#iwaizumi headcanons


hot things they do pt.2 (iwaizumi, oikawa, daichi, kageyama)

masterlist|part 1 | was thinking about daichi and tada!


  • he rests his head on the headboard with his hand behind his head while he’s scrolling on his phone, his muscles so clearly evident while his shirt is too tight and you’re clearly drooling.
  • whenever he looks at you like that.you know the look where a guy is looking at you so intently you can’t even look into their eyes. yeah, iwaizumi does that.
  • his sweats hang low enough for you to see his v line. all you have to do is ask him to pick up something from the top of the cabinet, as his shirt rides up. “eyes up here, darling.”


  • the tongue poking in cheek thing that he does whenever he doesn’t have a reply to your teasing.
  • he whistles whenever he wants to get your attention. he can also whistle the tune of songs. he’s mostly whistling jayz’s ‘big pimpin’ when he enters home, with his duffle bag hung on his shoulder.
  • he wears a silver chain that he plays with whenever he’s thinking. and it dangles when he’s hovering above you. absolutely the type of guy to wear a black tank top with a silver chain and sweats at home. “baby i know I look good, no need to drool.”


  • whenever he’s doing some work or something, he folds up his sleeves without realizing the effect this has on you. you can see his veiny hands and that’s a sight for sore eyes.
  • his thighs are so broad especially when his shorts ride up ahaha dies. “you wanna sit on my lap, baby?”
  • you know how when reversing the car, some guys keep their hand on the back of your seat while one is on the staring wheel? yeah. it’s him alright. I don’t know about you lot but if you’ve ever seen a guy driving a manual car, you would know why i’m down bad.


  • insanely quick reflexes. once you flicked a card at him and he caught it and grinned. the type to pull you back from your shirt whenever you are about to bump into something. he manages to catch anything you throw at him. “better watch what you throw, love. it’ll only come back.
  • raises his eyebrow whenever he’s focusing on something too much and his muscles flex unintentionally. he also grunts randomly, running his hands trough his hair.
  • the way he wears his shirt. he puts his hands in first and then his head. he takes off his shirt with one hand a little tooeffortlessly.

hq boys (iwaizumi, ushijima, tsukki, kuroo) in the winters.



  • oh boy you best believe, he won’t let you go out of the house without seven layers, ear muffs, mufflers, gloves. he’ll even get you to keep a small heater in the car and take it to work because he does NOT want you getting sick at all
  • if you do fall sick, you will never hear the end of it. “i told you you should have worn more layers!”
  • also takes pictures of you in the snow omg </3 but he doesn’t let you stay out for too long and drags you inside for hot chocolate.
  • after you take a shower, he’ll be waiting outside the bathroom with a hair dryer, and the heater already on. will also buy matching pajamas to keep you both warm.


  • ushijima himself does not feel cold but whenever he sees you, he brings a big blanket, wraps it around you and then also wraps his arms around you. in a nutshell, he will use this opportunity to cuddle you to death
  • he gets up in the morning and puts warm water in a hot water bottle and makes a cute little bag with different teas/instant coffee you can add to it. he’ll also add some warm cookies to it for you.
  • is absolutely be shocked when you hit him a snowball and proceeds to pick up a buttload of snow and dunk it on you, grinning about how you asked for it
  • if you ever tell him you’re cold, he’s going to offer you his jacket RIGHT there and then and he’ll take you home or back the car so that you can be warm


  • ok tsukki always lies about not feeling cold like bruh who are you kidding you’re literally SHIVERING
  • and now you have to baby him into wearing socks and that means buying dino socks. he has big oversized jackets and he makes you snuggle with him. he never gets up from bed and will also force you to stay in.
  • as much as he hates getting of bed, he’ll make you soup while grumbling about how you better be thankful that he loves you.
  • he also loves it when you take hot showers with him [not in that way] but it’s just so intimate and both of you can just slip under the covers afterwards.


  • he’s cold and that means you’re cold. he’s going to make you wear fifty layers but that doesn’t mean he also won’t drag you outside for a snowball fight, making snowmans and snow angels
  • kuroo is already very touchy-feely and in the winter, he never leaves you alone. absolutely to the type to say, “c’mere, let me warm your hands.”
  • he uses this opportunity to kiss you because he thought your lips were freezing and starting to get blue [he’s lying]
  • also he has some family hot chocolate recipe which is LITERALLY BRILLIANT and I swear you can taste the love he made it with.

hq boys (sugawara, Hinata, ushijima, iwaizumi) reacting to you coming back tired from work/having a tough day



  • what a darling, honestly!!
  • if he knows you’re tired, he’ll just be very quiet,, go into the kitchen make some herbal tea for you that helps soothe you!!
  • he’ll even run warm bath and will offer to wash your hair!!
  • and most importantly, he’ll take out his secret stash of soft pajamas that he was saving for himself,, but he’ll give them to you and probably cuddle you till you go to sleep </3
  • he’ll kiss the top of your head and smile


  • hinata was probably super excited when he saw you at the front door,, but then he saw the look on your face and he was like “oh–no.”
  • so he immediately rushes to his bed, underneath which he’s kept this box of your favorite chocolates and chips,, anything to make you feel better
  • he takes out your night suit,, and puts you in bed as he hums this lullaby,,
  • he probably won’t be able to sleep all night because of how worried he is for you,, he hates tired you :/


  • ushijima has a gut feeling in practice that something is about to be very wrong so when he goes back home and is greeted with a very dull you,,
  • he figures it out in the span of seconds and before you know,,, he asks you to give him 2 mins,, he takes a quick shower
  • he asks if you’ve ate something,,
  • and then he drags you to bed,, you’re the small spoon, and he’s pressing kisses to your shoulder blade,, stroking to your hair and you’re going to forget you were ever tired with this big man


  • iwaizumi instantly KNOWS so he does what he does best,,
  • make soup
  • no seriously,, iwaizumi makes great comfort soup with noodles and it’s really comforting and heartwarming!! he’ll make you a warm bowl of deliciousness,,
  • he’ll play some jazz in the background and the two of you can sway together,, until he carries you back to bed where you sleep in his arms >:(

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[ — ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ] [ — ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ]

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏʀᴜ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…



characters ♡ iwaizumi, akaashi, tendou, suna & oikawa

tws ♡ cursing, slight veteran disrespect pfft, hurt/comfort & they get progressively less angsty



♡ he ‘s a man so he’d never cry in front of you or need any comfort from anyone besides himself or so he thought 

