

Hey, I’m alive! Been away for a long while but still get followers (thank you, btw <3), so please find below my current progress with Ripe. I have a lot of fun with this. 

Tags: grandfather/granddaughter, brother/sister/brother, brother/brother, incest, defloration, anal, teen love, love, love, love


It’s the last holiday before Jackie goes off to college. And she really doesn’t want to go a virgin. She made big plans to get fucked six weeks straight, but her stupid boyfriend broke up with her at prom, fucking asshole.

So now, as she got out of the car after a three hour drive with her parents and her two brothers, she is utterly frustrated and horny as hell. Three hours wedged between her two younger brothers did that to her. Darrien liked to touch her pussy when they were children and she knows that Billy sometimes peeps through the bathroom when she showers. Right now, she wouldn’t mind either of them fucking her, tabboo and illegal or not. She just wants a dick in her cunt, for heaven’s sake!

But the dicks surrounding her are all related to her. Since her plans with her stupid ex have fallen through, she will spend the six weeks before college with her family at her grandfather’s fantastic beach house. Not the worst of fates, admittedly. The house and the ocean lift her spirits for a couple of days, as well as her wonderful, caring grandfather. He immediately notices that she is upset, and when she tells him that she is single again, his soft dark eyes shine with sympathy and he takes her in his arms, his body big and soft and warm. His hairy chest scratches over her bare soft skin – they are both wearing swimwear – and a flash of arousal shoots through her body.
Jackie craves male attention, so she glues herself to her grandpa, who doesn’t seem to mind. She hasn’t cuddled that much with him since she was a little girl. Now that she’s grown-up and sexually developed, she loves the cuddles even more.

Right now, they are sitting on the beach (he has his private beach!) on a comfortable lounge chair, watching the sunset. Her brothers are swimming in the ocean, or better said trying to drown each other, and her parents are in the house, probably fucking. Jackie watches them sometimes. Most of what she knows about sex has she learned from them, to be honest. As Jackie wonders where they are doing it and what position they’re doing it in, her body warms just from her imagination and Grandpa Rob’s large, soft body pressed against her back. She is lying on top of him, her full ass on his groin, her back resting on his belly, her face next to his. He is rubbing her exposed belly, slowly, lovingly, his fingertips sometimes brushing the waistband of her lowcut bikini. His touch only fuels her arousal. His hand is so large and warm, so gentle on her flat belly. When his fingers start playing with her navel piercing, she giggles. He loves doing that and so does she. It’s normally just tickling, but tonight, with the last orange light of day warming their skin, it also turns her on.
Feeling naughty, she gently rolls her hips, letting grandpa’s old cock feel the hot flesh of her full ass through his blue swimshorts. Grandpa doesn’t seem to notice or mind, so she continues, watching her half-naked brothers splashing about in the water. Their trained (both of them play soccer), naked upper bodies turn her on even more and she feels the growing emptiness inside her, the heat and the slow slickening of her cunt. She readies herself for cock. Any cock.
Well, there is one very close by…
Biting her bottom lip, not thinking clearly in her horny state, Jackie bends her knees and places one foot each on either side of her grandpa’s knees, putting more of her weight on his groin. Then she tilts her hip, arching her back along his big hairy belly. Unfortunately, she cannot tilt far enough so her pussy can feel the cock, which is horribly frustrating. And she can’t rise into a sitting position, that would look way too sexual…that is, until her brothers finally come out of the water and towards them, countless water droplets running down their pretty teenage bodies. Darrien’s eyes are glued to the centre of her spread legs and Jackie is sure he’ll be such a pussy eater once he starts having sex. Billy looks more at her B-cup tits, hidden beneath her emerald bikini top. When the’ve reached them, Billy holds out a sea shell to her.
„For you“, he smirks and Jackie has an excuse to get into that sitting position after all, straddling her grandfather. She has to suppress a moan when she feels the length of his soft cock, squishing it with her hot pussy.
„What do you want?“ Jackie asks suspiciously, eyeing the admittedly pretty sea shell.
„An hour on your iPad?“ her little brother asks hopefully, his smile charming. He has dimples and very pretty green eyes and a slightly pointed nose. He will be a heartbreaker.
„Fine. But go into your own room and no food and drink near it, capiche?“
Lately, her brothers love to hang out in her room, often finds them on her bed or at her desk, gaming or reading or watching TV. Very annoying when you come home after a stressfull day and just want to masturbate in peace.
„You’re the best!“
„I know.“
They run off, leaving Jackie alone with her grandpa. She remains seated as she is, the feel of a cock against her pussy just too great. They watch in silence as the sun disappears in the sea. When the sky turns grey, grandpa’s hand touches her back, then the other one. He begins stroking her only with his fingers, sending goosebumps all over her tanned skin. Her nipples harden and Jackie just has to rub her pussy on that manly cock. She’s careful and slow at first, almost shy. Even though she is horny as hell she loves her grandfather and doesn’t want to do anything to anger or hurt him. But he remains silent, even as she increases the pressure, and his hands continue to caress her back and shoulders oh so tenderly. It’s an intense, confusing contrast to that burning need to get fucked she feels inside of her. She almost feels guilty: He’s touching her so innocently, is so good to her, caring, showing her the attention she needs so badly, and she is selfishly using his body to satisfy her animalistic urges. The guilt starts to wash away the lust – but then, oh then her grandfather’s cock grows and hardens. Her mouth falls open as she feels it through the fabric. It happens so fast and damn does he grow large and thick.
A grower, not a shower, apparently.

Any feeling of guilt is forgotten and Jackie closes her eyes and rolls her hips, rubbing her virgin pussy on her grandpa’s big dick. When she tilts her hip further than ever she accidently pushes her clit against his cock head. A little gasp escapes her and she does that over and over, trying very hard not to go too fast, hoping that she can still pretend this is all just playful fun should he ask. Gosh, it feels so good, she thinks desperately, presses her clit against his tip and circles her hips. Her nipples harden and an amazing tinkle rushes up her spine, straight into her head, where it explodes and sends her body into oblivion. With a gaping mouth she comes on her grandfather, her legs and belly twitching and shaking for what feels like forever.

It’s the best orgasm of her life. Coming on another person, feeling someone’s skin, smelling him, listening to his breathing during the climax is heaven.
When her body finally relaxes, Jackie lets out a relieved breath. She really needed that.
„Feeling better, baby?“
Reality clashes over her. Of course he had felt her come, damn, had seen her shaking body. Now she feels guilty again, until her grandpa strokes her back from top to bottom to top again.
„You really needed that, didn’t you?“
When she doesn’t answer, too embarrassed at being called out on her lust and lecherous actions, her loving grandpa curls his hands around her shoulders and pulls her back until she is lying in his arms, facing him. Jackie’s face looks like a tomato, but he luckily can’t see that in the darkness. She doesn’t look at him, so he tilts her head up with his finger. He can only see the reflection of the stars in his dark eyes.
„It’s okay, baby. I understand. I’ve been young once, I know what it feels like with all these hormones raging through your body.“
Jackie’s chest warms.
„You’re not mad? Don’t think I’m a slut?“
He hugs her tight.
„I would never think such a thing. You’re my little angel and I love you.“
And then, he leans down and kisses her on the mouth. He’s done it before, of course, small, loving pecks on her lips, but this time his mouth lingers, gives her a proper, soft kiss. It feels so good, so very good. She needs his gentleness now so very badly it overwhelms her. With a soft moan she wraps an arm around his neck and kisses her back.
A shiver runs down her spine when he parts his lips. The tip of his tongue slides over her bottom lip. Willingly does she open her mouth, grants him access and greets his tongue with her own.
I’m French kissing my grandpa! does it shoot through her head, but tangles her tongue with his nonethelss. He’s a marvelous kisser, his tongue diving deep into her mouth, claiming it, licking, stroking and teasing her tongue with grandfatherly tenderness.
For minutes do they hold and kiss each other, only that, nothing else. It’s warm, familiar, soft. It’s enough…for now.

When the night air becomes too chilly and their bodies start to cool, grandpa suggest they should go to bed. They walk together, holding hands. The house is already dark, only the square night lights in the bottom half of the wall illuminating their way up the stairs to her room. Only when Jackie enters her room and switches on the light does she see the huge tent in her grandpa’s boxers.
„It’s okay, baby. Don’t be embarrassed“, he reassures her and kisses her again, stroking her cheek.
She feels so loved right now, it’s wonderful.
„Good night, little angel.“
Jackie smiles sweetly and wishes him a good night. She sleeps like a stone that night, this knot in her belly losened, her little pussy wet and satisfied.


Her amazing grandfather gives her even more attention during the following days. Whenever he is standing close to her, his hand is on her young, soft body, stroking her back, her side, her arm, even her full ass. Even in front of the rest of his family. No one seems to mind when his large hand tenderly rubs her ass, so why should she? 

He also kisses her on the mouth in front of them, gives her lingering goodnight kisses. He never slips her the tongue, though and she a bit sorry about that, for he is such a good kisser.
All of his caresses are surely given in good humor. Grandpa tries to help her cope with her inner fire, but instead of extinguishing it, Jackie finds that a few days later, it’s burning as hotly as ever. She tries masturbating under the shower, knowing that Billy is there watching her, but the climax she gets from that is nothing compared to the one where she had used grandpas cock. Ergo, Jackie sets out to get another dosage of it.

An opportunity arises one evening. They are all watching TV together. Jacke has snuggled up to Darrien in hopes he would touch her pussy again, had even thrown a light blanket over them and sits next to him with her knees bent and her legs spread, but he’s a good little brother, damn him.

Soon, as her frustation level is rising with the warm tight body next to her, her parents leave. Another hour and  Billy leaves, too. Darrien is the last to stick around and Jackie simply can’t wait for him to leave. She gets up and sits down on her grandpa’s lap, who is sitting in an arm chair.
„Hey, baby“, he greets her softly and pulls her against him, one arm wrapping around her.
„Finally“, Darrien grumbles and spreads out on the couch he has shared with Billy and her and throws the blanket over himself. He’s out within minutes.
„He always does this“, Jackie complains, „instead of carrying his ass up the stairs into his bed he rolls up into a ball right were he is and sleeps like a stone.“
Grandpa Rob chuckles and gives her a litte kiss on her neck. A jolt of arousal rushes through her and she turns her head around for a real kiss. Grandpa obliges and when Jackie parts her lips, his tongue snakes into her mouth. It’s not the most comfortable position to kiss, her back still pressed against his front, but she takes whatever she can get.
„Is your body needy again, baby?“ he asks good-naturedly against her lips.
„Yes, grandpa.“
„Do you want me to rub your pussy a little bit?“
Gosh, this question alone makes her wet, fucking hell.
„Would you?“ she asks sweetly and he glances over to his grandson for a second. „Sure, baby, don’t worry. Your grandpa will take good care of you.“
With a sweet kiss on her neck he pulls her back against him. When his warm hand wanders under her red bigshirt (she’s only wearing that and her neon green panties), she instantly spreads her thighs.
„Poor baby. So needy.“
Without any wandering his hand instantly slides under her panties and between her legs. She winces and gasps when she feels his fingers slide through her hot, moist flesh.
„Have you ever had other fingers than your own?“ he asks curiously.

„Yes“, she gasps and looks over to her sleeping brother, remembering his little fingers in her little slit.
„Hmm, you’re already so wet, baby. Lovely.“
As if to prove his point, her slit smacks as his big fingers travel through her hills and valleys.
„Can I taste you, baby?“

Jackie can only nod, too turned on already. She bites a lip to stifle a squeal when his big index finger pushes into her virgin hole.
„Hmm, so heavenly tight.“
He pushes in slowly, but deeper and deeper until every knuckle is in her and he can’t go further. For several seconds he does nothing else, just keeps his finger in her pussy, making her wetter with his mere presence inside her body. When he finally does pull out, thick, sticky lines are coating his fingers. Jackie turns her head to watch her grandfather suck her juices off his finger.
„Hmm“, he makes and smiles at her. „Delicious. Fresh. And oh so ripe.“
She can’t help but giggle at that. His belly shakes when he does, too. Then his hand wanders into her panties again and his fingers start rubbing her clit. Jackie leans back with a moan and hands herself over to the care of her loving grandfather. His fingers are magical, precise, experienced. Within a few minutes he knows exactly what drives her wild even better than herself. Her pussy is dripping wet and making loud, wet noises. Jackie can’t help but wonder that Darrien doesn’t wake from the volume.
„Do you want to come now, baby? You’re so wet I’m afraid you’ll dehydrate.“ He chuckles cheerfully against her neck.
„One more minute. It’s so good.“
He teases her expertedly for another minute, driving her to the edge again and again, but never tipping her over. Then finally, he presses first one, then two digits into her slick pussy. She groans as his big fingers stretch her, wandering around, searching. When the suddenly press against a spot that make her flinch with pleasure, he chuckles.
„I’m going to cover your mouth, okay, baby? We don’t want to wake the whole house.“
His large hand curls around her mouth and she licks it, hungry for the taste of man. Then her sweet grandpa starts rubbing that heavenly spot, pressing against it harder and harder until his hand is rutting into her, pounding her pussy, his fingers thrusting against the spot. It doesn’t even take a minute before she comes screaming against his hand, seeing stars.
Jackie has to correct herself: This is the best orgasm she ever had.
She rides her high for so long, fuck, it’s so fantastic! She never wants it to end and her loving grandfather helps her to prolong it, but in the end the pleasure turns into pain and she feels how sore her little virgin cunt is. It only takes a little whimper to make grandpa carefully pull out of her. Jackie feels like jello now and slumps against her caretaker.
„Grandpa, that was amazing.“
„I’m glad.“
He kisses her sweetly and lets her rest on him for a little while longer. She feels his rockhard cock against her ass cheek and enjoys the feeling, but her body is too satisfied to want more.
„I think I should go to bed.“
„You do that, baby. But leave your panties for me?“
Unexpectantly naughty, but in a good way. Jackie giggles and stands up, cheekily bending over and pulling down her panties right in front of him, the shirt ending right below her ass. Grandpa hums anyway.
„You’re beautiful, baby.“
„Thank you“, she replies and shyly holds out her drenched panties. He takes them, looks at her and presses the wet fabric to his nose. He inhales deeply. A pleasant shiver runs down her spine.
„Goodnight, sweet angel.“
„'Night, grandpa.“
Since she’s already gotten used to it, she leans over and kisses him goodnight. Their tongues dance for a delicious moment, then she finally leaves.

Another minute, then her grandpa gets up, too, walks over to the couch, his shorts tented, and drops the neon green panties on the blanket under which his grandson pretends to sleep.
„Much better than the hand“, is his only comment before he leaves.
Darrien has his eyes closed the entire time, but as soon as the bare footsteps have fainted, a hand slips out of the blanket and grabs the panties. Hastily it pulls them under. Darrien groans as he wraps the cotton soiled with his sister’s pussy juice around his hard teenage cock and starts fapping.


Jackie awakes with a sore hole and a big fat grin on her face. Her body is pulsating with want of a repetition and she spends the next half hour doing to herself what her grandfather had so brilliantly done. She finds her spot. It’s good, great even, but not the same. It’s so much better when it’s a man’s hand, she thinks as she licks her fingers before she gets up, discards her big shirt and hops under the shower.

