#holy shit this is so long


coach hughes pt. 2 | quinn hughes


three times they hear the song + one time they play the song

word count: 8.7k

tw: cursing, sexual talk (no smut)

a/n: thank you guys for the support and responses on pt. 1!! i love seeing people’s thoughts on it <3 reading all of your responses made me blush

“Do you want to go back and coach the kid’s team again?” Quinn tried to causally ask Elias one day.

“What?” Elias asked confused. “Why would you want to go back?”

Quinn shrugged, “I like…the kids,” He said slowly trying to think of a solid lie.

“You like the kids?” Elias asked Quinn slowly.

Quinn nodded, “Yeah, I like helping out the little youngsters,” He awkwardly joked.

“You’ve never expressed this before?”

“Yeah, I know, I just found this new passion for helping out kids with their skills and it’s a good deed, so why not?” Quinn babbled trying to make himself look good in his lie.

Elias looked at Quinn questionably, he knew Quinn didn’t want to go just for the kids, he knew Quinn didn’t have a new ‘passion. Quinn was hiding something, and luckily for Elias, Quinn couldn’t keep a secret at all.

“Yeah, we can go all we want. I’m sure they wouldn’t turn away our help,” Elias said. “You could go to every practice if you wanted to.”

Quinn’s eyes widened, “No, no, that’s okay” He sputtered, trying to step back in the conversation.

“Well, it’s for the kids y'know, so why wouldn’t you want to?” Elias smirked inside his head at how Quinn was starting to get flustered.

“That’s too much,” Quinn protested.

“I’m sure they would love it though,” Elias protested. “It’s for the kids, right?”

Quinn groaned at Elias’ ways of making Quinn trip up on his lies, “It’s not for the kids,” He reluctantly mumbled.

“I know,” Elias smirked. “What is it for then?”

His smile quirked up and a blush ran up his neck, “A girl,” He murmured.

Elias’ eyebrows shoot up, he was not expected Quinn to say that. “A girl? How does a girl connect to the kid’s team?”

“You know that kid you left me with, Brady, it’s his older sister,” Quinn admitted with a blush on his cheeks.

“Ohh, how did you meet her?”

“She picked him up while I was talking to him.”

Elias smirked, “So you want to go back and coach her brother for a chance you might see her again?” Elias questioned Quinn’s thinking.

“Yeah, basically,” Quinn nodded.

“And how long did you speak to her?”

Quinn cringed, “Uh, I didn’t really talk to her,” He mumbled.

Elias facepalmed, “What?”

“Yeah,” Quinn rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “She talked to me, but I didn’t say anything back.”

Elias laughed at Quinn’s admittance, “Good one, Huggy,” He snickered clapping Quinn on the back.

“It’s not my fault,” Quinn groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “I get awkward around girls.”

“Quinn, you get awkward around everybody.”

Quinn pressed his lips into a thin line, everybody was telling him that recently. “It’s not my fault,” He tried to protest.

“Whose fault is it then?” Elias quirked his eyebrow at Quinn.

“My brains.”

Elias shook his head at Quinn’s blame, “Well tell your brain to stop being awkward and get the girl,” Elias advised Quinn with a smirk.

Quinn took a deep breath when Elias walked away, he needed to grow up and get the girl.


“What are you doing here?” Brady asked blandly, not surprised at all when he saw Quinn skate towards him during practice.

“I’m here to help you,” Quinn smiled.

“No, you’re not,” Brady deadpanned.

Quinn jerked back at Brady’s harsh statement. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because before last week you never came to 'help’ and now here you are again,” Brady pointed out.

Quinn acted offended at Brady’s accusation, even though it was true. “You have skill and I want to help you.”

“I know I have skill, but you’re a left defenseman and I play right wing. So how could you help me?”

“I could fix your ego issues,” Quinn raised an eyebrow at the 10-year-old.

Brady shrugged, “Like you said I have skill, so why wouldn’t I be cocky?”

Quinn rolled his eyes, “I’m skilled and you don’t see me acting like that.”

“That’s because you have no emotions,” Brady reminded him of what he said last week. “Oh wait no, you do have emotion!” Brady remembered. “Dumbness, when it comes to my sister.”

Quinn’s mouth dropped at the 10-year-olds words, Brady had absolutely no filter.

“Which I don’t understand,” Brady continued. “Because she’s boring, even more than you and that’s saying something. Technically you guys would be perfect together then. If only you could talk to her and not creepily stare at her.”

Quinn just stared at Brady in shock, he couldn’t remember being like this when he was 10-years-old, he couldn’t remember Jack or Luke being like this either. He was absolutely gobsmacked at the mouth of this boy.

Brady looked at Quinn with raised eyebrows after a moment of silence, “Am I wrong?”

Quinn didn’t even know what to say, he just stammered out random words of protest. Of course, Brady was right, he couldn’t talk to you at all and he did just creepily stare at you. He walked into this rink confident that he was going to get your phone number, but now he was being reality-checked by a 10-year-old boy.

