#henry cavill x reader smut


A/N: Here’s the first one shot from my promptlist! I hope y’all will enjoy it, because I sure as hell loved writing it!

Prompt: “Don’t flatter yourself, I’m only here for the cake”

You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one shot or multichapter fic, with whatever you want in it!

Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine in particular) and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits because I am me, and I have none!





Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plus sized!Female reader

Contains: Language, enemies to lovers, slight smut (18+ MINORS DNI), thigh riding, slight dirty talk, slight praise kink 

W.C.: 2.415

Caved in


It wasn’t your first choice to spend the evening – which, by the way, was the first day off you’d had in just around three weeks – left to your own devices at a random VIP party, your best friend had dragged you to.

You barely knew anyone, the drinks were terrible, and you felt too big, like you took up too much space with your body, to belong. A few sneers had already come your way, and you didn’t know why on earth she’d want you here.

You leaned against the table you had planted yourself at, sipping your god-awful drink slowly, trying to look like you belong.

Which you didn’t, in your opinion.

You caught the azure-blue eyes of a certain man, you had hoped you wouldn’t meet and groaned under your breath. Perfect, really. Of course, he’d be here.  He cocked an eyebrow at you, which you returned with a tightlipped smile, tipping your glass to him.

Where the hell was Loes? She had run off, spotting a friend somewhere in the crowd with a hurried I’ll be right back – which was an hour ago. You were pretty sure she’d managed to land herself in a bathroom, probably with Sebastian Stan, if she had anything to say about it, and that left you alone for an unforeseeable future.

You texted her quickly, not really hoping for a response. She was probably balls deep at this point, which you did find impressive. Good for her, really.

“I didn’t expect you to show up here.” His voice sent shivers down your spine, and you rolled your eyes. Motherfucking Henry Cavill. You turned around with a smile, that most definitely didn’t reach your eyes.
“Hello to you, too.” He looked good, great, even. It was downright annoying. He was handsome as ever, his brown locks perfectly laid back, his suit fitting wonderfully over his chest and arms; you didn’t even have to look to know, that his pants were like glued to his thighs.

“Waiting for me?” There it was - the goddamn attitude. He always seemed to be better than anyone around him – except for when he was around Loes, who managed to ground her best friend. To you, he was insufferable and deeply egocentric – he never even tried to get along with you, despite your efforts. He always did the face, where his stupid eyebrow cocked up, a slight smirk played on his lips and his eyes ran up and down your body as if he was asking and what do you think you are?
It was annoying at best, at worst? It was enough to make you crumble a little. It hadn’t been better after you heard part of a conversation between him and Loes one night.

“Her body…”
“Henry, you’re disgusting.”
It was more than enough for you to know how he felt about you. That, paired with the way he looked at you, made you feel annoyingly small and seething with anger, every time you saw his stupid face. It was shitty, mostly because you honestly had tried to get along with him – Loes was your best friend and his, and you did quite like the way he looked. Also, the way he talked to people was nice – just not directed at you.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I’m only here for cake.” You spat.
“Not surprising.” You narrowed your eyes at him, and something flashed in his eyes – guilt, maybe? – and you sneered at him.
“What the fuck is your problem? Are you kidding me? We’ve known each other for a year, and you’re acting like I cut off your big toe or some shit. Try being a polite person, next time, asshole.” You pushed yourself from the table, gathered your things, tears burning in your eyes. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry, so you rushed from the venue, standing outside and lit up a cigarette while texting Loes that you felt sick and wanted to go home.
“Y/N, wait!” You sighed and closed your eyes.
“Iseriously do not want to talk to you, Henry. Can we just… Like… Not like each other from a distance?” You asked defeatedly, taking a drag of your cigarette.
“Can I have one?” He asked, pointing to the pack in your hand. You rolled your eyes, but gave him one, anyway.
“Didn’t take you for a smoker.” He chuckled at that and lit up his own cigarette, puffing the smoke out with a content sigh.
“Shouldn’t be, really. Only in certain situations.”
“Same. Anyway, good to get insulted by you yet again, I’ll go now.” You began to walk, but he grabbed your elbow, holding you in place.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you.” You huffed.
“Sure, Henry. Listen, I’ll be nice around you, so Loes won’t have to pick between us, but I’m not here for your amusement or for you to look down on. I’m a person, and I do have a sliver of self-respect left in me.” You said, cocking your eyebrow at him.
“I… When have I insulted you?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“Are you fuckingkidding me?” You seethed. “You’ve done nothing but your best to make me feel as small and insignificant as possible, since I met you. You never talk to me, and when you do, it’s laced with hidden insults and jabs. You look at me like I’m dirt under your feet, and you think you haven’t insulted me?” You glared at him.
“You’re currently insulting my fucking intelligence, Henry.” He looked taken aback, but his hand didn’t leave your elbow. You stomped on your cigarette.
“Let me go.”
“No. Hang on, you can’t just say all that and then expect me to not retort.”
“Oh, yes, please let me hear what you have to say about me.” You said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I do so love to hear your innermost thoughts.”
“Just… Come here.” He dragged you to an alley and stopped, his hand now on your shoulder, bending down to be eyelevel with you. Fucking tall man.

