#oh my gods




synopsis: yedam’s lyrics have to mean something, and that something just so happens to be you.

info:fluff| bang yedam x gn! reader | 1,002 words

head’s up: grammatical errors, structural errors, proof read-ish lol, lowercase and smaller text intended!

the soft breeze flows through your hair, the tree you’re frequently sitting under blocking the sun’s heat from meeting your skin.

sighing you put your book down and turn your attention to the clear blue sky above you. “everything all right?” you hear yedam ask.

turning your head, you meet his curious gaze. nothing but calmness washing over his features as he continues to wait for your answer. trying to figure what to say, ultimately decided to nod your head.

yedam purses his lips, nodding along slowly before he looks away. “could you by chance help me with this?” he asks you, gesturing to the notebook perched up on his thigh. you quickly scoot closer to him on the picnic blanket before asking to grab the notebook. he lets out a soft hum.

“i’ve been having a hard time with these lyrics, i’m not sure how to write out the feeling, if that makes sense?” he mutters. you read the lyrics on the paper.

i can’t help it,

it seems like the last train already left.

that’s very, very nice,

i have no choice but to protect you.

“these are good lyics, damie” you quickly look up at him, he waves you off with a quick ‘thanks’ before you both return your eyes back to the scribble-filled notebook.

“what do you want it to be about?” you ask him, eyes still looking at the clouds floating.

“about protecting someone, y'know, someone you love?” he says nonchalantly. finally looking at him, silence consumes you two before breaking out into laughter.

you watch as he throws his head back, hand covering his mouth before clapping. you gently push his arm, “you’re so corny!”

through your happy exterior, you couldn’t help but wonder who the lyrics were about.

“not to boost your huge ego, but you’re really talented.” you tell him with a breathy laugh. he nods meekly, a bloom-like hue making it’s way onto his cheeks.

picking up the notebook and pencil, “mind if i write something?” you ask. “sure, y/n.” he responds back and eyeing you closely.

on a windy night, under the black sky,

i’m worried where you’re going.

a full moon rises, on the way home,

the wolves will grab you and go.

be with me.

handing the book back to him, he looks over the words intently. “these are amazing, y/n!” he looks up at you, astonishment written all over his face.

and as he sits there, he thinks the same as you. who were the lyrics for?

now you’re the one blushing and waving his praises off as if he were lying. he lets out a drawn on “eh!” before pushing your arm like you did before.

collapsing onto the blanket, you continue your journey of watching and naming different clouds as they pass you by. unbeknownst to you, yedam watches you intently.

he loves the way your eyes dart from side to side, hands on your stomach, and watching the blue sky above. he loves the way you mutter to yourself and get lost in your thoughts.

“that one kinda looks like a chicken, n-no! maybe a turkey?” you whisper to yourself, closing your eyes to help yourself make out the picture behind your lids.

you feel the space next to be filled as yedam lays close next to you, shoulder to shoulder. “which cloud are you talking about?” he asks, you point up to the one towards the middle more.

“that one! do you see it?” you ask, “it looks more like a chicken to me” he says, laugh booming loudly.

turning his head to look at your side profile, he realizes just how breathtaking you are. don’t get him wrong, he always thought you, his best friend, was pretty but when he started seeing you as beautiful, it was safe to say that he was an absolute goner.

you sigh dreamily at the odd shaped fluffy cotton shaped clouds, closing your eyes upon feeling the soft breeze once more.

yedam wasn’t sure what took over him but as he continued to watch you breathe softly, your chest rising up and down, he felt himself have the sudden urge to be even closer to you.

scooting unbelievably closer, he hesitantly intertwines his hand with yours. it was almost like puzzle had gotten unlocked, the way yours for perfectly in his.

it was like it was meant to be.

removing your forearm from your eyes, you slowly open them while simultaneously lifting your linked hands.

you look at the sight in front of you with a blank face causing yedam to feel like he’d messed up. he quickly made the decision to pull away but before he could, you lift his hand to your mouth, giving it a quick peck before putting it back down.

still looking at you, his face flushes a love-washed tint. your eyes never leave the sky but the blush on your face tells yedam that you’re just as big of a mess that he is.

you turn your head to look at him, “you have to be the prettiest boy i’ve ever met in my entire life,” you blurt out to him.

dropping his hold, you cover your mouth with your hand. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to say that, bu-but i’m not lying.” you stutter out, watching as the blush only grows wider upon the apples of his cheeks.

“the song’s about you, i want to protect you. i love you.” he says, watching you closely at the words he’s so desperately been wanting to tell you.

hand still on your mouth, your jaw drops at his words. the sudden urge to just hug him being too much to bare. sitting up, yedam follows you in fear for your next words.

you catch him off guard by tackling him in a bear hug. “i love you too, since forever!” you whine out, hugging him tighter as if were going to slip away. he kisses your forehead, nuzzling his head into your hair.