Only wearing a bikini, Jackie walks down for breakfast. Darrien is devouring a bowl of cereal. His eyes snap up when she enters and his face turns a deep shade of red. Jackie sees it and narrows her eyes suspiciously.
„What did you do?“
„Nuffin'“ he says, shrugs and sticks his head back into the bowl, the cock in his swimshorts hardening rapidly. Some of his sister’s juice is still sticking to it. He didn’t have the heart to wash it off, yet.
Just when Jackie wants to interrogate, her grandpa walks into the kitchen and her annoying little brother is instantly forgotten.
„Morning, grandpa!“ she greets him happily and he pulls her into a hug, his big hand gently squeezing her ass. His brother watches as the old man bends down to kiss his sister, lips lingering for way too long.
„Good morning, baby.“

„Can I make you breakfast?“
„That would be lovely, Jackie. Pancakes?“
„You never make me breakfast“, Darrien complains, feeling jealous.
„You have mum to do that“, is Jackie’s only reply and Darrien slurps the last bit of milk out of the cereal bowl and storms outside, his grandfather seeing his tented boxers.

While Rob remembers his own youth and the constant horniness, Jackie is overcome with a feeling of domesticity. It’s kinda nice to take care of grandpa, making breakfast for him. After everything he has done for her, it’s the least she can do.
She has just placed the stack of pancakes in front of him when her parents join them. They breakfast together, happily chatting. As soon as grandpa Rob finishes his pancake, his warm hand curls around her knee. His fingers explore the ups and downs of her knee cap nonchalantly and it reaaally turns her on. She spreads her thighs, her pussy looking at her father’s cock now. Grandpa lazily strokes his way up the inside of her thigh. Jackie’s heart starts pounding and she hears not a word that is spoken at the table. She’s giddy with anticipation, her nipples hardening and poking through the bikini top. Since the large hand on the top of her thigh moves to cup her slit, she misses how her father admires those alluring nipples, his cock bobbing in greeting to the cupped slit.
“Wanna go in the hot tub, sweety?” he asks his wife, squeezing her thigh in the familiar way that singals her that her husband needs her for a hard fuck. Mom happily obliges. As soon as they are alone, grandpa slips the hand into her bikini. The happy smack of her pussy makes him chuckle. Jackie spreads her legs wider and tilts her hip so gramps can push his index finger into her hole.
“I thought you would be satisfied for a while”, he says almost apologetically.
Jackie shrugs.
“Can you take care of me again, grandpa?”
“Not right now, baby. The house is full. Let’s go for a swim. The cool water will cool your pussy.”
One playful swirl of his finger, then he pulls out and licks off her juice as if he’s licking off maple syrup. He drags her along into the ocean, where they spend half an hour swimming and chatting, at one point joined by Darrien and Billy.

Soon, as usual, a fight breaks out between the siblings. It starts with throwing water into their faces and ends with them wrestling. Grandpa watches with a smile as the boys squish Jackie between them. She pushes and bites into necks and shoulders, two cocks soon pressed against ass and belly. Totally acting on reflex, Jackie slings her long legs around Darrien’s hips. His hand clasps around her hip – and he begins to rut his hard dick against her slit.
“Stop it, asshole”, Jackie hisses and grabs his head to pull it under water, which she does – right between her firm young tits. One of Billy’s arms slings around her throat and pulls her back so that her pussy grinds against her brother’s cock even harder, his other hand pulls at her breast, tugging her top to the side so her tit is hanging out. Jackie arches her back, her tit breaking through the water, Darrien’s face resurfacing with it. Her brother pants and blinks, trying to get her hand out of his hair until he sees that brown little nipple. With a young-wolf growl he rushes forward and clasps his mouth around that beautiful nipple, sucking the salt water off of it.
“Darrien!” Jackie squeals, the volume muffled by the strong arm around her throat. Darrien only sucks harder. His older sister can’t help but moan, the combination of his hot mouth on her cool tit and his rockhard cock grinding against her slit too much to bear. Billy bites into her shoulder as he roughly pulls the fabric covering her other tit to the side, grabbing it way too brutally. The little brothers claw at her, bite her, growl at her when she struggles. She scratches their arms and pushes, shoves, but it only makes them crowd her until both cocks are grinding at her, so hot and hard and needy. Jackie gasps when Darrien’s fingernails scratch her hip, tugging at her bikini bottom.
“Darrien, no!”
“Yes”, he growls in return, biting into her nipple.
“Gramps!” Jackie squirms. Her grandpa is swimming a little away from them, watching them with a fond smile.
“It’s fine, Jackie. They’re teenage boys that need to release some tension. Enjoy it. They won’t hurt you. They love you. Don’t you, boys? Tell your sister you love her.”
Surprisingly, they stop tearing at her. Instead of biting, Billy nuzzles her neck up to her ear.
“I love you, Jackie”, he whispers and despite the rock hard cock in the cleft of her arse, his voice is soft and tender.
Her eyes are caught by Darrien’s, who is looking up at her with his stupid big beautiful eyes, his mouth brushing over her nipple as he tells her that he loves her, too.
“Darry…” Jackie breathes, a nickname she had used back when they had played doctor, and something lights up in her little brother’s eyes. With a gasp he dashes upwards and kisses her hard.
Jackie lets him pull off her panties. As they float to the surface, gramps comes closer and grabs them before they drift out into the ocean.
“No fucking, boys”, he reminds them and they nod, panting hard, groping their big sister.
Darrien looks deep into her eyes when he pushes his fingers into her. They are longer and wider now, but it still feels so fricking familiar her heart skips a beat.
‘Remember this?’ his eyes seemed to say, 'remember when we were lovers? When you told me how much you loved me every time after I fucked you with my fingers?’
“Darry”, Jackie breathes again and the young man buries his face in her neck as he fucks her with his fingers, pushing deep and slow like he used to. Jackie strokes his hair tenderly. Tender love for her brothers is filling her heart and she kisses Darrien’s cheek, remembering how very close they once have been. He lifts his head, staring at her with parted lips, panting as he pushes his fingers into her again and again. They kiss sweetly, their tongues making lazy, experimental strokes outside their mouths until they have found the perfect rhythm. Beneath the surface, Darrien takes Jackie’s hand and guides it to his cock. Moaning into his mouth, Jackie strokes it without hesitation.
“Jackie…don’t forget about me. You always forget me.”
Billy’s voice sounds so hurt that she breaks the awesome kiss with Darrien and looks over her shoulder. Instantly her mouth is claimed by her other brother, as well as her breast. His cock pushes hard against her full ass, sinking deep into the cleft until the tip pushes against her anus.
“No fucking, Billy”, Jackie whispers hoarsely.
“I know. Can I still cum in your ass? I won’t push in, I swear.”
Oh, she can never say no to them when they look at her like this.
The smile and the kiss he gives her sets her heart aflame. She lets her brothers play with her body to their heart’s content. Now that she’s willing and soft in their arms the eager boys calm down enough to fully seize this opportunity. They explore her body, stroke every inch of her. Billy uses both his hands to explore her pussy, looking over her shoulder, not seeing much, but still. Jackie moans her approval whenever he touches her clit, guides him like this. When he understands, he can’t get enough of the little swollen cherry. Soon, a third hand joins the fun.
“Like this”, Darrien breathes huskily and covers his brother’s fingers, presses them down on her clit and rubbing in slow, firm circles. “She likes it slow…and deep.”
Looking deep into her eyes, Darrien guides his brother’s index and middle finger into her hole. To feel him push them inside her is so fucking hot. “All the way…yes…now curl your fingers. Search for a rough patch of skin…”, when Jackie’s mouth falls open, Darrien smiles, “well done…now stroke it, rub it…it makes her cum so hard…”
Darrien kisses her again, emotions pouring into this kiss that melt her heart. They are still kissing when Billy sends her into a violent orgasm. She screams into Darrien’s mouth. His arms are there to hold her and she feels so safe in her brothers’ arms she wants to weep.
“Billy, oh fuck, that was so good. You’re so good at this”, she praises him and pulls him in for a kiss. The younger brother moans and cups both her tits, start to fuck the cleft of her ass.
“Inside, yeah?” he pants.
“Yeah”, Jackie confirms. She holds eye contact with him. He looks so sweet with his mouth hanging open and his cheeks flushed. His hands grope their way down to her ass, grab the cheeks and spread them wide.
“I’m cumming, sis. I’m cumming…”
“Yes”, Jackie pants excitedly and offers him her asshole. His tip pushes against the pucker and with a young-wolf growl Billy squirts his teen sperm into her ass.
“Fuuuuck”, he moans when he’s done, feeling the post-coital bliss as he grins at his big sister. She giggles and gives him a peck on the lips. He wants to hug her, but Darrien pulls her away from him.

“My turn”, he grumbles at his brother as he wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. He looks at her as he starts rubbing his young cock through her slit, then he kisses her long and deep.
“All to myself”, he whispers against her lips. “I want you all to myself. My Jackie…I love your pussy so much. So soft, so hot, so wet. I’ve missed her so much. Every day…Jackie…”
With a hungry kiss he reaches down and opens her pussy lips with his thumbs so he can slide his length through her hot, soft flesh. Jackie gasps when his head pushes against her sensitive clit.
“Can you come again?”
“I don’t know-” she moans a reply.
“I want to make you cum with my cock”, Darrien mumbles against her lips and pushes harder.
“You’ve grown so big, Darry”, Jackie whispers against his lips.
“Do you like him?”
“Yes. He’s beautiful.”
He moans and squeezes his eyes shut, pushing his length so hard against her it hurts.
“I want to push him inside, Jackie…”
“No, Darry. Not today.”
His big eyes look at her so fucking hopeful. “Soon”, she promises before she can think.
“I will fuck you. I will fuck you so good, Jackie. I love you.” Darrien ruts against her, his mouth kissing and whispering relentlessly and by the time he comes Jackie has come to understood that her brother feels a lot more for her than he should…and that she feels just the same. He holds her tight as he shoots his load, squirting against her clit. Only when every drop is out he releases her, giving her one of those looks full of longing.

“Are you feeling better now, boys?” Gramps suddenly asks, disrupting the tender tension between brother and sister. As the young men nod, he reaches for Jackie’s hand and pulls her out of the floating sperm to him.
“This is much better than fighting. I hope you think of it next time you quarrel. Your sister should only be cherished. Our little angel.”
With a gentle kiss on her lips, gramps rearranges her bikini top and helps her into her bottoms. They swim to the shore together. Three hands are on her as they walk back to the beach, helping her. Who knew her brothers could be such gentlemen? The boys look at her with their puppy eyes, not wanting to leave her, apparently. Gramps suggests a group hug, so they do that. It’s nice and warm and wet.
“Run along now, boys. Your sister needs her space. Come, baby, let’s take a little walk.”
He guides her away. Jackie can feel the eyes of her brothers for a long while. Only when they are behind the big rocks do they go back to the house, she knows.
“So, how was it?” gramps asks cheekily.
He chuckles. “That sounds like a question.”
Jackie smiles and shrugs. “It was…nice. I feel closer to them now, somehow.”
Grandpa nods and stops, pulling her in for a hug. As soon as their skin touch, Jackie feels heat rise inside her. He smiles at her, brushing a wet strand away from her forehead. Then his hand sinks to her chest. Without a word he pulls the bikini aside, uncovers her firm young breast. He bends down and sucks on her soft pink nipple, hardening it within seconds with clever strokes of his experienced tongue as if he has every right…which he has. She has given him that right. She wants him to please her.

“Your pussy is still needy, baby. You don’t need to say it. Only two times and I can read your body like an open book.”
He turns his head, uncovers her other breast to suck that nipple hard, as well. Jackie’s knees weaken and she grabs her grandfather’s strong arms for support.
“I know, baby. Turn around, pull your panties down your ass and bent over. Put your hands on the rock…good girl.”
Grandpa spreads her ass cheeks with both hands. They are hot on her damp skin.
“Drenched. As expected. So ripe you are, little one. Poor thing. I’ll make it better. Spread your legs…little more…yes, just like that. Oh, my sweet little angel, your holes are so very pretty.”
His big fingers glide through her slit and Jackie moans when each of them dip into her wet folds until they are coated with her juices. Then he starts fondling both her holes with those wet fingers and before she knows it, her grandpa’s index finger is buried deep in her asshole.
“Hmm, baby. No defiance. So very open for me. I love it.”
He pushes his index and ring finger into her pussy.
“Such a wet virgin cunt. Very good.”
His free hand curls around her hip and then, oh then he thrusts his hips against her, his fingers shoved deep into her holes. He simulates fucking her and Jackie’s eyes roll back into her head. Fuck, this is so fucking good. The slam of his body against hers. His fingers like cocks in her ass and pussy.
Gosh, she needs cock so bad.
“Grandpa”, she starts, but he interrupts her.
“I know, baby. But not yet. This will do. It feels good. It’s a promise, baby. Enjoy it.”
She wants to get fucked so bady. Every thrust tells her that. The rougher and faster he gets, the louder her body screams for more.
“Yes, girl, come. Come for me.”
Fuck, he even knows that she’s coming before she does, now. Just after he says it does the orgasm rush up her spine and explodes in her head. She squeals loudly and tilts her hips so she can take more of these glorious fingers inside her. Even in her orgasm she whimpers for more, for them to fuck her harder.
“No, baby. You’re too tight now”, grandpa explains calmly, his hips pressed against her ass, his fingers inside her unmoving. “It would hurt.”
After another whimper he wiggles his fingers a bit, more to amuse her than anything else. It works, Jackie giggles into the last moans of her climax, then the high fades. Her legs feel wobbly now and she leans against the big black rock for support. With a loud smacking sound, grandpa’s fingers slip out of her.
“So wet”, does his comment come and she looks over her shoulder just in time to watch him spread her sticky juices onto her lower back. The rest he licks off, looking at her.
He smiles and pulls up her bikini, takes her in his arms when she straightens.
“I love you, little angel.”
She cuddles into his chest.
“I love you, too, grandpa.”
They share a chaste kiss, then grandpa walks her back to the house.


Jackie is woken in the middle of the night as two fingers push deep into her pussy. She is wet, so wet, the fingers causing wet sounds as they start to move in and out of her. Then, a tongue on her nipple, circling almost shyly.
“Darry…”, she knows its him. The movement of his fingers, the way they push and stroke inside her so very well remembered.
“Jackie”, he whispers in reply, his full lips brushing over her nipple.
“What are you doing here?” she asks as she bends her knees and spreads her legs for her little brother. Masterfully, Darrien has pushed up her nightshirt to her shoulders without waking her.
“I missed you. I missed you every day of the past six years, Jackie. I want to sleep in your bed again. I want to cuddle you, put my fingers in your pussy like I used to. Why did we stop?”
Has he really forgotten?
“Mum caught us, Darry. Don’t you remember? You were fucking me with your fingers and I was stroking your hard little cock in the garden behind the shed and she caught us.”
She moans as Dary sucks hard on her nipple. His fingers have pulled out and are now rubbing her clit slow and firmly, like she loves.
“No, I don’t. But I don’t care. I want to be with you. I want to be your boyfriend.”
Tenderly, she strokes through his full hair.
“Please, Jackie.”

He looks up at her, his full lips brushing over her wet nipple.

“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Darry, but-”
“No”, he says and shimmies up until he is towering over her, his arms tightly wound around her. He’s grown so big and strong, his chest and arms firm, muscles bulging. “I love you, Jackie. I’ve always loved you, from the very first moment. I will always love you…only you.”
His big eyes are so full of love and longing that it takes her breath away.
“Oh, Darry, you mustn’t. It’s wrong.”
“I don’t care”, he insists and rolls on top of her. He’s naked, she now painfully realises since his hot, hard teen cock presses into her wet slit.
“You love me, too. I know it.”
Her heart aches. Jacke turns her face to the side, but Darrien’s fingers grab her chin and turn it back. “Say it. Say you love me…Say it!”

