#hockey smut


what Alexandar Georgiev is like in bed:

- he’s a very gentle lover

- Alexandar is really sweet, in the bedroom and outside of it

- very attentive to your needs and wants to make sure you’re having fun

- big fan of oral

- giving and receiving…. giving while receiving

- he’s always really vocal as long as his mouth isn’t occupied

- lots of moans and cut off swears

- will attempt to muffle his noises but he just sounds so sweet

- loves kissing so so much  

- doesn’t leave a lot of love bites

- even though his mouth is on you nearly the entire time

- prefers positions where he can look at you and just take it all in

- small but useful toy collection

- this man is 100% for your pleasure

- Alexandar knows that a vibrator isn’t his enemy… it’s his teammate

- he’s not too picky when it comes to where he comes, on you, in you, literally just near you…

- he’s just happy you want to help him come 

- loves to cuddle afterwards after you’re cleaned up

- he just needs the skin contact and closeness to come down after sex

his dick:

- his dick is big but not scarily so

- like you can take him but there’s some prep involved and he keeps lube handy just in case

the experience:

