#holy shit holy shit holy shit



To@mandapandabug20 with all our love forever - we hope that you enjoy this ridiculous crossover between your two loves and we think you’re simply amazing.

Page 1: @rocketpunchhh

Page 2: me!

Page 3: @microrockets

Also bonus! Puppy!Ru by @rocketpunchhh and Kaiba!Kakashi by me!



A real masked-ball palace with these two doing a snazzy diversion!

(I want those heels, not gonna lie, even though they are 100% impractical.)

you guys have not lived until you’ve been told “you are my poem”


“Tonight, the Shadowhunter joins the hunt.”

This commissoin was done by @arielrothbart, and it’s for me.

It’s Gaius Baelsar(the Shadowhunter) executing a visceral attack to a scourge beast in the Cathedral Ward. I’m so happy I could find an illustrator to make factors from both the FFXIV and the Bloodborne combined so well. I want to emphasize Gaius is also a “hunter” so I didn’t use his given name with the Gehrman’s line.


i really needed this to exist so i imagine the transgender mcr community could use it as well. happy pride month


I drew the lyrics of my new song and I’m not okay on so many levels

cozune: He’s a bastard man and it’s his birthday and he expects everyone to get him gifts. Bitch.


He’s a bastard man and it’s his birthday and he expects everyone to get him gifts.


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