Their gazes burn into each other. His cock slides through her slit, soils himself with her juices.
Her little brother has gotten so big and strong, but his eyes are still so very soft and vulnerable. Jackie knows she should say no, put and end to this before this gets out of hand – which it probably already has. If they get caught again…what if Mum sends one of them away? She couldn’t bare to be separated from him. No matter how nasty a teenager he is, no matter how horribly they fight, the love has always been there; deeper than she had realised.
“If they catch us, they will separate us. I don’t want to lose you, Darry.”
“You won’t!”

He bends down and kisses her hard. His hips start rolling, plowing his cock through her slit.
“I will never leave you. Whatever they’ll try, however far they will send me away, I will always come back to you, Jackie. Always.”
He kisses her again and this time, against better judgement, Jackie slings her arms around his shoulders and kisses him back. Their tongues are dancing, falling into a fast, deep rhythm.

“I love you, Darry”, Jackie whispers in between kisses and pulls her legs to her body, granting her little brother better access to her cunt. He growls and hooks one arm under one of them to open her up more. They rut against each other for a few minutes, both completely blissful, happy, and so in love. Only when the fat tip of Dary’s cock pushes against her tight entrance does Jackie come to her senses.

“No fucking, Darry.”
“Why not?” he pants, sounding like a pouting little boy.

“We don’t have condoms and I’m not on the pill.”
“I’ll pull out.”
Jackie only gives him a look and 'tsks’ at him.

“Please, please, pleeease”, he begs and rains countless kisses on her face until she giggles. Their mouths meet for a deep, hot kiss. Darry moans loudly when she sucks on his tongue and once again tries to push his big teen cock into her virgin pussy.
“No, Dary! If you can’t behave, you have to go to your room.”
“Come on, Jackie.”
He lowers his head to her tit and suckles it sweetly, his cock pushing against her hole a little harder. Jackie gets dizzy from all the pleasure her little brother gives her. It’s so hard to stay firm when her pussy is dripping with need to get filled, stretched, fucked.

“I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Of that she has no doubt. He’s a good brother and he’s been a good lover when he still had been a boy.

“Not tonight, Darry.”
He growls in frustration, sucking at her other nipple and pushing his head against her hole again.

“When? Before we leave. Promise, Jackie.”
Damn those big eyes that look up at her like that, tongue wickedly dancing over her nipple.
“I promise.”

He grins like the happiest boy in the world now before he kisses her long and deep.

“Can I at least put the head in? I swear I won’t break your hymen. I want to know what it feels like to be inside of you, to feel that piece of skin. I’ll lick you for two hours straight afterwards.”
Jackie’s eyes dart to his beautiful mouth.

“Fine”, she agrees in the end, if only to see him smile again.
“Yessss! Thank you!”

Dary looks down their bodies. Jackie’s gaze follows him and she watches as he slowly pushes his big head into her hole. She moans as she feels the unfamiliar stretch of cock and tries to open herself for him. But she is so wet that it doesn’t take much effort to get the big teen cock past the entrance into her tight cunt. Darrien groans as he feels his sister’s walls claim him, squeeze him, sucking him in deeper.
“Fuck”, he gasps and pushes deeper into that wet slit until he feels the barrier. Jackie flinches and instantly, Darrien retreats a bit.
“I’m inside you, Jackie”, he says dreamily, his eyes glazed over, “you’re so tight and wet. You’re so wonderful. Your pussy is heaven. Can I fuck you a bit? Without breaking anything, of course.”
“Yes, yes”, Jackie moans, mesmerized and so fucking turned on by her little brother’s cock inside her cunt.

Darry goes slow and careful. Both of them are watching him fuck into her virgin slit. He bumps against her hymen again and again. It hurts, but somehow it’s an exciting pain.
The longer they go, the more confident Darrien gets and soon he’s fucking her properly, his hips moving in little, fast thrusts that make the bed springs squeak.

“I’m fucking you, Jackie”, he gasps and looks down at her with a smile. “It feels so good. Do you like it? Do you like me inside your pussy?”
“Yes, Darry. I love it. You’re so big. The big, strong cock of my brother.”
He growls and bends down, faltering in his rhythm, pushing into her as deep as he can, head against the hymen.
“I love that you are my sister”, he whispers into her ear, then licks it. “I love that we share blood. That’s so sexy. My big sister wants my cock. I love it so much…do you think I’m a pervert?”
“Probably”, she replies cheekily and bites into his strong jaw. “But so am I, for I love it, too.”
Darry moans and finds her mouth for a heated kiss.
“Rub yourself, Jackie. I want you to come on my cock.”
Without waiting for a reply he lifts himself up again, giving her space for her hand. For a moment she doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but one look at her handsome brother and her hand is between her legs, rubbing her clit slowly and firmly. Darry watches her fingers, then her face.

“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers and bends down to kiss her sweetly. “Your pussy is amazing. Your tits are perfect. I love you.”
“I love you, too”, Jackie moans and they stare into each other’s eyes, listening to the sounds of her fingers rubbing her clit. Darrien’s movements are only minimal now, more teasing than anything else. But it feels good, so good. She’s getting closer and closer.
“Almost”, she announces.

“I know. I can feel it. You’re getting even tighter. It’s so amazing.”
“Suck my nipple, Darry. I need to come so bad.”
Just as he is about to oblige, the door to her room opens and light from the hallway floods the room, illuminating brother and sister in the missionary position, naked, the brother’s cock in the sister’s cunt.

They freeze in terror and stare at the door with wide eyes at the shadow figure in the door – who slips quickly into the room and shuts the door again.

“I knew it! You guys suck!”
Relief washes over the siblings. It’s Billy.

“Darrien, you asshole! You want her all to yourself. Well, fuck that! She’s my sister, too. And you let him mount you like that, sis?! Once again forgetting all about me?!”
Jackie wants to apologise, but her body is burning with need. Even the horror of being discovered couldn’t extinguish the fire.

“Billy, you asshole”, Darry shoots back, “if you’d stop being a baby for a second you’d see that Jackie needs to come. So instead of whining, help her, will you?”
“Billy”, Jackie breathes then, and reaches out the hand that is not rubbing her clit.

A gasp from the baby brother, then his clothes fall to the floor and he jumps into bed with his siblings, kissing his big sister hard.
“I’m sorry, Jackie”, he breathes against her lips and grabs her breast. “What do you want me to do?”

“Suck my nipple. And don’t stop when I come.”
His mouth is clamped over her nipple not a second later and he sucks at it hard, his tongue flicking over the hard nub.

“Yes, yes, like that!” Jackie pants and starts rolling her hips, fucking herself on her brother’s cock. Darry moans and watches her, pushing into her with little thrusts, stretching her hymen to the point of that sweet ache that drives Jackie faster. Only a few seconds does she last, then she comes with a squeal, her entire body arching, twitching, trembling with pleasure.

As ordered, Billy continues to suck on her nipple and Darry bends down to suckle the other one, sending their sister straight into a second orgasm.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Suddenly, Darrien pulls out of Jackie’s slit roughly, squirting his seed all over her pubic mound and belly. Jackie hardly acknowledges it, too consumed with this fantastic orgasm. As he sees her blissful expression, Darry decides not to tell her that his first shot of cum went straight into her pussy, too afraid she won’t let him put it in again.

While Jackie calms down, panting hard, the brothers snuggle against her sides, wrapping their arms around her. Darrien drags his index finger through his cum and draws little swirls and lines on her belly.
“You’re disgusting”, Billy comments.
“You’re just jealous”, does Dary shoot back
“Boys, please. No fighting. I love you both and you know it.”
“I don't”, Billy pouts. “After all, you let Darrien put his cock into your pussy and not me.”
“I let you come in my ass.”
“Hmm, yes you did. That was so hot.” Billy leans forward to kiss her throat. His hand curls around her tit.
“Can I put my cock in you now, sis? Or do you only want Darrien?”
Jackie can feel Darry’s hold on her tighten. He wants to be the only one, but she loves Billy, too. She doesn’t want him to feel neglected.
“Yes, sweety. But be careful, ok?”
“Of course.”

They kiss sweetly, then Billy wanders down her body, leaving kisses on her skin. He licks her nipples, lets the tongue slide down her belly. Then he looks at his older brother and licks his semen off their sister. Darrien glares at him. Billy grins, erasing all the traces his brother has left on the girl they both love.

“Billy…that is so hot. Fuck, I’m getting turned on again.”
Billy hurries now to kneel between her spread legs. Without hesitance he grabs his cock and guides his head to her entrance.

“Fuck, you’re so wet”, he comments as he sees her drenched pussy.
“Only for you…both of you.”
They look at each other fondly and kiss her one after the other. Now Billy concentrates of pushing is cock into his first cunt. Like Darrien he’s absolutely amazed as the tight virgin hole clenches around him.
“Fucking hell.”
“Good, isn’t it?” Darrien comments with a smirk.
Billy pushes and pushes, eyes closed. He feels the barrier, pushes against it…doesn’t pull back. Jackie moans, then hisses when the pain of her stretching hymen gets too much.

Darrien is there to push his brother’s hip back.
“She’s a virgin, dumbass.”

Billy can’t process with a tight cunt wrapped around his head.

“But you fucked her.”
“Not enough to break her hymen.”
“Oh. Sorry, Jackie.”
“It’s fine. You feel great, Billy, so great. I love your cock inside me.”
Billy grunts and pushes in to the barrier again.

Jackie nods.
They share a kiss and a smile, then Billy starts moving, experimenting, searching for all the ways he can get pleasure from being almost halfway inside a wet little cunt.
“Darry…” Jackie moans eventually and her brother’s lips find hers. They kiss slow and deep while their brother fucks her.
“Do you want my fingers?” Darrien whispers against her lips and Jackie nods eagerly. Smiling down at her, Darry lets his hand wander down her beautiful teen body and starts rubbing her clit.
“I’m so happy I can do this again”, he whispers so only she can hear. “I’ve missed your wet little cunt. She’s even more beautiful now. Even wetter. Fucking amazing.”
Brother and sister look deep into each other’s eyes. Then they kiss, tongues moving in deep, teasing strokes.

With both her brothers pleasuring her so good Jackie doesn’t need long to be on the edge again.
“We know, honey. No coming inside, Billy.”
He only nods, eyes focused on his cock moving in and out of Jackie’s pussy. He sees Darrien’s fingers rubbing the pink swollen clit of their sister, his fingers drenched in her juices. All of this looks so fucking hot. And his sister’s wet cunt is driving him insane. He wants to fuck her properly. But he respects her. Loves her. He wouldn’t hurt her for the world.

Jackie begs for Darrien’s mouth and as soon as he latches on to her nipple, Jackie goes wild. She comes so fast and Billy’s eyes almost bug out of his head when he feels her milking him so fucking hard it almost hurts. As Billy had before, Darrien doesn’t stop suckling her tit so that Jackie comes and comes and comes, milking Billy into his own orgasm. Being much more gentleman than his younger brother he pulls out and only unloads onto her belly.

“Yessss”, he groans, fapping his slick cock until he is all spent.

They snuggle up together again, the boys in their big sister’s arms, their heads resting on either tit, lips and tongues lazily sucking and licking the nipples.

“We mustn’t fall asleep”, Jackie says sternly and yawns, pulling her boys close. They are both so wonderfully warm. “Five minutes, then you have to go into your own beds, alright?”
“'K” - “Mhm”

Two hands wander between her legs, countless fingers gliding through her wet slit, rubbing it, playing with her clit. One fingers of one brother each push into her. Jackie’s legs twitch as they push in all the way, coming to rest there, having found a cozy snug cave to sleep in.
This is a marvelous feeling, Jackie can’t deny. Holding her brothers, having them so close, their mouths kissing her breasts even as they fall asleep and both their fingers deep inside her…she’s the happiest girl in the world. With one leg thrown over each brother’s hip and her arms tightly wound around their shoulders the trio falls asleep – and is discovered the next morning.


The three of them are indeed a sight for sore eyes, gramps thinks as he stands in the doorway, looking at them. They are peacefully sleeping, Jackie’s legs thrown over each brother and their fingers – grandpa has to suppress a chuckle as he sees the two fingers sticking deep inside the sister’s cunt. They are indeed cute, all of them. And he’s truly happy for them. Gramps has known that they feel more for each other for a long time. Especially Darrien has been in love with Jackie for…probably ever. The way he looks at her, eyes full of love…he’s in deep.

If it was up to him he’d let them sleep for a little while longer, let them wake up on their own so they can make love the rest of the day – but their parents are downstairs, waiting with breakfast.

“Jackie, boys”, gramps calls them again and again until the three teen lovers stir and wake. Gramps smiles when the boys’ fingers push into their sister before they even have openend their eyes, making Jackie moan. A lovely sound.
There is a moment of panic amongst the three of them as soon as they realize they’re not alone. Gramp’s heart warms when the boys instantly wrap their arms around Jackie and cover her with their bodies, protecting her from prying eyes. Three pairs of scared eyes meet his and he smiles at them.

“Good morning. Your parents are waiting downstairs with breakfast. I suggest that you get dressed and return to your rooms, boys, and meet your sweet sister downstairs.”
The trio exchanges unsure glances but when Jackie nods and strokes Darien’s cheek, they do as they’ve been told. As soon as the door falls close behind them, gramps walks to the bed, smiling.

Jackie’s smile grows when she understands her grandfather isn’t mad and lies back again, opening her thighs wide.

“You slept with four fingers in your pussy and still don’t have enough?”
She giggles, naughty girl, and bites her bottom lip teasingly.

“Never. You know that.”
“Yes, I know, love. The fever is in your blood.”
Jackie nods and lifts her hips, begging her grandpa. The puffy slit is glistening invitingly.

“We don’t have much time, little one”, gramps says with a smile and kneels on the bed between her legs. “Otherwise I’d lick you all morning until your sweet pussy has soiled the sheets.”
Jackie bites her lip at that and gramps smirks.

He pushes two fat fingers into her welcoming hole, bending them, searching for the spot.
“Since there aren’t any red spots on the sheets, I assume you’re still a virgin?”

Jackie nods, looking up at her grandpa with shining eyes and parted lips. So needy. So ready to get stuffed and fucked.

“I had their cocks, though…up to the hymen. They fucked me a little. It was amazingAH.”
Gramps has found the spot. He starts pushing against it, making her beautiful young tits bounce and her pussy smack loudly.

“I must say, I’m surprised that they controlled themselves not to break your hymen. I’m proud of them.”
“So am I”, Jackie moans and pulls her legs to her body, demanding more. Gramps starts shoving his fingers into her wet cunt, stimulating her g-sport hard. He watches her nipples rise and her breath grow shallow. Not long now.

“Did you let them come inside, naughty one?”
Jackie shakes her head, moaning and grabbing the sheets. Her walls tighten around his fingers and he looks at her face as he pushes her to the edge.
“Now, sweetie”, is all he needs to say to make her come with a squeal of pure delight, her teen body writhing and her walls milking his fingers desperately, hoping for baby juice, but being disappointed.

“There you go, my love”, gramps purrs and bends over the trembling body to kiss her. Jackie slings her arms around his neck and pushes her tongue deep into his mouth.
“Again”, she whispers greedily and gramps pushes his fingertips against her sweet spot.