“If it helps you at all, she wasn’t much better than you. She can’t talk to guys, especially not the 'love of her life’ quoting what she said a couple of months ago. So again you two are meant to be, don’t think too much about it. She’s lame, you could punch her and she probably still be in love with you,” Brady says, exposing everything you’ve ever said about Quinn.

“Oh uh okay no I won’t do that,” Quinn said awkwardly at the thought of him punching you.

“Good, you’ll be fine then.”

“Do you have any advice?” Quinn boldly questioned the boy. If Brady was going to spill everything about you, it might as well be useful information.

Brady huffed, side glaring at Quinn, “Do I have to do everything?”

Quinn shrugged awkwardly.

“Fine,” Brady groaned. “Like I said she’s weird. Her entire room is filled with 70s music vinyls, and I mean filled,” Brady emphasized on the 'filled’ part.

Mhm 70s music, Quinn thought…



“What are we doing?” You ask Quinn, sitting in the passenger seat of his car.

“I can’t tell you that,” Quinn smirks.

You groan at his secretiveness, but still, you smile at the anticipation of what he had in store for your first date.

It has been a week since Quinn came to Brady’s practice to see you and this time you weren’t late meaning Quinn actually had time to talk to you.

“Hi Y/N,” Quinn greeted you with a blush rising on his cheeks.

You were surprised to see him at practice Brady’s practice again, but your stomach was filled with butterflies as soon as you saw him walking into the rink. And the fact that he remembered your name was a dream come true. “Hi Quinn,” You smiled at him.

“How are you doing?” Quinn asked you.

“I’m doing good,” You chuckled. “How about you?”

“I’m doing great-yeah great,” He stammered.

You smiled warmly at his shyness, “What are you doing here? A big-shot hockey player should have more interesting things to do than deal with my annoying brother,” You joke.

Quinn’s lips quirk up, “Uh-actually I’m here to see you,” He admitted, wringing his hands nervously.

Your eyebrows shoot up at his admittance, “What?”

His cheeks go redder, “Yeah, I wanted to talk to you.”

Your cheeks start to heat up too, “Oh? About what? Did Brady do something bad?” You side glance at Brady who was standing off to the side zoned out at a wall.

Quinn chuckled, “No, he didn’t do anything…that bad,” He said thinking back to everything he said to Quinn earlier.

“Okay, then what’s up?” You asked confused.

Quinn coughed, all right Quinn this is the time, he encouraged himself in his head. “Y/N, you are very beautiful obviously,” Your cheeks tint up. “So I was wondering if I could have your number?” He squeaked out.

Your mouth almost dropped, Quintin Jerome Hughes, your favorite NHL player, the person you are convinced is the love of your life, was asking for your number.

“Why?” You blurted out and you quickly covered your mouth after you said that.

Quinn smiled and laughed at your response, “Because Y/N,” He stepped closer to you. “I would like to get to know you.”

“Uh-yeah-no-yeah-sure-here,” You stumble, getting caught up in his captivating eyes. You reach into your back pocket to grab your phone and place it in his hand.

“You’re not going to unlock it?” He asks you with a smirk on his face.

Your face drops at your stupidity, you quickly grab your phone back and unlock it for him. “Sorry,” You mumbled.

He types in his number with a smile on his face because that was the cutest thing he had ever seen.

He hands you back your phone with a new contact of ’quinn <3’ you smile at the contact name he put in.

“Text me anytime,” He tells you.

You nod, biting your lip to contain the huge smile you don’t want him to see. You start to back up towards the rink exit, Brady following beside you. You hear him quietly mumble something along the lines of, 'It’s like watching two turtles interact with each other.’

As soon as you got home you texted the new contact and here you were.

“Can you at least give me a hint at where we are going?” You desperately ask Quinn, pulling out your best puppy dog eyes.

He shakes his head with a chuckle, “Nope,” He says popping the p. “But you’re going to enjoy it, I know you will,” He smiles at you, trying to relax your nerves.

You narrow your eyes at him in suspicion, but there’s a small smile on your face. You knew you were going near downtown, you passed Roger’s Arena on the highway already.

You sat back in your seat and decided to soak up the quiet moments with Quinn. It was simple, he handed you the AUX cord, so your favorite 70s playlist was playing in the background. You quietly sang the words as Quinn drove. He occasionally looked at you, the sun was starting to go down and you had an ethereal glow. It was captivating, you were only wearing a long-sleeved shirt with jeans and boots, but you were beautiful to him.

You felt his gaze on you and you looked over at him with a smile, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Quinn shook his head, not telling you. He looked down at the center console where your hand was laying. He coincidentally placed his right next to yours and slowly conjoined them. You looked out of the window with a blush on your cheeks. Quinn Hughes was holding your hand. It felt right, not to be cliché, but they fit together like puzzle pieces. It was perfect, and the date hadn’t even started yet.

Quinn parked on the street in Gastown, you liked going here. There were a lot of interesting shops around here that you liked going to occasionally. He got out first and went around the car to open your door, holding out his hand for you to grab while getting out. Again your hands didn’t separate after you got out.

“It’s just up here,” He vaguely said while you two were walking on the sidewalk.

