#hopefully the screen reader things work on the pics







Help Please!

Hi All
The past month has not been easy. Dad has been in and out of the hospital due breathing problems and chest pains (we are still hoping to get to the bottom of that). Between the weather, household chores, and driving him back and forth, my pain levels have been through the roof- the joys of living with chronic pain. To top it off, five bills processed at the same time and I am now at -$683 for my checking account plus getting hit with over draft bills as well.

Without getting too much into it, it’s been a difficult time physically, mentally and emotionally. Any and all help in the form of reblogs, donations, buying copies of my book, or commissions would be very much appreciated.

Keep reading

5/9/2022 1 pm EST

Hello All

Dad’s still in the hospital, going back up to visit shortly.

I spent a lot of yesterday either sleeping or cleaning, cause anxiety and inability to sit still at times.

I did manage to answer the Anon Ask about my amazon list, then update the list since it had been a while, and it seemed like a good idea.

Currently at:


Thank you greatly to all the peeps that have or will help in some way!


5/9/2022 11:30 pm EST

Hi Folks
So, an update since Sunday, saw dad, came home, slept a lot that night and most of Monday.

Today I went to see dad, avoided a lady who wasn’t paying attention and nearly hit my car as she pulled out of a driveway by hitting my breaks. They blew. Now I got none. Not exactly helpful.

Please, please, please help me get outta the negative. My breaks went out and I need to get them fixed. I can’t until no longer in the negative.

At $0/633

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, any sharing or donations.

5/12/2022 1 pm EST

Hi All

I ended up not sleeping, but not awake really, through all of yesterday due to pain and stress. There has been no change on my checking account, and my paypal is now in the negative as the cat food processed. So I need $29 for that.

Still need to get my breaks fixed, as I cannot go see or pick dad up without a car. He’s still in the hospital as of now, but he’s worrying about how he will get home.

Any and all help is appreciated! I thank each of you that has shared this in some form.



8 pm EST
No change as of this moment. Please, please consider a cup of coco [ko-fi]. Those $3 add up!

5/13/2022 3 pm EST
Hiya All
I hope you are well.

Good news first: Dad got his heart stint, it went good. I got a small loan to get my breaks done, so the car stops again.

Bad news: cat food finished processing, so my paypal is even further in the negative. I expect any day now for the bank to call and tell me my account is going to be closed if I don’t get it out of the negative. Plus there is a new loan to cover.

That is all before I have to come up with the money to pick Taz up from the crematorium, as he passed away last week suddenly.

So as of this moment I am at -$698. That is -$612 for my checking and -$86 for paypal. Any and all help is wonderful, that includes sharing, buying a copy of my book, donating, or commissions. Thank you all for your time.
Ps. under the original Read more are screen shots of my checking and paypal as of today.


