#hidden gems reblog challenge



At the Age of Thirty-Seven


Ao3Patreon Tips (all tips currently help me keep afloat in this sad financial time)

At the Age of Thirty-Seven He Knew He’d Found Forever

Rating: M

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Characters: Sam, Reader, others mentioned

Word Count: 1825

Warnings: Birthday fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, anniversary, aphrodisiacs, breaking gender roles, established relationship

Summary: Sam’s birthday dinner is a big night for both of you.

A/N: Written for @fangirlxwritesx67 50 Kisses 500 Follower Celebration, with prompt #19, One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.Slightly inspired by the song The Ballad of Lucy Jordan (title taken from lyrics) (y’all are lucky i managed to not make a fuck-ton of angst from this song)

Squares filled: Kissed to keep quiet ( @spnfluffbingo​ ), Aphrodisiac ( @spnkinkbingo​ )


You busied yourself with the final preparations of the lavish dinner you were making, checking one more time on the roast broiling in the oven before pulling the cooled cake out of the fridge to frost it. After covering the cake in Sam’s favorite frosting, you took a breath, noticing your hands shaking. Tonight was a big night, and not just because it was Sam’s birthday. It was also your two-year anniversary. Two amazing, if not sometimes horror-filled, years of having the luck of being Sam Winchester’s girlfriend.

The two of you had been working on a hunt together, finishing off the vampire nest you were after just in time to still celebrate his thirty-fifth birthday. Dean and Cas had been off on a ‘wolf hunt on the other side of the country, so you convinced him to let you treat him to a few rounds at the hunter’s bar a couple miles from the motel you’d been staying at. The adrenaline rush of the hunt paired with copious amounts of alcohol had led to you deciding to give Sam what was meant to be a traditional birthday kiss. When you’d gone to pull away, Sam had pulled you back into his lap, kissing you deeper. The look in his eyes when he finally released you had you quickly paying the tab, Sam’s hand in yours the entire short drive back to the motel. He had admitted how long he had wanted to make the first move, how he was worried that your whole relationship would change if you hadn’t felt the same. That was the night you first made love to Sam Winchester, the first time you told him you loved him, at least, while he was awake, the first time he returned the sentiment.

You looked down at the cake in front of you, picked up the frosting bag and put the finishing touches on the decorating…yup, a big night.

Keep reading

i don’t know how i just found this but it is ridiculously fluffy, and now i might have to reconsider your title in my head as a (sammy) smut queen… did i mention i love it? bc i do. and i’d like to thank chuck for your sam phase lol