You were giddy in anticipation, you came to this area often for one store in particular. You knew it wasn’t what you thought it was, it was your first date he couldn’t know about this. But he did. Because of a certain wingman.

He walked you up to your favorite store, your favorite vinyl shop. You looked at him with wide eyes, “How did you know?” You asked him in awe.

He smirked, “I have an outside source,” He winked.

You shook your head with a smile, “Brady?” You guessed.

He shrugged, basically saying that his sources were confidential.

You relaxed as soon as you entered the beloved familiar atmosphere. It was only the first date and this had already gone better than every relationship you had been in. “Thank you, I love this place so much,” You tell him with a beaming smile on your face.

“Just happy to make you happy,” He smiled with a blush on his cheeks.

Your heart melted at his statement.

He let go of your hand, “Now, go look around. I know you’ve been dying to since we walked in,” He told you as he observed you bouncing around waiting to go look around.

“Okay,” You whispered, starting to roam around the store looking for your favorite artists. As you were looking, you pointed out the ones you already had to Quinn, not to brag but because you were so proud of your collection and it meant a lot to you. You appreciated how closely Quinn was listening to your words, he cared about what was important to you. Even if that meant learning every single one of your favorite albums and which edition vinyl you had.

After some time, you walked out with two vinyls, which Quinn insisted on paying for, you put up a hard fight, but he insisted saying that it was your first date and he should pay.

You two walked out of the store with smiles and laughter as Quinn told childhood stories about himself.

“I’m not kidding, I spent an entire night outside during the winter because my mom told me to stop playing hockey and come inside.”

You held your stomach, laughing, as he was telling you how he got the worse cold of his life.

“I refused to stop playing, so I stayed outside all night. My mom stayed up all night watching me from the window too. Every time I would shiver I could see her shaking her head.”

You happily smiled at him, he seemed so happy talking and telling stories to you. You loved listening to him, he was quiet at first, but now he had blossomed out for you and that made you happy.

“Was it worth it?” You ask him.

“No, not at all. I got so sick that I couldn’t leave bed for a week, so I missed practice,” He shook his head with a smile. “It was all for nothing.”

You shook his head tutting him, “You should’ve listened to your mom.”

He looked over at you, grinning, “She’s going to love you if you say that to her.”

You raised an eyebrow at him, “So I’m meeting your mom, eh?”

He jokingly thought about it for a second, “Depends on how the rest of the night goes,” He said.

“That rest?” You asked confused, you assumed the vinyl shop was the only place you two were going.

He nodded, “Yep, the rest.”

“Where are we going now?”

“You’ll see,” He replied secretively, the same as earlier.

You rolled your eyes at his discretion, but you didn’t say anything. Usually, you hated not knowing what was happening next, but with Quinn, you trusted he knew what he was doing.

You got in the car, going the opposite way from home. You had no idea where Quinn was driving, you knew he was driving towards the water, but there weren’t really any good places down there, so your suspicion only grew. You looked at him with curious eyes as he pulled over at a random place on the street. He smiled at you and gave you a look saying trust me. He opened the door for you, holding out his hand, and you got out, trusting him, just like he asked.

He led you onto a short path that you didn’t even see in the first place, revealing a bench that was looking out onto the water. The sun was setting, the water was calm, and there was a little breezeit was perfect. You could still vaguely hear the music flowing out of Quinn’s car a few feet away.

He sat down at the bench, you following him after. Your thigh was touching his, your hands were intertwined, his arm around the back of the bench barely touching your shoulder.

“How did you find this?” You asked him in awe because you never knew this was down here and it was beautiful.

“I was running down here one day and found the path.”

Your face scrunched up at the mention of running, and he laughed. “Not a fan?” He asked you.

You quickly shook your head, “No.”

He chuckled but didn’t say anything, it was a peaceful, comfortable silence between you two.

You could hear the water moving, the breeze coming in, the trees swaying, and you hoped that Quinn couldn’t hear your racing heartbeat. The simple touch of your thighs and his arm faintly touching your shoulders had your heart fluttering. Your stomach had been inhabited by butterflies the entire afternoon, now there were just softly floating around—in peace and appreciation of the situation. You softly laid your head on Quinn’s shoulder. He looked down at you with a smile on his face.

“Thank you for this,” You whispered to him.

“Thank you for saying yes,” He whispered back.

You smiled as you looked at him in a trance, he was so beautiful and he captured every bit of your attention. He seemed to be thinking the same as his eyes darted back and forth between your eyes and your lips. His gaze seemed transfixed on your lipshow soft they looked, how badly he wanted to feel them, to feel you pressed up against him. He wanted it all, he wanted everything he could get from you, whether it was nothing at all or everything. Your lips slowly started to part as you two inched closer and closer to each other. You finally broke your gaze from his lips as you felt his breath on your face. It was the only look that you needed to be confirmed, it was the same look you were giving him—the same desperate feeling, the need to feel each other, the passion and connection you felt. It was like magnets that had finally come together, you can’t part them.

