#hinata shoyo headcanons


THIS hinata shōyō just hits different

This is the winner of my poll about which story I should finish and so this is absolute fluff how some of the Haikyuu boys are while sleeping

No warnings

You can request Headcanons here


Kozume Kenma

  • He loves to be so warm when he’s asleep
  • Sleeps with 2-3 fleece blankets each night
  • Add you in the mix, it’s only 1 or 2 depending on how you sleep
  • He mumbles in his sleep
  • Sometimes it’s coherent words and sometimes their too muffled too hea
  • If you don’t fall asleep cuddling you wake up cuddling because one of you moved to the other in your sleep
  • You’re the only reason he gets more sleep than he used to
  • He doesn’t like it when your not beside him

Hinata Shouyou

  • He loves cuddling but he gets too warm in his sleep and kicks off all of the blankets
  • Which results in you cuddling into him to stay warm instead of the blankets
  • He lightly snores and kicks in his sleep, he also drools in his sleep
  • He is a pretty sound sleeper unless there is a loud alarm blaring which he uses for school and practice

Kageyama Tobio

  • He has no idea how to cuddle
  • He loves it once he learns and tries it
  • Kageyama sleeps like a log
  • He full on has arguments in his sleep 
  • He also frowns when he’s asleep

Tsukishima Kei

  • Tsukki has full on conversations with himself in his sleep
  • Smiles in his sleep
  • Acts like he doesn’t like to cuddle with you but he secretly likes it but only if no one can’t accidentally see the two of you like that 

Nishinoya Yuu

  • Noya loves cuddling but he is so restless so he can only cuddle very loosely
  • He sleep walks sometimes
  • Rolls back and forth in his sleep and kicks if he doesn’t have you on his chest
  • He only moves in his sleep when he’s not holding you in his arms
  • He is a very light sleeper so if you move in your sleep sometimes you’ll wake him up and he’ll just pull you close and not let you move anymore

Yamaguchi Tadashi

  • This boy is the CEO of sleep mumbling
  • He mumbles so often in his sleep that you have woken him up too many times by accident thinking that he was talking to you when really he was just mumbling about something or more than once mentioning Tsukki with a freaking mullet and dancing to 80’s music, while dressed as Marty Mcfly and the Delorean
  • You asked him about that dream and he only brushes it off with a chuckle because obviously it was one odd dream about Tsukki and The Delorean
  • He gives amazing cuddles in the morning and before bed
  • Talking about nonsense before bed
  • He smiles in his sleep when cuddling you and when he’s silent