

Hi darlings,

I wouldn’t normally do this but,

I’ve set up a Kofi account and it would really mean a lot to me if some of you would buy me a ‘coffee’. Now I’m in no way forcing or expecting anyone to buy me a ‘coffee’ at all so please please please don’t get that impression.

The reason I’m making a post about this is because I’m a full-time college student without a job (believe me I’m looking and applying but I’ve had no luck for like 2 years now) living in an emotionally and mentally abusive household and I don’t think I can’t handle it much longer. My mother is driving me to breaking point and don’t have anywhere else to go. I really hate making a post like this but I’m getting desperate now (again I’m not forcing or expecting anyone at all to send anything but I will be forever grateful. I don’t have a steady income as of yet to move out which is why I’ve set up the Kofi page

This is the link to the Kofi page

even if you can’t send any coffees, even a reblog of this post would mean the world to me

again please don’t get the wrong impression from this post/take it as me begging for money or anything because I’m not but I’ll be forever grateful if I do get sent any coffees

I love each and every one of you and I hope you’re having the best day/night <3