It was soft at first, his lips slowly moving against yours, it was a soft comforting feeling. But then it changed, you picked up your head, so could feel him deeper, your hands went to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. His hands went to your waist, pulling you tighter into his body. He just wanted to feel you, kissing you wasn’t enough, he needed more and you needed more. It was passionate, You could feel his tongue sweep across your lips before entering your mouth. Both of you could stay like this forever, the thought of separating was impossible for you to comprehend. He started to move his hands to where your shirt had risen up, his warm hands on your cold skin made goosebumps appear on your entire body. After a couple of seconds, the two of you parted panting. Gasping for air because you couldn’t separate. You laid your forehead on his, trying to take slow and steady breaths.

“Wow,” He croaks out after a few moments of trying to control his breathing.

You breathe out a laugh, “Yeah,” You whisper.

“You’re perfect,” He whispered, staring into your eyes, tucking a loose hair behind your ear.

You hum with a smile, not wanting to say anything. You just wanted to take in the moment, sitting forehead to forehead with Quinn after the best kiss of your life, you just wanted to take it all in.

It was silent again, you went back to the position you were in, your head on his shoulder, but this time his arm was wrapped around your waist. You smiled and giggled when you heard the introduction to one of your favorite songs.

Everybody screamed
When I kissed the teacher
And they must have thought they dreamed
When I kissed the teacher

You laughed, standing up, and holding out your hand for Quinn to grab. Confused, he grabbed it and stood up right beside you.

You wrapped your arms around him and started swaying. He returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around your body and following your movements.

“Do you know what song this is?” You whispered in Quinn’s ear.

He shook his head, you rolled your eyes at his lack of culture.

“When I kissed the teacher by ABBA, Coach Hughes,” You teased him.

He quietly ohed and laughed at the irony.

You pulled back your head and looked him in the eyes, mouthing the words along with the song. He smiled at the joy on your face, and you smiled at the smile on his face. He was so captivating. In your trance, you moved close to his face and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. You felt the smile on his face as he heard the lyrics in the background correlating with your actions.

I was in a trance
When I kissed the teacher
Suddenly I took the chance
When I kissed the teacher


“Where are we going?” You asked your boyfriend of officially one year.

“I’m not telling you,” He sang teasingly. It almost became a tradition for the two of you, every single time you went on a date, you would ask where he was taking you and he never answered.

“At least a clue,” You beg.

“You’re going to like it,” He answered, the same answer every time.

“You’re annoying,” You fake pout, making him smile and peck you on the cheek.

“I love you too.”

“Yeah, yeah, I love you too,” You mumble. “But I don’t love your need to keep secrets,” You jokingly say.

He scoffs, “I’m trying to surprise you on our anniversary date.”

You cross your arms over your chest, “Why can’t I surprise you on a date?”

“You do that all the time. You surprise me with food, you come to as many games as you can, you get along with my family and teammates, you take care of me when I’m too tired after games, do I need to go on?” He lists all of the things about you that he loves. You blush more and more with each thing he says.

“What if I wanted to take you out tonight?” You ask him with a raised eyebrow.

He sighs, knowing you’re not going to let this go unless you can take him on an anniversary date. “You can do next year’s date,” He offers.

You smile and beam at him, “Okay!” And the entire subject is dropped.

Quinn huffed with a small laugh at your quick-changing attitude. “Are you happy again?”

You looked at him with a smile and nodded quickly. “Extremely, thank you for asking.”

Quinn pulls onto the street of the restaurants on the Northeast Harbour in Vancouver, you were glad you had listened to Quinn about dressing fancy. He was in a white button-up and black slacks, while it was a basic outfit, you had styled his hair so he looked very handsome. You were in a silk black dress with black heels, looking basic but classy.

“You’re taking me somewhere fancy, eh?” You questioned him, wiggling your eyebrows teasingly.

He nods, taking your hand and pressing a kiss against it. “Only the best for my girl.”

You blushed at his words. He has learned every way to make you blush or flustered throughout the year. He thoroughly enjoyed seeing you like that, but you also learned how to do it on him. He didn’t appreciate that so much, especiallywhen you did it in front of the guys.

“Thank you, Quintin Jerome Hughes,” You smiled. One of the ways to make Quinn blush was pulling out his full name, he didn’t really want everybody to know it, so when you yelled it after a game and the entire team heard it he was traumatized from that day on.

He shook his head, “You’re never going to stop that are you?” He asked you.

You shake your head with the sweetest, biggest smile on your face.

He grumbles out incoherent curse words. That makes your smile grow bigger.

“You’re lucky I love you,” He joked as you two get to the restaurant and he stops the car. As usual, he comes to your side, opens the door, and helps you out because Ellen raised him the right way.

You smile, sliding your arms around his torso. “I am extremely lucky,” You cheekily respond, kissing him on the lips. He chuckled into your lips, you made him feel like the luckiest guy in the world, you were the perfect person for him and every word you said proved that for him.

You begrudgingly pulled away from him when you remembered you two were on a sidewalk. You gave him one last peck before pulling him towards the waterfront restaurant that Quinn choose for tonight.

“Hi, reservations for Hughes,” Quinn told the hostess. She smiled at Quinn, grabbing your menus and leading you towards the table.