“No time, honey. Find me later if the boys let you out of their sight. Or you can play with them, hm? I don’t mind.”
“Wouldn’t you be mad? Or jealous?”
Gramps kisses her sweetly on the mouth, slowly fucking her with his fingers.

“Of course not. I love you and I want you to be happy.”

Jackie looks up at him, almost disappointed. Gramps only chuckles and shakes his head, pulling out his fingers.

“Don’t start a fire, sweetie. We all love and want you. Jealousy is not the way to make us want you more. This is risky enough as it is, what with your parents here and all. You don’t want to lose what you’ve just found, do you?”
Jackie averts her eyes, blushes and shakes her head.

“Good girl. My favorite girl.”

Giving into his own desires, gramps rests his weight on her young body and grabs her hair with both hands, kissing her deep while he rubs his swim shorts and the half-hard cock underneath against her wet little cunt. Responsive as ever Jackie moans and slings arms and legs around her grandfather, lightly scratching her nails over his bare back.
“I want your cock, gramps”, she pants after not even a minute, body squirming underneath his, “I need to get fucked so bad.”
Before he can reply, Jackie has reached down and is pushing his swim shorts down his old ass. Only a man, gramps lifts his hips off her so his cock springs free. Ah, that naughty girl is so fucking tempting, he thinks as he bends down to suckle her left nipple. It hardens within seconds, begging for more. Hasty hands reach between their bodies, her nails scratching his belly on her way down. She winds her hands around his fat cock, makes her grandpa moan into her mouth.
“There is no time, sweet girl”, he rasps against her lips but starts fucking into her little fists. “Your first time deserves to be special, relaxed, full of love.”

She moans and pulls on his cock. Gramps obliges so that his fucking rhythm has his head push against her wet, hot flesh. That makes Jackie moan again and she pulls more, angles her hips, tries to get her grandfather’s cock in her hole.

“Bad girl”, gramps chides her, spreading his knees and grabbing her waist. “I won’t fuck you, baby. Not now, not like this.”
He pushes a little harder, making her pussy smack with his thrusting cock.

“Please, gramps, please! I need you so much.”
He kisses her hard, then whispers against her lips, rumbling wolfishly. “I know you do, desperate girl. But know that if I fuck you, I’ll come inside you. I’m not like your brothers. I demand you take my seed like a good little girl.”
Jackie gasps. “Yes, yes!”
“Yes?” gramps asks, surprised.

Their eyes meet. He can see the need in her eyes, that need of those hot blooded women who always need to get fucked and bred.
“Yes, gramps, please, please. I love you. I need you so much.”
Gramps growls and pumps his cock into her hands, pushing harder until his head thrusts into her little hole.

“Oh God”, Jackie gasps and lifts her legs in the air. Such a needy girl is she. Her wet, tight hole and the needy little whimpers she makes as he head-fucks her drive him to the edge fast and for the first time, he thinks of his own pleasure, yet he croaks out: “Rub your cherry. Come with me, milk me.”
One hand lets go of his shaft, doing as instructed. Looking deep into each other’s eyes, Jackie comes hard, milking her grandfather’s cockhead. With a grunt he lets go, spilling his hot seed in his granddaughter.

“Oh my God!” Jackie squeals as she feels him unload inside of her and is thrown into another orgasm.

With a smile grandpa looks down at her, giving her his last squirts of baby juice. Then he gently pulls out, kissing her on the mouth.

“Clean yourself, dress and come down quickly. We don’t want your brothers do be jealous, darling.”
Jackie nods, still on her high and as gramps gets up, her legs fall onto the mattress with a thump. Grandpa leaves with a chuckle.


After getting scolded by her mother for making them wait, the six of them have a lovely breakfast, all laughing and talking. The boys being in the best mood a teenage boy can be, they try everything to make their sister laugh. When they are done eating, the three of them hold hands under the table.

Jackie loves this, she can’t deny it. They are so lovely now, her little brothers, and she finds the secret hand holding and the longing gazes incredibly romantic. She glances at her grandfather, who smiles approvingly. She can’t help the little sting she feels in her heart. She wants him to be jealous, somehow. But he is right. If jealousy would be thrown into their fragile secret love affair, things could go to hell. And she doesn’t want that. Not really.

Unfortunatetly, their parents have planned a biking trip for today, which makes it incredibly hard for the love trio to find some alone time. There a stolen glances and Darrien and Billy dare to hold their sister’s hand as they drive next to each other, hands off their handlebars, until their mother tells them to put their hands back where they belong, it being to dangerous to drive like that. She’s always over-protective.

After two hours of driving they halt on top of a green hill, put a picnic blanket under the trees and eat some sandwiches. Dad’s head is lying in mom’s lap, she feeding him. As the boys see it, both of them want to rest their heads in their sister’s lap, too. But nooo, not allowed. They grow frustrated, being so close to their beloved in her cute yellow summer dress, skirt reaching only mid-thigh, and not being able to touch after having slept in her arms with their fingers buried in her wet little cunt. And when the brothers get frustrated, they usually get it out on each other. A fight breaks lose, the boys snapping and pushing each other. Father tells them to shut it. It only works for five minutes and they’re at each other’s throats again.

“Darry! Billy!”

The boys fall silent at their sister’s shout and come to sit next to her like good little puppies. She gives them and orange slice each and a kiss on the cheek. They give her a brilliant smile, both their hearts singing with teenage love. The three of them lean against the tree trunk and huddle together, parents be damned. They take turns holding Jackie’s hand, eating and talking about games and stuff now. Their mother enjoys the new peace and raises her head to the sun, closing her eyes, but their father watches this new affection between the siblings carefully. Rolling onto his side, he curls his arm around his wife’s waist and pretends to close his eyes and fall asleep, like their mother already has for real.

Nothing happens, even after fifteen minutes.

Their father is relieved and closes his eyes, ready to take a little nap, when all of a sudden:
“No, Darry.”
Father glances through his eyelids in time to see how Jackie pushes Darrien’s hand away.

“They’re sleeping, Jackie”, the youngest of his sons whispers and Dad’s heart skips a beat as Darrien leans over and gives his first-born a lingering kiss on the corner of her mouth.
“Darry’s right, sis”, Billy whispers and leans in from the other side, kissing his own sister’s throat.

Dad’s heart starts beating frantically.

What the fucking hell?!

Jackie glances at him, but then she leans her head back against the trunk, exposing her throat. Immediately, her brothers’ mouths are on it, gently kissing and sucking. Then Darry kisses her mouth and their father’s heart drums against his chest as sh

This is a very old one, but I haven’t posted anything in such a long time, so…
I wanted to write more for this, but I think it works as it is. :)

Tags: Daddy/daughter, incest, drugged, dub-con, somnophilia, impregnation, pregnant sex

- - -

The night Mary confided in him was a bad night. He was more than shocked that his daughter wanted to have sex with her boyfriend of two months. Certainly, she was 18 and old enough to decide for herself, but the thought of her being fucked by that ‘boy’ Brian made his insides churn.

Yet, he listened to her shy questions, explained (in as least words as possible) how to satisfy a man. He even promised her to get the condoms, having no idea how it happened. Her big, pleading green eyes must have had something to do with it.

He could never resist her. Not when she’s been a baby, not now that she was a young woman.

He kept postponing the inevitable, claimed he had forgotten to fetch the condoms before he left his pharmacy. But the disappointed look in her lovely eyes and the pouting of her full pink lips pained him. He knew he would give in soon, give her the condoms and then hear her moans and the squeaking springs of the bed at night when she made love with that loser.

It was the next time he saw them together when he realized something shocking and most troublesome. Brian had come over for dinner as he did sometimes and there was nothing out of the ordinary. It was them giggling and laughing and then outside in the garden holding hands when it hit him: He wanted Mary all to himself! In every way possible.

Since this thought had crossed his mind, he stopped seeing her as a daughter. The girl in front of his eyes had vanished and instead he noticed her curvy hips, her full ass cheeks, her long tanned legs and her firm B-cup tits. Every night since that fatal change in their relationship (which she wasn’t even aware of), he would masturbate thinking of her, his wife lying next to him in the bed, sleeping.

Since his early twenties he hadn’t been so horny and he couldn’t stop wanking thinking about ravishing his daughter’s sweet little pussy.

He wanted her bad.

That’s when he started to drug her. Having a pharmacy made it all so easy. He just slipped a sleeping pill into her dinner or her drink when Mum wasn’t looking and then he had all night to play with her.

As soon as he was sure his wife was sleeping, he jumped out of bed and went into Mary’s room, locking the door behind him. He took his time admiring her after he pulled back the blanket, before he started to push up her night gown. And her panties down.

Gosh, how he loved that first whiff of her completely shaved cunt (he had recommended her shaving it all. Of course she had done what he had told her) when he spread her legs.

He knew every inch perfectly by now. Knew that nipping at her clit would drench her cunt within a minute. Her juices flew easily and he loved it. Sometimes he spent a full hour just licking her so wet her juices would soak the sheets. And her taste! Good heavens, he couldn’t get enough!

When he ate her out at night, he thought about Brian and how jealous he would be if  he could see him getting everything she was still denying him. He wondered how he would react if he knew that her father made her come at night at least three times only by using his skilled tongue and fingers.

„Brian will never be as good to you as I am, baby“, he liked to whisper in her ear when he was hovering above her, his pulled out and fully erect cock rubbing along her drenched bald cunt, soaking his shaft in her juices.
“I know what your little pussy needs, baby. It craves my tongue and my fingers, and most of all my big fat cock. Oh, how your puffy cunt wants him to tear her apart, baby. I can feel it”, he whispered and let the tip of his tongue slide over Mary’s lush lips.

“But tell you what. When the time comes and I fuck you, and I will, baby, then you will be wide awake, begging for my cock.”

No, he never fucked her when she was sleeping. He wanted to, of course, his cock aching for her tight virgin hole, but he was in control of himself. And he found other ways to enjoy himself, like rubbing through her cunt, or fucking her mouth slowly before squirting all over her face or tits. He especially loved doing this, covering her in his cum, marking her his own. He did clean her up before he left, of course, but he liked to lay beside her for a while, watching his semen sticking to her wonderful body, imagining her tongue flicking out and licking it off her lips.

The mornings after those sessions were very amusing, for Mary always came into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. Her mother had noticed her sudden improved mood, too. Obviously, cumming over and over again was uplifting the teen spirit. He should share this advise with other daddies: If your teen daughter is being bitchy, just lick her sweet virgin cunt until she cums.  


He had been able to postpone the day for a couple of weeks, but the day came when Mary stood before him, holding up a package of condoms, her lovely cheeks blushed.

“When will you do it?” he asked her then, his voice hoarse.

“Tomorrow. He wants to take me to his parents’ summer house for the weekend.”

He could only nod, not trusting his voice.

Only one night left to pretend she was his…

He slipped her the pill and snug into her room as usual. He pushed the night gown over her breasts and pulled down her panties, the tasks so familiar and dear to him.

Then he took his time caressing her, kissing her on the lips and all over her body. He closed his mouth around one nipple and sucked at it lovingly until it pebbled and was pushing against the tip of his tongue.

“God, how I love your firm tits, baby”, he breathed against her warm skin and claimed the other nipple, teasing it as well.

While he worked his way down her body, he shimmied down his pants and freed his already hard and aching cock.

“And your flat little belly”, he whispered as he pressed open-mouthed kisses to her tummy, his tongue circling around the belly button. A whiff of her already wet cunt filled his nose and he let out a growl, the tip of his tongue sliding down over her bald mound as he spread her legs wide open.

“God, your cunt, baby!” he moaned and pressed his face into her hot flesh, already drenched in her juices from his attentions.
“So fucking sweet”, he murmured while plowing his tongue through her slit, “so fucking hot”, he growled and let his tongue flicker over her swollen cherry, enjoying the wet sounds it made, “so fucking wet for daddy”, he moaned and pushed his tongue deep into her tight virgin hole, rubbing the walls and licking off the juice. His babygirl came and he grunted when her channel started convulsing and tried to suck his tongue deeper into it.

“Oh, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful. I wish you were mine to fuck, all day and night. I’d never stop fucking you, babygirl. I’d give you so many orgasms you couldn’t get a single word out of that sweet little mouth of yours.”

He lifted himself up to hover over her and pushed his juice covered tongue past her sensual lips. While he kissed her, he curled his fingers around his cock and started pumping, debating inwardly where he should shoot his load.

His head nudged the hot, wet flesh of her pussy and he growled into her mouth.

He knew where he wanted to put his cum. Where it fucking belonged: Into the tight little cunt of his daughter.

Something primal and animalistic stirred in him then, the love he felt for his daughter being tainted with the hunger to possess.

“God, baby…I want you so fucking bad”, he pressed through gritted teeth as he rubbed his cock faster.

“I don’t want that bastard to have you. You’re mine. Mine. I made you. I own you and that sweet little cunt.”

He pumped his dick hard now, panting against his daughter’s parted lips. He looked down at her serene face and the beast inside him told him what to do.

“Yeah,” he breathed and guided his pulsating cock to her pussy, wetting the tip with her juices before he pushed against the little entrance, “I will breed you, Mary. Only my babies will fill that hungry teenage womb of yours.”

He bit back a loud growl when he slowly pushed his fat dick into his daughter’s pussy, throwing back his head when her tight walls closed around his head.

“You’re so fucking tight, baby. Daddy loves it. Daddy loves your cunt.”

He pushed further and further, a shiver running up his spine as he felt her walls stretch for his cock. There was nothing he wanted more than to just slam his length into her, but he knew he couldn’t rip her hymen apart or the plan his lust-clouded mind had formed would be endangered.

He would let Brian have her cherry, he would let him fuck her. And when they were done, they would find that there had been a hole in their condom. Mary would be pregnant and Brian would be out of the picture (he knew his parents. They would do everything to get their son out of this mess) and he would have his daughter to himself again.

Ah, yes, marvelous! Perfect solution. All he had to do now was to get his daughter pregnant…

Another growl urged from his throat when he felt the little barrier a third-way inside Mary’s cunt. Acting on instinct he pushed against it, but restrained himself. He was content for the moment with pushing in and out, watching his head appear and disappear in his daughters soaked, pink cunt. This lovely sight and the tight, massaging walls drove him to the edge within a minute.

“Oh yes, baby, I’m there. It’ll happen. I’ll give you my seed in a second. You’ll be carrying my child while everyone will think it’s that loser’s. Only I’ll know it’s mine, baby. As are you. Both mine..Gnnnghh!”

With a suppressed scream he pushed his head into her one last time and shot off  his load. A quick hand darted down and he rubbed his daughter’s clit furiously, causing loud wet sounds to fill her room.

“Come on, baby, cum for Daddy…suck my semen into your fertile teenage womb, my little baby slut.”

He suckled her tit while he pushed in and out of her, ejaculating more and more cum into her. Then, oh heaven, he felt another orgasm ripple through her and he let out a growl when her walls started pumping on his cock.

“Good, baby! Yes, good girl!” he panted and when he was all spilled, he pulled out and lifted her bottom high into the air, watching her still clenching hole as his semen wandered further into her cervix.

With a satisfied moan he cupped her cunt with his mouth and lapped through her slit, teasing the clit to prolong her climax as much as possible.

When it was all done, he gently laid her hips back on the bed. He looked at her lovingly and caressed her beautiful young body with his large hands, massaged her wonderful breasts fondly before he rubbed her drenched little cunt one last time. He bent over her while he did so and whispered into her ear: “Next time, my sweet babygirl, you’ll be awake.”

Gently, he put her panties back on with a parting kiss on her puffy pussy lips and covered his daughter with her blanket.