“Listen to me.” His eyes searched yours and you glared at him, putting as much venom in your eyes as you could.
“I’m truly sorry that I’ve insulted you, and that you think I think of you as lesser.” You snorted.
“Oh, come on…” He cut you off.
“Seriously. I didn’t mean for that at all. I think you’re a wonderful person, and I would be hard pressed to find something negative about you to say or even think. Except, of course, your vehement hate for me.” His lips slid into a smile. “But I honestly… I never wanted to insult you or make you feel bad.”
“That’s rich. You literally just said not surprising when I said I was here for cake, which, by the way, was a lie.” He frowned.
“Oh!” He smiled. “No, I didn’t mean anything by that. I thought you knew it was one of the best pastry chefs who made it, that’s why I said it. I truly came here for the cake. No way in hell I’d miss that.” It was your turn to frown.
“Yeah. I didn’t imply anything with it.” You were digesting his words.

“Well, what about your conversation with Loes?”
“Which one? We talk a lot.” He asked, finally deeming that you probably weren’t going to run away from him, and let your shoulder go, leaning against the wall opposite you, hands in his pockets.
“You… It’s a few months ago. I mean, I overheard part of it, which was you pretty much gagging over my body and her telling you, that you were disgusting.” To your surprise, he blushed. He looked like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie-jar. He rubbed the back of his neck, and the sight of him looking so… Bashful, while leaning against the wall, a smirk on his face and a foot propped up against the brick behind him, made your stomach swirl. That was uncharacteristically hot.

“Yeah,that.” You sighed. “It’s fine if you find me… Like… Not to your liking, I mean…” You gestured to his body. “You look like that, and you’ve dated women who were the size of my thigh, but that gives you no right to…” He cleared his throat.
“You misunderstood.”
“Sure, I did.”
“No, really.” He licked his lips. “Loes thought I was disgusting because I couldn’t stop talking about you. I was talking about…” He sighed and closed his eyes, before they landed on you again, this time with fire burning behind the blue. “I was talking about how attractive I found you. Your body. You are truly a vision to me, and I had a hard time shutting up about it. Lo thought I was a pig.” He laughed a little at the memory.
“She told me that I should stop talking to her about it, and just say it to you. I wanted to, but then you started acting like I was the biggest stain on your existence, so I decided against it.” You swallowed thickly and blinked a few times.