You looked around at the atmosphere of the restaurant, you had never been here before but it was nice. There were string lights hanging all out on the outside, there were boats surrounding the deck, and of course, there were huge heaters everywhere.

You looked at Quinn with an approving look, “This place is nice, good job babe.”

“Did you doubt my skills?”

“Yes,” You snort. “Sweetheart, I love you, but you are clueless about some things, so I’m proud of you for this considerate date. But staying in and watching movies with you would’ve been perfect too,” You tell him, trying to make sure he knows you’re not trying to take advantage of his money.

“I don’t know it feels nice like I’m your sugar daddy or something,” He boldly tells you.

You choke on the air as soon as that word came out of Quinn’s mouth. A few people surrounding you looked at your curiously, you smiled at them before turning back at a smirking Quinn.

“Quinn,” You scold him. “That word should never leave your mouth again,” Your cheeks look like strawberries at this point. “Plus, I have a good job, so I don’t need one.”

He quietly snickers at your facial expression, “I know babe, you have a good job. I know I’m not your sugar daddy, but your reaction was priceless.”

You hide your face in your hands as he says the word again but louder this time. “We’re going to get kicked out,” You warn him.

“It will be an anniversary to remember then.”

You let out a slow breath from the conversation. You loved how much Quinn had gotten comfortable around you, but sometimes he got too comfortable, and this was example number one.

“I’m supposed to be the bold one, Q, it’s frankly out of character for you,” You huff.

He smiles innocently and holds his hands up in surrender. “Gotta catch you off guard sometimes,” He winks with a suggestive tone.

You look away from him, trying to hide your shy smile and blush. “Well, it worked,” You mutter to yourself.

“Good needed to remind you that I can play back,” He smirks, casually saying that, like he didn’t blush when you said his name. Like he didn’t get awkward when his hand accidentally touches yours even when you have been dating for a year.

You lean forward, over the table, to reach Quinn. You put your hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. “Are you okay? Who is this person sitting with me now? Where is my boyfriend?” You tease him, looking around the restaurant.

He sarcastically laughs at your terrible joke. “You’re so funny, babe, really” He deadpans.

You sent him an air kiss as a response.

He shrugs suddenly getting serious, “I just feel bad for you, I’m so boring compared to you,” He expresses his insecure thoughts.

Your smile drops at the sudden change in mood and the sight of his sad face. “What?” You breathe out. “Why do you think that, Q?” Him thinking he was boring compared to you was nothing that ever crossed your mind. He was your person, the yin to your yang, you would never ever think he was less than you.

His gaze stays stuck on his menu as he doesn’t want to look at you while being so vulnerable. “You’re always so bright and happy and I’m just here. You make me laugh so much, I-I just feel I don’t do the same for you,” He admits quietly.

Your eyes tear up at your boyfriend’s sullen voice. You stay silent for a second because this was so out of blue for you. You had absolutely no clue he was thinking this and it made you feel terrible.

You grab his hand across the table, making him look up. His eyes soften when he sees the water collecting in your eyes, “I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to ruin our date. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

You shake your head at his words, “No, I don’t care where we are, if you feel like this tell me, please. That breaks my heart, I had no clue you thought about this, Quinn. I love you so much and you’re amazing in my eyes. I might be more vocal than you at times, yes, but that means nothing. Absolutely nothing, I love how you are and I don’t want you to change.” You tell him sincerely, gripping his hand the entire time.

He looks at you with a soft and appreciative face. He clears his throat, looking away from you so you don’t see the emotion on his face. He grabs your hand and presses a kiss against it, “I love you so much, Y/N Y/L/N. So so much.”

“I love you too,” You smiled waterily. “But please tell me when you feel like that because I assure you that I would never think that or anybody else for that matter.”

He nods, “Okay, I will,” He promises.

You smile as you hear the dearly loved music coming from one of the boats in the harbor. It was the perfect time for this song. You stand up, holding out your hand for Quinn to grab. Hesitantly, he takes it, absolutely confused on why you’re getting up when the food hadn’t even come yet. You wrap your arms around his torso, laying your head on his chest, and started to sway back and forth.

“Y/N, what are we doing? People are staring at us,” He murmurs into your ear.

“Have you not memorized the introduction yet?” You asked him, a little bit scandalized.

He shakes his head, still in absolute confusion about what you were saying.

“Just wait,” You whisper.

He chuckles awkwardly at all of the people staring at them in confusion. His cheeks brighten as people continue to stare.

“Y/N…,” He mumbled questionably.

You pinch his lower back, making him jump. “Just wait,” You hiss.

He rolls his eyes at your aggressiveness (that he secretly loves more than anything) but nonetheless forgets about all of the stares and sways with you.

You hum in happiness when the song gets louder and louder next to you.

“Recognize it now?” You whisper to him.

Quinn chuckled in your neck when he recognized the first line of your song. He could feel you softly singing along in his chest. He moved along with you, everything else in the world fading out behind him. It was your song and you two were going to dance to it, no matter where you two were.

Everybody screamed
When I kissed the teacher
And they must have thought they dreamed
When I kissed the teacher


“Brendan, I swear to god if you splash me again I will fucking drown you,” You yelled at Brendan as he kept flicking water on you.