“I love you, Mary”, he whispered and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead before he left the room.


Call it luck, call it fate, but his plan worked out perfectly. He was able to pinch a hole into the condoms she had bought and he was standing at the ajar door while Brian deflowered his Mary rather clumsily. He had almost burst into the room when she had cried out in pain as her hymen had been ripped apart and he had just continued to hammer into her, too overwhelmed to control his lust. Mary had cried for the rest of the brief act before he had cum inside her and broke down on her a second later.

Because of this pathetic act alone he wasn’t sad about throwing out his ass a couple of weeks later when they would stand before them and tell him and his wife that Mary was pregnant.

With Brian being out of the picture as predicted, Mary became almost depressive. She really had loved this guy and a part of him felt very ashamed for what he had done. But it was all for the greater good, he told himself, and started to do everything to cheer her up. No new phone, laptop or trip could do, though. It took her daddy a while to realize that she needed comfort more than anything.

It happened on a day when her mum was out grocery shopping. He stepped into her room (where she spent most of the time these days), and laid down beside her in her bed like he had done so many times before, only difference now that she was awake.

She tensed when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest, but when he placed tender little kisses on her neck, she let out a sigh and relaxed against him.

“He’s an idiot”, he softly began and his hand started to stroke her, gently wandering down her thigh and up to her shoulder in long, lazy strokes.

“You’re the most wonderful girl in the world”, he continued and placed a kiss just below her ear.

A part of him hoped that she subconsciously remembered him doing this to her when she had been sleeping.

“Every guy would be lucky to have you.”

His lips lingered at her ear, brushing her sensitive earlobe. Very pleased, he noted how she shivered. His hand carefully snaked under her shirt and pushed down her leggings. Mary tensed up, but when her daddy started rubbing her tummy, she relaxed again.

“This is your baby, Mary. Your wonderful, sweet baby. It’ll be all yours”, 'and mine’, he added silently, “and no one can take him or her away from you. I’ll be there for you. You won’t be alone, baby.”

“I know, daddy”, she replied in a soft hush and cuddled against him, her bum melting against his pelvis.

“What would you like, baby? A boy or a girl?” he asked her casually while his cock twitched in excitement, rubbing against her ass cheek. His fingers wandered lower, beneath her belly button, only the tips grazing the beginning of her pubic mound.

“I don’t care, as long as it’s healthy”, Mary replied. She had her eyes closed and tilted her head, letting out a little begging sigh like she had done when she’d been a little girl. With a smirk he bent down and placed more tender kisses on her long swan neck.

He wrapped his other arm around her now, pulling her into the save cocoon that was his strength and warmth.

“My sweet little babygirl”, he whispered into her ear and placed a kiss on her earlobe, causing her to sigh.

“I’m not your baby anymore. I’ll be a mum, soon”, she protested weakly, clearly dozing off.

“You’ll always be my babygirl”, he whispered into her ear and gently pressed his half-erect cock against her full ass.

“Even when your belly and breasts will be swollen”, he added and a pleased shiver ran down his spine as the mental picture entered his mind.

His cock swiftly swelled to its full size and he worried that she would notice, for it was clearly pressing against her fine ass.

Either she was too far gone already or she didn’t care. Both reasons were fine with him. Very slowly, with his eyes trained on her serene profile, he let his fingertips brush down her belly button again. She stirred a little, so he returned to kissing her neck again, his fingers pausing. His heart was beating against his chest. He was so hard. He wanted her.

His fingers moved a little lower and he bit back a moan when he felt her bald mound. She still kept it clean shaven, his little angel.

How he missed the taste of her sweet little pussy! He hungered for a bit of her wonderful juice.

Placing another kiss right on the soft spot beneath her earlobe, he spread his fingers and moved the middle finger further down, listening to her regular breathing. Biting his lips, he let the middle finger slide even further until he reached the beginning of her so familiar pussy lips, feeling the little dip between them.

“Oh, baby”, he couldn’t help but whisper as he started to gently rub the tip of his finger through the little dip between her lips, very careful not to stir her awake. But he was needy, lord help him. His cock was rock hard and pressing against his daughter’s ass so demanding. Forgetting all the danger, he let the finger slide in between her hot folds until it nudged her clit. Mary let out a sigh.

“It’s okay, baby. Sleep”, he whispered quickly and very gently started to circle her little cherry.

“I’ll just make you feel a little better, my angel. Daddy is here, don’t worry.”

“Daddy…” she whispered and to his shock and joy, she pressed her bum against his cock. He had to suppress a growl.

Some part of her did remember all the beautiful things he had done to her, he thought happily as he pushed against her clit. Then his finger wandered lower and he almost jubilated when he felt the familiar moist on his fingertip.

“Daddy made you horny, baby”, he whispered into her ear and, being braver now, slowly plowed through her slit, up and down, spreading the juice and circling her clit again.

“You want your daddy’s cock”, he breathed into her ear and rubbed his length against the warm, soft cheek of her ass.

“Do you want me to give it to you, baby? You want your daddy to fuck you?” he asked his slumbering daughter, the wet noises of his finger flickering over her swelling little cherry filling the room.

“Yes”, that sweet little angel in his arms whispered back and he nearly came then and there.

What a daughter he had been blessed with!

His hand was trembling when he pulled it out of her leggings to push it and her panties down. It was difficult to move slow, but he knew he had to. If he would be very lucky, his daughter would wake up when his cock was already deep inside her.

Breathing heavily, he rolled the fabric down her creamy skin, exposing more and more of her ass.

He had her pants halfway down her ass when he heard the door downstairs open.

Shit! His wife!

Carefully, but as fast as possible he readjusted her clothing and untangled himself from his sleeping daughter. He had just enough time to cover her with her blanket before he left the room and hurried into the bathroom to jerk off into the sink.


After the frustrating end of a rather promising start, he couldn’t wait to have another alone-time with his pregnant daughter. Unfortunately, his wife was buzzing around her almost constantly, advising her about pregnancy 24/7. Both him and Mary were sick of it. The wife didn’t notice, though, so she chirped on and on about what to eat, what to do and what not to do, etc. They rarely got to spend time alone, so both of them were very happy when they found themselves alone in the garden one night with the wife having fallen asleep on the couch.

They smiled at each other and he sat down in the comfy lounge chair. When she wanted to sit down in the other one, he held his hand out to her.

“Come sit with me, baby.”

“I’m too heavy”, Mary protested but he only snorted and pulled her down onto his lap, pulling her back against his chest. With a sigh she rested her head on his shoulder and he seized her relaxed state to slip his hand under her shirt to rub the little bump in her belly.

His baby.

“He’s far too small to have any effect on your weight, yet”, he grinned at her while he casually pulled up her top below her breasts to gaze down on her little bump.

“I guess…you think it’s going to be a boy?” she asked with a slight smile. Her lovely face was so close to his and he couldn’t resist on pressing a kiss onto her cheek.



“Just a feeling.”

He grinned at her and she kissed his cheek. Then she shifted until she sat on him fully, her ass pressing against his cock again. With her being close, it was already half-stiff.

They sat there watching the stars, both enjoying the silence. He continuously rubbed the taught little baby bump.

“That’s so nice”, she whispered and rested her forehead against his temple.

“Your mum loved it when you were on your way.”

“It’s wonderful.”

Thinking for only a second, he let his hands wander down to her jeans and opened her button. When he pulled the zipper, his daughter stiffened.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you a rub, baby” he said innocently and pushed her jeans and panties into her crotch so he could reach all of her belly.

“Just relax”, he whispered into her ear in the tone he had always used when he had come to her at night and went back to tenderly rubbing her belly. After a few seconds, she did relax and he lovingly caressed his baby growing inside his daughter.

“Boy, I wish Brian was here”, Mary admitted into the silence.

“I thought you were over him now”, he replied, trying to sound indifferent, but couldn’t quite manage.

“Oh, I am. It’s just…you know, I’m in my first trimester and, well…a man would come in handy right now.”

She let out a shy chuckle, not realizing what effect this little confession had on her father.

“I see”, he managed to answer and even could throw in a fake chuckle. But his insides were burning and his cock was swelling.

His daughter needed cock.

God, he had waited so long for this.

“I’m sorry things didn’t turn out as you hoped, baby”, he began and pressed a kiss on her neck.

“Me too”, Mary replied sadly and he seized the sadness to kiss her neck again. His lips wandered up her neck just below her earlobe to leave another kiss there.

“You must be so frustrated…” he whispered and covered her soft skin with kisses until she tilted her head to the side to allow him better access.

“You have no idea”, she joked and brushed some strands of her long hair out of her neck.

“I think I do, babygirl”, he whispered hoarsely and for the first time he opened his mouth so his tongue could taste the skin of her neck as he kissed her again.

Mary flinched and stiffened, but her daddy left more open-mouthed kisses on her neck while his big hands gently moved over her belly, soothing her.

“I wish I could help you, baby…lift the burden off you somehow, or at least make you forget it for a while…”

His clever fingers feathery traced her skin below her belly while his lips caught her earlobe.

Mary let out a surprised gasp.

“Daddy”, she gasped in shock, her mind rebelling against the mere hint in his words, while her nipples hardened. They were poking through her top already, he could see them clearly.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m here for you.”

He knew he had to be bold now. She was fighting this while her body was obviously all for her daddy pleasuring her, so he had to make sure the body would win the internal argument.

So he let his hand slide between her thighs (like it had so many, many times without her knowledge) and his knees opened her legs in the exact moment his hands slid between them and his middle and ring finger settled on her clit.

His daughter let out a shocked gasp and closed her legs, but his hand was already where it wanted to be and he could rub and tease her clit all he wanted.

“Daddy, no! Stop!” she hissed while her legs were twitching.

“Relax, baby. I’m only trying to help.”

He dipped his two fingers into her hole and she let out a little cry. With his fingertips covered in her juices they slid back up to rub it on her swelling clit.

“Just like this, baby. Lean back and enjoy. It’s good for the baby. He needs his mom happy.”

She squirmed on top of him and tried to pull his hand out of her pants, but she herself had trapped it there with her legs.

“Trust me, babygirl”, he whispered soothingly into her ear and kissed her jaw.

“Oh God”, she breathed as he pinched her clit just the way he knew drove her crazy.

“That’s right, baby. Daddy knows what you need. Open your legs for me, darling.”

His voice was a hushed order and Mary bit her lip, arching her back in a final act of protest. But his fingers were trained to please her and he had gathered enough experience in pleasing her sweet little cunt that she didn’t stand a chance.

With a high-pitched gasp and shame washing over her, Mary finally opened her legs to her father’s fingers.

“That’s my girl”, he praised her and now used his complete hand to rub her already drenched little cunt. She let out little moans that were music in his ears as he plowed through her hot slit. While he let one finger flicker swiftly over the swollen clit, he pushed up her top over her left breast and pulled down her bra to pinch her pebbled pink nipple.

“God, Daddy! No, stop…this is so wrong. You shouldn’t…”, she was whining on top of him but rolling her hips to get his fingers into her needy hole.

“Listen to your wet little cunt, baby. It doesn’t think it’s wrong. It loves daddy’s fingers. You want me to fuck you with my fingers, baby?”

She shook her head and whimpered, but spread her legs even wider.

“Say it”, he panted into her ear, his finger flicking over her clit and the wet noises it caused filling both their ears.

Mary was biting her lips and her legs were shaking. She was close, he noticed, but he wouldn’t allow her to come without begging him to fuck her. So he stopped his ministrations, his hand resting on her pussy.

Mary had a hard time opening her eyes, she was panting and squirming on top of him and hesitantly met his eyes. Oh, he could see her inner turmoil, society’s teaching condemning her for wanting her daddy to fuck her.

Teasingly, he let his fingertip circle her hard little nipple and looked into her eyes.

“Beg daddy to fingerfuck you, baby.”

Mary’s eyes widened. This wasn’t the man she knew as her daddy. This was some dark animal, toying with her before he ripped her apart.

His hand was gently moving over her cunt. The need to orgasm became unbearable. She was appalled by the situation, but her body was burning with desire for her own father.

“Please, daddy…” she heard herself whisper and another wave of shame clashed over her, “please fingerfuck me.”

She let out a surprised scream when her Daddy roughly thrust two big fingers into her tight little cunt.

“Shhh”, he chuckled as he repeatedly shoved his fingers into her, “or you’ll alert mum. And then I have to stop this.”

With every word, he fucked her slick hole with his fingers. His baby helplessly clutched the armrest of the chair and tilted her head back onto his shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut and biting down her lip while she let it all happen.

She could hear the noises her cunt were making, so wet and juicy, her own father’s fingers pushing in and out of her, squeezing the juice out of her hole. Gosh, he knew exactly how he had to move his fingers, she thought desperately, tears stinging at the corners of her eyes as wave after wave of lust rushed through her, driving her into a state of sexual frenzy she had never experienced before. She wanted to rip her clothes off her body, the fabrics feeling so rough on her sensitive skin now. She wanted to lift her legs and spread them wider so daddy could fuck her harder. She wanted to get up and run, she wanted to get up and go on all fours in front of him, she wanted to beg him to fuck her with his cock.

It was this thought which pushed her over the edge, made her cum so hard she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t help the little squeals that left her throat as she felt her cunt clench, squeezing the two fingers deep in her pussy. They were still moving, rubbing her walls and prolonging the torture of this wonderful orgasm.

So much shame mixed into the orgasm that tears started to escape her lashes. She felt so unbelievably dirty that she had enjoyed it so much, still was enjoying every little move of her father’s fingers.

“Oh, don’t cry baby. Everything’s fine. It did feel good, didn’t it?”

He wrapped his free arm around her and placed soothing kisses on her neck while she was staring into the night sky, her legs twitching still. Daddy still hadn’t removed his fingers. Now he was pushing them in and out of her slowly, in between these movements spreading her juices all over her cunt until she felt like she had wet herself.

She let it happen.

She couldn’t move. Didn’t want to move. She felt so exhausted. And ashamed. She didn’t know what to do. Her whole world had been turned upside down. Again!

Something pure and innocent had just been destroyed.

Now all she felt was shame, filth and the big fingers of her father caressing her dripping cunt.

“Is everything okay?” the voice of her mother came from the door and she froze, pure horror filling her heart. She was about to panic, but then the calm voice of her father spoke.

“Everything’s perfect, honey. We were just talking. Go back to bed. I’ll be right there.”

When he said these words, disgust washed over her. And a hot white jealousy.

Would he really just go into bed with her mother right after he had done…this to his own daughter?!

“Okay. Goodnight, Mary.”

Daddy’s fingers pushed deep into her cunt again.

“G'night”, Mary answered hoarsely and closed her eyes, more tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.

The door behind them was pulled close.

“Good girl”, her daddy praised her and slowly began to fuck her with his fingers anew.

Her pussy was still hot and throbbing and desperate for attention. Her nipples instantly pebbled when daddy pushed up her top and her bra and started to play with them. Her traitorous body craved daddy’s attention.

She gasped when he pushed a third finger into her.

“It’s okay, baby”, she listened to his whispers, “I love you. I love you so much.”

The sounds of her wet cunt being fucked hard filled the air.

“I won’t stop until you are completely satisfied. Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s here for you. Forget mum. And Brian. You’re having a baby. A beautiful little baby. You must stay healthy and happy and daddy’s gonna help you with that. I’ll make you so happy baby. I’ll be everything you need.”

A moan escaped her throat as daddy thrust his fingers into her hard.