He thought you were hot? Like… Actually attractive. Suddenly, everything began to make sense.
Oh.” You exhaled. Every time he had looked you up and down, it hadn’t been in disgust, it was because he was admiring you – a lot of puzzle-pieces fell into place in your head.
“Wait, then… Why are you acting to high and mighty? Cocky?”
“I guess it’s a defense mechanism? I’m not sure. I guess I tried to impress you. Seem… Confident. I had no idea it had an adverse effect.”
“Well, now you do.” You grin at him. “I never thought you’d look at me in any way, if I’m being honest.” He frowned and looked deeply insulted.
“What? Have you seen yourself? You look like… that!” He gestured to your body, and you felt a familiar heat crawl to your cheeks. “That dress should be illegal in all countries.” He pushed away from the wall and his fingers found the strap, toying with it. Your breath hitched.
“I’m damn sure it is.” He mumbled, mostly to himself and the pad of his finger slid against your skin, trailing goosebumps in their wake.
“Were you serious? This isn’t just a play to get me to like you and then you tear me down?” His fingers stilled and his eyes locked on yours. They were dark – you chalked it up to the darkness of the alley.
“I’d never do anything like that, darling.” He said seriously. When you nodded, his fingers began moving again.
“You’re… Entirely unaware of the effect you have on people.” He said in a hushed voice.
“I don’t have an effect on people.” You whispered breathily. His fingers rested on your collarbone now, and you had to lean against the wall to avoid your knees buckling. He chuckled.
“Oh, darling, you really have no idea. The way you turn heads. All eyes on you… You carry yourself so damn confidently, it’s hard not to look.”
“People look because of my weight.”
“I don’t. I promise you, every time you’re in the room, my eyes are on you. You’re… Irresistible. Like a forbidden fruit.” He murmured. His fingers trailed your collarbone, dipping in the hollow between them, before moving to the other side.
“Henry, I…” Your breath hitched again as his fingers pushed the strap on your shoulder down just a little.
“You are fucking sinful. You walk around like this…” He let the strap glide further down your shoulder. “Without even knowing how fucking hard you get me…” The strap was at your elbow. “How much I imagine being inside of you, making you mine…” You gasped as the dress finally gave in and slipped from your chest, following the strap. He groaned as his eyes found your hardened nipple.
“Fucking hell, Y/N… You’re going to be the death of me.” His eyes found yours, hands hovering just above your exposed chest. He looked like he was waiting on approval, and your brain did the only thing, it could think of.

With a moan, your lips connected with his, desperation and urgency settling nicely in between moans – his hand flew to your chest, kneading it, while your hands found the back of his neck, grabbing tufts of hair in the nape of his neck; he growled and pushed his body against yours, his thigh between your legs and you couldn’t help the whine, that overtook you, when he pressed against your core. He tasted like whiskey sour and cigarettes, but there was something else, something so entirely Henry, it made you feel drunk.
You rolled your hips, creating friction where you could, grinding down on his thigh. He was kissing you like his life depended on it, as if he had wanted nothing but kissing you for his entire life. It was teeth and tongue, roaming hands and your dripping core that made a mess of his – probably very expensive – pants. Your hips stuttered as you felt pleasure creep up on you, and he grinned against your lips.

“Look at my pretty girl… Want to cum on my thigh, baby? Soak my pants…?” You mewled and whispered his name, when he pressed you down a little, letting you rut against his thigh harshly.
“Do it, baby… Cum for me, right here, on my fucking thigh…” You moaned against his lips, riding his thigh until you exploded.
His lips were searing against yours and he swallowed your sounds as you came hard, pleasure running rampant through your body. Your nerves were burning, every cell in your body was screaming for more and you had lost all control over your breathing and yourself. You were clawing his back, nails digging into his jacket, and you realized that he was holding you up effortlessly. Fucking hell.  

You came down with small, heaving breaths, while he kissed your collarbone and neck; you couldn’t see straight. He slowly removed his hand from your breast and deftly put the dress back on your chest and shoulder, before he lowered you carefully to the ground. He held your shoulders tightly until he was sure, you can stand on your own two feet. He kissed you softly again.

“Want to get out of here with me?”
“You have no idea.” You grinned and he kissed you longingly, already pulling you towards his car.


@acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea​ 

A/N: Exam season is ON, my loves, and despite my love for writing and my WIPS, I need to focus on those darn exams. So, instead, you’re getting a week of one-shots, because I need my creative outlet.

You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble (500-1000 words), one-shot (1500-5000 words) or a multichapter fic (5500-??? Words) with what you’ve always wanted. Want Henry to be homeless and a starving artist? Sure thing, babes. Want a BDSM relationship with Steve Rogers? Anytime. Fluffy love with August Walter? Yup. 40’s professor Bucky? YES.

I love y’all so much and thank you for your OUTPOUR of support. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.
Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine, in particular), and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.



Pairing: Henry Cavill x female reader (Best friends to lovers)

Contains: Fluff, slight angst, please-pretend-to-be-my-boyfriend-to-make-my-ex-jealous-trope, smut (18+ MINORS DNI), fingering, p in v, oral (f and m recieving), unprotected sex, slight cum-play, cream-pie, praise-kink, slight voyerism, slight exhibitionism, language 

W.C.: 4.378

Play pretend

Fuck. Fucking fuck, fuck, fuck. You pace your room, trying to decide if you should just call and tell Abby you’d gotten sick, maybe fell and broke your leg, or if you should admit defeat and show up – there was nothing you’d want less than show up, single and still seething over your breakup, at a party where your damn ex was. Apparently, it had been a last-minute decision on his part, and Abby had been really sorry about it – she had invited him to her end-of-summer bash months ago, when you were still dating, and now he wanted to come.

