#kenma kozume x reader


three step plan 2.23 (just thinking about it)


With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan 2.22 (sugar daddy)


With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan 2.21 (a carrot, the worst vegetable)


With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan 2.20 (hinata’s other name)


With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan — 3.30 (final)


— With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan3.29 (live = love)


— With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan — 3.28 (and there was only one bed)


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It was dark by the time the two of you ended the livestream. It hadn’t seemed like you’d been streaming that long, but hours had passed before either of you’d realized that.

“Finally over.” Kenma’s voice was rough when he spoke, maybe from his lack of sleep or the fact that he’d been talking for hours now.

“Yeah,” You said with a smile. You stood up from the chair and stretched, Kenma following suit soon after.

“We can order take out if you want, too tired to cook right now.”

He looked so worn out, and even though you were too, you wondered if he’d gotten any sleep the previous night. Fatigue was written all over his face, etched in the dark circles under his eyes and the flutter of his eyelids as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

“I should get home actually, it’s getting… well it’s dark out.”

Kenma hummed at that, looking towards his bedroom window as though the dark room didn’t give the time away.

In fact, the only light in the room was that coming from his monitors. And with the white outline that traced one side of his face and his features, you couldn’t help but notice how pretty he was.

“You can stay here if you want to. You don’t exactly live close to me, it’ll be easier.” He said.

“You don’t mind?”

“Nah, but you’re paying for dinner.”


“You can take the bed, the couch is comfy.” Kenma said, walking over and grabbing one of the pillows off of his bed.

“It’s your house. If the couch is so comfy, I can sleep there.”

Kenma frowned at you. As much as he would like to act as though he didn’t care, he’d feel guilty sleeping on the bed. Especially when you were sleeping on the couch… unless you didn’t have to sleep there.

“Fine, then we share the bed.”


“Unless you want to admit defeat and take the couch?” He asked, a playful smile appearing on his lips.

You narrowed your eyes at him and snatched the pillow from his hand. You put it back down on the bed and crawled under the sheets, the warmth around you already putting you to sleep.

“Dumbass,” Kenma said, lovingly. “are you going to sleep in your day clothes?”

You were about to say that yes, you were, but he was already pulling a pair of his sweatpants out of his drawer.

“Put these on, I have a shirt too if you want that. I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you if you’re gonna wear that to bed.”

“Admitting defeat?”

He narrowed his eyes at you, but tossed his clothes to you and walked out of his room so you could change.

Maybe it was wrong, yet you loved the way his clothes felt. You tried to convince yourself that it was just the material that made you think that, but that doesn’t make a feeling like home wash over you.

“You done yet?” Kenma called from the other side of the door, his words a little slurred with enervation.

“Yeah.” You answered, and got back into the bed. You barely registered the dip in the bed from Kenma’s weight before you slipped into sleep.

When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you noticed was the smell of vanilla. Then it was the arm thrown lazily over you and Kenma’s face buried into your neck.

You felt a little guilty about waking him up being that you knew he needed sleep, but the clock reading 10:38 A.M. told you that you should be getting home.

“Morning, sunshine.” You said with a small laugh. Yet a part of you really found it adorable. Golden eyes fluttered open just slightly before snapping open completely, Kenma almost falling off of the bed in his attempt to move himself away from you.

“I… I did not mean to do that. I move in my sleep.” He said, staring down at his sheets instead of at you. In fact, he wondered how he was ever going to look at you again.

“No worries. I’ve got to go though, I promised I’d meet one of my friends today. I’ll change and leave your clothes on the bathroom counter before I leave. Get some sleep.”

And you did. But you didn’t know that Kenma walked to get his shirt, just so he could sleep with it. He couldn’t help it if even the ghost of your presence was calming.

three step plan — 3.27 (kenma, sleepy but not scared)


— With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan3.26 (kiss kiss fall in love)


— With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan3.25 (the kodzuken being nice)


— With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan3.24 (acquaintance zoned)


With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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hello! Id love a kenma x reader fic (maybe a/b/o) ?? Also, thank you so so much for writing so many amazing fanfics :) every time I read a new chapter from any of your stories, it makes my day <3 

OFC COURSE YOU CAN!!!! And thank you so much for your support and for your donation! AND THANK YOU!! I know this one is long overdue, but I hope you enjoy!

I’m also killing two birds with this one, it’s substituting for Typetober Day 16: back and forth (using change the channel instead)

title: change the channel

pairing: Kenma Kozume/Omega!Reader

rating: T/very slight M


Kenma taps his phone again, right back at your picture. He stares at you with wide, piercing eyes, leaning across the table and quickly saying, reverent and eager—

“I want to buy your game from you.”

Today, sitting here beside you in your bag, are fully equipped items to try and protect you from the creepy, deranged, rich stranger you’d been about to meet. Today, you were fully expecting to unleash a fury building up inside of you over an injustice you can’t tackle on your own in your society on some poor, unsuspecting alpha—

Here, sitting in front of you, is a self-claimed internet game streamer, who wants to buy your… special edition… game?

“You want…” you say, slowly, making sure you don’t have this wrong, “…my game?”

He nods.

You open your mouth. It closes. You open it again, raise a finger, and then press your lips together, staring at him.

“I’m sorry,” you say finally. “What?”

link to AO3 for easier reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27446191

Omegachion has signed on!

The monitor screen flickers to life. 

Keep reading




✎ summary: The year 2022 started great for Y/N L/N; an author with over six bestselling books all over the world. Her series, “Tales of Love,” has received an overwhelmingly huge amount of praise from fans and even critics. Despite all of her current achievements, she can’t help but feel like she’s lying to everyone—as she never really experienced the concept of love firsthand. Life circles back at her when she suddenly wakes up in all of her written books; learning what love truly is one by one.