“Now, my sweet angel, lift your butt so daddy can pull down your pants so he can fuck you better with his big fingers.”

Mary sobbed. Then she lifted her butt. Daddy pulled her pants and panties down. She shimmied out of them, the chill of the night sending goosebumps over her creamy white thighs.

After she leaned back against him, she spread her thighs again. Daddy hooked his hands into the hollow of her knees and lifted them up, hanging them over the armrests.

Mary whimpered as cool air brushed against her very open cunt.

“Daddy’s here”, he whispered into her ear before he started sucking her earlobe. Both hands were on her breasts, massaging them firmly, pinching the nipples until Mary let her head fall onto his shoulder.

“That’s right, babydoll. Stop crying. Enjoy it. I’ll make all your dreams come true. Daddy will make you come again and again tonight, sweet angel.”

She moaned. Her head was spinning from all the arousal.

The things he did to her breasts…god, her daddy knew exactly what she needed, her lust clouded mind thought, pushing her conscience further and further into the back until the shaming voice was nothing but a faint whisper.

Mary whimpered, pressing her butt against daddy’s rock hard cock, still hidden away in his pants.  

Her pussy was nothing but frustrated about it. It wanted to be filled, to be stretched apart, to be pounded hard and deep. But that last bit of sanity prevented her to beg for it.

Yet she moaned and whimpered while her father pleasured her, bent her body needily against his fingers. She may not have begged with words, but she was begging with her body.

Her naked butt was rubbing along the steel length of his cock, feeling the heat through the thin fabric of his shorts. Mary whimpered when her father pressed his cock against her harder, starting a slow rhythm. He teased her, gave her an idea what it would be like if the fabric separating their genitals would be gone and his cock free to penetrate her, soil her forever. Furthermore, he bit and sucked her neck, breathed roughly into her ear while his fingers squeezed her tits or ravished her pussy. He praised her when she came again, her pussy gushing juice. And while she was in this state of bliss, he moved her, put her legs back on the ground and pushed her upper body forward until she was bent over and her pulsating pussy pressing against his cloaked cock.

They both groaned when their genitals made contact.

Daddy pushed against the soaked cunt and gripped his daughter’s hips in case she wanted to flee. But his baby was too far gone to be reasonable anymore. He had a needy, horny little bitch on his lap now. Without having to make her she started rubbing her pussy over his rock hard length, soaking his trousers with her juice, making him feel her hot wetness through the fabric.
He helped her moving her hips, pulled her down harder and faster.
“Daddy”, she whimpered as he started to push his head into her dripping hole.
“God, Babydoll, your cunt is so hot. It’s begging me to fuck it. You want daddy to pull his cock out and destroy your cunt, you horny little bitch?”

Mary froze at his rough words, his voice sounding so foreign, strange, brutal.
“No. No I don’t want that. Let go of me!”
Before he could act, Mary was gone, leaving him standing and aching.
He leaned back in his chair, panting hard. His cock was throbbing and demanding pussy.
This wasn’t over, he thought grimly.


He only needed one week to make his daughter ache for Daddy’s cock. All it took was letting her running in on him having sex with her mother seven times. The first time, Mary stepped into the living room while he was pounding his wife hanging over the back of the couch. The second time, Mary walked into the kitchen and saw him banging her mother against the kitchen counter. Third time, her mother riding him in the pool. Fourth time, Mary spotted her daddy getting pleasured by her mother through the ajar door to their bedroom. Fifth time, him licking her mother while she clung for dear life on the edge of the bath tub. The sixth time he took his wife roughly on the washing machine. Last but not least, his wife was lying with her back on the bed and he fucked her throat while he licked her pussy.

When he noticed how his daughter was begging him with her lovely eyes, he knew she was ready.

He was certain when Mary came cuddling again in the evenings in front of the tv.

It was one of these occasions in the afternoon, both of them sitting on the couch, when he decided to end the torture. Her mother was out of the house, a rare opportunity he simply couldn’t pass up.
She was wearing grey sweatpants and a loose red bigshirt and made puppy eyes at him before she cuddled against his side and he put his arm around her so his hand was resting on the little baby puck.
Her legs were pulled up and slightly spread. He inwardly chuckled.
“How’s the baby, little one?” he casually asked and started to rub her belly.
“Good, daddy.”
“And you, doll? Are you still in heat?”
He was blunt. He was tired of being a good daddy. His girl had left him standing after he’d been so good to her. She had some making up to do.
Mary let out a little gasp. Seconds of tension passed, then she answered.
“Yes, daddy.”

“Now do you want daddy to help you?”
“Yes, please.”
She was still ashamed, he could tell. It didn’t bother him at all.
“Well, I am willing to help you”, he started and let his hand wander over her left breast, squeezing it and rubbing her nipple with his index finger. It pebbled within seconds.
Horny little girl she was.
“But only if you let daddy fuck you, babydoll. Any time he wants to.”
She let out a little whimper while he expertly pleased her breasts.
“Any time?” she breathed.
“Any time”, he repeated.

Her head fell back on his shoulder when he twisted her hard little nipple through her big shirt.

“Well? Do we have a deal?”

He pulled on her nipple until she whimpered. With heavy eyelids she nodded.

“Say it”, he insisted and let his hand wander under her shirt and into her bra, squeezing and massaging her round B-cup breast. “Say daddy can fuck you whenever he wants.”
“You can fuck me whenever you want, daddy.”
“Good girl. Now”, he sat up and pulled up her shirt and bra so her tits plopped out, “let daddy see your sweet little pussy. Are you wet, sweetie?”
She nodded and spread her legs wide. He couldn’t see properly so he put his hands into the hollows of her knees and pulled her legs toward her chest until her crotch was fairly visible, the grey spot between her long legs dark and sticking to the bulgy pussy underneath.
“Oh, you horny, horny baby.”
His mouth filled with water. He let his big fingers rub over the wet warm spot and made his daughter moan.
“Mmm, I want to lick you. Stand up and undress. Daddy wants to look at his naughty daughter.”

Hesitantly she did as she was told, feeling the hungry eyes on every inch of skin she exposed.

When it was done she stood in front of her father, squirming beneath his gaze. Her eyes went huge when he lazily stroked over the bulge in his pants.

With a grin he lay down then, still stroking.
“Come here and sit down on daddy’s face, honey.”


She bit her lip.

“You want your daddy to please you or not?” he asked impatiently.

After a second, she nodded and came to him, rubbing her little bump. Carefully, she climbed onto the couch, each leg on either side of her father’s face.
“No, like this.”

Daddy pulled her into the correct position roughly until her sopping wet cunt was right in front of his face. Her heavy scent hit his nostrils and his cock twitched.

“Oh, yes. Daddy’s missed this, baby.”

“Nothing. Spread your legs a little more, yes, that’s right.”
Then he lifted his head and let as much tongue as possible plow through the slit of his pregnant daughter.

She let out a squeal of delight.

“Oh God, daddy!”

Roughly, he gripped her ass cheeks and spread them wide as he devoured his teenage daughter’s cunt, licking and sucking up all of her juices. She came within two minutes, her hips twitching, rubbing her pink cunt over his face. He sucked her swollen clit into his mouth then and she tipped over, her breasts pressing against his throbbing cock. He pushed her off of his face and groaned.

“Pull out my cock, naughty girl.”
“Oh, daddy, I can’t…”

“Do it!”

To convince her he lifted his head and pushed his tongue into her hole. She squealed and her tight walls clenched around his tongue. Then he felt her hands on his jeans, how they fumbled with his zipper until finally, her beautiful hand curled around his cock and pulled him free. He let out a pleased growl.

“Suck it, baby. Suck daddy’s dick!”
He jerked up his hips demandingly and she moaned. First he felt her hot breath on his precum covered head, then oh lord help him her little hot mouth was on his cock, taking him in and sucking on his head. Her tongue licked off the precum hungrily.

“Like that, babydoll. Good girl. Such a good girl you are.”
Gently, he began fucking her mouth while he tongue-fucked her cunt, his hands wandering down to tease her nipples until she came again. While she quivered he pressed his face against her wet cunt, licking and sucking as hard as he could until she begged for mercy.

She was still panting and twitching when he pushed her off of him and down to floor.

Without any words he guided her between his legs and shoved his cock down her throat. He fisted his hands into her hair and showed her how he wanted to be sucked off by his little girl.

His daughter was a fast learner, bless her.

“Oh yes”, he groaned, looking down at her, “just like that. Soon, daddy will cum in your hot little mouth and fill your throat with his sperm. And you will swallow it all, won’t you, baby?”

She nodded, looking up at him with her big blue eyes and her mouth tightly wrapped around his hard length.

He growled loudly and came into her mouth, pushing his cock deep into her throat as he squirted his hot salty semen into his daughter. She choked, her throat tightening around his cock, squeezing the last bit of cum out of him.

He retreated then and his cock plopped out of her mouth. Tears stung in her eyes. He caressed her cheek and smiled.

“Such a good girl you are, babydoll. Stand up.”

He turned the fold-out couch into a bed, quickly threw a sheet over it and lay down, pulling her against him. His hands never stopped roaming her body as they cuddled, caressing and squeezing her ass cheeks, his fingertips dipping between them.

His teenage daughter was still gushing juice.

Normally, he needed at least half an hour to be ready for action again, but the hot little pussy of his daughter stirred his lust already.

He rolled her onto her back and lay on the side. Taking his time, he drank in the beautiful tight little body before him, his wet fingers playing with her nipples.

“Spread your legs for your Daddy”, he commanded and his cock stiffened when she did.

“You’re so so naughty, begging your own daddy to fuck you”, he purred, relishing in her discomfort and shame, feeling his desires fueled by them.

“Opening your legs like that, offering your dripping little cunt so shamelessly.”

She closed her eyes and blushed.

He leaned close until his lips were right next to her ear.

“You little slut. You’re daddy’s little whore now.”

She whimpered, but her legs remained open. Her lips parted when he rubbed his cock along her soft thigh.

“You will spread your legs only for daddy. You’re mine…”

He bent down and sucked his daughter’s nipple deep into his mouth.

His baby girl gasped. With his clever tongue and his suction he put her to pieces within mere minutes. The sheet underneath her ass was covered in her juices.

God, he loved how much juice she oozed.

She came when he twisted her clit between index and middle finger, but this didn’t stop him. He continued his ministrations, enjoying her wails and cries and her shaking body.

“Are you ready, princess?” he whispered hoarsely into her ear, slowly rolling her onto her side, pulling her leg to open her cunt.
Teasingly he let his cock slide through her slit, getting it all nice and wet.

“Oh God…” he heard her whisper, trembling from the sensation of feeling her daddy’s cock on her cunt for the first time (she knew of).

She stuck her butt out and rolled her hip, rubbing her cunt on his cock, moaning and whimpering from the excitement and pleasure.

This was the moment, he thought dreamily as he watched his naked daughter offering herself to him, her eyes closed and panting, her beautiful tits shaking as she moved, her nipple wet from his saliva. She was so needy, his little girl, needed his strength and guidance, needed him to dominate her, claim her little body as his.

“Beg me, baby”, he huskily whispered into her ear, “beg daddy to fuck you until your pussy is burning.”

She moaned and arched her body towards him.

“Please, daddy…please fuck me. I need you so bad.”

“Yes, you do. You’ll always need me”, he groaned and pressed a kiss to her swan neck.

And then, oh heaven, it was time.

Surprised by his own willpower, he entered his daughter’s pussy slowly, pushing his head through her folds into her sopping wet little hole.

Mary cried out loud as her father’s cock filled her completely, stretching her wider than she’d ever been stretched before.

“God, baby! You’re so tight”, her daddy groaned as he slowly started to fuck her.

His thrusts were gentle at first, but soon his hunger became unbearable. One hand wandered to her throat and gently closed around it while the one holding her leg pulled it even further to him, opening her up more and simultaneously limiting her options to move. When he draped his leg over the other, she was helpless.

Fully open and helpless. Ready to be fucked like a big girl.

Mary let out a scream as he gave one hard, deep thrust. As expected her legs tried to close, but he wouldn’t have it.

“That’s right baby. You’re pussy’s mine to fuck now.”

He thrust hard again.

She flinched and whimpered. Her little hole cramped around him.

“Don’t fight it, baby. It won’t hurt for long. I’ll make you get used to it.”

Another deep thrust. Another scream.

“Soon you’ll love it.”

Thrust. Whimper.

“Soon you’ll beg me to fuck you hard and deep, little one.”

And with no further ado, he proved his words.

He began hammering into her and within minutes her screaming and her struggling turned into moans and arching against him.

“See baby? Daddy knows what’s best for you. Never doubt me again. I said I’d make you happy and I will. I will make sure your baby stays healthy. You never need to worry again, my love.”

She came then, hard and long, squirming on his cock, milking him hard. A few more deep thrusts and he gave her his cream, let her cunt have it all.

When it was done, she started crying, her hips still rolling, still begging for more. He took her in his arms and let her spill her tears on his chest.

She was truly his now, he thought with a serene smile on his face.


As it turned out, he couldn’t go through the night without having her again. He awoke in the middle of the night, next to his wife, who had her back to him. Her full ass was sticking out of the sheets, a very alluring sight. But his cock demanded his daughter. So he silently got up, not caring to put on some clothes, and walked through the dark corridor with his hard cock bouncing, guiding the way to his daughters room. He entered, leaving the door ajar. He was so horny that he didn’t care to close it, his hunger dulling his mind. When he had reached her bed he threw the blanket off, revealing his daughter in her cute green nighty, sleeping like an angel in her small bed. Memories flashed in front of his eyes of their nights together, the countless of times he had made her come without her even knowing. Well, those days were behind them now. She would remember every orgasm her daddy would give her.

Impatiently he rolled her on her back and pulled down her panties. She stirred in her sleep, but he had enough time to join her on the bed and push her legs apart. His head was buried between her thighs and his tongue was pushing in and out of her tight hole when she finally woke up.

Not being used to be awake for her father’s attack she jolted up, pressing her legs painfully against his head.

“Oh God! Daddy?!”

With an angry growl he pushed her back down on the mattress. His tongue darted into her hole. Her head fell back on her pillow and a gasp left her full lips.

“Daddy, no!” she whined and her hand tried to push his head away. “Mum’s here! Ah! God, please stop!”

The flicks of his tongue told her soundly how wet she already was again. Her pussy was insatiable.

“Not now! Please, daddy! Please…ahh…not now…Mum…we can’t.”

She kept pressing her legs together. Even though he loved a little struggling, this was not the time. He was hungry and needed to fuck his girl.

With another displeased growl he lifted his head and grabbed her leg, turned her around far enough so he could plant a rough slap on her bare ass. She whimpered.

“Quiet! What did I tell you today?” he breathed into her ear, his weight on top of her now, his hand fisted in her hair.

“I told you I know exactly what you need. I told you not to fight me. I told you to obey. And you agreed.”

“Not with Mum in the house!” she protested, her traitorous hips rolling, pushing her wet cunt against his cock.

“You said any time! And I want you now, baby. I want you so much. And your pussy needs me. She’s hungry for daddy’s cock and daddy’s cock needs to fill your tight little hole.”

“But what about Mum?”

“The longer you argue with me, the longer we will need and the risk of being discovered will increase. Do you understand?”

The arousing scent of his daughter was making him more and more impatient. A part of him wanted to give her a good hard spanking for making him wait. His big hand closed around her breast, squeezed and pulled at it, the index finger flicking over the hardened nipple.

His little girl moaned and her soft body writhed against him.

