#here you go bb ♥︎


it’d been… a long time since seoyeon had danced in a studio. three years and 1 month to be exact. she’s definitely not as flexible as she once was, constantly hunched over her computer nearly all day because of school and messing around with music. but for the longest time, she’d convinced herself she wouldn’t ever dance again. 

seoyeon lost everything in the summer of 2016, dancing included. a pit would form in her stomach any time she thought about dancing anywhere but her mom’s studio, a bundle of nerves that would sit there for hours. her dad always encouraged her to try dancing again, “you know she would want you to do what you loved,” but she still couldn’t bring herself to try. 

that was, until meeting soyeon. 

seoyeon had been friends with soyeon for a while now, meeting her through a mutual friend a few months ago. the two had grown close quickly, especially after dvs was formed. she loved supporting her friend’s interests and that included soyeon’s dance videos. it was inspiring watching just how passionate her friend was when she danced. she doesn’t remember when it happened, but she remembered feeling the wantto dance for the first time in three years. that’s when seoyeon decided to ask her friend if she wanted to dance together. or, in reality, build seoyeon’s dancing up again.

so here she was at the studio that she always saw in the background of soyeon’s videos. the pit was there… but it was lighter than before, surprisingly. 

she’s just finished stretching when she huffs, already out of breath. “oh god..” she groaned, “this is gonna be a nightmare.” she eases herself into a split, hovering over the floor a couple inches. “i’ve lost allof my flexibility.” she turns to the other girl and whines dramatically, “soyeon, i’m gonna die.

                                                                       — ☾.* ( @rksoye )
