#how about that


To those people who don’t respect other account’s work

A b*tch on Instagram, could you get out from my personal Tumblr account?

I know that you know who I am talking about.

Tags: incest, daddy/daughter, missionary, defloration, bareback, creampie, resolved sexual tension, a belated Christmas gift from me to you

You know those big families who come together every Christmas only to fight and bitch at each other the entire holidays?

Yeah, my family is one of those.

Every year all of us come running from every corner of the country to spend the Christmas week at my grandparents’ big house in the middle of nowhere, with nothing else to do but spending time with each other. Since I can remember there hasn’t been one Christmas without at least three people crying, not including my siblings and cousins. I never understood why they do this to themselves. No ones happy here, despite of the beautiful house. My grandmother is constantly complaining that no one is helping her, only to nag at the people who then go help her that they are doing it wrong.

My grandfather pretty much looks down on everyone, never letting an opportunity go to tell his children and occasionally their spouses how disappointed he is, that they should have done more with their lives, bla bla bla. I’m sure most of you know what I’m talking about.

And instead of my father and his five siblings sticking together, no, they bitch at each other as well.

When we were children it didn’t bother me that much, for we were playing most of the time when the drama happened.

But I’m 19 now. I look out of the window longingly as my younger cousins, nieces and nephews are running around in the snow, throwing snowballs and building a snow man while my father is snapping at his sisters. My oldest brother is outside supervising the children and throws me a knowing smirk as he waves. I wave back with a fake smile before I give him the finger.

„Mia!“ does my father shout instantly. For a man who just called his sister a bitch he is surprisingly strict with a harmless hand sign. I tell him that. His dark eyes grow even darker and his straight jaw clenches. His firm chest is heaving. Oh, his sisters have riled him up good.

„Go help your mother“, he growls and storms out of the living room to a destination unknown. Meh, my grandma will find him eventually and tell him how rude he is for not helping his dad.

The rest of the day the house is filled with noises, shouting and snapping, bitching and fighting. In between there is some shrill childrens laughter. The air is filled with frustration and aggression and it’s no surprise that soon I’m just as aggressive as thre rest of them.

Dad, god, it seems like he seeks me out all day. Wherever I go he shows up, snapping at me for the most ridiculous things. But I’m not a child anymore. I snap right back. I know that man as well as myself, I know what makes his blood boil and unlike mom, I’m not afraid to go there.

And I get him there.

Listen, my father is not a violent man, but he’s strong and when he’s really, really angry, he is frightening. When I was five or six, I saw him punch a hole in kitchen wall. Mom and dad fought a lot back then. Then they went to couples therapy and it got better, ten good years did they have before it went downhill again. I’m not sure why that is. All I know is that they aren’t happy. But instead of shouting and yelling at each other, they part when they are angry with each other.

Honestly, I think it would be better if they did yell and shout at each other, get whatever has come between them again out. Or just divorce. My youngest sister is 15, but hey, she’ll survive it. I think it would be easier if we had divorced but happy parents instead of married, unhappy parents.

But hey, what do I know?

Anyway, I’m not backing down. If dad wants a fight, he fucking well can have a fight. I hit below the belt until he grips my hair and roughly pulls me to him. We’re in the hallway to the living room, the children squealing and shouting with some game they’re playing, but all of that noise is drowned out as my father’s black eyes stare at me. In one hot flash my body heats up and as my fingers claw into his firm chest, my panties fill with honey and my nipples harden. It all happens so fast my head is swimming, and it ends even faster. Mom calls me and Dad immediately lets me go, looking away from me, breathing hard.

I blink and stumble away, so confused and a little frightened.


Since we’re such a big family and there are ‘only’ four guest rooms, every year the adults draw straws for those rooms. Even though I’m adult now, I’m not allow to draw. So I’m condemned to spend the night with the cousins, nieces and nephews. Which isn’t that bad, as it turns out. I help building them a big fort between the couches and actually enjoy myself once I get the wild bunch under control. I’m fucking proud of myself when I have them in their pyjamas and tugged in on their mattresses. After I switched off the lights and lay down on my own mattress behind the parker lounger in the corner, hushed chatter and giggles are coming from the fort. But I don’t mind. It’s a Christmas sleepover. Bed time stories are the best part of it, anyway. And if they play doctor, whatever. It’s not that we never did it when we were little. It’s all part of growing up.

For a while I listen to them, then I stare out the window and think back on our own sleepovers when uncle Thomas and aunt Ada watched over us. We had our own fort and played our own games, some of them harmless, some of them naughty, all of them innocent. Which makes me marvel about sex in general and wonder at which point those harmless games turn into something complicated.

Eventually, all falls quiet in the large living room. After such a noisy day, the silence in the house feels like bliss and I stay awake to enjoy it some more before the next day comes and it all starts again.

Suddenly, a shadow standing over me. I know his shape, of course. Instantly, my blood heats up. My body knows what he has come for before my brain does.

And I realize that this is what all our fighting has been about. Not just today. For months we’ve fought it.

Have I fought it?

No, I realize with a shock. One word from him and I would have. Gladly. God, so gladly. Daddy…

Now, he’s here. Has given up fighting. Giving in. It has been inevitable, I know that now.

That one second in the hallway. I have seen it all in his eyes. How much he wants me.

I pull my blanket off of me and daddy goes down on his knees. Only the light of the moon and stars illuminate the room, but I can see his hungry eyes and the bulge in his black sweats.

It will happen. No way back now.