♡ as it turns out, he actually does need positivity in his life sometimes because unfortunately, he feels emotions like everyone else

♡ he refuses to allow himself to be woeful in front of others, for the longest time

♡ his walls will eventually crumble, but emphasis on eventually bc it took oikawa almost a lifetime of friendship to do it 

♡ you’ve seen him display every other emotion — including the soft, subtle joy he got when he was chosen by a puppy in the shelter — besides sadness

♡ and honestly he had it all planned out too; he wouldn’t let you see him cry until your wedding, then he will shed a single tear as you walk down the isle bc he doesn’t want people to have too many photos of him crying

♡ but even then, it would be happy tears, so in the long-run he genuinely didn’t think you’d ever have to see him downcast 

♡ he thinks you’ll perceive him as pathetic and needy if you ever need to provide him with support, even though he’d do the same for you without a single negative thought ever crossing his mind

♡ obviously, though, this is hajime iwaizumi and things rarely go as planned for him, so there is no way he was able to conceal his tears for thatlong

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

he sat on the bus with heavy shoulders, staring up at the roof. his bag was next to him yet it still felt like the world was crushing him with every movement he made. it continued to spin around him and the only freedom he was granted was when you skipped up to the back of the bus to join him.

it was basically empty, so you felt comfortable enough resting your head on his broad shoulder, which he would usually oppose but today it seemed to ground him; for a moment, his vision was clear and the ache in his chest lifted. 

until, the words he dreaded fell from your lips, “i’m sorry about your game. you played very well though so you shouldn’t be asha—”

knowing iwaizumi, you assumed he would be silent for the whole bus-ride — just like he usually is after a loss — so you had prepared a whole speech about how proud you were of him and how there is still room for growth; and to be honest, most of it was just fluff to fill the painful silence.

hence, you were surprised when you began to hear quiet sobs coming from above you, you even cut yourself off to ensure you were hearing it correctly; you were. but before you could raise your chin to check if it was actually him, he grabbed the back of your head and shoved you against his chest, pushing to the point you were blinded by his abs. 

“iwaizumi?” you gasped, and all you got in response was a choked cry, “(y/n).”

your name had never sounded so similar to plea when rolling off his tongue, you almost felt emotional yourself just by hearing it. however, you knew what he wanted just by the simple utterance of your name.

your arms slowly snaked around his torso and pulled him closer to yourself, and he did the same, but much rougher; for a second you thought you might suffocate in his shirt. as if the burning passion inside him hadn’t died down completely yet. 

the rest of the ride home he held you exactly like that. with your face buried in his chest so you could not see the tears streaming down his cheeks at an embarrassingly rapid rate, but you could still feel the occasional hiccup of his body, or hear the sobs that continuously fell from his lips.

you couldn’t offer many words of reassurance, but you didn’t have to. he just needed to hold you. being able to freely express himself in front of you was what he needed after a long day of stifling sniffles and biting his tongue. out of all the places you could go, you were still with him. he wasn’t sure whether to be happy or feel bad for you; in the end, he settled on crying more.



♡ being in a long distance relationship was quite easy for him. after all, he could do what he was passionate about during the day, and come home every night to facetime you

♡ although virtual kisses weren’t as good as the real thing, tendou was just grateful he was getting any kisses at all

♡  he knew that long distance was the only way the relationship could work for y’all (for now) and he was just content that he got to see your beautiful face every night <3

♡ but some night are harder than others. occasionally, after a long, unusually stressful day at work, all he wants is to come back home, throw his arms around you and cuddle into your chest until he falls asleep; is that seriously too much to ask?

♡ but then he is reminded of the gut-wrenching fact you live over a thousand miles away 

♡ usually you are the one complaining tohim about wanting to close the distance, but here you both are on call at ungodly hours; you ranting about how much you hate, while he is spaced-out, searching for the cheapest and earliest flights to your country 

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“and then they told me i don’t qualify for the vet discount because i’m not a ‘veteran’ when i literally saved a dying pigeon one time like— hello? satori? are you there?”

you cut yourself off mid-story as you caught a glimpse of your phone screen out of the corner of your eye. while your glare was previously fixated on the guiltless poster on your wall, it was drawn over to your boyfriend as you noticed his glazed expression and how unresponsive he was, despite how he usually utters a few ‘oh my god’s or ‘you’re kidding!’ when you are recollecting on events. 

his attention appeared to be focussed on his computer screen; though you couldn’t see it in the frame, you knew it was there because of the blue light reflection in his glasses. “yes, sweetie?” he eventually hummed in response, stretching out the ‘s’. 

“what’re you doing?”

with a sigh, he reached out and twisted his monitor so you could see the bright screen though the camera, “i’m looking for flight tickets so i can come see you.”

you couldn’t help but giggle, “why?”

“work has been getting so stressful lately. i just wanna drop everything and come see you.” he mused, adjusting his screen back and tiredly resting his chin against his palm, which you just knew you’d kiss if you were with him. 

he sounded dead serious, and a part of you believed that he was. “tendou,” you cooed, admiring your boyfriend’s defined features while he aimlessly scrolled, “you can’t do that. you know you’ll get fired if you leave so abruptly.”

“don’t care.”

you giggled, mostly because you knew that if you had the courage, you’d do the exact same. and a despite how a part of you really wanted to see him, your rational conscious knew it would be best to talk him out of it. “i want to see you too, love. and we’ll meet soon, i promise! just maybe not thatsoon.”

tendou sighed, his bored gaze shifting from his computer on to you, “i know. i guess, i’m just really impatient.”

 “don’t worry, i am too.” you laughed, playfully twirling a strand of your around your finger, “but i’ll visit you soon, no matter what. and until then, i’ll try to call you every single night. just like we’ve been doing for the last year.”

tendou nodded. for ages he’s felt like he’s been running in circles with you, but whenever you look at him with your lovestruck eyes, he remembers how much he loves being withyou, regardless. he’ll labour through weeks — months, years — of work if it means he can end his day by talking to you. 

“yeah, (y/n).” he smiled, leaning back in his chair and glancing at photo on his nightstand; you and him at graduation, and you looked as stunning as ever. once his adoring gaze was torn from the image, he tossed his head back and groaned, “i swear, the next time i see you, an officiant better be there too.”