“I would like to see you try,” He challenges you, flexing his biceps.

“Nobody wants to see you flex those noddle arms,” Brady comes to your defense.

You look at Brendan with a pleased look on your face as Brady put him in his place.

Brendan dramatically gasped and murmured, “They’re not noddles.”

“Keep telling yourself that bud,” Brady chuckled.

“I work very hard on these babies,” He protested, caressing his biceps.

“Doesn’t look like it,” You tease him.  

Brendan pouted, “You guys are mean,” and slowly swam back to where the rest of the boys were, mumbling about how he was the strongest guy at this house.

You snickered at his hurt face before turning to Brady and giving him a fist bump.

The infamous summer Michigan lake house. You had been invited two years in a row, but this year, Brady was invited since he got along with the rest of the guys so well. Brendan and Jack were his favorites, they always teamed up together to bully Quinn. The house this summer was a bit on an overload, with most of the UMICH team, Jack’s Devils friends, Quinn’s Canucks friends, and the USNTDP guys, the house had easily over 30 guys in the house. It was hectic, but you wouldn’t prefer it any other way. Throughout the years, you had all gotten close with them and you loved spending time here in the summer.

You were laying on the dock, Brady laying next to you, and all of the boys swimming around in the lake. It was the third day you had been there and you were already kind of fried, but that wasn’t going to stop you from making up the paleness you had from Vancouver winters.  Every single year you had come home peeling and owing every time something rubbed against your skin. It was practically a tradition, everybody would make fun of you for how red you looked, and then Quinn would have to spend the next week hearing you complain about how much you were peeling.

“What are you doing?” You heard somebody ask you. You picked your head up and saw Quinn with his head propped up on the dock. You smile at the sight of him, after three years of dating you could never get over looking at his face. The lopsided grin on his face as he wrote his name on the dry dock with his wet hands. You place your hand over your face, shielding the sun from your face, so you could look at him better.

“Just tanning,” You shrug. “Nothing new,” You chuckle.

He shakes his head, “Babe, you’re going to be in so much pain if you don’t go inside every once and a while.”

“I like to think of it as like summer, new skin for me,” You joke.

He sighs, knowing that you’re not going to go inside until you’re crying in pain. He looks at Brady who was peacefully laying next to you, “Brady, has she always been like this?”

Brady gives Quinn a 'what the fuck do you think’ look, “Of course she has. If anything she is more controlled with you. She probably trying to hide that side of her until you two are married and you can’t leave.”

Your mouth drops and you scoff, “Brady, what the fuck?” You exclaim, hitting him in the shoulder.

You turn to Quinn and awkwardly chuckle, your cheeks heating up, “I’m not doing that. I’m not crazy.” You emphasize the crazy part while shooting Brady a glare. He simply shrugs.

Quinn chuckles, “I love you, Y/N, but you are crazy,” He laughs at your offended face. “But I love your craziness, so I will never ever leave you,” He reassures you, grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss against it.

You melt at his words, “Aww Quinn I love you too,” You grab his face and press kisses all over it. “I will never leave you either.”

Beside you two, Brady cringes and stands up, walking back into the house. “Mrs. Hughes they’re doing it again,” He groans.

Distantly you can hear Ellen correct Brady, “It’s Ellen, Brady! How many times do I have to tell you!”

You two laugh as he stomps away. Brady had to deal with you two a lot during the first year of your relationship. He walked in on you guys kissing a lot, but thankfully he never walked in on anything other than that. He never let Quinn come over when his friends were over, he always said, “I don’t want to do that to my friends, they think you’re a cool guy, I don’t want to ruin their image of you when they see you two making out and giggling together.”

After that declaration from Brady, you graduated and it just made sense to move in with Quinn. He lived right by your work and you stayed at Quinn’s apartment a lot already, so here you two were two years later and still living together happily. Well,Kind of happily…Quinn always falls asleep on you, and you didn’t appreciate it when he snored in your ear.

“I love you,” He whispers, suddenly feeling very appreciative of his life with you. He could never get over the fact of how randomly he met you and how you made such an impact on his life. He always liked to just look at you and think about all the ways he loved and appreciated you.

You gesture for him to come to you with your hand, suddenly feeling the urge to feel his touch. He groans dramatically at you for making him get out of the water, but nonetheless, he pushes himself out of the water and lays down next to you on your towel. He perches his head up on his elbow, looking down at you with his hand on your stomach.

You smile at him before yanking him down into your body. He laughs as he buries his head in your neck. You smile happily as you snake your arms around him.

“Is this why you wanted me to get out?” He asked you. “To hug me?”

“Yep,” You exclaim happily. Growing up you always cringed at love and romance in general, you never thought you would get your happy ending, so you grew bitter towards it. You never liked people touching you, you always had a distance from your past partners, but that was until Quinn. You couldn’t go a day without seeing him or hearing his voice. During the season, even if the camera zoomed up on his face, you were happy. You would never be too close to him, you never got enough of his intoxicating touch. He showed you a new definition of love and intimacy that you had never seen before.

