#here lies laurel



Notes: Full disclosure: I do not do yoga.  This was supposed to be something else, and then Laurel and I started talking yoga and the phrase “Yoga Meet Cute” came up and the next thing I knew I was looking up beginner lessons on YT to make this semi-believable because I, my friends, do not do the Yoga.   (It…one hundred percent ran away from me.  These chapters were supposed to be SHORT.  But I’m having a blast here, so I guess that’s the important thing.   Anyone figure it out yet? )

Ch 1|Ch 2|Ch 3|Ch 4|Ch 5 |  Ch 6  |  Ch 7  |  Ch 8

Princess Heartmaker

Chapter Nine: You Got Me Twisted

“You ready, girl?”

Marinette blinked and shook her head, feeling as if she were coming out of a fog – or maybe breaking through the water’s surface after being tossed overboard.

…what the heck?  Where had that analogy come from?  She’d never been tossed overboard.  She didn’t make a habit of getting that close to the river.  Or boats.  She was pretty sure her Nonna had once accused her of being aquaphobic when she’d taken her to a regatta and Marinette had refused to get too close to the water.

…she wasn’t.  They’d gone with her Nonna’s friend, who had brought her grandson along, and he’d been tormenting Marinette all morning about…something.  Something that had been by the water, and that was why she hadn’t wanted to get too close.  What had it been?  Some weird bug?  Snakes? It had been so long ago, and she couldn’t really remember.

But that wasn’t the point.  She was pretty sure the point wasn’t rivers or boats or boat-dwelling snakes, either, but…what had the point been again?
