#hire a sensitivity reader save a life



Another reason making the Northern Water Tribe misogynistic was an interesting choice to say the very least is like,

Okay so neither men or women are considered inherently superior or inferior in Inupiaq culture but if either of them is gonna be considered to be a bit on the dumb or wimpy side, it’s probably gonna be the men. Especially the younger ones.

Like if you had to give up a kid for adoption, you were gonna want to give up a girl. Because boys were more likely to do something that could get themselves killed, even when told not to. So you were gonna want some back up sons. And boys always complained about being hungry more, when girls could supposedly handle just smelling food and be strong enough to wait. And of course, a man who had reached marrying age had to be judged fit to be a husband, but a woman who knew all her domestic skills could just up and leave for the next village to find a suitable husband (or five) and no one would stop her. The ideal wife was not someone who always agreed that her husband knew best, but someone he could look at and be filled with pride that a woman so clever and capable chose to live with him.

Women would sit through their arms being tattooed, knuckle to shoulder, without modern technology, ignoring the pain because the lines on their bodies were pretty to them. That was considered feminine.

So again, kinda weird how such a culture irl can inspire people to write a fantasy one that treats women and women’s work so dismissively.
