#the 100 spoilers



Shoutout to @daily-hundred for making the best blarke reaction gif of our time

“They’re pLaToNiC”

“There’s a perfectly emotionless reason Clarke sacrificed the security of human survival on Earth when she didn’t shoot Bellamy”

“Bellamy ran into the woods with just Josephine!Clarke, abandoning all other responsibilities for his people because of a deeply complex strategy”

“Clarke is propelling herself through the universe after hearing Bellamy’s name one time with no confirmative evidence because it was the logical decision to make”

“Bellamy got a closeup shot of ambivalent!panic when Octavia said the vague phrase ‘even about Clarke’ because his reaction beginning at the phrase ‘I’ll tell you everything you want to know’ wouldn’t have gone with Tree Adams score as well”


i. i am literally. i’m. i cannot form coherent words because my entire body feels like ??????

i saw jason’s tweet and if this is really how bellamy’s story is ending, i am going to be so pissed. we get the death of the MALE LEAD in the last 30 seconds of the episode? we get a short shot on his body and clarke crying and that’s… the end of the episode? and to have CLARKE, of all people, do it? and for him to be BRAINWASHED as he died? for him to not even die as himself?

jason called his death about survival and who you’re willing to protect. i always pictured that if bellamy died, it would be SAVING the people he loves, not betraying them. he would die a hero’s death, not a brainwashed version of the character who has helped me through so much for six years.

if this is truly the end of bellamy, it is a TRUE disrespect to bob, to bellamy, the show, and fanbase. fuck jason. it’s a huge middle finger to bellamy’s unfinished arc. there are THREE episodes left and you’re telling me our male lead was MURDERED by his best friend, the female lead? bye. no.