“Would you rather I go to mummy? Do you want me to fuck her instead of you, baby?”


Oh, how fast she answered, desperate one. He smirked into her neck.

“Then be a good girl and open your legs for daddy. Let daddy fuck you until we’re both satisfied.”

A few heart beats, a few deep breaths of his daughter. Then, the pressure of her legs against his hips stopped and he felt how she spread them, spread them far.

“Good girl”, he praised her and placed rewarding kisses on her neck and shoulder. Then he lifted himself up, just enough to look into her face and let his cock glide through her wet slit.

“How wet you are, baby. I almost think you like having mummy in the house while daddy puts his cock inside of you.”

He grinned at her shocked face.

“No!” she whispered.

“No? Pull up your nighty. Daddy wants to look at your pretty tits.”

She gulped, but followed his orders.

“Hmm, good girl. God, I love your sweet perky breasts.”

To prove his words he lowered his head and licked and suckled at each of them until her breath was ragged.

“And I love your cute little baby bump” he continued, stemming his legs into the mattress so his wet cock could rub over the small swelling of her belly. Mary moaned.

“You like that, sweetie? You like daddy rubbing his cock over your baby belly, covering it in pussy juice?”

She moaned again and nodded. So he repeated the action until his daughter’s fingers clawed into his upper arms.

“Daddy…daddy, please…”

He had to bite his lips not to moan. Hearing her beg was so fucking sexy.

“What, baby?” he asked hoarsely, circling the head of his cock along the baby bump.

“Please…fuck me.”

He chuckled. She had still trouble saying it. Adorable.

“What? Right now? With your mummy in the next room? You naughty, naughty little girl.”

Mary closed her eyes in shame, but he wouldn’t have it. He ceased the opportunity and kissed her, the tip of his tongue licking her lips until she opened her mouth to let it in.

She sighed into his mouth when their tongues tangled and slung her arms around his shoulders.

Now he really couldn’t wait any more. Quickly he reached between their bodies and grabbed his throbbing cock and guided it to her entrance.

He entered her tight pussy with a hard thrust and swallowed her outcry.

“That’s for making me wait”, he mumbled against her lips before claiming them again and began fucking her with deep, hard thrusts. The sounds of their skin slapping together and the slight squeaking of her bed filled the room and traveled into the corridor.

The thought of his wife watching him fucking their daughter made him groan and he leaned back into a kneeling position. Grabbing her legs he pounded her even harder, his eyes fixed on the bouncing little tits of his daughter.

She clung to the headboard and had her face pressed into the pillow next to her to swallow her cries and moans.

He loved seeing her like this, lost between pain and pleasure. To intensify the torture his thumb began rubbing her swollen clit. It pushed her over the edge in no time and he couldn’t help but grin proudly when his baby girl was shaking from a violent orgasm.

Having satisfied her, it was time to get his own. He pressed his hands on her tits and leaned forward, pressing her into the mattress and fucking her as hard and fast as he could. She lifted her head, her eyes wide, her mouth opened to a silent scream.

With a loud grunt, he came at this lovely sight. He shoved every drop of his cum deep into her occupied womb.

When he finally stopped thrusting into her, she collapsed into the sheets.

Little sobs filled the room.

“That’s right, baby, let it all out”, he just said, his hands roaming over her body, caressing her breasts, belly and hips.

They were still united and he could feel her pussy pulsate and clench.

“Soon, the pain will be gone and you’ll love it. You already do a bit, don’t you, baby doll? Love your pussy burning like that, the juices gushing out of your hot little hole.”

God, her clenching pussy was making him hard again. His hips began to move.

“Oh god, baby…”, he grunted, “your pussy is so fucking thirsty.”

She looked at him and he saw her wet cheeks.

“It’ll hurt more now, but I know you want it. I know you want the pain, baby.”

He licked the tears off her cheeks, the salty warm taste sending a jolt to his cock and he thrust into her, making her whimper.

He hummed and kissed her, letting his hands wander under her body, curling around her ass cheeks until his index finger touched her tiny hole.

“I will put my finger up your ass now, baby. Don’t worry, it will feel fantastic. Remember, your daddy knows best what you need. Before you know you will cum on daddy’s cock again.”

He listened to her gasps and whimpers while he pushed against her muscle, all wet from her juice and his cum. When he pushed the tip of his finger inside, her fingers clawed into his shoulders.

“Oh, you really love that, don’t you?”

He began fucking both her cunt and ass now, one with his throbbing cock and the other with the length of his index finger. His little daughter was a mess beneath him, scratching his back, panting into his ear and lifting her hips to meet his thrusts.

“Oh god, daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”

“I know, baby. Let go. Let daddy make you happy, baby doll!”

And she did. She was clinging to him while he fucked her harder and harder, making her cum on his cock and finger twice before he reached another peak and squirted his semen into her womb.

His baby was lying beneath him, still panting hard, her long legs dangling from the bed, her hands beside her head. He was still kneeling between her legs, his finally soft cock resting on her baby bump. His hands were still caressing her, roaming over his possession as he pleased, teasing her nipples, pinching them, massaging her breasts until he was satisfied. Then he left her, his cum oozing out of her sore pussy and sticking to her belly, wishing her a good sleep with a kiss on her forehead.

He didn’t clean up before he climbed into his marital bed, put the blanket over him and closed his eyes, a serene smile on his face.

Tags: Daddy x daughter, incest story, piercings, sex in bed while mother sleeps, missionary, bareback, cream pie


For weeks he was looking forward to have his sweet little girl back home. After her first term at college, she’d finally be back. The house is way too quiet without her. He missed her sweet voice, her laughter coming from upstairs, the scent of her strawberry shampoo lingering in the bathroom after she showered. He even missed her clothes strewn around the entire house and the loud music.

He had been so looking forward to her coming home that he hadn’t considered that college might have changed her. So how great is his shock now, as he’s staring at this young woman with her curled blonde hair, the make-up, the tight fitting clothes…and the four little nubs poking through her top. 

He can’t stop staring at her pierced nipples, so shamelessly visible through the red shirt.

What happened to his little baby?!

According to the stories she tells her mother, she is growing up. Parties, booze, boys…she’s tried it all in that first half year.

“College is so great. I met the coolest people there! And the cutest boy!”

Ugh. He doesn’t want to hear this! His girl is sexually active. He wants to puke.

He wants to leave, but his eyes are glued to her bobbing small breasts and those piercings.

He can’t stop staring at them for the duration of her stay. At breakfast, on their walks through the woods behind their house, through visits to the rest of their family, at every damn meal they take together.

Every time she hugs him he can feel these disgusting metallic balls pressing against his chest. He hates these piercings and what they stand for.

And he hates that he can’t getting them the fuck out of his head.

And he hates most that he starts finding them…sexy.

He begins imagining them on his wife as he fucks her at night - more often than usual - sucking on her fat nipples wishing there was another taste in his mouth.

So, on Classic Movie Night - a tradition they held up since Zoe had been a little girl -, this weird obsession made him snap.

The three of them are snuggled up in their bed, watching Rock Hudson once again fall in love with Doris Day, and his wife has fallen asleep. She is coming down with a cold, so she drank a lot of cough syrup to get her to sleep.

Zoe is lying between them, dozing off. Unfortunately he only noticed when the bowl of popcorn she is holding slips out of her hands and tips over, the popcorn falling out. Hastily, he grabs the bowl and puts them on his nightstand, picking the popcorn off of his child one by one, pushing down the blanket to get all of them.

That’s when those blasted little balls are catching his attention again. She’s wearing a thin cotton pyjama top and neon pink panties. At least some things haven’t changed, he thinks with a smile as he looks at those panties…and the visible, puffy slit between her creamy thighs.

Fuck. He is really losing his shit.

Putting the rest of the popcorn into the bowl he lowers the volume of the tv and leans back, watching the romantic chaos of the movie commence.

At some point, Zoe sighed in her sleep and snuggled further into the cushions. Her pyjama top runs up and twists tight around her body - making those piercing stick out even more. Those pierchings and those perky little tits.


He really wants to see what they look like. Not her breasts, of course, that would be sick, but the pierced nipples. Of course by now he’s looked at tons of pics online and has seen them in porn, but he’s never seen some in real life.

He bites his lips. Stares. Watches the move. Stares again.

Zoe starts snoring a little, a cute, girly snore.

Fuck, she’s so cute.

No wonder all the boys at campus want to fuck her.

Woah! Where did that come from?

He gulps and watches the movie. For a while.

After what feels like half an hour and his girls are still sleeping - and his cock his throbbing in his boxers, whispering bad, bad words at him - he throws caution to the wind.

Just a quick look, he tells himself and carefully shifts on the bed until he’s hovering over his daughter, his hands starting to unbutton her pyjama.

Damn. It shouldn’t be so easy, he can’t help but think. His heart is pounding against his chest, yet nothing happens. Zoe doesn’t stir. His wife doesn’t wake.

So within seconds, his daughter’s little tits are exposed to his curious eyes.

Oh. Oh man.

His daddy cock hardens fast and thick.

Pink, pale litlte nipples, pierced by two sticks with two little balls each at their ends.

Fuck. So sexy.

Before he knows, his hand his pulling at his cock.

Before he knows, his tongue is giving one pierced nipple and experimental lick. Then a flick. Then a slow, lazy circle. His mouth closes around and metal and suckles. Moans against the wet flesh and pumps his cock.

The metallic taste is awesome…but nothing in comparison with the taste of his daughter. Even though she doesn’t wear bright colored clothes with cartoon characters or fruit on them, even though she doesn’t wear that sweet girl perfume and the strawberry shampoo anymore, her skin tastes so fucking sweet that he just can’t stop licking it.

He lets her nipple plop out his mouth rather loudly, not giving a shit, and leans over to suckle at the other.

With his wife right next to him.


His cock really loves this perverse situation.

His meat is hard and weeping and he has to pull it and his balls out of his boxers, the confinement killing him.

Just in that moment, as the cool breeze hits his junk, his baby sighs and her legs fall open. For her pervert daddy to rub his cock on her slit, his high on his daughter’s taste mind thinking.

With one glance over to his wife, who is thankfully lying on her side with her back to them, he ever so carefully moves above her, his knees gently spreading her thighs until he fits between them.

Looking into the serene face of the girl he sired 19 years ago, he lowered himself onto her until his cockhead rubbed against that hot, puffy slit. He had to take her nipple into his mouth again to stifle his moan.

His pre-cum is leaking onto her panties, creaming them up nice as his tongue plays with the little balls and her wet little nipple.

Her slit is wet by now, the panties soaked enough so he can feel those puffy lips engulf his shaft.

The sausage is in the bun, he thinks with an inward snicker.

He briefly, somewhere in the fog of arousal, he wonders why she doesn’t wake up. He’s almost fucking her now, his mouth not suckling gently anymore.

What does wake her in the end is the orgasm her dry-humping daddy gives her.

She arches against him in her sleep, that sweet pussy gushing out juice, ruining her panties for good, and as he grunts against her tittie, her eyes fly open only to fly shut again a second later as she rides her climax, making the cutest noises.

His daddy instincts finally kick in and he lies down on top of her, between her legs, and holds her trembling body, kissing her cheeks and the tip of her nose.

“It’s all fine, baby. Shhh.”

Her arms come around him and her legs relax, falling open again. The signal for his hips to recommence rolling.

“Daddy…what are you doing?” his baby whispers helplessly, her hot went cunt still clenching.

“Sorry, baby. I just wanted to see your piercings…and things kind of got out of hand…”

To prove his point he bends down to suckle her wet nipple once more. She gasps and arches against him. Her body is hot, trembling - willing.

Not satisfied.

“Are you angry with me?” he asks sweetly, looking up from her little tit, letting his tongue flicker across her nipple when she looks at him.

Her big brown eyes fly to her mother. He switches to her other tit and suckles that, too.

Zoe moans way too loudly.

“Shh, baby.”

He crawls up her body holding eye contact, kissing her lips. Rolls his hips, pushing his sausage through her soaked bun.

She moans into his mouth.

Suddenly they are french kissing. Only for a few, sweet seconds, though.

“No, Daddy”, Zoe moans, throwing her head back as her father’s cock plows through her slit once more.

Daddy seizes the opportunity to kiss and suck on her neck.

“Stoop”, she moans helplessly.

Apparently, his daughter is one of those girls who says no but means yes, for as soon as she says it her legs rise and her feet land on his ass, her toes curling into his cheeks.

“Just a little more, baby”, he whispers into her ear, her pierced nipples scratching his chest in the best way possible. “I want to come.”

She moans at that, pressing his ass against her. Happily he obliges and presses his cock against her slit.

“Maybe make you come again?” he asks, lips brushing along her neck before he looks at her. 

After a second of hesitation, Zoe actually smiles, bites her plush bottom lip and nods.

Green light from his own daughter. Fucking hell.

“My dirty little girl”, he pants into her ear as he thrusts against her panty-clad cunt. The mattress is shaking now. “My dirty little girl with her pierced, pink nipples.”

He bends down and sucks at her nipple again. Zoe lets him. Lets her arms fall onto the mattress and hands her body over to her greedy daddy.

Shamelessly he takes advantage, sucking those cute nipples until they are raw and his spit is running down her lovely little hills. It makes her come again and squeals so loud he hastily silences her with a hand clamping over her mouth.

They look into each other’s glazed over eyes and as she rides her second orgams, her tongue licks his palm.

“Good girl”, he pants a praise - and shoves two big fingers into her mouth.

Instantly she sucks, like the good little slut she is, her eyes glued to his. He fucks her mouth with his fingers while his cock thrusts agains her pussy. Against her. Not into it.

Fuck. He wants to go all the way.

He wants to fuck his own daughter.

With a groan he lifts his hips, squeezing his eyes shut, realizing how fucked up this is, how crazy they both are.

He has to calm the fuck down, clear his head before he’ll make a big mistake and rapes his own-

A surprised grunt leaves his throat as her two hands curl around his pre-cum soaked cock.

Sucking on his fingers, she is rubbing his fat, throbbing cock. Moans against his fingers.

That’s all the permission is insane mind needs.

Hastily he reaches down, digs his fingers into the wet crotch and pulls those fucking panties aside so he can slam his fucking cock into his fucking daughter’s cunt.

She groans against his fingers, he groans against her little tit.

Fuck, that cunt is fucking perfect, a tight wet hole that tries to suck that daddy meat deeper inside her.

In the furthest corners of his mind he’s aware that he can’t fuck that cunt like he wants to, the shape of his wife a blurry outline on the left side of his field of vision. So he fucks her slow and deep, letting her massage and suck at him as he sucks at every patch of sweet skin he can reach.

Barely a minute is he able to plow that teenage slit, then she is coming yet again and that wet hot hole is sucking and clenching around him so hard he’s nearly coming, as well. Which he should, to end this crazyness, but he fights that orgasm with all his strength, refusing to leave his daughter’s bun any time soon.

“Good girl”, he praises her with a lazy smile, his cock buried inside her all the way, his pubic hair soiled with her thick honey.

Patiently he waits, the orgasm lasting forever, kissing her sweetly as he waits for her cunt to let go of him enough to let him move.

Finally, she opens her eyes, bright and sparkling, her cheeks glowing.

“Again?” he asks cheekily and she bites her lip, giggling. They both glance to the side, then they are snogging and he is fucking her gushing cunt a little harder.

Oh, she really loves that.

She leans up and suck at his throat, his clavicle, bites into his hairy chest. He in turn bites her breasts, bites into her metallic little ball and pulls until she gasps and arches against her daddy.