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ treasure taglist!@yogurteume@tayhunwoo@h4chi@enhacolor@wonluvrbot@byeongsung@rutowonz@setakdongies@ncizen@saeromiz@kyufilms@sunoo-bby@dancinginthetaillight@sseastar-main@seung-scrittore@changmin-wrlds

jaydi’s note: sorry for kinda just falling off the face of the earth, i just got super paranoid. i hated that whole ordeal, it made me anxious and i didn’t want to continue to feel uneasy on an app that makes me happy. especially when i feel anxiety every day. it sucked, but i’m attempting to chill out and start writing again. thank you for being patient, and i appreciate you all checking in on me. <3

© acaiasahi 2022 all rights reserved. copying, translating, and reposting is prohibited.











so you think you can stone miette and spit in miette’s eye?? so you think you can love miette and leave miette to DIE?? oh mother!! can’t do this to me mother!!!

All memes left on tumblr for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Queen

Bohemiette Rhapsody

Freddie would so approve of this

Mama Miette Mama Miette Mama Miette let me go~

I’m just a small cat, nobody loves me~

She’s just a small cat, from a small family~

Spare her hers life from this MONSTROSITY~

lokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrrylokorum: Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrry


Dishonored and post dishnrd sketches. I just too much into young corvo sorrrry

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I’m at a party where the My Immortal fanfic is being explained via PowerPoint by a high school teacher.

When I was working as a studentteacher, I did this thing where I would reward my students for behaving and getting all their work done early by reading chapters of My Immortal to them.

I did voices and everything, pronounced every spelling error, and carefully fudged all the swear words and sex scenes. But the kids. freakin. loved it. Like, to the point where they’d start helping each other get their work done so we could finish in time to read a chapter. 

And after every single chapter, we’d go around and talk about whyit was so hilariously awful. What made the writing bad? What would it take to make something better? 

And then very noticeably, they stopped doing those things in their own writing. 

It was really cool seeing them paying attention and thinking critically and not even notice because they were too busy laughing themselves sick about the story.


delectablydeafeningvoid: some spoopy Vulpix for Halloween. The top one is a jack-o-lantern and i lovdelectablydeafeningvoid: some spoopy Vulpix for Halloween. The top one is a jack-o-lantern and i lov


some spoopy Vulpix for Halloween. The top one is a jack-o-lantern and i love her

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Office Adventures

Synopsis: (office!au) Sometimes Kaeya’s ideas can be brilliant. Other times you wonder how this man even made it this far in life. This time, however, the outcome is a little different than you expect…

Characters (together): Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma/Tohma, Childe, and Zhongli (fem!reader)

Warnings:not sfw (18+),like pure unadulterated filth. public-ish sex, voyeurism, unprotected sex, vibrator, masturbation, Diluc fucking you while everyone else watches because i am Diluc’s whore before i am human,

⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽༓☾∘•⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅ ⊰ ⋅•⋅

It felt so downright perverted to be acting this way. You tried your hardest to stay focused on the presentation in front of you but your mind kept drifting back to the device that was sitting between your legs. Kaeya had managed to slip a vibrator in your underwear right before this meeting, after he pulled you into an empty office and worked it inside of you. He pulled up the app on his phone and tested it to make sure it worked properly. It did, much to his delight (and your dismay.)

Keep reading



a comic about meeting your younger self :)

Thank you for reading :)

transmutationdice:Beholden.A sparkly purple and black set with gold holographic lightning. Numbers s



A sparkly purple and black set with gold holographic lightning. 

Numbers still to painted.

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Hayden, without looking up from her book: you look Realy nice today Liam.

Liam: Thank you- wait, how do you know without looking?

Hayden: I can hear Theo’s heartbeat and it doubled when you walked in.



Friends, we have reached the point in our communal Dracula journey where I invite you to join me in one of my favorite thought experiments:

How did Dracula learn to cook?

He is a nobleman!  There is no way he cooked his own meals while he was alive!  And now, he famously neither eats nor drinks, yet he’s able to produce “an excellent roast chicken.”  I want to see how he got to that point.

Just imagine this aged, dignified vampire suddenly realizing that he is going tohave to feed his human guest and rushing frantically to the kitchen to try to figure out how to use it.  How many chickens did he destroy in his culinary training montage?  Can he cook anything else?  Does Dracula know how to bake?

Please join me in picturing Dracula, in his stark black clothes and his long white moustache, absolutely covered in flour, staring into a mixing bowl in rage and despair.  It’s my favorite thing.


Oh my god that’s fucking hilarious


there are only gonna be 8 episodes in the first season SO. which 8 chapter titles do y'all want to be episode titles?

I’ll go first

  1. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher (duh)
  2. I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
  3. I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
  4. A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
  5. Annabeth Does Obedience School
  6. We Take a Zebra to Vegas
  7. We Find Out the Truth, Sort of
  8. The Prophecy Comes True
norapotwora:My entry for The Witcher contest.I had only evening and night to working on this but


My entry for The Witcher contest.
I had only evening and night to working on this but maybe it’s not that bad. Let’s give it a try.

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oh my gods