♡ akaashi doesn’t feel insecure often

♡ but when he does, it’s almost impossible to cheer him up; it will be as if there is a dull, grey cloud lingering over his head for the next week or so, until he eventually snaps out of it

♡ emphasis on almost, by the way, because somehow you consistently manage to make him feel better

♡ usually when he’s embarrassed or sad, it’s over something extremely minute, to the point where you have trouble keeping a straight face (but you pull through)

♡ also, as much as he preaches about “communication” and “honesty”, early on in the relationship (at least for the first year), he won’t tell you when something is bothering him because he doesn’t want to burden you with his feelings/problems

♡ even though he’d listen to you for hours on end if you ever needed to talk about something 

♡ however, he’s definitely not as good at hiding his feelings (around you) so you figure out something is wrong pretty much straight away

♡ personally i hc that akaashi listens to heavy metal or rock music when he is down lmao 

♡ like he needs the adrenaline so he can imagine vivid scenarios of him being a badass or whatever

♡ (he’s a daydreamer and that’s canon bc i said so)

♡ so yeah, when you can hear the thumping of the bass and the sick guitar riffs from through his earphones, you automatically know that something is bothering him

♡ and like you are one of the only people that can try make him feel better without him becoming annoyed or being dismissive 

♡ how you approach the actual “comforting” part in whatever way you’d like bc regardless, he’s gonna appreciate it 

♡ it can be a bit awkward sometimes but if you put on a movie or smth straight afterwards, it’ll definitely clear the tense atmosphere 

♡ but after a while of dating, you’ll both be more comfortable with communicating and it’ll get to the point where he is ranting to you about how awful he feels one second and then teaching you a crochet trick in the next 

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

oh no, the dismal sound of slipknot excreting from akaashi’s earbuds was back. on the bus home from a practise game fukurodani had just won, no less. what was there to be sad about?

you sighed, trying your best to recall on the events that took place during the game that may have caused him to feel this way but nothing jumped to mind. especially since you were running errands and doing chores for the majority of the game, anyway. all you could remember was akaashi and bokuto kicking some aoba johsai ass. perhaps he just felt bad for the losing team?

however, you knew it wasn’t a smart idea to make assumptions, so you simply tapped his shoulder, a small smile gracing your lips as he pulled out one of his earbuds and turned to look at you expectantly. “hm? are you alright?”

“i’m great, keiji. just so proud of you!” you cupped his hands and squeezed them tightly, causing him to wince slightly then chuckle out a “thanks”. “how’re youfeeling?” 

the smile he wore was the most artificial you’ve ever seen on him, “i’m fine.”

“are you sure?”

“yeah.” he replied with a quirked brow in shaky tone, almost as if he was asking you a question right back. 

though you hated to pry, you felt as though you didn’t have any other option, “really? you seem bummed, even after you won.”

there was a tense silence; which was only heightened by how every other member of fukurodani was asleep, leaving the only noise in the air to be bokuto’s hellish snores and the faint sound of heavy metal still leaking from his earbuds. 

realising there was no use in hiding it anymore, he choked out the first sentence to his story, with a sigh, “do you remember when that oikawa dude from seijoh was chatting with bokuto?”

you hummed a response, and he continued, “well, i was sitting on the bench near his water bottle and when he asked me to bring it over to him, he called me ‘iwa’.”

his story was followed by another few moments of brimming silence. the only thing prompting him to break it was your absolutely clueless expression, “as in, short for ‘iwaizumi’.”


“like, y’know, aoba johsai’s number four.” forcing the brief pre-match introductions back to mind, you could vaguely recall the two “stars” of the seijoh team: a confident setter and a rather irritable wing spiker. you figured the latter was iwaizumi since the captain didn’t resemble akaashi in the slightest. 

you were beginning to feel bad for not understanding what the issue was and why akaashi was so bummed over it, but from what you could tell, akaashi was simply called the wrong name. “so, whatexactly is the problem? was oikawa rude to you or?”

akaashi blinked a few times then proceeded to roll his eyes, casting his gaze out the bus window as if he was an angsty teen disturbed by their parent’s lack of sympathy, “it kinda implies that look like him. and i really don’t.”

you hummed in agreement, “yeah, you’re right. but is there anything wrong with looking like iwaizumi?” 

it was more of a rhetorical question that you asked to prove to akaashi that he looked just fine, so you definitely were not expecting him to turn to you with foggy eyes and mutter, “i don’t think you want my honest answer.”

a chocked cackle escaped your lips before you hastily slapped a hand over your mouth, to ensure you wouldn’t wake up any of the sleeping fukordani members, but akaashi simply made it worse laughing his breathy laugh which made everything ten times funnier for no reason. thus, it eventually got to the point where you were both hunched over each other, wheezing while attempting to make minimal noise for the sake of the others.

honestly, who would’ve guess that his first time saying “i love you” would be while stifling snickers in the backseat of a bus, after accidentally insulting a player from another team?



♡ it’d take a while before suna is comfortable expressing too much emotion around you 

♡ like for the first six months of the relationship, he doesn’t want to freak you out or scare you off by even implying that he is the slightest bit emotional, so he tends to keep his issues closed-off

♡ but once he’s established that he can trust you (probably after you say ‘i love you’ for the first time, he seems like a bit of a sap) and that you won’t leave him, no matter how overwhelming his feelings can become, he’ll make up for every time he’s refused to talk to you about his problems in less than a night

♡ like he might just unload on you all at once so be ready for that 

♡ he had mastered the art of keeping his feelings bottled up and before now, his main medium of releasing this stress was through the internet (o, the glory of online anonymity; no one will ever find his secret vent twitter acc and know it’s him)

♡ but now that he met you — someone who he trusts greatly, and is willing to listen to him — he is able to bring out a side of him, that only his 5 twitter followers have ever seen

♡ it’s not exactly a “bad” side, but it’s definitely more unfiltered 

♡ and he only acts like that in front of you, so when you go back out in public, he immediately reverts to his normal-self; it’s almost scary 

♡ like during practise, he’ll act as if he didn’t make you endure three consecutive hours of him ranting about how much he hates volley and his team, and continue playing as normal….

♡ (he doesn’t actually hate em btw, he probably just mad bc the third years refused to give him the chem test answers </3)

♡ however most of the time his “venting” isn’t as much venting as it is him cuddling you from behind and murmuring complaints about life into your shoulder

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“i just feel like i am holding them back.” he groaned, trying to toss his head back and groan dramatically but his attempt with swiftly followed by your palm gently colliding with the back of his head as your other fingers with intertwined in his hair, creating cute designs with his soft locks while he rested between your thighs, facing the TV which simply played a background noise, at this point. 

you scoffed, continuing to run your brush through his tangled hair, growing slightly more aggressive with each comb, “holding them back? i think you’re the best player on the team. they wouldn’t be able to play without you.”

