#house stargaryen


Cersei burns Kings Landing with wildfire, because Dany is pregnant, Jon tells her to flee with Drogon of Kings Landing, meanwhile they catch Cersei, but Dany, doesnt want to kill a pregnant woman so she and Jon put Cersei on prison on the dungeons.

Cersei flees and no one knows who did that or where she is.

Dany and Jon help rebuilding the city with the help and union of all houses in Westeros that now trusts the Targaryen family.

Jon and Dany both are crowned Queen and King of Westeros. They change their family house name to Stargaryen with the motto of “Fire and Honour”, with a white wolf and dragons has a symbol. They decide their children will stay in Dragonstone where are more safe. Since Cersei is out there. Dany gives birth to twins - a blond girl named Lyanna and a boy with black hair named Aemon

One day Kings Landing are attacked, Its Cersei with the Golden Company, elephants and scorpians. Its a epic fight, Cersei Jon Dany Drogon they all die during the battle.

Davos Sansa and Tyrion help raise the twins. Sansa teaches them how to read people and always being one step ahead, Tyrion teaches them to being strategic and Davos to be good and truthful how their parents were. 

Westeros is in peace.

TheStargaryen kids discovers in Dragonstone 2 dragon eggs that Drogon layed and always have Ghost by their side too. When they are 15 years they rise has King and Queen of Westeros with Ghost and Medium dragons by their side. 

Giving all the suspense if they are going to be a good or mad kings. Westeros only can hope so.

Sorry but thats how you deliver a suspense bitter and happy ending Dumb and Dumber.