With his new girlfriend. Who just so happened to be the same girl, he had cheated on you with. Classic.

You sighed and sat down on your bed, calling Henry; he usually made you feel eons better, so perhaps he had some sort of gold nugget for you and your current spiral of feelings.
He picks up after three rings, his voice making you feel calm instantly.

“Hey, love. What’s up?”
“Can you kill me? Just… Like for a day?”
“Err… I think that might prove to be slightly problematic. Death is, as you probably know, pretty final.” You grunt and fall backwards on your bed.
“Zach is coming to the damn party.”
“Ouch.” You hummed.
“Ouch indeed. He’s bringing his new fling. Girlfriend, whatever.”
“Double ouch.” You narrowed your eyes and heard the sounds in the background.
“Hang on, are you gaming through my panic?” He chuckled.
“No, not at all. I would never.” The sounds stilled.
“You just paused.”
“I did not.” You laughed.
“Fine, you left the lobby, then.” He was quiet for a heartbeat and then spoke again.
“Maybe. Anyway, what are you going to do?” You sighed.
“I don’t know. Break a leg to have an excuse to not show up?”
“Abby’ll kill you. She’s been planning this for months, love.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know… I just… Ugh.” You rolled to your stomach. “I just don’t want to show up single as a pringle.”
“I never understood that term. Pringles are by definition not single. They’re literally spooning in the can.”
“Okay, well, you know what I mean, you jerk.” You laughed. “I just want to feel… I don’t know. I’m over him, it isn’t that, but…”
“You want to get the upper hand, right?” You nodded and remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Hm.” He was quiet for a while, clearly thinking over your options.
“Do you still have that dress from the red carpet last year?”
“Y-yeah, but that’s like… Too much.”
“Not with me, it isn’t’.” You coughed and shot straight up.
“Can you be ready in an hour?” You glanced at the clock and your reflection in the mirror – it might take some work, but you could get yourself ready in an hour or less.
“I guess so.”
“Good. I’m coming with you. Let’s make him jealous as hell.”
“Wait, Henry, I can’t ask you…”
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. Honestly, do you remember how jealous he got when you went with me to the premiere? And how much he hated the rumors after?” You did. It tore a right rift through your relationship, but you refused to budge – you had helped Henry and you wanted to go, even though Zach was losing his mind all night, texting you seven times a minute.
“Good. Let’s make those fears real.” Your stomach flipflopped.
“I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend for the night. Come on, it’s been forever since we’ve done something stupid, and I have several suits that would lend themselves perfectly for a gala.” You drew a deep breath. He wasn’t wrong. You knew Abby would be over the moon to see Henry again, you’d have a date for the night, and you’d be sipping champagne with Henry for a night.
“I’ll be there in an hour.”

You sprang into action as soon as he hung up, shuffling through your closet to find the red silk dress that you had worn to the premiere; it still fit you perfectly and you even had the black pumps you wore the same night. Now, to your face.


“Are you sure you’re cool with this? We can still turn around.” You said as the car pulled around a corner, leading to the mansion, Abby had rented for the day and night.
“Oh, we’re not turning around. I hate that guy, if I get a chance to make him mad, I’ll take it.”
“You don’t hate people, Henry.” You grinned and felt his fingers weave between yours, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“I don’t. But he’s not people, he’s an arse.” Your brows flew up. “What? It’s true! I even told you when you started dating!” he said with a huff.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t give me the whole I told you so speech. You have dated idiots too.”
“Let’s agree that we both suck at finding partners.” He said with a smirk and a wink.

The driver cleared his throat.
“Sir, we’re here.”
“Ah, thank you, Samuel. Ready? We gotta play the part.” He nudges you with his broad shoulder.
“Sure thing. Let’s get this show on the road.”