“I could never get tired of your touch,” You sigh dreamily as you felt the zaps of electricity flowing through your entire body.

“Good because I’m never going to stop touching you,” He mumbles into your neck while pressing kisses against it. You giggle as he kisses your known sensitive spot. You pinch his lower back when you feel his teeth scrape on your skin, “Don’t do this right now, Q. I’m not doing it with 30 other people in the house too,” You scold him.

“But they are outside right now,” He slowly murmurs while his hands massage your lower lowerback. “And not in the house,” He whispers, moving up towards your ear and kissing there.

“Quinn–” You pant, but get cut off when you hear steps coming towards you two.

You quickly push Quinn off of you and pull your hair to cover your neck, which was probably red. “What?” Quinn panicky questions you, but then shuts up quickly when he sees Luke coming over.

Luke comes stomping over to you two, his eyeline directly on you. Your thoughts panic, you look over to Quinn who was obviously panicking just as bad as you.

He stops right in front of you, “Y/N,” He addresses you. You look up at him with wide and guilty eyes. “What did you say to Brendan?”

Your face screws up in confusion, “Brendan?” You question.

“Yes, Brendan. What did you say to him? He’s making all of us touch his muscles and it’s weird.”

You stare at Luke before bursting out laughing, “You came over here looking like an angry bull because of Brendan?” You wheeze.

Luke rolls his eyes at your laughing, “Y/N, I’m serious. What did you say? He’s very sensitive and he won’t let this go until you reassure him, so what did you say?”

Before you could answer, Thomas came stomping over, just how Luke did seconds ago. He stops in front of you, “Y/N, do you think I have bigger muscles than Bren? Because I think I do, but he doesn’t and he keeps going on and on about if his muscles weren’t big enough for you then mine aren’t either.”

Bords’ words make you wheeze even harder, both Thomas and Luke sharing a look of annoyance over your laughing.

“I’m serious, are my muscles bigger than Brendan’s?” He asks you while flexing his bicep extremely hard.

Then, Brendan comes stomping over. He shoves Thomas out of the way, “Don’t even try Thom, you’re just going to embarrass yourself. Mine are better, and Y/N will tell you that,” Brendan winks at you.

And that’s how you got into this situation, Thomas and Brendan flexing their biceps so hard that their faces were turning red. Luke standing there looking at you, like you’ll settle their dispute. Quinn sitting beside you, not saying a word because he was absolutely dumbfounded that these were his little brother’s friends. He was even more dumbfounded that they were his friends too.

“Y/N, pick somebody before they pass out,” Quinn mumbles, gesturing to their red and almost purple faces. You look at him in surprise, your boyfriend was telling you to pick which guy had the bigger muscles. He shrugs at your shocked face, he trusted you and knew that if you answered this, you wouldn’t leave him. You sigh before actually looking at the difference between the two biceps.

You cringe, “Yeah, sorry Bren, Thoms got the bigger bicep,” You come to your decision.

“Let’s fucking go baby,” Thomas cheers, kissing his bicep and skipping around.

“No, nope, I refuse,” Brendan exclaims, stomping away and going inside the house, probably to ask more people.

“Deal with it you fucking whiny baby,” Thomas cackles while following after Brendan.

You distantly hear a “Language,” from one of the Hughes parents.

Luke sighs and rubs his temple with his fingers, “This will never end,” And walked away.

You stare after them in absolute confusion. You shouldn’t be confused because this was a normal occurrence with 30 twenty-year-olds surrounding you. You glance over at Quinn and the second you two made eye contact both of you start to burst out laughing. You fell over into Quinn’s lap from laughing so hard.

“Oh my god, why are we friends with these people, Quinn?” You wheeze.

“They are so stupid,” He chuckles with his face in his hands.

“But you told me to pick!” You called your boyfriend out.

“They were about to pass out, their faces were purple,” He pointed out. “Plus, I knew they weren’t going to let it go until you picked, so,” He shrugged, looking down at you.

“Probably the stupidest argument I’ve ever seen,” You chuckle.

Quinn shook his head, “No, I’ve seen far worse from them. It’s like their brain will only fight about pointless things.” He paused for a second before smiling and continuing. “One time I witnessed a fight between Briss and Bords. Bords was getting a new tattoo and Brendan wanted Bords to get a tattoo of his face. Obviously, Thom said no, and Brendan actually got offended. Brendan was offended that Bords wouldn’t get it and Bords just flat out refused to talk to him. They argued for hours after that because Thom said that Bren’s face wasn’t good enough to be on his 'beautiful’ body.” Quinn recalled that argument from when he visited the college a while ago.

You laugh, shaking your head at the two boys that you had come to love like brothers. “I stand corrected, that is definitely the stupidest thing I have ever heard.”

Quinn hums, not really paying attention to what you’re saying anymore. He moves his hand to caress your cheek, like a feather. His touch moves up to your hair where he tries to brush it out. You look at him while he looks at you. His look made your heart flutter, you spent your entire life trying to find somebody to look at you like that, and here he was. You were never letting him go. His eyes go to yours, and he smiles once he notices you’re looking at him too. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He asks you, he wasn’t used to people looking at him like that, so it was off-putting for him.  