“Daddy”, she hums, “I’m close again.”

“Your pussy is so juicy, baby. Coming so much for her daddy.”

“It’s your cock”, she pouts up at him, looking so fucking cute, “it’s so big and hard and feels so good.”

He can’t help but chuckle. “Do the boys you hook up it really fall for that?”

She blushes and smirks. “Usually.”

He shakes his head and kisses those naughty lips.

“Slut”, he purrs.

“Perv”, she purrs back and they snog and fuck until she comes yet again.

Boy, he could really get used to that greedy little pussy pumping at him.

Maybe he will, he thinks dreamily as he hands himself over to the pleasure and lets go, shamelessly shooting his big load into his daughter.

The best feeling in the world.

He grunts and groans against her neck, pushing, filling her up good, making her cling and claw at him.

“This is how you should get stuffed”, he purrs into her ear, still pushing in and out of her.

“Don’t stop”, she hummed, her pussy overflowing by now, her father’s cum running down her asshole onto the sheets.

“Better keep him hard, then, little slut.”

She did. Massaged his half-hard cock back to full attention, filling his balls with another load of cum.

Hours they spent fucking in his marital bed, his wife stirring a few times but never waking.

Undoubtedly, it was the fuck of his life. Four fucking times did he spill inside his baby girl, making her come many more times along the way. By the time he finally pulls out of that heavenly teen puss, she is a panting, purring mess.

Admittedly, he isn’tt fairing much better. His body is slick with sweat from head to toe, his heart is pounding so hard against his ribcage he fears he might get a heart attack. He rolls onto his back, enjoying the thick mix of pussy juice and cum sticking to his cock and balls and stars up the ceiling, feeling just great.

He only feels better when his daughter snuggels up against him, purring into his chest and sucking on his nipple.

“More”, she whispers and nips at his little brown nub.

He chuckles and grabs her cute little ass, wet with cum.

“Enough for now, baby. Mom is going out with her friends tomorrow night, then I’ll fuck you some more, okay?”

“Okay”, she says happily.

They almost fall asleep with the traces of their sin sticking to their bodies. They almost don’t care, but in the end decide to clean themselves and part for the night.

Tomorrow though…

Disney porn (now re-directing to my new blog lizzysdisneykink):

A haunting scent (Beauty and the Beast, Belle/Beast)

Colourful clams (Ariel, Ariel/sisters)

Fatal boredom (Beauty and the Beast, Belle/OC)

His reward (Snow White, Snow White/7 Dwarfs)

Learning how to fly (Peter Pan, Peter/Wendy)

Revenge(Aladdin, Jasmine/Jafar, pic)

Scissoring sisters (Frozen, Anna/Elsa)

The Clan Chief’s secret (Merida/brothers)
Part I,  Part II

The Insatiable Queen (Atlantis, Kida/Milo)

The right of the first night (Mulan, Mulan/Emperor, pic)

Truly savage (Tarzan, Tarzan/Jane)

Tags: incest, daddy/daughter, missionary, defloration, bareback, creampie, resolved sexual tension, a belated Christmas gift from me to you

You know those big families who come together every Christmas only to fight and bitch at each other the entire holidays?

Yeah, my family is one of those.

Every year all of us come running from every corner of the country to spend the Christmas week at my grandparents’ big house in the middle of nowhere, with nothing else to do but spending time with each other. Since I can remember there hasn’t been one Christmas without at least three people crying, not including my siblings and cousins. I never understood why they do this to themselves. No ones happy here, despite of the beautiful house. My grandmother is constantly complaining that no one is helping her, only to nag at the people who then go help her that they are doing it wrong.

My grandfather pretty much looks down on everyone, never letting an opportunity go to tell his children and occasionally their spouses how disappointed he is, that they should have done more with their lives, bla bla bla. I’m sure most of you know what I’m talking about.

And instead of my father and his five siblings sticking together, no, they bitch at each other as well.

When we were children it didn’t bother me that much, for we were playing most of the time when the drama happened.

But I’m 19 now. I look out of the window longingly as my younger cousins, nieces and nephews are running around in the snow, throwing snowballs and building a snow man while my father is snapping at his sisters. My oldest brother is outside supervising the children and throws me a knowing smirk as he waves. I wave back with a fake smile before I give him the finger.

„Mia!“ does my father shout instantly. For a man who just called his sister a bitch he is surprisingly strict with a harmless hand sign. I tell him that. His dark eyes grow even darker and his straight jaw clenches. His firm chest is heaving. Oh, his sisters have riled him up good.

„Go help your mother“, he growls and storms out of the living room to a destination unknown. Meh, my grandma will find him eventually and tell him how rude he is for not helping his dad.

The rest of the day the house is filled with noises, shouting and snapping, bitching and fighting. In between there is some shrill childrens laughter. The air is filled with frustration and aggression and it’s no surprise that soon I’m just as aggressive as thre rest of them.

Dad, god, it seems like he seeks me out all day. Wherever I go he shows up, snapping at me for the most ridiculous things. But I’m not a child anymore. I snap right back. I know that man as well as myself, I know what makes his blood boil and unlike mom, I’m not afraid to go there.

And I get him there.

Listen, my father is not a violent man, but he’s strong and when he’s really, really angry, he is frightening. When I was five or six, I saw him punch a hole in kitchen wall. Mom and dad fought a lot back then. Then they went to couples therapy and it got better, ten good years did they have before it went downhill again. I’m not sure why that is. All I know is that they aren’t happy. But instead of shouting and yelling at each other, they part when they are angry with each other.

Honestly, I think it would be better if they did yell and shout at each other, get whatever has come between them again out. Or just divorce. My youngest sister is 15, but hey, she’ll survive it. I think it would be easier if we had divorced but happy parents instead of married, unhappy parents.

But hey, what do I know?

Anyway, I’m not backing down. If dad wants a fight, he fucking well can have a fight. I hit below the belt until he grips my hair and roughly pulls me to him. We’re in the hallway to the living room, the children squealing and shouting with some game they’re playing, but all of that noise is drowned out as my father’s black eyes stare at me. In one hot flash my body heats up and as my fingers claw into his firm chest, my panties fill with honey and my nipples harden. It all happens so fast my head is swimming, and it ends even faster. Mom calls me and Dad immediately lets me go, looking away from me, breathing hard.

I blink and stumble away, so confused and a little frightened.


Since we’re such a big family and there are ‘only’ four guest rooms, every year the adults draw straws for those rooms. Even though I’m adult now, I’m not allow to draw. So I’m condemned to spend the night with the cousins, nieces and nephews. Which isn’t that bad, as it turns out. I help building them a big fort between the couches and actually enjoy myself once I get the wild bunch under control. I’m fucking proud of myself when I have them in their pyjamas and tugged in on their mattresses. After I switched off the lights and lay down on my own mattress behind the parker lounger in the corner, hushed chatter and giggles are coming from the fort. But I don’t mind. It’s a Christmas sleepover. Bed time stories are the best part of it, anyway. And if they play doctor, whatever. It’s not that we never did it when we were little. It’s all part of growing up.

For a while I listen to them, then I stare out the window and think back on our own sleepovers when uncle Thomas and aunt Ada watched over us. We had our own fort and played our own games, some of them harmless, some of them naughty, all of them innocent. Which makes me marvel about sex in general and wonder at which point those harmless games turn into something complicated.

Eventually, all falls quiet in the large living room. After such a noisy day, the silence in the house feels like bliss and I stay awake to enjoy it some more before the next day comes and it all starts again.

Suddenly, a shadow standing over me. I know his shape, of course. Instantly, my blood heats up. My body knows what he has come for before my brain does.

And I realize that this is what all our fighting has been about. Not just today. For months we’ve fought it.

Have I fought it?

No, I realize with a shock. One word from him and I would have. Gladly. God, so gladly. Daddy…

Now, he’s here. Has given up fighting. Giving in. It has been inevitable, I know that now.

That one second in the hallway. I have seen it all in his eyes. How much he wants me.

I pull my blanket off of me and daddy goes down on his knees. Only the light of the moon and stars illuminate the room, but I can see his hungry eyes and the bulge in his black sweats.

It will happen. No way back now.

With a pounding heart I pull off my panties. Daddy pulls his sweats down his firm ass. His cock springs free and I see it dangle in the moonlight as he crawls on top of me. His knees spread my legs and his mouth brushes over mine as he grabs himself. I gasp as I feel his hot cockhead push between my folds, hear them open with a smack.

I’m wet for my daddy, so wet.

There isn’t foreplay. Not a word, not one kiss. His black eyes stare down at me as he deflowers me with one slow push.

There is pain. I gasp into his open mouth. Still no word. But a kiss at the corner of my mouth as he waits for my body to relax.

I stare out of the window as I feel my body, his weight on top of me, his cock inside of me. He’s so fucking big and hot. I can feel him throb inside me, feel his blood rush through his veins.

As soon as I pull my legs to my body, he starts fucking me. Pulls the strap of my nightie down and grabs my B-cup tit. Fucks me deeper. Pants into my open mouth. Lifts himself up on his hands and looks down at me as fucks me harder. Pulls the other strap down, stares at my breasts. Looks at his cock fucking into his daughter.

He’s still wearing his long-sleeved black shirt, so I pull it up for him. He fucks his entire length into me with every thrust.

We try to be quiet, but there is heavy breathing, our hips slapping together and my wet, wet pussy.

The smacking sounds are so loud I wonder that it doesn’t wake the entire house. Not if I would care if that was the case.

I think daddy wouldn’t, either.

He needs this so bad. I can feel it in his cock, in every thrust, in the heat of his gaze. He needs to fuck his daughter – and I need to get fucked by my father.

He bends down again and I pull up his cotton shirt, need to feel his hot skin and chest hair. Hastily I push down my nightie, next. Yes, yes, skin on skin.

Daddy presses his cheek against mine and thrust in all the way. One hard, oh so good thrust. He holds it there, lets me feel his girth and length and in that moment I fall in love with him so hard it takes my breath away.

I want him. I need him. Now. Tomorrow. Forever.

I’m hesitant because daddy’s been so cold, but then I hug him, let my curious hands roam his warm, muscular back. When I grab his butt cheeks, daddy starts circling his hips. In the depths of me he explores, feels my wet walls with his throbbing cock. It feels so fucking good. I want his cock in me all the time.

That’s when I kiss him. In the dark I find his lips, my mouth brushing over his slightly stubbled cheek before it touches these warm, ever so soft lips. When he jerks back my heart is breaking.

No, I think in protest, you won’t fuck me like a whore. I’m your daughter, your girl, your baby.

I cup his cheeks and kiss him again, dig my nails into his jaw until he parts his lips for my tongue.

It slips into his mouth and he thrusts into me again. I’m in heaven when his tongue licks mine, so smooth, warm and wet.

He is my lover now. My man. Mine.

He fucks me again, hard, rhythmical thrusts that stretch me far and fast. Daddy grabs my long brown hair and frenches me passionately, his tongue moving deep and teasingly slow, such an enticing contrast to his fast fucking hips.

It’s so good, so amazing, so fucking wonderful. My pussy is burning and stretched so far, but I never want him to stop fucking me wet little pussy. Unfortunately, a few minutes later, Daddy breaks the kiss, buries his face in my neck and fucks his cock into me almost brutally before he seals my hole and shoots his load deep into my unprotected womb.

The best feeling the world.

For a long moment he remains just like this, his weight heavy on top of me, little tremors shaking his body as he shoots a bit more into his girl. After he calmed down he lifts himself up a little, looks at me and pulls out. I feel his seed running out of me down my anus and onto the sheets. My pussy and ass feel so fucking wet, a mixture of semen, virgin blood and pussy juice.

When Daddy doesn’t move, his panting mouth brushing over mine, I understand. With a gentle kiss I reach between our bodies. His cock is hot, wet and still hard when I grab it, guide it back to my hole.

Daddy doesn’t need more than that, pushes into me gently and recommences to fuck me.

„Mimi“, he whispers his first words into my ear and strokes my cheek with his thumb, giving me two deep thrusts.

„Daddy“, I whisper back and pull him as close to me as possible.

„David“, he whispers, „please.“

But I shake my head and turn my head to look at him. „You’re my daddy and I will call you nothing else…Daddy.“

He groans and kisses me slow and deep. „Baby…Mia…my sweet little Mimi.“

We make love as long as Daddy’s cock allows us to. By the time it softens for good my pussy is fucking hurting, but I don’t mind the pain, since she has come several times and his overflowing with semen.

The sky is turning grey when Daddy pulls out of me for the last time.

„Don’t go“, I beg and before he can lift himself off of me, I wrap my arms around his back.

„Mimi…“, comes his half-hearted protest. One look into my eyes and his dark ones soften. With a loving, lingering kiss he rolls off of me. We straighten our clothes and I am fighting tears, silently preparing for the goodbye when he surprises me by draping the blanket over both of us and pulling me into my arms.

And then my daddy smiles at me like he hasn’t done in years. It makes me smile right back at him.

Happy as can be I snuggle against him and almost instantly we both pass out, coming to it again when the children’s laughter wakes us. Uncle Thomas walks in to silence the bunch and I look up at daddy, but he simply smiles and brushes a strand out of my hair.

When he bends down to french kiss me while the others are still in the room I know that he wants to be together as much as I do. That we will be together, that we will fight all the odds.

My daddy is my lover now. My man. Mine.

I love Christmas.

If you’re looking for dirty stories that get you wet/hard, you’ve come to the right post. Here I list all my stories, sorted by kink.

This will be updated/edited. I will put new stories in bold.

Update: 12-08-18


A Daddy’s love(daddy/two daughters)

Ripe(grandfather/granddaughter, two brothers/sister)

Age gap porn / incest:

A daughter’s urges(Daddy/daughter)

A nightly visit (grandfather/granddaughter, second part of “Waking grandpa”)

Benny(old m/young f, gif)

Breaking the pattern (old m/young f)

Broken arms and a wet cunt(Daddy/daughter)

Butter her up (Daddy/daughter, gif)

Family barbecue (grandfather/granddaughter, male relatives/teen)

Father’s Day² (Daddy/daughter, gif)

First Heat(Daddy/daughter)

Funded by grandpa(grandfather/granddaughter)

Got Milk?(Daddy/daughter)

Insomnia(incest, grandfather/granddaughter, non-con play)

Journal of Sin: Christmas with Daddy (Part 1/?) (daddy/daughter)

Journal of Sin: Longing for Daddy (Part 2/?) (daddy/daughter)

Journal of Sin: Hurting Daddy (Part 3/?) (daddy/daughter, old guy/teen girl)


Meiko - Human doll(doctor/patient)

Mine (Daddy/daughter, dubcon)

Ravishing the angel (Daddy/daughtger, sleep fuck aka non-con)

Sauna duty(grandfather/granddaughter)

Space breeding(grandfather/father/daughter)

Spiritual Guidance (2 Grandfathers/granddaughter)

Training session(daddy/daughter)

Waking Grandpa (Grandfather/granddaughter)

Watched by grandpa(Grandfather/granddaughter)

What a holiday (Grandfather/granddaughter, dubcon)

Best fucking Christmas ever (Incest, Daddy/2 daughters, gif)

Christmas morning (Incest, Daddy/daughter, gif)


The highest bidder (brother x sister)

Drugged (brother x sister, dub-con)

Christmas Gift (Incest, Brother/Sister, gif)

Sweet revenge (Incest, Brother/Sister, link to vid)

Untitled short (Incest, Brother/Sister, gif)