As soon as you step outside, you’re hit with warm air and the gentle flow of music and light chatter. Henry wraps his arm around your waist and he’s practically lifting you to the garden, where lights shower the grass, people and cream-colored tablecloths in a golden hue. You spot Abby first, and she squeals when she sees you, and then squeals louder when she sees Henry.
“Holyshit, you’re here!?” She pulls him in for a hug and sends you wide eyes. He chuckles.
“Couldn’t leave my best girl to fend for herself.
Ooooh. Because of Zach?”
“Yup. Let’s keep that between yourselves, please. We have a part to play.” You say with a grin and become vaguely aware of the chatter and eyes of people, looking to you and Henry. You didn’t realize until too late, that many probably would take pictures. With him and you in them. Which will definitely end up on a gossip site by morning.
“Don’t worry about it, love.” He whispers, his lips catching the shell of your ear. You tremble a little.
“Sure?” he nods.
“Let’s go find asshat and his girl.” You notice the small gasps as people around you realize who’s next to you but pay them no mind – it wouldn’t be the first time you feel and hear the whispers and eyes on you. Occupational hazard, you supposed.

The trek through the garden and several pavilions was long, but you did manage to say hi to a few other friends, you hadn’t seen in a while; Grim was wearing the most dapper suit, you had ever seen, a midnight blue color littered with small, golden swirls and patterns; it looked amazing on him.
Dude. Look at you!” He twirled once, his purple hair flying out from his face.
“Don’t even start with me. Look at you!” He pointed to the dress. “How the hell did you get yourself that?” You laughed.
“Curtesy of the ever-amazing Henry, of course.” His eyes flicked up to meet Henry’s eyes and nodded once, said hey, man, before he gulped and looked back.
“Shit. You’re Geralt.”
“And Superman, but I rarely brag.” He held a hand out to Grim, who shook it with trembling hands.
“I… Am a huge fan.” He whispered. “What the hell are you doing here with Y/N?” Right. Grim didn’t really know about your friendship.
“Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Henry cocked an eyebrow at you, and you shrugged in a didn’t get a chance to kind of way. He wrapped his arm around your waist again and kissed the top of your head.
“We’re, er, well…”
“Henry’s my boyfriend.” You blurted out and you wished you had a camera to capture Grim’s expression – it was priceless.
“Holy… Fucking… Shit.” He breathed. “Oh, dude, when Zach sees this, he’s going to blow a few fuses.”
You just laughed and followed Henry, when he led you on, waving at Grim, who instantly turned to his friend and began whispering in hushed, frantic tones.

You spotted him from miles away. He was wearing a gaudy powder blue suit, that didn’t fit right over his shoulders, and you couldn’t help but grin at Henry – he looked like a damn model, the grey suit fitting perfectly over his broad shoulders and he held himself in a way, that few men could boast to do. Zach’s eyes fell on you, widening as he took your appearance in, before narrowing at the man next to you. You grabbed a champagne flute from a passing waiter and tipped the glass to him. He stalked to you as you drank, while Henry bent down to whisper in your ear.
“I hope you can act your pretty, little butt off.” You choked on your champagne.

“Y/N. Didn’t think to see you here.” Zach smiled tightly at you, his fingers digging into the side of his girlfriend’s hips – she was staring unabashedly at Henry.
“It is my friend’s party, so…” You smiled sweetly.
“Henry.” Zach pretty much spat the name out like it caused him great pain to say.
“Zachariah.” Henry looked disinterested and tightened his grip on your waist, thumb drawing lazy circles over your dress.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
“Well, I wouldn’t let my girl come alone, would I?” He smiled at Zach, who seemed to shrink a little under Henry’s eyes.
“This is Sophia.” He nodded to the girl, who batted her eyelids at Henry in what you assumed she thought was a coquettish way. It wasn’t.
“Hello. I must say, I’m a huge fan of yours.” She extended her hand to Henry, who just looked at it with a raised brow.
“Must say, I’m not a huge fan of yours.” He smiled. You snickered into his chest.
“What?” he sounded amused. “I’m just being honest, my love.” He kissed your hair again.
“So… You two are a thing now?” Zach asked, sneering.
“Yeah. God, it was what, two weeks after we split up, right, babe?” You ask him innocently.
“Yeah. Officially.” He grinned back at you. You could almost feel Zach’s anger radiating off his body, and Sophia shifted uncomfortably on her feet.
“You cheated?” He asked tensely. You cocked your head to the side and narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about cheating, are you?” You looked at Sophia, who at least had the damn curtesy to look slightly shameful.
“Anyway, it’s been nice seeing you. Bye, Zach, Sophie.” You ignored her trying to correct you and walked away with Henry.