“of course you think that, we’re literally dating.”

you tutted, leaning forward and over his head until he could see your face dangling in front of his. it was creepy at first, but after you placed a kiss on his nose, he got over it. “well, i used to think aran or kita were the best on the team but now i’ve come to realise that it might be you.”

“what do you mean ‘might be’ ?!” he spat in response, and although he sounded hostile, the effect was dulled by the soft red tint dusting across his cheeks. he’d argue the pigment was caused by rage, but you knew better than to believe him.  



♡ dating oikawa is like 80% hurt/comfort, 10% cutesy couple things and 10% PDA so his fangirls catch the hint

♡ okok jk but also kinda not 

♡ like mutual motivation and comfort is such a big thing in a relationship with oikawa, you’re basically like each other’s really bad therapists 

♡ it’s cute tho

♡ if you are ranting to him over text, regardless of how late at night it is, he will drive to your house in his shitty lil honda and take you to your fav drive-thru or just drive around with you 

♡ and if he’s complaining to you then he let’s you play with his hair while he does so 

♡ (actually he prefers it if you play with his hair)

♡ usually it’s just him whining and y’all just joke about it but when he starts discussing volleyball, it is bound to get heated 

♡ like one second he’ll be saying “yeah midterms were so tricky but whatever it’s cool” and the next, all hell and broken loose, “I’D RATHER EAT MY OWN FOOT THAN GO TO SHIRATORIZAWA death to them all!!”

♡ obviously he was joking with that last part (referencing that wendy williams tt sound lol) but that first part was dead serious 

♡ ngl sometimes he just gets mad over little things though bc he loves seeing you get angry with him… like something about watching you yell about a non-existent problem just to make please him, makes him feel so….. loved??? 

♡ he just likes knowing that you support him so much, and that you can emphasise with him on such a dear level

♡ you are the only person that could say “you should’ve gone to shiratorizawa” to him, without getting beat up 

♡ if he were to tell anyone about all the horrible things people have said to him, or that go on in his head, it would be you

♡ bc not only does he trust you the most, you’d probably be the most likely to care and understand 

♡ (he trusts iwa but he already knows hhh)

♡ (maybe my head is too far in fanon but i think hanamatsu would send him “emo ⛓“ edits or instagram quotes after/if oikawa told them he cried about not going to nationals)

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“i don’t know why people make up rumours like that.” oikawa stated while chewing on his fries, watery eyes anxiously shifting between you and the take-away bag that rested on the centre console. “it’s so stupid.”

 “you’re totally right!” you rapidly nodded your head in agreement and said through a mouthful of fries, covering your mouth with your hand to at least maintain some manners, “who looks at a dude wearing two different kneepads and immediately thinks ‘oh shit that dude must have a fucked up knee?’. so weird.”

“so weird.” he sighed, placing a hand on his knee with a rather sulken expression, which fortunately didn’t last for very long as it was instantly pulled into a light smile as your hand slipped into his, intertwining your fingers while tracing patterns with his own fingers against his skin.

“i find whoever started that rumour, there gonna get one of these:” you started, and as oikawa turned his to observe your demonstration, he was almost striked in the face by your aggressive swinging, followed by giggles of “sorry!”

as he muttered “it’s okay” several times, he still laughed as you continued giggling and eventually found yourself hunched over from the painful bliss, with your face buried into his chest as he stroked your hair lightly. 

“i’m sure that’ll put an end to them, (y/n). thank you.” you could tell by his tone that he was joking, but by the way he punctuated his final sentence with a gentle kiss to your forehead, you could tell there was some sincerity in his gratitude. 

warnings: n/a, college au, gn!reader

❣︎anon: ca-can I request Mattsun or Iwa with a girlfriend who can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. or like when they go to visit here at her house she’s always buried under 5-10 blankets.

❥iwaizumi hajime: 

☽ the type to come barging into your room after a full day of college with a huge frown on his face

☽ “why the hell weren’t you at college today?” he demands roughly. and even though he’s annoyed you’re missing your classes, he can’t help but feel his heart flutter when you rise from the heap of blankets smothering you, hair messy and a sleepy smile on your face

☽ “hm, i overslept.” you mumble groggily. “but i did my assignments, i promise.” and iwaizumi can’t help but laugh quietly when he realises you probably went straight back to sleep after finishing your work

☽ likes to snuggle in bed with you, loving when you rest your head on his chest as he goes on his phone, telling you about his day whilst you sleepily hum in acknowledgement 

☽ he doesn’t really nap but he’ll cuddle you as you do and being a human heater, you end up shedding the blankets. but if he ends up leaving to go back to his own place, he’ll tuck you back in neatly with all the blankets, giving your sleeping form a kiss on the head

☽ iwaizumi’s a bit more strict when you fall asleep everywhere- if you’re in class or at the cinema, he won’t hesitate to nudge you awake, giving a sharp eye but once they’re over you can sleep for as long as you’d like

☽ absolutely adores when you fall asleep on him during car rides or on public transport, he’ll carefully position your head on his shoulder so your neck won’t ache and will enjoy feeling protective of you and trusted by you

matsukawa issei:

☽ i kinda headcanon him as sleepy and lazy himself so if you’re cancelling a date because you’re tired, matsukawa won’t hesitate to respond with ‘lol mood’

☽ whenever you fall asleep in class or at the library or during film night, initially matsukawa will find you adorable and coo at your sleeping form

☽ but then he’ll take it as an opportunity to have his fun- he’ll take selfies with your drooling face and record your snores to play it back to you or blow on your face to snicker at how you twitch but he’ll never wake you up out of your slumber, eventually positioning you properly so you don’t get aches

☽ he’ll definitely buy you a travel neck pillow as a heartwarming gift or fluffy blankets 

☽ after a long day of class, matsukawa will always invite himself back to yours and the two of you will just get into bed, burying yourselves under the pile of blankets to have a nap

☽ mutual friends can never reach either of you because you’re both always asleep together

☽ whilst you’re both waiting for slumber to take you, matsukawa will either playfight with you, using the cushion and blankets as leverage or he’ll have soft, emotional chats with you, gazing at you so sweetly till your eyelids finally close

☽ if you fall asleep on public transport, matsukawa jokes that he won’t wake you up and will let you miss your stop but he never does




is anyone reading this right now?

oh right, you are. hi there! i see you

yeah, you! the one on the other side of the screen, reading this! who else would i be talking to?

guess who it issssssssss ⚡️⚡️⚡️

was that obvious enough?


okay, how about this?



eh? eh? get me now?


it’s ya boy, nishinoya here!

i mean, i thought it was going to be obvious. i did break the fourth wall a few chapters ago, after all.

you did notice, right?

