#hospitals tw


Update to the post I made last night.

Triggers still apply: death, doctors, end of life, hospitals, illness, medical stuff.

Nana passed away at 2:35AM this morning. My brain has processed this, but my emotions have not. I do not know what the plans are in regards to a funeral and whatnot, but that’s where I’m at. I am having thoughts and feelings, but they’re just… sort of distant. I don’t want to write them down right now. If I’m being honest, I don’t want to deal with them.

I’ll probably be quiet today. May or may not reblog memes on Roy just for quick stuff. We shall see. Thanks for being patient with me.

I don’t have a suitable icon for this. So, I’m just gonna type this up without an icon, put most of it under a cut since it has some heavy topics, and then I’m gonna lurk around. The topics will be tagged, but I’ll also list them before the cut just in case since I find that helps.

TLDR: My family and I are going through it, y’all. Activity is gonna be all over the place, and, quite frankly, I don’t know what it’s gonna look like. Everything’s been wicked stressful.

What this post will mention: death, doctors, end of life, hospitals, illness, medical stuff.

On Friday, I found out that my Nana (maternal grandmother) was in the hospital, specifically the ICU, with a list of medical issues. The major ones are her enlarged heart and kidney failure. Per my father, the following 48 hours were crucial to determining what would happen next. Either way, and my aunt later confirmed this, she would not recover from this, and the better option was that she would return home and enter hospice care.

On Saturday, my husband and I drove down to stay with my in-laws so we could visit her in the hospital. I got to see her then for over an hour. I didn’t see her on Sunday, but I got to see my grandfather and one of my aunts, who gave me more info about medications, what she’s been dealing with, and that, again, she wouldn’t recover from this. I saw her today for about 20-30 minutes before my husband and I went home. She did seem better today than Saturday, and my aunt confirmed that through text too.

A little over an hour ago, my mother called and gave me an update. She and my father were on the way to the hospital. One of her sisters (she has two) got an update from the hospital that my Nana will likely not make it through the night. Right now, I’m still processing that. It hasn’t quite hit yet. My brain just remembers seeing her this morning and that she was doing better. Or, I thoughtshe was doing better.

I don’t know what my schedule is gonna look like anymore. For now, I’m going to operate on status quo and keep my work schedule as it is. My in-laws are up to speed, and I’ll work from their place if I need to. Writing is… I’m not doing much of it right now. I won’t make any promises on activity. I know this can and probably will affect my writing, so I’m going to take it a day at a time. Thank you in advance for being patience with me.

In case you want my discord, I’m available there. I can’t promise quick responses, but this is where you can find me:

Lore Olympus brainrot over here.

Anyway, that’s all. I’ll reblog this on Roy, but that’s it. See ya around.


50,504 words. 31 angsty oneshots. A whole month’s worth of Psych fics written for Whumptober 2021. Buckle up folks for it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. Links, warnings, and summaries are under the cut.

start from the beginning on ao3

Keep reading