You were both laughing loudly as you waited for the car to come and pick you up, having seen Zach glare daggers at you both throughout the night – it had honestly been fun as hell, and you were thankful that Henry came with you. Abby had just shot you a knowing look – not that you were privy to what that was about – when you bid your goodbyes and walked to the end of the garden, sitting down in damp grass.

“God, did you see his face? I’m sure he’ll be seething into the next century.” Henry laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You nodded and snorted.
“The man still think he had a claim, I guess. Not anymore.” You grinned back at Henry.
“You know what we should do?” He asked, pulling you closer and grabbed your clutch, pulling your phone out.
“We should take a picture of us. Kissing. Just to really get him going.”
“I, uh…. What?” You asked, a lump in your throat.
“Oh, come on! It’ll be great, he’ll finally get it. He definitely hasn’t by now, it would seem.” He glanced at your phone, where several texts from Zach lit up. You managed to read baby a few times.
“Ugh.” You rolled your eyes. “You know what, fine.” He grinned and held out your phone in front of him.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have weirdly long arms?” You asked, scooting closer to him and wrapping your arm around his waist. Your dress is getting wet from the grass, and the slight chill of it makes goosebumps rise on your bare thighs.
“No, but I have been told they’re way too big to be normal.” He said with a grin.
“Come on, plant one on me.” You turn and kiss his cheek.
“Aw, come on. We have to do that again.” He said exasperated.
“What’s wrong with it?” You asked, dumbfounded.
“On the cheek? What am I, your grandfather?” He scoffs. “Come on, give me a real kiss. Promise, I won’t make it weird.”

No, he might not, but you just might. Kissing him, here, in the darkness without anyone around, made your heartrate spike and despite being just fine with being friends with him for so long, your suppressed feelings slowly inch themselves closer to the surface at the very thought of kissing him.
“Seriously, he won’t believe that.” He finds the picture and you have to agree; it looks to friendly and jovial to be anything more.
“Alright,fine, but just…” You gesture wildly with your hands.
“I got you.” He angles the phone a little and holds it out, looking at your reflections in the camera with furrowed brows.
“Is this a good angle? I don’t want chubby cheeks.”
“Like you’d ever get chubby cheeks. You’re chiseled by gods.” You murmur.
“Heard that.” He grinned. “Come on, let’s just… We’ll count down.” He looks at you and you exhale deeply.
“One… Two… Three.” On three, his lips found yours and you were a goner.

His lips were demanding but soft, gliding with ease across yours. Maybe it was the years of friendship, maybe he just had a special affinity with kissing, but he just knew how you liked it. His lips were perfect against yours, and you sighed into the kiss; he didn’t waste a golden opportunity, and slid his tongue inside of your mouth, letting your tongues tangle with each other. It was definitely longer than what was needed for a picture, but you really didn’t care. Your hands found the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, urgency coloring the kiss.
He pulled away with a groan, his chest heaving, and the phone long forgotten in his hand. His eyes were on yours.

“You… That…” He breathed deeply. “That was insane. You felt that, right?” You didn’t have the capacity to talk right now, so you just nodded.
“But just in case… We should try again, just to make sure that was insane, really.”
“For science, of course.” You said in a voice, that was way breathier than you were used to.
“Yeah, science.” He said quickly, slotting his lips over yours again and practically devoured you. You whined against his lips, the lust and desperation definitely leaking from you, but he just groaned, his teeth finding your lip and tugging it gently. His tongue was downright sinful against yours. He pulled away, but rested his forehead against yours, finding your eyes. You were both breathing heavily now, your hands tangled in his hair.

