

Ἑστια (es-TEE-ah) - Hestia AKA Histia, Hestiê
Goddess of the home, hearth, sacred fire, family, and cooking
Ouranic Olympian

Symbols: Kettle, fire, veil, chaste-tree
Animals: Pig, donkey
Colors: Red
Plants/Herbs: Chaste-tree, culinary herbs
Stones/Crystals: Garnet, ruby, sulphur, tiger eye, fire agate

Retinue: N/A
Relations: Kronos (father), Rhea (mother), Zeus (brother), Haides (brother), Poseidon (brother), Demeter (sister), Hera (sister)
Identified with: Vesta (Roman), Tabiti (Scythian)

Festivals: Noumenia (1st of every month)

Epithets: Aidios (Eternal), Khloomorphos (Verdant), Polymorphos (Multi-Formed), Polyvolvos (Rich in Blessings), Potheinotati (Beloved), Vasileia (Queen), Boulaia (Of the Council)