(tsukishima did too kinda, but like—i’m better, obviously.)

why am i here, you may ask?

both she and i agreed that you guys have had your fill of cliffhangers, and she asked me to set the record straight for you guys!

with minimum spoilers, obviously.

so,rumor has it. pretty wild ride, huh?

i always knew seijoh was up to something, but damn, iwaizumi was really a douche, wasn’t he? still kinda upset we weren’t allowed to fight him, ngl.

but besides the point! kiro left you, in the finale, at another cliff hanger. ANOTHER ONE.

i scolded her but she likes to be dramatic, so there was no stopping her.

what a sadist.

—is what i WOULD say if this final cliff hanger didn’t have any meaning to it!

very up in the air for rhi readers! will you accept iwaizumi’s apology? will you two be destined to meet again and try again in timeskip? or have your paths finished crossing, and it’s finally time to move on?

ahhhh i love being dramatic.

i gotta say, honestly—that last part left me kinda emotional.

BUT I DIDN’T CRY! no. i would never.

but in that final part where he reached out and asked for forgiveness and a second chance when your paths cross again … SHEEEEEEEESH i felt that in bones. manly moment.

in the end, you were left with two final choices. after much debate and thought, kiro came up with two official endings:

thetrueending, and the secret-but-not-really-secretending.

secret ending sounds cool, but it’s really not a secret, since they’re quite literally being posted at the same time. but she had no other name for it, so secret ending will have to do.

let me break these endings down for you, without spoiling too much! i think kiro would throw me into a dumpster if i happened to spoil too much.

so, the true ending.

well, you forgive him.

yeah, that’s pretty much the extent to what i’m allowed to say.

she calls it the “true” ending because the smau is an iwaizumi x f!reader series, so she thought it would be a little awkward to end the series with you and him not ending up together.

and yes, this is the true ending. now don’t be calling y/n a loser or stupid for forgiving him, she was a girlboss all series long.

the secret ending was made because kiro understands that for many, any kind of infidelity—physical or emotional—is something they would never forgive. she herself would probably never forgive iwaizumi either, honestly.

so, if it wasn’t obvious already, the secret ending will follow an epilogue where you, in fact, do not forgive him. you kick him to the curb, and continue on with your life. this is where your and his story ends.

but yeah, that sums it up! both epilogues will start out the same, but you’ll be able to read for yourself when they start branching off to their respective endings. it’s pretty cool, i must say.

she’ll have them both posted soon!

with the endings posted, rumor has it will finally have come to an end.

oh, and she’s gonna be posting a Q&A after all is said and done, for anything that still hasn’t been answered or just in general. now that the series will be over, there’s no reason for her to remain mysterious.

isn’t she the sweetest?

please put in a good word for me and tell her i didn’t slack off in being a fourth-wall-breaker MC.

i think i’ve said all that i’ve been instructed to say, so i’ll leave you with this final thing.

it was awesome to speak with you! on behalf of kiro, thank you for sticking through rumor has it, amidst her spontaneous and intermittent scheduling! she really hopes you enjoyed the series.

and with that, concludes my job here as an MC. i did pretty good, if i do say so myself. noya, out! ‍

oh and another thing before i wrap things up completely—expect something related to saudade soon. ;)

wait fuck i don’t think i was allowed to say that


so, with that said,

what ending is right for you, y/n?

will you forgive hajime iwaizumi?

or will your future not be foreseen with him by your side?

the choice is yours.

so, choose wisely.

LOL JK, both endings will be posted so when the time comes you can just choose which ending to read whenever you want.


  • [ click here for the true ending ]
  • [ click here for the secret ending ]

✧ 。 taglist ( closed ) — @tris-does-stuff@solko@otaku-fangirlse@arolotte@froppysgirl@awkwardspontaneity@sayakaaaaaa@youngestdelacour@dicerawr@sun-daddy-yoriichi@emiyummy@unstableye@bokuakadaily@prcttylittlcthing@tycrackculture@paintedstarres@cleopatera@momo-has-a-gun@ynjimenez@yeehawslap@moonlightaangel@sunflowerirl@kodzukrn@h0ngh0ngh0ng@creativedogs@kissungjae@danger093@winunk@ntngann@elianetsantana@kokogxddess@xxthunderthighs@ehicarmi@yespurplevoid@pluviophilefangirl@pleasemelafook-outta-ere@bbyhaji@hawksyoongi@starsabove-me@pnkmilk@qualitygiantshoepsychic@crazysocklovingfangirl@sophiejiro@dumbbitxh-things@its-the-aerieljeane@iovchlde@dabisdominion@minnieminnie00-got7@tazzi-baby@peepeepoopoot@bokutosdivineass

જ — rumor has it!

# finale ༉‧ to forgive or forget

✧ 。 synopsis : though hajime has reassured you time and time again that you two attending different schools would be plenty manageable in your guys’ relationship, your imagination is left to wander when he slowly begins to ghost you.

જ — a/n : i think it’s very characteristic of me to post the finale off schedule but after a long ride, we’ve reached the end… or have we?

the only reason why you wanted first say in what you two were going to be discussing was solely because you didn’t trust the determination written clear on his face. it held you a bit on edge, yet he showed no reaction to your uneasiness. maybe he was expecting this, but it was all the more reason why you needed to get what you wanted to say in first.

unfortunately, you didn’t have much in mind you wanted to say. either way, you were at a loss. “i don’t know if i’ve put into words just how confused you’ve made me since… all of this started,” you began, taking it slow for your own sake—some extra time for thoughts to process. hajime kept his mouth sealed shut, but by the looks of his shaky hands folded together in front of him on the table, he still had jittery nerves. that gave you some relief. you needed at least some control in this situation.

“i would’ve never thought of me moving schools as anything long distance. we’re literally in the same prefecture. you drove me to karasuno everyday! i could easily see you every weekend, and you know i’d always be happy to cancel other events to be with you. you’ve been the one for me for as long as i can remember. i don’t know why that changed.” once the ball started rolling, you needed to be honest with yourself, and with him. this conversation should’ve happened long ago—at least it’s better than never. you felt strangely brave in that moment, being able to open up about everything you had been thinking about. even if you hadn’t prepared everything properly, at least you had enough in you to give him a piece of your mind.