Something snapped inside of the both of you at the same time, and you scrambled to get on his lap, straddling him and pressed your lips against his again. He groaned against you, and you – to your joy – felt something twitch against your thigh.
“You’re hard.” You mumbled against his lips, letting your own travel from his to his jawline.
“Damn right, it’s fucking hard. Shit, Y/N…” His fingers were holding your waist with bruising force, but you needed more. You rolled your hips again.
“I bet you’re wet as hell for me, aren’t you, love? So fucking wet, even without me touching you…” He gasped as you sucked on his neck. You hummed as his grip tightened.
“Fuck this, come on.” He stood, lifting you off his lap with ease and grabbed your hand, almost running to a small pavilion on the far end of the garden, leading away from people. You struggled to keep up, your heels digging into the soft grass, and you huffed, stopped and pulled them off. The cold, wet grass felt somewhat calming on you as it hit the soles of your feet.
“Come on.” He pulled you under the softly lit pavilion, his lips on yours in an instant again. His hands were desperately bunching your dress up over your hips, and you mewled, when the tip of his finger hit your soaking underwear. He grinned deviously against your lips.
“All that already? Darling, I’d think you’ve wanted me for far longer than just…” You shut him up with a kiss.
“Shut up and fuck me.”
He complied easily, tugging his jacket off and throwing it behind him, before he began unbuttoning his pants, lips still dancing on yours. You were busy trying to get your underwear off without breaking the kiss, but he didn’t care – he pulled away and got on his damn knees, his teeth dragging against your bare skin, until he found the waistband and tugged it down with his teeth, sending you a sinful glance.
You grabbed the railing behind you with tense fingers; you had never seen a more erotic sight than Henry on his knees, dragging your soaked underwear down your legs with his fucking teeth. He hummed as your naked folds came to view and he cocked an eyebrow as a question to you. You didn’t answer with words but jumped a little and rested your ass on the – thankfully thick – railing, spreading your legs for him.
“Fuckinghell, love, look at you…” His mouth slotted over your dripping folds, and you were already seeing stars. His tongue was deviously good at what it did, and when he sucked on your clit, you almost lost your balance.
Henry…” You whined his name, desperate for the release that was building as a tight ache in your entire body. He hummed against you, his hands snaking up to hold your thighs in place, and by proxy, you, before he began relentlessly eating you out.
“Come on, darling, don’t hold those pretty, little noises back for me…” he mumbled against your dripping pussy, and the feeling of his stubble scratching against your thighs became your undoing, when it paired with his tongue and lips.

You came with a loud scream of pleasure, the orgasm washing over you – your nipples pebbled, and you grasped his hair, pulling him closer to your core as you rode your orgasm out on his face. He grinned against you, and you moaned loudly.
“Good girl… Fuck, you taste fucking amazing, love.” He kissed his way to your face, and you tasted yourself on his tongue. You jumped down and got on your knees in front of him, deftly undoing his pants fully and pushed them down to his ankles.

“Shit…” he groaned when you wrapped your hand around his – honestly, damn beautiful length – and gave it a soft stroke, your eyes locking on his.
“Y/N, you… Shit…” he lost his train of thought when you wrapped your lips around the tip, licking a stripe along the slit and collecting the precum on your tongue. You moaned at the taste and rolled your eyes back; fuck, you could get used to this.

You slowly inched down on him, taking as much as you could before you gagged, and he hit the back of your throat. His hands found a home in your hair, grabbing it tightly.
“Good girl… Look at you, being so good for me on your knees. You can take more, baby…” he grinned deviously and pushed your head slowly, but surely, down to make you take even more of him. Tears welled in your eyes, and you gagged around him, while spit pooled from your open mouth; it was so fucking hot, your legs trembled. The sounds he made, gave you serious whiplash, trying to keep out and savor every single one.
“Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long… Playing pretend… Shit, Y/N…” He groaned as you swallowed even more of him, your head bopping up and down on his length, depraved sounds filling the air. “was so fucking easy, because I’ve wanted you for so long…”
You moved your head with his guidance, swallowing as much you could of him – he was rolling his hips, meeting your face as he thrust against you – you felt him twitch and you sped up.
“Shit, fuck, stop… baby, stop, I don’t want to… Y/N…” He moaned, and with willpower you could never possess, he withdrew from your warm mouth, a string of spit connecting you.
“Fuck, you are amazing.” He said in awe. You grinned at him, and he grabbed your shoulder, pulling you to your feet. His eyes were wild and dark, and you wanted to be fucking ruined by him, right here, right now. He sat down on a bench next to him, pulling you to his lap; your dress bunched even higher on your hips now, his fingers tightly holding you, and his lips split into a devilish smile.
“Let me film us, love… He needs to see what he’s missing out on.” He kissed your neck, drawing small whimpers from you and you rolled your hips, your folds spreading against his hard length. He growled and moved your hips, letting you glide against him in a faster motion.
“Let him see what he’s missing, and never getting back, baby…”
“You’remine, darling… Mine…” His lips found yours in a heated kiss and you moaned against his lips.
“Yes, fucking… Do whatever you want, just… Fillme, please…” you whined with shaking legs. He grinned and pulled your phone out, placing it in the slots between the boards of the bench, starting a video.
“Hey, asshole…” he mumbled, his fingers finding your dripping hole. You whimpered when he began moving them, curling up to hit every single spot, you needed him to.
“You’re so wet for me, love… Can’t wait to be inside of you… Fuck…” He rolled his hips as he fucked you with his fingers, his hard cock pressing against your clit. You moaned his name. “Feeling you cum on my cock, filling you up…”
“Justfuck me, Henry!” you snarled, desperate for him to fill you with his cock. He chuckled darkly.