✎ note: scratches head… I KNOW IT TOOK REALLY LONG IM SORRY T_T ive been so busy </3 BUT HI THIS IS CHAPTER 2 PLS ENJOY!!!! also heavily unedited </3 reblogs and comments are well appreciated >_<


After the three-lettered word left your mouth, Kenma briskly inserted the ring on your finger, his golden eyes holding mischief beneath them. You hear bystanders around you applaud and cheer you two on, unaware that the engagement was a mere act—an act to receive five free desserts.

Kenma settled back to his seat and wiped his scripted tears away, a smirk now covering his face. If he weren’t a photographer, he could’ve been an actor, you muse. He leans towards you, cupping a hand to your cheek, “They believed us, right?

You lose yourself to the sound of his voice; very dreamy-like. 

Dreams are stories our minds create while we find ourselves in deep slumber. Each blurring memories of these dreams are unique in their own way. And to you, Kozume Kenma is a dream so near yet so far. A dream come true. His existence is a wish you’ve always whispered softly in thin air before sleeping, and now that you have a chance to be with him, you can’t help but indulge in this time-limited dream. 

“Definitely,” you nod, eyes crinkling whilst staring at him. Who can blame you though? He’s just that pretty. From the corner of your eye, you see a waiter approach your table. “…And there he goes.”

“Bingo,” Kenma shakes his head, chuckling. He brings his hand down under the table, aiming for a fistbump. You return his fistbump, excited—maybe too excited.

The waiter with the name tag that reads “Makki” now stands before your table, a friendly smile greeting the two of you. “Congratulations on you two! We can sense the love even before this fine man proposed,” Makki beams, you raise a brow at Kenma, he shrugs. Makki hands you and the faux blond a fancy envelope. “In our restaurant, we have a special promo for couples who get engaged here, granting them five free desserts.”

Oh, we know, you wanted to comment. That’s why we’re here.

You share a glance with Kenma before you look down to open your envelope, a pink card with the different desserts printed on them. Your eyes spot your favorite desserts and immediately let Makki know your orders, he nods, smiling as he listens to you.

“I would want the apple pie and the tiramisu, please,” Kenma hands the envelope back to Makki. The waiter jots both of your orders down, before opening his mouth to speak again. “Oh, and can the apple pie be sliced in parts?” 

Makki nods, “Yup.”

“I’ll have it sliced please.” Kenma smiles, “Thank you.”

“You two still have one more dessert left! Since you both ordered two each,” Makki brings up, his pointer raised. You chuckle, nodding understandingly. Kenma hums softly, eyes focused on you and you only. 

If he keeps staring at me like that, I’ll fucking melt! Melt like the ice creams offered in this restaurant! You scream inside your head, face hot at the golden eyes that continue to pierce right through you.

“What would you like, love?” Kenma’s silky voice rings through your ears, while you bite your lips, now feeling shy. “Would you like a taiyaki or the banana split more?”

“I’m good with any,” you answer him. “You can choose what you want more though!”

“Mhm… okay. Got it,” He nods, now looking back to Makki. “We’ll get the taiyaki, please. And - uh, we’d like the desserts to be taken out? Is that’s okay?”

Makki gives him a thumbs-up, and Kenma lets out a relieved sigh. “Okay, okay… good! We have to be somewhere since I’m planning to bring my special lady somewhere,” he continues to blabber to the friendly waiter. You quirk a brow, lost. I don’t recall writing a scene like this in the book? Are these characters just… acting in their own volition? Do they actually have a life outside the books?

“Thank you! And congrats to you two once again!” Makki chimes in, taking the other envelope from you. You return his friendly smile thanking him, on the other hand, Kenma scratches his head, flustered.


The “somewhere” that Kenma wanted to bring you to was where the park that the two supposed main characters met when they were little. Now as you stand before the place you’ve written, you can’t help but agree on how magical it was. It wasn’t grand in any way, but it was just enough to create a lasting memory for a lifetime. 

“I wanted to bring you here because we could eat the desserts peacefully,” Kenma bites his lip, avoiding your eyes. It was unbelievable how he effortlessly managed to capture your heart; may it be through written words or him standing right in front of you, hitting an arrow through your heart. He sits down on the left side of the swings, you take the one at the right. “And… erm… I wanted to hang out with you here.”

With your feet planted on the ground, you sway your swings slowly. Your movements create soft sounds with the squeak of the swings and the repeating contact of your sneakers to the pebbles. Kenma stays put whilst holding a brown paper bag, his gaze as sweet as the desserts that filled the bag.

“Was this just an excuse to be with me?” You tease him, now looking at the blond with cheeks as red as a strawberry. “Don’t worry Kenma, I feel the same. Now let’s eat! Let’s eat the taiyaki first, yeah?”

“Just like old times?” He voices out his question, words floating in thin air. 

You slice the brief silence with your reply, “Just like old times.”

Technically, you have never experienced what he was talking about, but you’re somehow familiar with it. Similar to your relationship with the phenomenon of love; it was familiarly unknown.

Kenma hands you the fish-shaped cake first, you take it gratefully in your hands. You take a bite, while you watch him take his own and place the paper bag on his lap. Clutching your sling bag, you search for your phone, wanting to know how much time you have left to stay here. You didn’t want to be reminded of how limited your time is with him, but you had no choice - you had to be aware.

3:00:00,it showed in red. Your brows furrowed in confusion, why was it different this time? Does this mean that I get to stay with him for three more hours? Holy shit. You shut your phone off and put it back inside your bag. 

“Ken, what time is it?” You ask him, while he quirks a brow. 

“Didn’t you just check your phone?” 

“My phone just died,” you answer him lamely, lying.

He shrugs, “Hm… it’s 9:00 PM right now.”

Three more hours.

When the clock strikes 12, you meet the deadline of your almost fairytale-like yet time-limited experience. You were Cinderella to this story; magically gifted a chance by some luck plucked in the universe, but you were still unsure if you’d actually be given a happy ending.

When the clock strikes 12, will time be kinder?