“i understand that me switching schools for our last year may have been hard on you,” you continued, keeping your eyes firmly glued to his. “i missed seeing you everyday. i was also guilty of missing being able to see your face at any given moment. but at least i knew that if i missed you, all i had to do was take out my phone and send a text, or even call. i’d be able to hear from you, just like that. i’d be able to tell you that i miss you, and we’d go out together until the evening. we could do that as many times as you needed, hajime. i wanted to be able to see you everyday. we could’ve made that happen, and you know that just as well as i do.”

“i know that now,” you heard him murmur under his breath, a deep sigh escaping his lips. “i came to that understanding too late.”

“i wouldn’t have even cared about your so-called family friend of yours.” that wasn’t completely true—you’d still make sure that nothing would happen between the two, but of course you would never restrict him from seeing people. but now that you knew just how vile someone could be, you had every right to be even more on edge. “all you had to do was talk to me, hajime. communicate. the same thing we’ve done for countless years, even before we started going out. all i wanted was for you to trust me. tell me that you’re worried, concerned about us. tell me how you’re feeling. i don’t care if you seem overly clingy or possessive or whatever bullshit excuse you want to spew. you’re not perfect. i know that, because i’m not perfect either.”

you caught yourself beginning to raise your voice. heads began to turn, causing you to pause for a moment. iwaizumi sat with shock in his features, both impressed and fearful of all you’ve said so far. whatever thoughts were running through his brain, he’d have to wait his turn to dish out everything he wanted you to know. this was your moment. you deserved this, more than anyone.

“you’re not perfect,” you repeated, “and neither am i. you always remind me that even with my imperfections, i was worthy of love. your love. but you never let me say that it goes the same way for you, too.”

“y/n…” he started off with your name, but you held up a hand to interrupt.

“but this goes beyond imperfections,” you continued, getting past your first round of thoughts. “this goes beyond mistakes, beyond little quirks that i could easily skim over. you went behind my back because of your insecurities, and regardless if you understood what you were doing or not, you began pursuing someone who wasn’t me. i don’t know if you’d consider it cheating, but you betrayed my trust. you lied to me, hajime. who knows what would’ve happened if i never ended up finding out the way i did? would i be sitting here having this conversation with you right now? maybe i’d be sitting at home, crying into my pillow that i never knew how you were feeling because you never tried reaching out to me.”

“i never realized just how much…” iwaizumi spoke up softly, his lips pressed together in between phrasing. “i didn’t know that this affected you so much. i’m really, truly sorry. i don’t know how many times i have to say it, but i’ll say and do anything to prove it.”

“that’s not the point, hajime. that’s not my point at all.” you snapped at him, causing him to stop anything else he was going to say next. “i know you’re sorry, you don’t have to spell it out for me. you proved that to me the last time we spoke like this. i’ve known you long enough to figure out when you’re honest and when you’re not.”

“then what is the—”

“my point is that your actions now reflect our outcome in the future.” after weeks of beating around the bush, this was it. this had to be it. this is what you needed to tell him. “this is small scale, hajime. nothing about this is long distance. so what would happen if we actually tried? you’re going abroad, i know you’ve had your eyes set on america. i’d never stop you, but what’s going to happen then? to us? could we really handle distance on an international scale? international. it won’t be just not seeing each other outside of school hours. we won’t be able to see each other, ever.”

“i know.” he nodded. “i’ve thought about it, a lot.”

“it’s going to take more than just thinking about it to actually do something about it,” you retorted. “i want to believe that we’d do okay, but as far as things turned out, obviously i was wrong. more than wrong.”

do you know where we stand, then?” iwaizumi stared at you long and hard, his eyes holding no malice yet steeled, searching in yours for answers. “how do you feel about us?”

simple words, yet you paused. any rhythm you had dissipated into thin air, now that he was backing you into a corner about the one thing you were supposed to be thinking about since taking time away from reaching out to one another. any conclusion you could’ve reached was much harder than you anticipated. to drop your first love would be putting yourself first, and would certainly be the right thing to do, would it not?

would it really be that easy to never see hajime again? to drop everything you two had?

“i don’t know.” your eyes drifted to the floor below your booth, twiddling your fingers in between your lap. “i don’t know, i want to make the right decision and not regret it. but i’ll end up having regrets either way.”

"y/n, please look at me.” his voice was tender, and you listened to him. hajime looked at you with a smile, but you saw the sadness pooling within the emeralds of his eyes. “for your sake, make the right decision. you know what it is. if you can’t make that decision, i think it’s best if i make that decision for you.”

your heart dropped to your stomach. what?

“hajime,” you breathed, sitting up straighter. you felt chills run down your spine as he, too, sat up straighter—as if preparing himself. “what are you—”

“while you did some reflecting,” he began, “i, too, was doing some thinking about myself, and how i could provide in our relationship. but clearly, i haven’t been doing anything for our relationship. quite the opposite.”

you couldn’t process what he was trying to say. he had taken over the spotlight. “i didn’t know i’d react so badly to you not being with me,” he continued, watching your panicked silence, “and acted immaturely. it was a moment of weakness i could’ve easily talked to you about, but i thought that i’d be selfish by adding more to your plate by pushing my problem onto you. that was wrong of me, and i know that now. i always tell you to put your problems on me when you need someone to lean on, yet i always forget that it should be a two way street.”

“where are you… where are you going with this?”

this wasn’t what you had in mind at all. watching hajime iwaizumi understand the full weight of his actions, and forcibly trying to make things right by…

no. he’s not really going to…?

“i didn’t want to come to this decision. i knew that i would get hurt, and you as well. i really, really didn’t want to do this.” he pressed his lips together, swallowing a nervous lump in your throat. you felt your stomach arise angrily like crashing waves, feeling queasy and sick to the gut. “but after talking to someone about this, i realized that even if i made up with you—and by some miracle, have a second chance—i don’t know how i’d be able to handle being in a different country, time zone, environment.”

talking to someone. a realization popped into your head.

“suga,” you whispered. “you talked to him?”

hajime’s eyes widened slightly, before slowly nodding his head. “i did.”

“what did he say?”

“things that should’ve been common sense.” he paused momentarily. “if i asked for a second chance now, i know i’d end up blowing it in a matter of a few months. i originally wanted to ask for a second chance, but after reaching out to him and doing some more thinking, i realized that asking for a second chance now would not benefit either of us. you especially.”

the more you listened to him speak, the more you felt like crawling out of your skin. it was an out of body experience—something you wanted to run away from. “hajime, i don’t know what you’re trying to say.”

“yes you do, y/n. i know you better than that.”

please,” you then pleaded, your eyes in a frenzy and your breath panicky. “please tell me what you’re trying to say.”

there sat your boyfriend, his eyes watery and his hands clenched tightly into fists as to not cause a scene. he was right—you saw this coming. even from miles away, you knew it was over.

“i don’t deserve a second chance,” he mumbled, any energy devoid from his body. “i don’t deserve you, not with how i’ve been acting since you’ve switched schools. i’m not ready for a long distance relationship, and i’d hurt you. since the beginning, that’s the last thing i ever want to do, but all i’ve done since this year started is hurt you, even if it was never my intention.”

the words echoed. ringing in your ears like a blow horn. whatever nightmare this was, you wanted out. but no matter how hard you could pinch yourself, you wouldn’t wake up from reality.

“this means… we’re really breaking up for good, aren’t we?”

now that you said it, it was like it had been manifested into reality. neither of you liked the sound of it—with all the time you spent together, even when you two were just friends, it was always you two against the world. the natural click you and hajime bonded over was something soulmates wished they had. the two young children who could spend hours alone and talk about every corner of the world would’ve never been able to guess a simple school change would be the end of something beautiful.

“i believe that time away from each other would be best,” he responded after a moment’s hesitation. “for both of us.”

you really didn’t know how to properly react. truthfully, you would’ve been able to react better to him begging for a second chance—not him pursuing a break up. you should’ve been on board with this.

thiswas the conclusion you were thinking of, weren’t you?

was there a part of you that would’ve overruled your better judgement and taken him back?

“i really wish it didn’t have to be this way,” you admitted, feeling your stomach churn in storms. you really didn’t—he hurt you, but he never had ill intentions. it was a series of unfortunate events that occurred one after the other. you cursed the universe for putting you in such a predicament.

“i have one more thing to say,” he added, watching as you hesitated on standing up. “and i want you to answer truthfully. please.”

what else was there to say? everything was already said and done. one more minute spent here and you’d probably break down—something you really weren’t in the mood to do.

“hajime, i don’t know what else—”

“you never let me answer your question,” he intercepted, carefully reaching a hand out to stop you from leaving. “i want to follow up on that.”

one last thing, you thought to yourself. at this point, you’d had enough. you glanced at tooru out the window, who had his back against the two of you. you envisioned yourself sprinting out the door and into his arms, wanting nothing more than to just escape. leave.

“one last thing, hajime.” the pain in your voice was clear. “then i think it’s best to go our separate ways.”

“you asked if we were breaking up for good,” he then responded. “and i only responded with that it would be best for us to spend time away from each other. for each of our sakes.”

“you did.” that was obvious enough. “i don’t know where you’re going with this.”

he reached out his hand on the table, palm facing upwards. an invitation for you to place your hand in his. your heart lurched out of your chest.

“i love you, y/n. i really do.” you looked into his eyes and felt your stomach flutter. you knew hajime, and that all-knowing look in his eyes—he meant every word. “i will work to better myself. i swear it. you may not believe me now, but i’ll live up to that promise—not just for your sake, but for myself as well.”

a dramatic confession. what a way to get the waterworks going. and as you lifted a hand to your eye, you noticed it was working.

“in the near distant future, if we happen to cross paths again one day—i want to know, truthfully—” you held your breath, and he spoke his next few words with a puffed chest.

“will you give me another chance?”

taglist ( closed ) — @tris-does-stuff@solko@otaku-fangirlse@arolotte@froppysgirl@awkwardspontaneity@sayakaaaaaa@youngestdelacour@dicerawr@sun-daddy-yoriichi@emiyummy@unstableye@bokuakadaily@prcttylittlcthing@tycrackculture@paintedstarres@cleopatera@momo-has-a-gun@ynjimenez@yeehawslap@moonlightaangel@sunflowerirl@kodzukrn@h0ngh0ngh0ng@creativedogs@kissungjae@danger093@winunk@ntngann@elianetsantana@kokogxddess@xxthunderthighs@ehicarmi@yespurplevoid@pluviophilefangirl@pleasemelafook-outta-ere@bbyhaji@hawksyoongi@starsabove-me@pnkmilk@qualitygiantshoepsychic@crazysocklovingfangirl@sophiejiro@dumbbitxh-things@its-the-aerieljeane@iovchlde@dabisdominion@minnieminnie00-got7@tazzi-baby@peepeepoopoot@bokutosdivineass

*GIFs not mine*

A/N: Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m back to my same old spiel of “it’s been a while” and “I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in (insert time) days!” Truth is, I just haven’t had the time to write like I know some of y’all haven’t had the time to read. However, I’m happy to be back, even if it is just for this one post. I hope y’all are doing good, and enjoy!

Word count: 1005


Bokuto Koutarou: 

  • While his falling asleep on you is usually an accident (considering it’s much easier to admire you while he’s awake), he certainly always makes the best of the situation. 
  • He nods off and his head slumps to your shoulder and instinctively you want to push him away because you just know him drooling is an inevitability but, no, a sleeping Bokuto is an adorable Bokuto.
  • He mumbles in his sleep. You’ve learned that from experience.
  • Black and white hairs tickle your neck but you don’t dare to scratch partly because one of his arms is already wrapped around you locking your own against your sides and partly because waking him would be a crime upon nature. 
  • It only tickles for a few moments anyway because in a matter of seconds he’s curling in deeper, snuggling his forehead against your throat while his legs clamber into your lap.
  • It’s awkward. It’s hot. It’s not quite a boyfriend cuddling his girlfriend and more so a koala straddling a tree branch. 
  • But it’s a classic Bokuto cuddle-bordering-on-suffocation situation so you settle in for what will be an awkward, hot bus ride. 
  • And eventually you lean your head on his and fall asleep because, eh, why not.
  • Konoha totally has pictures that he sells to Bokuto later

Tsukishima Kei: 