With a pounding heart I pull off my panties. Daddy pulls his sweats down his firm ass. His cock springs free and I see it dangle in the moonlight as he crawls on top of me. His knees spread my legs and his mouth brushes over mine as he grabs himself. I gasp as I feel his hot cockhead push between my folds, hear them open with a smack.

I’m wet for my daddy, so wet.

There isn’t foreplay. Not a word, not one kiss. His black eyes stare down at me as he deflowers me with one slow push.

There is pain. I gasp into his open mouth. Still no word. But a kiss at the corner of my mouth as he waits for my body to relax.

I stare out of the window as I feel my body, his weight on top of me, his cock inside of me. He’s so fucking big and hot. I can feel him throb inside me, feel his blood rush through his veins.

As soon as I pull my legs to my body, he starts fucking me. Pulls the strap of my nightie down and grabs my B-cup tit. Fucks me deeper. Pants into my open mouth. Lifts himself up on his hands and looks down at me as fucks me harder. Pulls the other strap down, stares at my breasts. Looks at his cock fucking into his daughter.

He’s still wearing his long-sleeved black shirt, so I pull it up for him. He fucks his entire length into me with every thrust.

We try to be quiet, but there is heavy breathing, our hips slapping together and my wet, wet pussy.

The smacking sounds are so loud I wonder that it doesn’t wake the entire house. Not if I would care if that was the case.

I think daddy wouldn’t, either.

He needs this so bad. I can feel it in his cock, in every thrust, in the heat of his gaze. He needs to fuck his daughter – and I need to get fucked by my father.

He bends down again and I pull up his cotton shirt, need to feel his hot skin and chest hair. Hastily I push down my nightie, next. Yes, yes, skin on skin.

Daddy presses his cheek against mine and thrust in all the way. One hard, oh so good thrust. He holds it there, lets me feel his girth and length and in that moment I fall in love with him so hard it takes my breath away.

I want him. I need him. Now. Tomorrow. Forever.

I’m hesitant because daddy’s been so cold, but then I hug him, let my curious hands roam his warm, muscular back. When I grab his butt cheeks, daddy starts circling his hips. In the depths of me he explores, feels my wet walls with his throbbing cock. It feels so fucking good. I want his cock in me all the time.

That’s when I kiss him. In the dark I find his lips, my mouth brushing over his slightly stubbled cheek before it touches these warm, ever so soft lips. When he jerks back my heart is breaking.

No, I think in protest, you won’t fuck me like a whore. I’m your daughter, your girl, your baby.

I cup his cheeks and kiss him again, dig my nails into his jaw until he parts his lips for my tongue.

It slips into his mouth and he thrusts into me again. I’m in heaven when his tongue licks mine, so smooth, warm and wet.

He is my lover now. My man. Mine.

He fucks me again, hard, rhythmical thrusts that stretch me far and fast. Daddy grabs my long brown hair and frenches me passionately, his tongue moving deep and teasingly slow, such an enticing contrast to his fast fucking hips.

It’s so good, so amazing, so fucking wonderful. My pussy is burning and stretched so far, but I never want him to stop fucking me wet little pussy. Unfortunately, a few minutes later, Daddy breaks the kiss, buries his face in my neck and fucks his cock into me almost brutally before he seals my hole and shoots his load deep into my unprotected womb.

The best feeling the world.

For a long moment he remains just like this, his weight heavy on top of me, little tremors shaking his body as he shoots a bit more into his girl. After he calmed down he lifts himself up a little, looks at me and pulls out. I feel his seed running out of me down my anus and onto the sheets. My pussy and ass feel so fucking wet, a mixture of semen, virgin blood and pussy juice.

When Daddy doesn’t move, his panting mouth brushing over mine, I understand. With a gentle kiss I reach between our bodies. His cock is hot, wet and still hard when I grab it, guide it back to my hole.

Daddy doesn’t need more than that, pushes into me gently and recommences to fuck me.

„Mimi“, he whispers his first words into my ear and strokes my cheek with his thumb, giving me two deep thrusts.

„Daddy“, I whisper back and pull him as close to me as possible.

„David“, he whispers, „please.“

But I shake my head and turn my head to look at him. „You’re my daddy and I will call you nothing else…Daddy.“

He groans and kisses me slow and deep. „Baby…Mia…my sweet little Mimi.“

We make love as long as Daddy’s cock allows us to. By the time it softens for good my pussy is fucking hurting, but I don’t mind the pain, since she has come several times and his overflowing with semen.

The sky is turning grey when Daddy pulls out of me for the last time.

„Don’t go“, I beg and before he can lift himself off of me, I wrap my arms around his back.

„Mimi…“, comes his half-hearted protest. One look into my eyes and his dark ones soften. With a loving, lingering kiss he rolls off of me. We straighten our clothes and I am fighting tears, silently preparing for the goodbye when he surprises me by draping the blanket over both of us and pulling me into my arms.

And then my daddy smiles at me like he hasn’t done in years. It makes me smile right back at him.

Happy as can be I snuggle against him and almost instantly we both pass out, coming to it again when the children’s laughter wakes us. Uncle Thomas walks in to silence the bunch and I look up at daddy, but he simply smiles and brushes a strand out of my hair.

When he bends down to french kiss me while the others are still in the room I know that he wants to be together as much as I do. That we will be together, that we will fight all the odds.

My daddy is my lover now. My man. Mine.

I love Christmas.

just another ‘why zelda cut her hair’ scenario

just another ‘why zelda cut her hair’ scenario

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