When the clock strikes 12, will time stop?

But as you gaze at the billions of stars found in Kenma’s golden eyes, maybe everything is worth it. You were given this chance once in a lifetime, it was better to make use of it before the time runs out.

“It’s still a bit early,” you avert your gaze to the sky. The stars in his eyes were brighter. “But I want to ask you something, Ken…” You hear him hum, “What do you think about love?”

“What’s this all about?” He chuckles, you feel your face get hot in embarrassment. “Kidding. Uh… love is hard to define and to be honest, I’m still trying to figure out my own definition for it. So for now, uh… love is hard to define, yeah—yup.”

Before you could open your mouth, you hear an unfamiliar voice boom behind you two. Turning around, your eyes widen at the sight of the tall man with messy jet-black bed hair and a grin tilted slightly sidewards. Kuroo Tetsurou; another childhood friend of the two main characters—and in this case, you were now one of the main characters.

“Hey, guys!” He walks to you and Kenma, his eyes shift from you to the blond. He also notices the sheepish smile plastered on your face and the blush that covers Kenma’s cheeks. Kuroo’s mouth twitches in mischief, “Did I interrupt something here?”

Kenma rolls his eyes, “You did.”

Your eyes blink in surprise, shocked at how blunt his response was. Well, you did write his character to be this way, but you were still caught off guard. Kuroo places his hands on his hips, lips now pouting. “Oh shit… really? Well, I was looking around for you! Someone went to your studio but it was closed earlier, they wanted to sched a photoshoot.”

“You could’ve texted me though?” Kenma asks his friend, holding out his phone to Kuroo. The taller man sighs dramatically, exclaiming how he did text him multiple times, but Kenma answered zero of them. Kenma whistles, “Oops.”

“Yeah, sure, oops!” Kuroo imitates the expression on Kenma’s face tauntingly, then, his eyes spot the paper bag with the restaurant’s logo and littered with pink heart stamps on Kenma’s lap. He crosses his arms, smirking, “You two went on a date?” 

“You could call it that,” You waggle your brows. “Want some, Tetsu?”

“Fuck yeah!” Kuroo pumps his hands in the air, Kenma shakes his head before giving him a taiyaki. He takes it with a grin, before seating on the slide that was a few feet away from the swings. “Wait… isn’t this the dessert at the expensive ass restaurant downtown?”

Sharing a glance with Kenma, you wink at Kuroo. “Yup, we acted like a couple getting engaged to get free desserts. Since there’s a free Valentine’s day—more like a month—special.”

“Holy fuck! This is genius… finessing the system, huh?” Kuroo slaps his thighs, shaking in laughter. He turns to Kenma, “So you also got a fake engagement ring to get engaged or something?”

Kenma looks away, flustered at the question. “I used my grandma’s old engagement ring.”

Eyeing the beautiful silver ring that adorned your ring, your heart melts at how shy Kenma has gotten and how endearing he was. Kuroo hums, a genuine smile now playing on his lips. You knew that it was his grandma’s ring, you also knew the reason why he gave it. Why wouldn’t you when you practically know him by hand—no, literally.

“Didn’t your mom say to give it to a person you—”

“Finish that and I’ll strangle you alive,” Kenma grits out, cutting Kuroo off. The smirk on Kuroo’s face returns and his brows wiggle suggestively to his childhood friend. You chuckle, shaking your head. I mean, I know the reason why either way. I literally wrote the story. 

Time passes by like a breeze, and Kuroo bids goodbye to the two of you. Before he left, he shared the stories of his mini-adventures with the new little frog he befriended a few days ago. He named the frog, “Hoppy Scotchy.” Kenma made a snide remark on how he thought Kuroo would name the frog “Bogart” because, for him, Kuroo tends to give “ugly” names to basically anything and everything. 

Kenma and you remain on the swings, eating the other desserts you got from the expensive restaurant.

He takes a bite of his apple pie, which was thankfully sliced by his request, and his eyes fixate on the stars.

“If I were to actually propose, I want it to be somewhere special,” Kenma cuts the tranquil silence with his words. “That’s one of the wishes I want to fulfill in life, I guess..”

He turns to you, eyes brighter than the stars decorated in the sky. But if you were to compare him between the stars and moon, you’d choose the latter. There are many stars in the universe, but the moon—she’s incomparable. 

That’s how Kenma is in the scope of your lens.

When people say they’re over the moon, it’s a way to say how ecstatic they are. And every encompassing minute with him is just filled with utter bliss and comfort. He’s exceptionally bright and he’s hopelessly unaware of it.

“Mhm, like where?”

“Uh… a place where we both met, perhaps?” He shrugs, swallowing the bite he took. His cheeks redden like apples, “For instance, if I were to really propose to you, I’d do it here. Here in this playground. Not just because I prefer privacy, but I also treasure intimacy. Y’know?”

“That’s true and it’s very like you.” With a gentle smile reaching your eyes, you hum softly. “I feel like public proposals can only happen successfully when the couple talks about their plans and all, like for example, marriage. I fucking hate it when they only propose publicly just to pressure their partner to say yes on the spot. Like? How low can you be?!”

Kenma’s chuckle rings through the empty night. “Right? And it’s always the men who do it too.”

“I know!” You roll your eyes, grumbling. “Men are so fucking annoying.”


A few moments of silence pass by, the night breeze kissing both of your skins. You estimate to have an hour left before your time runs out. Wanting to savor the company of Kenma, you cling to your words.

“Hey, Ken?”

“Yeah?” He takes another bite of his beloved apple pie, cheeks full. You had to contain the urge to pinch his cheeks right there and then. He’s so fucking cute, what the fuck! Can’t I just keep him?! 

You bite your lip while deep in thought. You open your mouth and hesitate - the words you wanted to say wouldn’t come out. They remain to be an unspoken fate. Maybe another time, then. “Nothing, nothing.”

I want to stay here with you, but I can’t.

Kenma raises a brow, “You sure? You look like you’re thinking hard of something.”

Wrapping your arms to your body, you nod assuringly. You were unsure if you were assuring him or the seas of uncertainty swimming inside you. “Yeah, I’m good. Don’t worry.”

“You denying it worries me even more, but I won’t push you to say anything.” Kenma replies, now folding the paper bag close. “Just know that I’m always here, yeah?”

“Yeah, I know you will be.”

But I’m unsure if I’ll always be there for you, Kenma.

“Do you want to stay over tonight?” His question holds the universe tight in his hold. He gives you a cheeky wink, “Stay over the night, my fiancée?”

It wouldn’t hurt if you cherish this moment a little longer, wouldn’t it? 

“I’d love to, my fiancé.“

After all, you’re only given a limited amount of time.


The next time you wake up, you’re sprawled over your floor. Your wall clock beams the time annoyingly, 9:08 AM. Almost ten hours after your encounter with Kenma. Before you drifted to a deep slumber, you remember sharing the bed with him. The parallels never lie, they tell the tales of your universes; so similar yet apart - never intersecting. 

“I could’ve at least gotten a memory of my night with him,” you groan, now sitting up straight. Rubbing your drowsy eyes, you yawn tiredly. Your eyes scan your apartment, nothing out of the ordinary, that was until you saw the same paper bag of the restaurant from last time. Kicking your legs, you stand up—well, wobble. 

“Holy fucking shit?!” Your hands take a hold of the paper bag, placed neatly on your dining table. Quickly opening it, you were met with the only dessert left, an apple pie—Kenma’s favorite. You also catch sight of another folded paper. “It’s them again, isn’t it?”

“Good morning, Y/N!

We figured that you’d want a memory of last night so when you “transported” back to your universe, we brought along this lonesome apple pie and the ring Kenma gave you. You’re welcome in advance. And yes, we predicted you squealing right now. And no, we can’t read minds. 

Anyway, we forgot to mention that whenever you’re not in the other characters’ universe, time resumes normally. There are versions of you floating around there as well but don’t worry, they don’t really have consciousness - they’re just there to fill in the blanks while you’re away. 

That’s it for now. Enjoy! 

P.S. Kenma put a long pillow between the two of you only for him to push it aside while he was sleeping. Then proceeded on hugging you, thinking it was his pillow.

— EVOL.”

You shake your head, feeling your cheeks heat up. Of course, Kenma would do that, it’s very “Kenma” of him to do so. Biting down your lips to stop the huge grin from breaking free, you place the folded paper back in the paper bag. 

“I’ll eat it later.”


You were in fact, not able to eat the apple pie. 

For the past few days, you contemplated whether or not you should eat it. You could’ve returned to Kenma’s universe, but it felt unfair for the other characters because you haven’t met them yet. So you were stuck with a three-day-old apple pie and wasted chances from meeting the other characters.

Today, you decided to change that.

(You also decided to throw out the apple pie and keep the paper bag instead.)

You were ready to face Suna Rintarou, after all. He’s the main character in your 4th book, “Mic Drop.” Rintarou is an underground rapper with high ambitions. He’s basically a Chaste Atlantic song personified. If you were being completely honest, he was one of the most interesting characters you’ve ever written. With a hard exterior presented to everyone around him but showing a soft interior to people he holds dear to his heart, there was something unexplainable about him.

Ludus,” your voice whispers through thin air, eyes closing tightly. You should get used to this, but every time, you get a bit nauseous. 

Sounds of children squealing greet your ears: “Mommy, she ate my food!” “Daddy, can we buy more food?!” “I want the unicorn back!” Your eyes open abruptly, only to stand in front of a Primary School. The red gate caging you outside.

What the fuck? Am I in the right universe? You sigh in exasperation, You’ve got to be kidding me.

“Y/N-ie?” A voice says while you feel a soft tug on your skirt. Looking down, you’re met with a cute girl with pigtails. Her big eyes look up to you with a few tears leaking, making it glassy. Your heart immediately breaks at the upset look she plastered on her face. “The boys in my class made fun of my new bag…”

“They did? How rude of them!” You were unsure of who this child is but you picked her up in your arms. Her bag drops on the floor with a loud thud. While you coo at her, your mind reels back to who this can possibly be in the 4th book. 

What if she’s mistaken me for someone else? But she seems to know me though? Fuck, I can’t just ask for her name, she might cry even more if I “forgot” about her.

Eyeing her heart-shaped bag, you see her nametag spell out: “Rinako.” Your mouth opens in familiarity, now remembering who she is—Rintarou’s younger sister. You’ve written him down to be protective of his sister and have a soft spot for her. 

“They even said that it’s ugly and so girly because it’s pink,” she sniffles out. “I got mad at them because this is the bag Rinnie gave me for my birthday. I don’t get why they have to be so mean about it…”

“They said it’s ugly?!” Your words unexpectedly fly out with no filter, coming across as a loud exclaim. She nods, resting her chin on your shoulder while her arms hug your neck. “You know what’s ugly? Their behavior! And besides, colors have no gender!”

“Brother told me the—the same thing,” Rinako whispers out. You feel her wipe her tears with her smaller hands, “He even told me that… that pink is such a cool color that’s why it’s the color of his mic for when he per—performs.”

You pat her back lightly before you crouch down to take her school bag. It was a cute and simple bag, pink and heart-shaped, medium in size. It was also outlined with holographic glitter, a small teddy bear keychain dangling on its side. 

“When I see those mean fu—bullies, I mean,” You corrected yourself before you could curse. She sniffles a bit. “When I see them I’ll avenge you Rinako! Trust me!”

“Thank you, Y/N-ie!” She snuggles even more in your warmth.

“…Hey Rina, where are we supposed to go again?”

“Um… back home?”

