl ignored his presence entirely. As the woman and the child walked over her counter, she instruced the child to sit on the stool as she passed him a bottle of milk. 

The child smiled brightly before chugging the bottle, at that moment of silent Geralt found the courage to speak up.

“I’m Geralt”

“Oh I’m sorry I got completely distracted. I am (y/n), thank you for helping me”


After that Geralt felt compelled by her, he would leave her for a short period of time to travel and pick up jobs, yet he always felt the need to come back to her. She was his haven, his safe space to relax, even when compared to him she was this tiny little thing she made him feel protected.

He awoke at the smell of fresh baked goods, he had come to her cottage late at night and exhausted. She only smiled in a sleepy manner and hugged him tight before helping him get into bed with her with no questions or spared words. 

At that time (y/n) walked in the bedroom with a cup in her hand. She was dressed in her white night dress and her hair was down, framing her beautiful face. She sat on his side of the bed as he sat up, the sheets falling from his torso.

“Good morning”

“I believe a good evening is more appropriate. Here, drink this”

She said as she passed the cup to him. (Y/n) loved thyme tea, she always made it for him whenever he came to visit her, the aroma of it made him feel welcomed and now he had linked that smell with her. He remembered how she rambled about how much it helps and nourishes you, he didn’t remember what she said exactly but just seeing her so happy and focused on a subject about a simple thing made him smile. 

“Hmmm, what have I done to deserve you?”

He asked before taking a sip of the tea. She giggled at his teasing, he always said that to her, at first she found it funny however she was aware that Geralt thought very low of him, it made her so mad that he didn’t see what she was seeing.

“It’s the least I could do, you keep us safe”

“It wasn’t by choice”

“No one forces you to work Geralt, you go hunting for jobs”

He didn’t respond, he was well aware that she had a strong case here. After taking a few sips of the warm liquid he left the cup on the side of his bed before reaching for her hand to caress her soft warm skin. She looked at her hand in his, his skin against hers brought her goosebumps, she tried to hide her smile from him, although Geralt saw it and decided to not comment on it.

“How are things here?”

“Carina gave birth”

“Oh well she was really big last time I saw her”

“She was having a baby cow inside her, I think that’s a bit normal”

They had been around enough for her to know what he wanted. She slowly crawled on her side and got under the covers with him, he smiled as he laid back down and rested his head on her breasts while his arms went around her waist bringing her as close as possible. Her fingers went up on his head, slowly caressing his long silver hair she so much adored, for a man that gets covered with monster blood ever so often his hair was soft like silk. 

His warmth made her relax even more as she took a deep inhale and closed her eyes, enjoying his natural scent tingling her nostrils, she never thought a man’s smell would bring her such a calm sensation that made her muscles relax completely, the feeling was almost euphoric as she continued to run her fingers through his white mane.

Geralt enjoyed being caressed by her, after years of feeling the touch of a woman only after offering her coins he finally felt he was being cared for, it was something he thought he would never experience. Now here she was making the giant witcher melt in her arms.

“I missed you”

He whispered just enough for her to hear, (y/n) smiled before placing a kiss at the top of his head. Anyone else would laugh at the sight of the big bad witcher snuggling up on a girl and letting her wrap her legs around his torso in order to make him feel protected. She wasn’t short but anyone would look small in comparison.

“I missed you too dearest”

Hearing her speak to him in such a delicate and soft way made him feel his stomach twist, in a good way of course. She was what he never knew he missed, she was the warm sun in his gloomy life.

“One day I won’t have to leave you”

“One day I will put poison in your tea. Not the deathly kind, maybe paralyze you so you won’t be able to leave”

His chest erupted with laughter at her snarky comment, she never phrased her sadness and displeasure when he left her, still he could sense it. It was exactly what he felt so there was a mutual understanding of how much they both hated that departure. He raised his head to look at her as she offered him a warm smile in return

“You are my home”

“Maybe one day my home won’t have to slip away from me”

Opinion No One Asked For (Henry Cavill Edition)

So you guys I know I would casually jump in front of a bullet for this man so that means I have been creating different AUs about what what it would be like to date him. I believe that when Henry first starts to date women he is very egotistical (I mean he is Henry Cavill) and kind of thinks he wants women who can fit into his schedule. However I think his previous relationships have done them and he ended up not particularly liking it cause he seems like the man who secretly does want a bit of a challenge and a woman who can give him a bit of hell, I mean he can get anything he wishes so one thing that probably is not in his life is a person who tells him “no”

What do y'all think?



Pairing:Henry Cavill x Y/N

Summary: The one where you were his little secret

A/N:Hiiiiii! Wrote this because someone close to me had broken up with the long term partner. You know, building the world around them, planning your future together, and then end up alone when the love is gone. Lol. Anyway, disclaimer: The lyrics is from love in the dark by Ms. Adele


Take your eyes off of me so I can leave. I’m far too ashamed to do it with you watching me

“So, Henry,” the talk show host, who was smiling coyly to the camera, wigged his eyebrows which made the audience laugh, “it is my duty to ask, is the great Henry Cavill taken? Now be careful with your answer, a lot of hearts might break tonight.

Henry laughed, that deep laughed of his which you loved so much. He took a pause, looked at the audience teasingly, before answering, “I’m very much single.

Keep reading



Mwahahaha thank you for reblogging, mi amor!!
