#holiday info


things that would be different:
-presents - These are a pull in from Christianity. The boys with parents or culturally aware adults are more likely get some small amount of pocket money to gamble with
 -the food - Jelly Donuts–sufganiya is a Hebrew term, and they’d be more likely to know them by European names -the Yiddish term is ponchik, German is Berliner, Polish is Paczki Russian is Ponchiki
             Latkes would likely be the same, but both they and pontshke (plural for ponchik) would be more likely to be fried in chicken fat (schmaltz) or goose fat, not oil. This also means that the pontshke wouldn’t have custard* and the latkes wouldn’t have sour cream 
               *it would also  break the laws of kashrut to eat it with something cooked in schmaltz  aka it wouldn’t be kosher cause mi l k and dairy together are no go’s (Modern sufganiyot is normally fried in vegetable oil  to avoid this issue)
things that would be the same:
-Menorahs would still be lit at sunset, either increasing or decreasing one light every night depending on tradition. They’d be more likely to be used for light though rather than purely ritual purposes
 -Ma o tzur, though most other Hannukkah songs we know of/can think of are newer
-Dreidl -  it is not a stretch to imagine that it was very popular among newsies, who were already known for playing dice
things we’re not sure about:
 -i don’t know if they’d be lighting candles or if they’d be sticking wicks in schmaltz or what kind of feel like candles, but we’re not sure which it would be exactly

This post will be added to as we come up with more stuff! 