“Can you tell me the directions, your Y/N-ie kind of forgot…”

After Rinako teaches you the way back, which was, by the way, a 40-minute walk from the school since you had to enter the village where they reside. You even suggested going to an ice cream shop to rest for a bit because your legs badly wanted to give up. The two of you now finally stand in front of their house. It was a huge modern house, white in color and accented with beige.

I forgot they were rich.

“I’m sorry for making us walk today Y/N-ie,” Rinako apologizes as she welcomes you inside. You gawk at the sight of the high ceilings and the painted portraits of each Suna family member propped on the white walls. “Normally, our driver would pick me up but he called in sick. Mom, dad, and Rinnie are busy with their work too.”

You smile, “It’s fine, we were able to eat ice cream while doing so, yeah? We had fun!”

Rinako grins, nodding, her pigtails moving with each movement. “I’ll prepare you a tea party because you deserve it!”

“No, no, it’s okay!”

“I insist, Y/N-ie!” She waves your objections aside. She’s just like her brother; stubborn beyond comparison. You smile at their similarities, it was nice seeing firsthand the characters that were mere words come to life. Her gray eyes sparkled in delight, “Let’s go upstairs in my room!”

You follow her as she leads you through their splendid central staircase. As your feet lead you up, you admire the woodwork done to the staircase, Rinako babbles about her new teacup set. You pull your phone out of your sweatpants’ pocket and check how much time you have left. Indicated in red text, the screen blares 10:00:00. 

Holy shit, I have so much time left? Your eyes widen, Where the fuck is Rintarou though?!

“Here we are!” Rinako pushes her dark wooden door open, a grin plastered on her face. You two enter and you can’t help but admire everything around here. It astonished you, they really were rich. “Y/N-ie seat over the pink couch first and I’ll wash our teacups first!”

“Let me help, Rina—” She shakes her head, pointing at her pink couch. You know you couldn’t convince her further, she wouldn’t follow you either. “Okay, fine.”

Taking a seat on her pink leather couch, you sigh in relaxation. You let your feet finally rest, it was a tiring 40-minute walk anyway, who could blame you. You watch Rinako take her teacup set in one of her cabinets and scurry inside her bathroom. 

“Hey Rina, where’s Rintarou again?”

“He’s in a meeting with Mom and Dad!” She yells her answer from the bathroom, her voice echoing. “He said he’ll come here right after their meeting though!”


You unlock your phone and scroll through your apps, but to your surprise, the social media accounts you owned in your universe were gone. The other you stared back at you, as her smile beams at each photo as you scroll through her accounts. 

“There are versions of you floating around there as well but don’t worry, they don’t really have consciousness - they’re just there to fill in the blanks while you’re away.”

It saddened you in a way that you didn’t understand why.

The next few minutes consisted of you playing a random puzzle game, and as you were about to ask Rinako if she was done washing her teacup set, a text message from Rintarou notified you. Your eyes widen, a bit giddy at his text. You didn’t even meet him yet but you’re here smiling like a fool.

[4:43 PM] Rin:babe, i’ll come home in a few hours!! enjoy your time with rina, okay? we’ll go out after, i love you.

[4:44 PM] Rin:P.S. in my room, there’s a dress i bought you last night. wear that for me later okay, pretty? 

You type a reply and send it quickly, smiling. Rinako walks back with her washed porcelain teacup and sets it down on the floor. Your eyes widen remembering that it was an expensive Hermes set. You knew because you owned one as well, a gift from Kenji last year. She hums at you while she sets two cups down, “Do you want chamomile or echinacea tea, Y/N-ie?”

“Any that you want, Rina, I’m good with any.” You answer her, she nods. She gets up on her feet once again and walked over to take two tea bags, and turn on the kettle to heat up some water. You watch her go back and sit down on the floor.

“You’re really good at managing the tea and stuff, do you do this often?” Your question makes her eyes crinkle in delight while she gives you a thumbs-up.

“Yup! Rinnie and I like to make tea a lot, we like to do it when we bond!” Rinako flashes you her toothy grin, “He taught me a lot about a lot of stuff… He’s the best big brother ever!”


“Yep,” she bobs her head up and down. She leans closer to you, “Don’t tell him this but he talks about you like all the time! Rinnie goes all heart-eyes for you, Y/N-ie, I swear!”

Your eyes crinkle at her revelation. Before she could say another word to expose her brother, the kettle whistles, its sound echoing through the room. Rinako stands up and takes the kettle carefully, two spoons in her other hand. She stalks back to your spot and settles down on the floor across from you.

You watch her place a teabag in each teacup and then carefully pour the scorching water inside. She cuts you off right away when she sees you open your mouth, probably to whine about how you weren’t able to help. She was right.

“Let me do this for you, Y/N-ie! It’s just fair because I tired you out earlier,” she explains with a pout. “Anyway, I have more stories about Rinnie, specifically embarrassing ones—”

The door to Rinako’s room opens with a tall figure trailing behind it. Suna Rintarou stands with a hand on his hip and a brow raised, lips formed in an amused smirk: “Embarrassing stories about me?”

Rinako groans, “Rinnie, go away! Can’t you see Y/N-ie and I hanging out?” She stirs your tea slowly, before handing it out to you. You take it gratefully and place it back on the floor. You can’t help but divert your attention to her brother instead.

If Kozume Kenma was your dream come true, then for Suna Rintarou, you are the epitome of all of his dreams combined. You are the dream he can forever succumb to in rose-tinted and cloudy skies. 

“I can clearly see that,” Suna rolls his eyes, now closing the door. He walks to you two, plopping himself on Rinako’s bed. He takes a bunny plushie and hugs it in his chest. “But Y/N and I are gonna hang out tonight! And besides, she’s my girlfriend, don’t steal her away from me!”

A goofy grin breaks out from your lips as you look at him. Rinako sticks a tongue out at her older brother, shaking her head. “Nope, she’s staying with me!”