“Why are you looking at melike that?” You return.

He smiles at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Because you’re beautiful.”

You grin, “You’re beautiful too.”

His cheeks heat up at your words. Every time you called him beautiful he would blush, he wasn’t used to that kind of compliment.

You notice his red cheeks and reach up to pinch them, “Cutie,” You tease him.

“Shut up,” He mumbled and turned away from your sight because he could feel them getting warmer.

You giggle because you know exactly why he turned away. You gently pull his face back to where he was looking down at you. “I love when you blush, why do you try and hide it?” You pout.

“That’s exactly why I hide it, you love it so much that you make me constantly blush,” He chuckles.

“Not my fault you get flustered easily,” You murmur.

His eyebrows lift up, “Oh really? Who was panting in my ear a couple of minutes ago?” He taunts you.

You scoff, “You were the one to start it,” You flick his hand off of your stomach and fold your arms over your chest, acting like you’re mad at him.

“Not my fault you’re so beautiful,” He murmurs in your ear.

You push his face away from your ear, “Flattery will get you nowhere right now, Quintin.”

He looks at you with a raised eyebrow, he knew you weren’t actually mad, you were just being a brat right now. He sighed, “Fine, you made me do this.”

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion until you felt his hands come close to your worst tickle areas. You immediately jumped up out of his lap and started running away from him. “No,” You shrieked when he started to run after you. Obviously being the athlete in the relationship, he caught up to you pretty quickly. He enclosed his arms around your body as your body shook with laughter and protests. He starts swinging you around in a circle, making your hair go in every direction, but your laughter never stops. It was that oh-so-loved guitar intro that he paused.

Quinn sets you down quickly, you look at him with a confused expression. He looks at you with an excited smile, he takes in your confused face and starts laughing. “Did I finally notice it before you?” He gushed.

You, still, look at him with a confused expression. He rolls his eyes and points to the huge outdoor speaker that Ellen’s phone was usually connected to. You strain your ears to hear anything, but when you do, your face lights up, and your heart warms.

Everybody screamed
When I kissed the teacher
And they must have thought they dreamed
When I kissed the teacher

Quinn starts to twirl you around the backyard, both of your terrible singing voices heard through the entire neighborhood. Quinn dips you in a dramatic way, like in the movies, and crushes you in a passionate kiss. It was your song, always and forever.

“Oh god, when I let Quinn help me that day I did not think this would be the outcome,” Brady groans from inside the house where everybody was watching the couple happily dance around the backyard.

“Is nobody going to question that their 'song’ is about a student kissing their teacher?” Luke questioned a couple seconds later. Everybody shrugged.


“I would just like to remind everybody that none of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for me.” Brady’s voice echoed throughout the venue. “If Quinn didn’t come in for my practice and if Y/N wasn’t late to pick me up, this wouldn’t be happening. I expect through appreciation in the future,” He points to where you and Quinn were sitting. “Anyways, Quinn and my sister were always just together, always giggling in the corner, always singing together, badly I should mention. They had always been together, even after Y/N came home after their first date she was enchanted by him. I admit they are pretty cute, sometimes. It’s entertaining watching them talk to each other, they poke at each other and won’t hesitate to jokily insult each other. That is until somebody takes it too seriously,” He coughs. “Quinn,” Everybody laughs while Quinn shakes his head. He can’t deny it.

“On a serious note, Quinn has become a very important person in my life, even if I do make fun of him a lot, he has become my idol and somebody I look up to. He still takes the time out of his day to help me with hockey, and he makes my sister happy, so I can’t hate the guy. But, I could if you hurt my older sister,” He shoots Quinn a threatening glare. “Y/N, my older sister, you’ve been a pain in my ass throughout the years, but I guess you have gotten a littlebetter over the years,” You roll your eyes at your little brother, but you can’t help the little tear that falls out of your eye at his speech. “I think Quinn is to thank for that, he’s the onlyone who likes that side of her, which I don’t understand, but whatever. I wish him the best, and for Y/N I wish her well for Q’s terrible mood swings,” He jokes, Brady, himself laughing at his joke. He holds up his champagne flute, “To the Hughes,” He cheers, and so does everybody else.

He starts to walk off the stage but quickly runs back. “I forgot something, excuse me,” He awkwardly laughs. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion at his actions, you didn’t have anything else planning for him. Brady looks at you straight in the eyes and smirks, “I usually run as far away as I can when I hear this song, but I feel this would be an appropriate time for it,” He smiles at you and Quinn before pressing a button on his phone.

You waterily smiled at Brady before looking at Quinn, who was already looking at you with a happy tear running down his cheek. In usual fashion, you stood up and offered your hand out for Quinn to grab. You wrapped your arms around Quinn and started going towards the dance floor, everybody following behind you. You placed your head in the crook of Quinn’s neck when you two started swaying back and forth. Happy tears fall down both of your faces as Mrs. and Mr. Hughes share their first dance.

Everybody screamed
When I kissed the teacher
And they must have thought they dreamed
When I kissed the teacher
