#homebrew dice


Fey Ancestry - flashes of magic pierce royal purples and pinks. WIP. Unsanded, unpolished, and uninked.

Hey, do y'all wanna win a free set of handmade dice, which might normally run you about $65 plus shipping? Because rn I’m doing a giveaway on my Instagram (I don’t know how to do it across multiple platforms and I think you have to buy expensive software I’m sorry) but anyway if you want some free dice you should enter! Or you don’t have to. It’s up to you!

If you wanna enter, go to https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzlMjvhp6F/?igshid=9j55c869yxy I hope that turns into a clickable link but anyway good luck!!

(it didn’t turn into a clickable link and the clickable link is obnoxiously huge but I’m on mobile and can’t fix it.)

Oh p.s. those photos are all the same set of dice, first pic is normal lighting, second pic is UV/blacklight, third is glowin in the dark ok thx

Bahima - elegant gold and iridescent accents on a deep, sparkling royal blue. These are themed after blue mages from the Final Fantasy series.
