#hinata shoyo scenarios


hq boys (sugawara, Hinata, ushijima, iwaizumi) reacting to you coming back tired from work/having a tough day



  • what a darling, honestly!!
  • if he knows you’re tired, he’ll just be very quiet,, go into the kitchen make some herbal tea for you that helps soothe you!!
  • he’ll even run warm bath and will offer to wash your hair!!
  • and most importantly, he’ll take out his secret stash of soft pajamas that he was saving for himself,, but he’ll give them to you and probably cuddle you till you go to sleep </3
  • he’ll kiss the top of your head and smile


  • hinata was probably super excited when he saw you at the front door,, but then he saw the look on your face and he was like “oh–no.”
  • so he immediately rushes to his bed, underneath which he’s kept this box of your favorite chocolates and chips,, anything to make you feel better
  • he takes out your night suit,, and puts you in bed as he hums this lullaby,,
  • he probably won’t be able to sleep all night because of how worried he is for you,, he hates tired you :/


  • ushijima has a gut feeling in practice that something is about to be very wrong so when he goes back home and is greeted with a very dull you,,
  • he figures it out in the span of seconds and before you know,,, he asks you to give him 2 mins,, he takes a quick shower
  • he asks if you’ve ate something,,
  • and then he drags you to bed,, you’re the small spoon, and he’s pressing kisses to your shoulder blade,, stroking to your hair and you’re going to forget you were ever tired with this big man


  • iwaizumi instantly KNOWS so he does what he does best,,
  • make soup
  • no seriously,, iwaizumi makes great comfort soup with noodles and it’s really comforting and heartwarming!! he’ll make you a warm bowl of deliciousness,,
  • he’ll play some jazz in the background and the two of you can sway together,, until he carries you back to bed where you sleep in his arms >:(