

But hey, at least I got the Calliope-In-A-Dream-Bubble thing right.

So hear me out on this (again, optimal to me) theory!

So, everyone probably wondered this from the moment Tavris appeared: How is Gamzee going to do this with an odd number of trolls? There are only seven. How can he continue his silly little combining game?

Well, there’s that theory going around (not mine) that Terezi is dead right now. It would make some sense. She has been hiding her eyes and we’ve only seen her recently when we know the meteor is in a dream bubble. Whatever the circumstance might be (my guess might be that Gamzee completely and possibly accidentally overpowered her in a blackrom accident), if Terezi is dead, Gamzee’s got another corpse to work with. So that would make the full four he needs for the two remaining alpha kids. 

As for the combining I would like? Dirk gets Equius/Feferi and Roxy gets Nepeta/Terezi. Dirk needs Equius, badly, and I think that combination would be interesting, since Equius and Feferi both have very differing opinions of the caste. It would also be an interesting relationship with Erisolsprite.

And Nepeta belongs with Roxy, come on. And a Nepeta/Terezi sprite would probably cause some HILARIOUS emotional turmoil for Karkat! They also have fairly contrasting personalities.  

Of course all of this is depending on whether or not Terezi is dead. If she’s not, Gamzee’s got 3 trolls to divide over 2 kids. Not sure how that’ll work out!
