




Actually, people are good by nature and you’re a fool if you think otherwise.

When you sneeze in public, strangers will say “bless you”, even though they don’t know you.

When you ask for directions on the street someone will show you the way, even though they have nothing to gain from it.

People squeeze their legs against the chair so you don’t have to hop over them on your way to your seat in the theatre, and make funny faces to make babies laugh, and purposefully step on leaves to hear them scrunch, and hold the door open for someone leaving behind them, and ask what floor you’re heading to when you enter the elevator, and send others photos of things that reminded them of them, and recommend each other songs, and ask if anyone else wants a coffee because they’re getting one, and make videos teaching how to sew a button, and wish on shooting stars, and share fun facts, and listen to others rant about things they don’t even understand, and let you cross the street first, and give a bit of their food to others, and laugh at jokes they don’t find funny to make you feel good, and listen to kids talk for hours about nonsense, and let you know your keys fell from your pocket, and they may be strangers, but with every little gesture they’re saying “I love you, I love you, I love you”.

God, I needed to read this today. Humanity is overwhelmingly full of hope and kindness and it’s very easy to forget that these days.




I’m at a party where the My Immortal fanfic is being explained via PowerPoint by a high school teacher.

When I was working as a studentteacher, I did this thing where I would reward my students for behaving and getting all their work done early by reading chapters of My Immortal to them.

I did voices and everything, pronounced every spelling error, and carefully fudged all the swear words and sex scenes. But the kids. freakin. loved it. Like, to the point where they’d start helping each other get their work done so we could finish in time to read a chapter. 

And after every single chapter, we’d go around and talk about whyit was so hilariously awful. What made the writing bad? What would it take to make something better? 

And then very noticeably, they stopped doing those things in their own writing. 

It was really cool seeing them paying attention and thinking critically and not even notice because they were too busy laughing themselves sick about the story.



please look at my favorite comment that has ever been posted on the internet

[ID: A reddit post by coffee_in_bed with one award, which reads, “I’m taking my daughters to McDonalds and the movies after school today. They have no idea. They think we’re going home to do spring cleaning (which I already did). I can hardly contain myself, I’m so excited.” End ID]

“You do this alot don’t you?”

“ : ] ”

Flustered nerd

Pawtography time and my handsome badass face. Not my first time doing this…the professionalis

Pawtography time and my handsome badass face.

Not my first time doing this…the professionalism of the model is kind of obvious if you ask me. Actually quite comfortable with this pawtogrphy, not sure if it’s my second or third time having one. But it’s because everything is happening from the comfort of my home. Of course it is important to trust the pawtographer too, mommy is behind the toy she got from daddy - SONY DSC-HX400 if someone is curious.

What to say more, I’m in love with this handsome face and those shots she took, how can you not be, right?! Btw I think she might not be that bad at this.

#pawtography #aesteticcat #fluffypaws #hoomans #lovehoomans #pawrents #lovepawrents #dragonli #lihuamao #catphoto #catdiary #catlifestyle #lihuamaocat #狸花猫 #猫 #bestcatsclub #bestcat #gato #meow #igmeows #catstory #gatosdelmundo #gatosendogato #gato_cats #catdiary #котешкиживот #котешкиистории
#котешкиработи (at 太湖~蘇州)

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