“Y/N and I are going out later!” Suna pouts, he turns to look at you with puffed cheeks. “Right, babe?”

Your eyes flicker from his grayish-yellow eyes down to his lips. You slap a hand on your face, causing Rinako and Suna to stare at you. He clears his throat before you answer, stumbling through your words. “Um - uh, yeah! Yeah. Sorry.”

Fuck, he’s so… holy shit.

Suna chuckles, shaking his head. You couldn’t help but admire his eyes, his lips, his voice—everything. Everything about Suna Rintarou was intoxicating; it was as if he was some type of drug you needed to consume daily because you feel like, without him, you were incomplete. A pill crushed in pieces, if you may.

“Babe, you okay?” He asks you, now concerned. He couldn’t help but wonder why you were acting so ditzy. “Do you have a headache? Bellyache?”

Now, this is a problem you’re yet to face more in the future: from all the characters, Suna was very keen. He’d see right through you if you lied to his face. And knowing that you aren’t his actual girlfriend, you’re bound to make a mistake or two. 

“This is all your fault, Rinnie!” Rinako points an accusing finger to Suna with furrowed eyes. “She was doing okay earlier, this is all your fault!”

“Why is it my fault?!”

“I dunno! I’m blaming you just because I can!”

The two siblings argue for a few more minutes until you have had enough. You let out a loud sigh, making them stop and turn their heads back at you. “Guys, I’m okay… okay? If you continue to fight, my head will actually hurt this time.”

They nod slowly, listening to you. 

You were fine, really, just overwhelmed about your current situation. Everything happening to you lately is just actually bizarre.

“Let me hang out with Y/N-ie more before you two leave for later!” Rinako begs with a pout. Suna lets out a dramatic sigh, “Okay, fine!”

“We’ll leave later, pretty.” Suna stands up from the bed, before crouching down and planting a kiss on your forehead. Your cheeks heat up, giddy. He sing-songs, “Can’t wait for later tonight!”


“I’d like to dedicate this song to my girlfriend!” Suna yells through his pink mic, eyes eagerly meeting yours. The sound of the crowd’s loud cheers echoes in the bar, hearing some of them coo at how romantic their beloved rapper “Ludus” was. The spotlight aims at his tall frame, colors of red, blue, and violet alternating. “She’s right here, actually!”

As Suna points his finger to where you were currently seated, at one of the booths on the right of the bar, the spotlight follows your direction. You grimace at the intensity of brightness of the light and at the eyes that followed suit. After you get used to it, you flash them a smile.

The lights here hurt my eyes so much, you groan internally. I can’t be a celebrity like this - I have to train myself more. Kidding, I already am a celebrity. Maybe, I don’t know.

“I’m not someone who usually sings but tonight is an exception,” He chuckles. Suna looks to his left and nods, “Hit it!”

The Miya twins start playing their respective instruments; Osamu on the drums and Atsumu with the electric guitar. Ojiro Aran salutes and trails his fingers on his bass. After a few movements, the intro of “Die for You” by The Weeknd starts playing through their instruments.

You sway your body to the music, enjoying the richness of Suna’s voice. His deep voice complimented the song and he interpreted the lyrics effortlessly as well. You didn’t understand why he wouldn’t sing more often when he’s that fucking good.

“The distance and the time between us, it’ll never change my mind, ‘cause baby I’ll die for you.” Suna sings, his eyes trained on you and you only. Feeling shy, you close your eyes and smile. He was great at making you feel like you were the only person in the world. In fact, he was a natural at that.

While Suna continues to sing, an unfamiliar voice slices through your busy thoughts.

“Hello, can I take a seat here?” 

You open your eyes and an ash blond guy smiles at you. A friendly smile plastered all over his face, he looks at the empty space in front of you. He scratches his head, “Um - uh, can I? I’m really sorry, all the seats are packed and yeah…”

“Sure, no worries.”

Suna from the stage sees this exchange between you and the guy. It wasn’t just any guy though, it was his biggest rival, Semi Eita, known for his rapper name “E-Dream.” 

For Suna, you’re his dreams all combined. But with Semi Eita in the picture, he can’t help but feel all of his dreams be crushed.



kozume kenma touch hc’s

Kozume Kenma who short circuits every time you touch skin-to-skin because of how soft you are. Be it your hand intertwining with his. Or maybe you’re curled up on the sofa with his hand around your waist as he kneads your stomach. Or he had an urge to cup the fat of your cheeks in his hands. Either way, it’s so warm that he can’t help the fierce warmth that finds solace in his cheeks.

Kozume Kenma who can’t bring himself to initiate kisses often, so he beats himself up for not knowing how to show you he loves you in more “normal” ways. So, when he does kiss you (naturally of course, not by forcing himself to), it makes the occasion even more heart-wrenching and passionate and love-filled.

Kozume Kenma who spends his life hiding away from everyone until you hug him for the first time. He vows to himself that’s when he first understood the whole concept of love, before then the whole ordeal had been rather confusing, and he had simply seen it as a waste of time and a distraction. But as he felt himself melt into your touch, face subconsciously digging its way into any crevice which your chest or head or shoulder or neck may provide out of both embarrassment for the harsh blush that’s painted his face and the further seeking of the comfort he will now come to crave, he came to understand that there’s most certainly more to life than what he had previously assumed.

Kozume Kenma who would do anything to feel your hands constantly playing with his hair. It brings him what he previously presumed as an unattainable comfort but now is just normal for him after he has a rough day and refuses to care about the embarrassment of asking you for it.

rainy days

feat kenma!

word count- 1091

Rain hammered down on the thick pane of glass that separated you from the outside world, dainty fingers clutching the keys which you had just used to find your welcomed shelter. Today had been a long day, you thought to yourself as you slipped your shoes off by the entry door. You had been soaked through, practically dripping onto Kenma’s hard floors. You had gotten caught in the rain on your way to his place, silently cursing yourself for overlooking an umbrella. Up the stairs of your boyfriend’s penthouse, you could hear the muffled sound of him talking. You had been dating for a good few months now, so you felt comfortable enough to welcome yourself to a hot shower in one of his modern bathrooms.

