#how did we come to this


I haven’t been here in ages but I desperately need a place to rant right now. This is gonna be long, I’m sorry but I need to get this off my chest. 

So, Bellamy Blake
This doesn’t make any fucking sense to me. Nothing about this entire season makes sense, but what happened in 7x13? That I just can’t get past. I genuinely can’t believe that the writers room thought that scene out, wrote it and then was like “yeah this is a good way to kill off the male lead who’s been with us since day one”. It makes zero sense that it is a thing that actually happened. I set the bar so low for them and stillthey manage to achieve a level of shitty, spiteful, senseless and absolutely horrible writing. And it’s not like I was convinced that Bellamy wasn’t gonna die, because deep down we all knew that in some way he was gonna leave us, and I would have been okay with that with time, but not even in my worst nightmares I expected this bullshit to happen on my screen. And I’m mad, I’m so mad right now because I never thought I would come to hate one of my favorite shows in the entire universe. It just doesn’t make sense to me, I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that one of my fav characters is gone just like that, it completely clashes with everything that has happened and has been said in the past six seasons. He died in the worst way EVER, because I’ve never in my entire life witnessed such a horrendous death, killed by one of the people that meant most to him, a person he trusted, that he loved and took care of, and stood with, he died convinced all of his friends hated him, he died without any kind of redemption, without saying goodbye to his sister, he died on another planet, completely alone and abandoned by all of the people he considered his family. And the worst thing is that we saw nothing of him in season 7, he disappeared for most of it and when he got back they made sure he would be villainized, they isolated him and made everyone turn their backs on him without a second thought, without even trying to understand his point, his fears, his story. And then, 3 episodes after getting him back he’s brutally killed, just like that, over a book Clarke didn’t even get. And I know it’s more than just a book and that she wanted to protect Madi, and I absolutely don’t blame her for putting her daughter first, but that scene could have gone in like a thousand different ways, and still, she chose to shoot him, TO DEATH. She could have shot the disciples, and then him in the leg to get the book, I really don’t know, she could have done a million things to prevent literally killing one of the people she was closest with, and still she didn’t, and STILL she left that damn book there. This was just so fucking unnecessary and let me add, so out of character for her. I don’t care, the real Clarke would never ever do that, she couldn’t kill him to save the human race in s4, and I don’t believe for a minute that she would actually do that now, despite the betrayal she could be feeling over her best friend acting like that, she would never do that without thinking of another solution first. And that’s all on Jason’s spiteful ass, this is just a slap in the face of the fans who supported his show through the years no matter what. I knew he loved doing things just to spite us, just to make us feel bad and angry, but this is on another level. He literally killed off Bellamy, ruined one of the most beautiful and developed relationships ever and ruined his show in the matter of 10 seconds because he needed to make a stand and show that it’s his show so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. I still don’t get and will never get Jason’s need to cut Bellamy off like that, but what I know is that this horrible, dumb storyline they gave to the male lead is just because of his private matters with Bob, and that simply shows how disrespectful and unprofessional he is. I don’t give a fuck what their problem was, when you are on set, when you are working on your damn show, you put your differences aside, you try to make the best out of it, for you own sake, for the sake of the content you put out, you don’t just throw away an entire character, his development and his relationships because you are petty. That’s not how things work, but it’s exactly what jason did anyway, and for that I will never forgive him. He really managed to ruin his own show, everyone will literally remember the 100 for this, for his pettiness, for his constant need to bait and then let down the fans; looking back, despite all the fond memories I have of this show, my mind will always go there first. I’m just so ashamed, I feel so disappointed and so emotionally drained like “why did I spend so many years investing my energy in THIS?” and that’s the worst feeling ever in regards to a show, it just means that the story failed. I’ve never regretted watching anything before, even when things got bad and out of control, and now I just kinda wish I never put myself through this in the first place. I’m so sorry for what it has become, I’m so sorry for the cast who worked so hard for this last season to be a complete mess only because a childish, petty, ridiculous show runner made the dumbest decisions ever, turning his own product into a fucking joke of a show, solely to concentrate on a prequel project that’s not even assured to be picked up, solely to get revenge on his lead for who knows what fight they had in the past. But most of all, I’m so sorry for Bellamy Blake who deserved at least the chance to get his redemption arc, to work things out with his friends, to have them understand him, to reconcile with all the people he loved, to get a chance at happiness. He deserved so much better but he was left with nothing. As we are. And lastly I’m sorry for the fandom, we deserved so much better too.
