#historisches fechten

First ward, newly interpreted by Christopher Brecht Roland Warzecha from Dimicator shows, that the n

First ward, newly interpreted by Christopher Brecht

Roland Warzecha from Dimicator shows, that the new interpretation of the first ward by Christopher Brecht from Fiddlebow Fechtschule Anchorage is very true to the I.33. The similarity is astonishing.

The original video can be found here on the Dimicator facebook page.

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What happens, if you yield in armored combat Well, this was only the eye catcher for the real news: What happens, if you yield in armored combat Well, this was only the eye catcher for the real news: What happens, if you yield in armored combat Well, this was only the eye catcher for the real news:

What happens, if you yield in armored combat

Well, this was only the eye catcher for the real news: another Fechtbuch, dating back to the 16th century. It is “Jeremias Schemels von Augsburg Confectbuch von Abrichtung vollständiges Turnierbuch”.

The first part concentrates on horsemanship. Later folios show armored combat and tournaments on horseback. The book is currently part of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.

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A guide to single handed short spear combat

The irish site livinghistory.ie hosts a tutorial for the use of the single handed spear:

“The single handed spear is quite different to the double handed spear. In your stronger hand, you can hold a spear between 120 and 165cm long, depending on preference. In your ‘off-hand’, you can hold a large shield (Greek, Viking) or a small shield & light spare spear (Irish, Roman Hastati). You should be very familar with the double handed spear before attempting to use the single handed spear, as it requires considerably more wrist and forearm strength.” Read more after the jump.

Hanko Döbringer advises in codex 3227a:

“If you wish to stride towards your opponent in an elegant manner in school fencing or just for fun, and intend to show off grace,
so at first shake your sword bravely and fall sideways into the Schrankhut to both sides and transition from guard to guard in wide motions, from one side upwards to the other with steps.

After that set yourself in the lower hanging from both sides with steps and then come to the upper hangings from both sides with steps. Then come into the crossing strikes to both sides with steps. So that whenever you move through one of the techniques described before to one side you also have to take a step.

If you execute it to your left so place the right foot in front and vice versa. And do this if you are coming to him and then do something appropriate what is useful for sport and so on.” (Translation by Thomas Stoeppler)

Seems as if Döbringer knew how to show off. I think his intention was to scare and confuse the opponent while closing in. “Doing something apporpriate” means to strike first, hitting the opponent unawares.

Zornhau made a video about handling historical swords

The german fencing club Zornhau annouces a selfmade documentary of the use and handling of original historical swords. The video - it’s called “Honhardts Stahl” - will go online on their youtube channel on 10th of november.