“As you wish, baby.” You whined when his fingers left you, but moments later, your head lolled back and he had you hold you up with his large hands on your back, as he entered you swiftly – he was big, stretching you deliciously. He groaned as you clenched down on him, and his resolve broke in the second, your fingers tugged his hair.

He growled and his head found the crook of your neck, his breath fanning over your collarbone and he began fucking up into you; you were meeting his thrusts, the wet sounds of you filling the warm night air. You were pulsing around him, his cock dragging against your walls and his head hitting your g-spot over and over.
“Your pussy is dripping for me, love… You’re taking me so well, look at you…” He grinned against your skin. “My cock splitting you completely, my good girl taking me so well…” His praise made you moan even louder, and you bit your lip to hold it back.
“Don’t hold back, baby, let everyone know… Fuck… How well you’re being fucked…” He growled and angled his hips a little more, hitting you deeper than you thought possible. “Let everyone hear those pretty, little sounds you make for me…” You moaned loudly.
“I don’t care… Oh, god… Who hears you, baby, I need everyone to know who you belong to…” Your orgasm hit you out of nowhere, his voice toppling you over the edge; you came hard around him, your pussy clenching down on his hard length, and he sped up, letting you feel every inch of him as you came undone around him. He fucked you with reckless abandon, trying to reach his own high.
“Tell me. Tell me who you belong to, baby…” He moved his head from your neck and looked at you, his hand wrapping around your throat as he fucked you deeply.
“H-henry… Fuck, I belong… T-to you…” Your voice was broken now, and he groaned as your walls fluttered again.
“You want to cum again, love? Soak my cock, huh?” He hissed. “Cum with me, love, fuck…” you let go when he tightened his grip on your neck tightened and he threw any caution to the wind, fucking you as hard as he could, his own orgasm hitting seconds after yours.

He filled you with hot ropes of cum, warming you inside out, and you both moaned loudly, gripping each other as tightly as you could, as you came down from your highs. He peppered kisses along your neck and rubbed soothing circles on bare thighs. You kissed him lazily and he smiled against your lips, his fingers fumbling for the phone. You watched him turn the video off.

“I’m not sharing that with anyone.” He mumbled. “That belongs to me and you, love.” You chuckled and kissed him again, slowly getting off him. He hissed and you moaned as he slipped out from you.
“Don’t even bother with your underwear.” He said happily, as he closed his pants and kissed your neck.
“Why?” you asked, following his fingers as he grabbed your panties and pocketed them. He wrapped his arm around you and as you walked down to the waiting car (when did it even come?) you felt his spend slowly coat your thighs. It made you whine a little.
“Oh, darling…” He opened the door for you and kissed you before flashing you a deadly smile. “Don’t think for one second, I’m done with you.” He got in himself, and his large hand came to rest on your thigh, his long fingers drawing circles in his own spend on your thighs.
“Samuel, can you take us to my house, please?”


TAGLIST: @acaceta@a-skov@angelmather1@cooldreamlandsandwich@doubletriplepowerbomb@est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry@fionnthebandersnacc@herroyalbubbliness@keiva1000@kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler@pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw@sofiebstar@summersong69@spookyboogyuniverse@stardusted26@thereisa8ella@timetraveller4@thatonechickhere@themanfromu@thelastpyle@tragicphoenix13@yourlocalhoney@wheretheriversrunintothesea           
