#hot takes



I keep seeing people say that gender and sexuality aren’t personality traits, but I think y’all are missing the core problem. We wouldn’t have to wrap ourselves so tightly in our queer identities if our queer identities weren’t being targeted.


*Donnie waiting for a opportunity to say any clever/ fancy ass word like “nevertheless” at /any/ conversation, for a lil razzle dazzle* :

Animal Crossing Hot Takes/ Unpopular Opinions

I’ve been able to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons for a few weeks now, and while I am not as talented as friends who have the game and seem to master everything, I’ve found loads about it I’ve loved.

There are some gripes I have with the game – not many though! – but I am going to be a sook and complain about my hot takes and unpopular opinions below.


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you already know how I feel about the concept of soulmates and, god forbid, “soulmate AUs” so it really does bother me when I see people claim that sokka and zuko are soulmates, just because they have a lot in common and work really well together. that isn’t even what having a soulmate is about!!! to me at least, I interpret the concept of a soulmate as someone who is your mirror, your essence—your soul—within another body. romantic, platonic, or otherwise, to look at your soulmate is to see your reflection. katara is zuko’s soulmate far more than sokka is. they have this transcendent understanding of the other, in turn a recognition through the self. the sheer magnitude of their bond is almost cosmic, beautiful and unbreakable. which is why it’s so funny that zuko happens to have a big fat gay crush on his Soulmate’s brother. like, tbh, it’s what elevates their dynamic from deeply meaningful & compelling to utterly perfect .


wtf is this ad i just got on reddit?????

Historians: Mary and Philip were unable to have children because they were first cousins!

Philip: [has three sons with his own niece]
