

Review: The 100 Society by Carla Spradbery @CarlaSpradbery @HachetteUK

Today I bring you my review of The 100 Society by Carla Spradbery. This is spoiler free, by the way!

Published: 4th September 2014

For sixth-form student Grace Becker, The 100 Society is more than just a game; it’s an obsession. Having convinced her five friends at Clifton Academy to see it through to the end, Grace will stop at nothing to carry out the rules of the game: tagging…

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Heartstopper by Alice Oseman

Two reviews in one day? Who is this person?!

Well, I just could not help myself but binge through the whole series as soon as it got here!

I am always going to be biased when it comes to graphic novels, but we all already know that by now, so it should be no surprise really that I completely fell in love with the series, right? But in all honesty, Heartstopper went above and beyond and exceeded my expectations!

First of all, the development of relationship between the boys is so sweet and authentic. It took me back to school and reminded me of what it felt like to have a huge crush on someone

The character development throughout the series is done with great sensitivity, not just of the main characters, but of those around them as well. Oseman clearly has a good understanding of teenage relationships, not just romantic ones, but platonic/ friendships as well as the relationships between families.

Book 4 does delve deeper into some of the more serious and darker topics regarding mental health, but these are important conversations that we need to have, and Oseman does a good job of explaining and educating us about these issues, without it been preachy.

I would give this whole series 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
