#hickey imagine


A/N: This is the closest y’all are getting to a smut so enjoy it while you can. The morning after you and Gray had a bit of ~fun~ he texts you a picture of how you left him.

y/f/n: your friend’s name

Warnings: Sexual Allusions, Cussing

******Sorry the edit kinda sucks sis is NOT an editor


You left Grayson’s early that morning as you promised your best friend you would go out to breakfast with her. Once you arrived y/f/n made you very aware of the marks Grayson left on you last night and would not let you live them down. 

“Jesus y/n, is Grayson a vampire?” Y/f/n asks looking at you neck. “How did you not notice them before you left?”

“Don’t know.” You shrug, trying to continue you your breakfast. “I was in a rush I guess.”

“I didn’t think you two were into that.” She muses. “You leave any on him?”

The conversation in its entirety makes you extremely uncomfortable. You and Gray are very ‘leave it in the bedroom’ when it comes to your sex life, so having anyone ask about it makes you squirm. 

“Probably not.” You tell her, actually unsure if you had. “How your breakfast.”

She catches on to the fact that you’re trying to change the subject and she respects it. Y/f/n has been trying to get the juicy details since you and Grayson began dating, yet she’s never succeeded. 

Later in the day you’re at the grocery store, now wearing a hoodie even though it’s ninety degrees out when you get a text from Grayson.

You went a little wild last night baby…

You turn your head to the side, making sure you’re reading that right. You have no idea what he means by that as you didn’t think last was any different than any of your other times with Grayson.

What do you mean Gray?

Within the minute Grayson send you a selfie of him with his shirt open, complete with hickeys all the way up his neck and scratch marks across his chest. You clap your hand to your mouth, in shock that you did that do him. You have to admit he looks good with the marks on his body.

Holy shit Gray I’m so sorry

You text him back along with a picture of you in your sweatshirt, showing him that you’re hiding yours. You continue shopping until you feel your phone buzz again.

Don’t be I kinda like them

Wanna make some more when you get home ;)

You roll your eyes and ignore the text. When you arrive at Grayson’s you find him already in bed waiting for you. 

“Someone’s eager.” You say leaning against the doorframe. “Is Ethan home.”

“No, he’s out for the night.” Grayson tells you. “I’ve been thinking about you and these all day.”

He points to the bruises and scratches across his body and raises his eyebrow at you.

“Have you?” You ask, not moving from your place, knowing you’re driving him crazy. “Can’t say I have.”

“Cut the bullshit, take those off and get over here.” He commands, sitting up from his position. “I think we both need some more of these.”

You do as he says, strip and crawl into bed next to him, not planning on moving from it all night. Needless to say you wake up the next morning with a few more love bites than the morning before. 