  • More often than not, when Tsukishima Kei falls asleep on the bus, he goes full turtle. 
  • Blond head perched back on the top of the bus seat, headphones around his neck while his mouth hangs open in a soundless snore. This dude is usually conked
  • (He’s learned to sit near the front of the bus lest he risk another session of “What can Kageyama and Tanaka throw into Tsukishima’s mouth?”)
  • So when his head lolls to the side and rests ever so delicately on the edge of your shoulder, you freeze like a deer in headlights. 
  • This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so don’t you dare screw it up. 
  • However… his glasses press really hard into the bony part of your shoulder. 
  • At first, you try to suffer through the pain, taking timed, measured breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. 
  • Then you contemplate humming to distract yourself, but you drop that strategy the instant he twitches on your first note. 
  • It’s too much. Come on, there’s no way there isn’t a bruise there by now!
  • The constant digging of plastic into your bone is insufferable at this point. You needed to eradicate the problem if this rare event was to continue.
  • You inch your right hand up ever so slowly, keeping your breathing steady so as to not frighten the flighty creature resting upon you. 
  • You turn your head just a touch and your chin brushes the hair atop his head, but he doesn’t disturb one bit at the slight tousle–thank God.
  • With two pinching fingers you grab the frames and remove them with the delicate touch of butterfly wings. 
  • Almost there… almost… have them…
  • Then Tsukishima stirs. 
  • “Screw it.” You yank the glasses away and drop them into your lap before returning your hand to the side of his face. 
  • “YN, what are you-” he cuts off in a grunt as you shove his head back onto your shoulder. 
  • “Shhhh.”
  • “YN.” His voice is muffled from his face being smushed into your shirt.
  • “Shhhh. Don’t ruin it.”
  • “YN-”
  • “Escape is futile.” You pat his cheek as the rest of his body squirms like a fish caught in a net. “Accept your fate, Tsukki.”

Iwaizumi Hajime: 

  • Sticky. Sweaty. Warm. 
  • You have no doubt that as soon as Iwaizumi wakes up, you will have to peel your shirt from his face like a sticker. 
  • But you figure he deserves the rest. He played a great game and is understandably worn out. 
  • And you’d be damned if you didn’t want to play pillow for him from time to time. 
  • No, he’s not your boyfriend, but you certainly wish he was. 
  • One of his hands fell onto your thigh the second he drifted off and your own hovers over it, an eagle waiting to land. 
  • God, he’s so warm. Like a personal heater. The bus was pretty cold too considering Iwaizumi had the bright idea of leaving your seat’s window open for whatever reason. 
  • The first time you complained about the cold, he offered you his jacket. However, two seconds after his offer your cheeks were burning enough to warm the rest of your body so refused. 
  • And now here you were, almost losing consciousness yourself on account of how comfortable you’d grown in this position. 
  • A nap… surely a nap wouldn’t hurt. 
  • Today’s game had asked for a five a.m. arrival at the school, one seven hour bus ride down to the opponent, and one returning. It was understandable that you were exhausted yourself. 
  • The eagle landed and your drooping eyes slipped closed. Iwaizumi’s hair–so soft–felt like the perfect cushion as you slipped into warm, deep sleep. 
  • The soft pressure on Iwaizumi’s head allowed for a small smile to grow on his face. 
  • Fucking finally.
  • Just one eye peered open and though he couldn’t see much, your hand resting flat on his just so happened to be the perfect sight. 
  • He waited until your breathing truly evened out before moving, slowly flipping his hand palm up and intertwining your fingers between his. 
  • His eyes began to blur once more and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze before giving in to the tiredness completely, grinning at the soft sigh you released. 
  • Yes. Finally.

“baby steps” 

iwaizumi x reader

genre: domestic fluff (dad/husband iwa)

note: here comes my baby fever word vomit. this also had not been edited.

about fifteen months ago, you told iwaizumi that you were pregnant with his child through the phone as he was at work. you remember ushijima of all people answering hesitantly informing you that your husband had needed a minute, having just fainted.

he’d ended the training with the team early, rushing back to you, engulfing you in his arms the moment he saw you. since then, he took care of you, helping you through out the struggles of pregnancy: holding your hair back whenever you had morning sickness and concocting whatever food you craved, no matter how gross. 

six months ago, he held your hand in the delivery room as you gave birth to your daughter. after nearly ten hours of labor, you held your daughter in your arms. looking over to your side, iwaizumi was too shocked to even express himself. his glassy eyes giving away his emotions. 

“hajime,” you cooed, just as speechless as him. in your arms you cradled the small infant as iwaizumi’s arm wrapped around her. looking at him with a soft gaze, you brought her to him, “hold her, love.” 

he held his breath, holding her like she was made of glass. you watched, your felt the same flutter in your heart when you first met your husband. iwaizumi smiled, both to you and to your daughter, finally letting go of a sigh. he leaned towards her, gently placing a kiss on her forehead. over the moon was an understatement. 

iwaizumi looks at you lovingly, “i love you.” he reminds you, and you return the feeling. iwaizumi lets a single joyous tear run down his cheek, “i love us.”he mentions the new human resting in his arms. 

now, six long, sleepless months after that, your daughter, mizuki, is just over a year old. iwaizumi can’t believe it, it feels like he just blinked his eyes and his little girl was already getting so much bigger. 

he’s seen all the milestones, her first word, which he proudly reminds everyone were ‘da-da’ to which you only teased: “nine months of pregnancy, ten hours of labor only for her to like you more.” 

now, your daughter, stands between the two of you in her nursery, it’s past her bedtime and the olympics start tomorrow. everyone of you should be in bed but both you and iwaizumi watch her with wide eyes. 

“get your camera haji.” you instruct him. she’s been close to taking her first steps for a while, was this really going to be it? 

“come to da-da, mizuki.” he calls, his arms wide and ready to catch her in case she trots over to him and falls. to which she giggles at her name being said. mizuki took one step and both of you cheered with glee. 

iwaizumi was still recording, another step, you sat behind her, encouraging her to go towards iwaizumi. a big smile was displayed across your face as she finally made it, her last steps being more of hopes. 

“she did it! she did it!” you both chanted, iwaizumi gave her a big kiss to the forehead ending the video. you sat back, watching with happy tears forming in your eyes. 

mizuki was clapping her hands, joining in on the excitement as she sat in iwaizumi’s arm. the two of you stood and he brought you and his daughter in for one big hug. 

he too, was feeling all the emotions he assumed his own parents felt when he took his first steps. it was a moment he didn’t think he’d ever experience with anything else. he kissed your lips, adrenaline pumping through your veins. 

you praised your daughter, catching iwaizumi staring at you. you grinned, unaware of the thought on his mind. 

he was so in love with not just you but with the family you two had created. that no matter how things went down at the olympics tommrow, that this would be his happiest, proudest moments. 