Kenma sighed softly as he heard the animals he had decided to stream with that day screaming to each other through his headset. Rather than staying silent and attempting to process the madness any longer, he simply mumbled out a small “shut up”, sparking the attention of the two buffoons in front of him, alongside the many thousands of people sat on the other sides of their screens. Following his miniature outburst, the laughs of said men could be heard cackling from their respective rooms. Dutifully admitting his over-due defeat, Kenma slumps further into his chair, allowing himself to succumb to the relief of the special-made gaming chair, golden globes refocusing on the screen for the umpteenth time that gloomy evening. He had always found the rain comforting, all he wanted to do was finish streaming and sit on his comfy chairs by the window, reclined with the one he loved most. As far as he knew, you were still out of sight, but definitely not out of mind.

You were always able to comfort him in ways no one else could ever dream, and he was eternally grateful to you for it. None had even come close to the warmth of your body, the plushness of your skin. He could spend hours admiring you for all that you were, yet still have more to say. He knew he was truly and utterly in love with you, and was partially angry at himself for being so bad at showing it.

Once finishing your shower, you suppose Kenma won’t mind you borrowing a few of his clothes, surely he’d understand from the state of the weather you’d gone there in. You grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and one of his various hoodies. It was marvellous how comfortable you felt in his penthouse, feeling as though you fit right into his life. You walk down to the sleek kitchen in possession of your rich boyfriend, deciding to make hot drinks for both yourself and Kenma, well aware of how tired he probably is. You get two colourful mugs out from his cabinet, prancing around his kitchen with ease, preparing them, assuming its contents would warm you up from the dreary weather outside. You also thought of how Kenma would need the sugar boost, knowing how much he tended to overwork himself.

As you timidly opened the door to his streaming room, you noticed his reclined posture. You gingerly shuffled over to his seat, mugs clutched tight in your grasp. You gave the camera a tender smile, and Kenma sees the chat start blowing up. It was a common occurrence for you to feature in Kozume’s streams, and his fans loved the two of you together, even if Kenma hadn’t specified you as his significant other. Fans were clever, and very persistent, dedicating their evenings to grasping at straws, making mountains out of what you’d consider molehills, digging and digging through personal details and sifting through hours of footage just to theorise of how you both were dating. Of course, said theories were not wrong, but if they had to dig for it that much, you thought they should conclude that you were private for a reason and to keep it at that.

The man’s eyebrows furrow together at the speed of the chat flowing, before spinning around and seeing you at the doorway, shuffling your feet with uncertainty and raising the mugs with a slight smile at him. He lets himself succumb to the smile that fights to overcome his features, back to the viewers and eyes trained to yours. You took note of the fatigue in his face and posture as you slowly started to edge closer to him at his beckoning. He grabs another chair and slots it next to his own, patting it softly. As you sat down, your eyes slowly drifted from the man to his stream, giving a wave and toothy grin, before placing your and Kenma’s respectful mugs in front of you both.

The stillness that overcame the room was pleasant. Kenma had taken off his headset upon realising he wasn’t alone in the room, and you both simultaneously picked up your drinks and took generous sips. The warmth that overcame your chest, both from the hot liquid and the love in your heart was both overwhelming and yet ever so simple.

Kenma insisted on teaching you how to play a game or two, and as you talked away to the stream and your joint friends, Kenma struggled to hold back visibly showing his emotions. He had always been good at hiding them, at least that was before you waltz into his life. Now, he has more trouble than ever masking his true feelings for you. And the knowledge of the thousands of people watching him irked him in the slightest sense, as he wanted the moments he shared with you to be just that- shared with you and you only.

But as he, Bokuto and Kuroo begin another game, he stills stiff as a board when he feels a weight on his shoulder. Looking over, he sees you’ve fallen asleep, and were using him as a pillow. He laughed to himself, urging the blush taking over his features to back away to save face from the multiple strangers watching for his reactions like hawks.

They’d definitely be able to distinguish between him now and him before you’d come in to join him. They’d be able to see how his facial features softened. They’d be able to see the harsh pink tint which overcame his cheeks. They’d be able to see how he let his lips turn upward, vulnerability flashing before you.

Maybe it wasn’t so bad they knew, he thought before ending the stream and taking you to bed.

sending reaction memes of them

-> tsukishima, oikawa, bokuto, sugawara, kenma

A/N: NOO THIS WAS SO BAD but i liked the idea ☹️☹️ poor execution forgive me its 1:30 in the morning

TAGLIST!!@rayeofmoonlight@kirishimas-manly-eyeliner@idontlikeyourjob@sushijimawakatoshi@bokutsumie​​@jesssobs@felixsamour@nachotrash@tsukkisberry@crystal-lilac@hannas16@cherriesradio@elektrosonix​@marissawrld​@gomchan@mysterystarz@tagehaya@celestiabunnyboo@kailleis-sunshine@nekanehq@tigerd-draws@onefoureightfive @1-800-haikyuu @momluvr123 @saturnmich @justheretoaskandread@s-softipie@lynvshuji @kur0-kawa MWAHH

A/N: Hey there Everyone, so recently I haven’t been posting like at all and I’d like to post more. Its because of school and this set of headcanons have been sitting for a long time

Since they are also the ones which won in the polls I did awhile ago

This also lines up with my domestic headcanons 



Nishinoya Yuu

  • This boy would love Carnival dates or festival dates so much and you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t
  • All the different foods and games, all the rides too
  • Loves buying sweet treats and other desert foods for you
  • Never let him drink more than one coffee while on a date

Sugawara Koushi

  • Suga loves to go on walks with you
  • He also likes coffee shop dates
  • Ice skating in the winter with hot chocolate after your outing
  • Suga loves to give you his jacket when you’re cold or his scarf if it’s winter and you need a little more warmth

Hinata Shouyou

  • Hinata loves to go on beach dates with you in the summer
  • Loves to throw a volleyball back and forth with you in the sand together
  • He gets sun burnt easily at the beach
  • He’s basically white with sunscreen when he’s at the beach with you

Kageyama Tobio

  • Likes going to the movies and you helping him practice in Volleyball
  • You plan most of your dates
  • Although He will plan the dates for special occasions
  • Hinata was his wing man in High School and he was really good

Kozume Kenma

  • Kenma loves Apple Pie over Birthday Cake so expect bakery dates
  • I feel like Kenma likes expensive restaurants once in a while
  • Small diner with milkshakes and pie
  • Nights spent watching Supernatural
  • Loves to cuddle up before bed for an episode of two of Supernatural
  • Some dates are the two of you playing video games at the park together
  • Under a tree in the shade with the sun shining in spring

Tsukishima Kei

  • Loves taking you to see new exhibits at different museums
  • Like dinosaurs or something else historical
  • One time he saw Nishinoya at a museum and he kissed you so that Nishinoya didn’t see you there
  • Tsukki likes to walk with you just so he can rest his arm on your waist nothing more than that
  • Or his hand in your back pocket off of Sixteen candles
  • Likes it when you steal his scarf in the winter
  • This man loves playing monopoly with you and Tadashi but he gets pouty when you and Tadashi team up to beat him

200 Follower imagine thingymabob

So a little while ago I reached 200 followers and I opened a Q&A but I never got any questions so instead I am doing this. 

Of course you can still ask questions that’s still open. Information here

Alrightty I’m not exactly sure how to explain this but put ask into my askbox saying imagine so and so doing this or that okay

You can also request Headcanons

Nothing NSFW 

Triggering is semi okay but I may not be able to complete it

Crossovers are absolutely encouraged especially with Supernatural



Attack on Titan

Eren Yeager


Nishinoya Yuu

Kozume Kenma

Hinata Shoyo

Genshin Impact



Diluc Ravingdr

Kaeya Alberich




My Hero Academia

Kirishima Eijirou

Tenya Iida

Izuku Midoriya

Shoto Todoroki

Denki Kaminari

Hitoshi Shinsou

Teen Wolf

Scott Mccall

The Hobbit

KÍli Durin

Bilbo Baggins

Thorin Oakenshield

This is the winner of my poll about which story I should finish and so this is absolute fluff how some of the Haikyuu boys are while sleeping

No warnings

You can request Headcanons here


Kozume Kenma

  • He loves to be so warm when he’s asleep
  • Sleeps with 2-3 fleece blankets each night
  • Add you in the mix, it’s only 1 or 2 depending on how you sleep
  • He mumbles in his sleep
  • Sometimes it’s coherent words and sometimes their too muffled too hea
  • If you don’t fall asleep cuddling you wake up cuddling because one of you moved to the other in your sleep
  • You’re the only reason he gets more sleep than he used to
  • He doesn’t like it when your not beside him

Hinata Shouyou

  • He loves cuddling but he gets too warm in his sleep and kicks off all of the blankets
  • Which results in you cuddling into him to stay warm instead of the blankets
  • He lightly snores and kicks in his sleep, he also drools in his sleep
  • He is a pretty sound sleeper unless there is a loud alarm blaring which he uses for school and practice

Kageyama Tobio

  • He has no idea how to cuddle
  • He loves it once he learns and tries it
  • Kageyama sleeps like a log
  • He full on has arguments in his sleep 
  • He also frowns when he’s asleep

Tsukishima Kei

  • Tsukki has full on conversations with himself in his sleep
  • Smiles in his sleep
  • Acts like he doesn’t like to cuddle with you but he secretly likes it but only if no one can’t accidentally see the two of you like that 

Nishinoya Yuu

  • Noya loves cuddling but he is so restless so he can only cuddle very loosely
  • He sleep walks sometimes
  • Rolls back and forth in his sleep and kicks if he doesn’t have you on his chest
  • He only moves in his sleep when he’s not holding you in his arms
  • He is a very light sleeper so if you move in your sleep sometimes you’ll wake him up and he’ll just pull you close and not let you move anymore

Yamaguchi Tadashi

  • This boy is the CEO of sleep mumbling
  • He mumbles so often in his sleep that you have woken him up too many times by accident thinking that he was talking to you when really he was just mumbling about something or more than once mentioning Tsukki with a freaking mullet and dancing to 80’s music, while dressed as Marty Mcfly and the Delorean
  • You asked him about that dream and he only brushes it off with a chuckle because obviously it was one odd dream about Tsukki and The Delorean
  • He gives amazing cuddles in the morning and before bed
  • Talking about nonsense before bed
  • He smiles in his sleep when cuddling you and when he’s silent


Google Form to vote in Here

200 Followers Q&A is open here

Attack on Titan

Hunter Headcanons Attack on Titan

Eren Yeager Imagine parts 3 & 4 & 5 & 6


Hunter Headcanons Demonslayer

Kyojuro Regoku Supernatural Crossover

Kyojuro Rengoku Supernatural Crossover Heat of the Moment


Haikyuu Werewolf Manager (Nekoma and Karasuno) Headcanons

Sleeping Headcanons Haikyuu Boys

Kenma and Kuroo as Texas Rangers Headcanons

Date Headcanons Haikyuu

Watching Game of Thrones Haikyuu

Kenma Kozume Prodigal Son Crossover

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf and Supernatural Crossover Scott Mccall

My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia and Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover Shoto Todoroki

Date Headcanons My Hero Academia

Sewer Reader with class 1-A

Hunter Headcanons My Hero Academia

Visiting Ottawa Shoto with a Canadian S/O

Yuri On Ice

Victor Nikiforov Imagine Supernatural crossover
